Markus Grasmair


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Maximum Discrepancy Generative Regularization and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Single Channel Source Separation 2024 Martin Ludvigsen
Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Parameter identification in PDEs by the solution of monotone inclusion problems 2024 Pankaj Gautam
Markus Grasmair
+ Multi-parameter Approaches in Image Processing 2023 Markus Grasmair
Valeriya Naumova
+ Adversarial Generative NMF for Single Channel Source Separation 2023 Martin Ludvigsen
Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat A PDE-Based Method for Shape Registration 2022 Esten Nicolai Wøien
Markus Grasmair
+ A square root velocity framework for curves of bounded variation 2022 Markus Grasmair
+ A PDE-based Method for Shape Registration 2021 Esten Nicolai Wøien
Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Source Conditions for Non-Quadratic Tikhonov Regularization 2020 Markus Grasmair
+ Source Conditions for non-quadratic Tikhonov Regularisation 2020 Markus Grasmair
+ Subgradient-based Lavrentiev regularisation of monotone ill-posed problems 2020 Markus Grasmair
Fredrik Hildrum
+ Source Conditions for non-quadratic Tikhonov Regularisation 2020 Markus Grasmair
+ Adaptive multi-penalty regularization based on a generalized Lasso path 2018 Markus Grasmair
Timo Klock
Valeriya Naumova
+ PDF Chat Variational multiscale nonparametric regression: Smooth functions 2018 Markus Grasmair
Housen Li
Axel Munk
+ PDF Chat On the Equivalence of Eulerian and Lagrangian Variables for the Two-Component Camassa–Holm System 2018 Markus Grasmair
Katrin Grunert
Helge Holden
+ Adaptive multi-penalty regularization based on a generalized Lasso path 2017 Markus Grasmair
Timo Klock
Valeriya Naumova
+ PDF Chat Landmark-guided elastic shape analysis of human character motions 2017 Martin Bauer
Markus Eslitzbichler
Markus Grasmair
+ Adaptive multi-penalty regularization based on a generalized Lasso path 2017 Markus Grasmair
Timo Klock
Valeriya Naumova
+ PDF Chat Conditions on optimal support recovery in unmixing problems by means of multi-penalty regularization 2016 Markus Grasmair
Valeriya Naumova
+ Landmark-Guided Elastic Shape Analysis of Human Character Motions 2015 Martin Bauer
Markus Eslitzbichler
Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds 2015 Martin Bauer
Markus Grasmair
Clemens Kirisits
+ Sparsity in Inverse Geophysical Problems 2015 Markus Grasmair
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ Landmark-Guided Elastic Shape Analysis of Human Character Motions 2015 Martin Bauer
Markus Eslitzbichler
Markus Grasmair
+ Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds 2014 Martin Bauer
Markus Grasmair
Clemens Kirisits
+ PDF Chat A variational algorithm for the detection of line segments 2014 Elena Beretta
Markus Grasmair
Monika Muszkieta
Otmar Scherzer
+ Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds 2014 Martin Bauer
Markus Grasmair
Clemens Kirisits
+ PDF Chat An approach to the minimization of the Mumford–Shah functional using $\Gamma$-convergence and topological asymptotic expansion 2013 Markus Grasmair
Monika Muszkieta
Otmar Scherzer
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric instrumental regression with non-convex constraints 2013 Markus Grasmair
Otmar Scherzer
Anne Vanhems
+ Variational inequalities and higher order convergence rates for Tikhonov regularisation on Banach spaces 2013 Markus Grasmair
+ A variational algorithm for the detection of line segments 2013 Elena Beretta
Markus Grasmair
Monika Muszkieta
Otmar Scherzer
+ Local uniqueness of the circular integral invariant 2013 Martin Bauer
Thomas Fidler
Markus Grasmair
+ Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularisation on Banach Spaces 2012 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Regularization of linear ill-posed problems by the augmented Lagrangian method and variational inequalities 2012 Klaus Frick
Markus Grasmair
+ An Application of Source Inequalities for Convergence Rates of Tikhonov Regularization with a Non-differentiable Operator 2012 Markus Grasmair
+ An Application of Source Inequalities for Convergence Rates of Tikhonov Regularization with a Non-differentiable Operator 2012 Markus Grasmair
+ The residual method for regularizing ill-posed problems 2011 Markus Grasmair
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ Local Uniqueness of the Circular Integral Invariant 2011 Martin Bauer
Thomas Fidler
Markus Grasmair
+ Linear convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization with positively homogeneous functionals 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ An Approach to the Minimization of the Mumford-Shah Functional using \Gamma-convergence and Topological Asymptotic Expansion 2011 Markus Grasmair
Monika Muszkieta
Otmar Scherzer
+ Multi-parameter Tikhonov Regularisation in Topological Spaces 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ Variational Inequalities and Improved Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularisation on Banach Spaces 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness classes for sparse regularization 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ An Approach to the Minimization of the Mumford-Shah Functional using Γ-convergence and Topological Asymptotic Expansion 2011 Markus Grasmair
Monika Muszkieta
Otmar Scherzer
+ Local Uniqueness of the Circular Integral Invariant 2011 Martin Bauer
Thomas Fidler
Markus Grasmair
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear convergence of ℓ1-regularization 2010 Markus Grasmair
Otmar Scherzer
Markus Haltmeier
+ Generalized Bregman distances and convergence rates for non-convex regularization methods 2010 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Evolution by Non-Convex Functionals 2010 Peter Elbau
Markus Grasmair
Frank Lenzen
Otmar Scherzer
+ Non-convex sparse regularisation 2009 Markus Grasmair
+ Well-posedness and convergence rates for sparse regularization with sublinear $l^q$ penalty term 2009 Markus Grasmair
+ Weakly Differentiable Functions 2008 Otmar Scherzer
Markus Grasmair
Harald Grossauer
Markus Haltmeier
Frank Lenzen
+ Convex Regularization Methods for Denoising 2008 Otmar Scherzer
Markus Grasmair
Harald Grossauer
Markus Haltmeier
Frank Lenzen
+ Variational Regularization Methods for the Solution of Inverse Problems 2008 Otmar Scherzer
Markus Grasmair
Harald Grossauer
Markus Haltmeier
Frank Lenzen
+ Variational Calculus for Non-convex Regularization 2008 Otmar Scherzer
Markus Grasmair
Harald Grossauer
Markus Haltmeier
Frank Lenzen
+ PDF Chat Sparse regularization with <i> l <sup>q</sup> </i> penalty term 2008 Markus Grasmair
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ Generalizations of the Taut String Method 2008 Markus Grasmair
Andreas Obereder
+ Identifiability and reconstruction of shapes from integral invariants 2008 Thomas Fidler
Markus Grasmair
Otmar Scherzer
+ Relaxation of Nonlocal Integrals with Rational Integrands 2006 Markus Grasmair
+ Relaxation of Nonlocal Singular Integrals 2005 Markus Grasmair
Otmar Scherzer
+ A Non-convex PDE Scale Space 2005 Markus Grasmair
Frank Lenzen
Andreas Obereder
Otmar Scherzer
Matthias Fuchs
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A convergence rates result for Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces with non-smooth operators 2007 Bernd Hofmann
Barbara Kaltenbacher
Christiane Pöschl
Otmar Scherzer
+ Convergence rates of convex variational regularization 2004 Martin Burger
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint 2004 Ingrid Daubechies
Michel Defrise
Christine De Mol
+ PDF Chat Sparse regularization with <i> l <sup>q</sup> </i> penalty term 2008 Markus Grasmair
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ Generalized Bregman distances and convergence rates for non-convex regularization methods 2010 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat An extension of the variational inequality approach for obtaining convergence rates in regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems 2010 Radu Ioan Boţ
Bernd Hofmann
+ The theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm equations of the first kind 1984 C. W. Groetsch
+ Analysis of bounded variation penalty methods for ill-posed problems 1994 Rüyam Acar
C. R. Vogel
+ PDF Chat Minimization of Tikhonov Functionals in Banach Spaces 2008 Thomas Bonesky
Kamil S. Kazimierski
Peter Maaß
Frank Schöpfer
Thomas Schuster
+ PDF Chat Approximate source conditions in Tikhonov–Phillips regularization and consequences for inverse problems with multiplication operators 2005 Bernd Hofmann
+ PDF Chat Convergence rates and source conditions for Tikhonov regularization with sparsity constraints 2008 Dirk A. Lorenz
+ Regularization of ill-posed problems in Banach spaces: convergence rates 2005 Elena Resmerita
+ Convergence rates for regularization of ill-posed problems in Banach spaces by approximate source conditions 2008 Torsten Hein
+ PDF Chat Optimal approximations by piecewise smooth functions and associated variational problems 1989 David Mumford
Jayant Shah
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear convergence of ℓ1-regularization 2010 Markus Grasmair
Otmar Scherzer
Markus Haltmeier
+ The residual method for regularizing ill-posed problems 2011 Markus Grasmair
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear convergence of ℓ1-regularization 2011 M. Grasmaier
Markus Haltmeier
Otmar Scherzer
+ A New Approach to Source Conditions in Regularization with General Residual Term 2010 Jens Flemming
Bernd Hofmann
+ Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces—improved convergence rates results 2009 Torsten Hein
+ PDF Chat Shape Analysis of Elastic Curves in Euclidean Spaces 2010 Anuj Srivastava
Eric Klassen
S. K. Joshi
Ian H. Jermyn
+ Linear convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization with positively homogeneous functionals 2011 Markus Grasmair
+ Improved and extended results for enhanced convergence rates of Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces 2010 Andreas B. Neubauer
Torsten Hein
Bernd Hofmann
Stefan Kindermann
Ulrich Tautenhahn
+ On Tikhonov regularization with non-convex sparsity constraints 2009 Clemens A Zarzer
+ Non-convex sparse regularisation 2009 Markus Grasmair
+ Theory of Linear Ill-Posed Problems and its Applications 2002 В. К. Иванов
В. В. Васин
Vitalii P. Tanana
+ A posteriori error estimates for the solution of nonlinear ill-posed operator equations 2001 Otmar Scherzer
+ Well-posedness and convergence rates for sparse regularization with sublinear $l^q$ penalty term 2009 Markus Grasmair
+ PDF Chat Locally adaptive regression splines 1997 Enno Mammen
Sara van de Geer
+ Regularization with non-convex separable constraints 2009 Kristian Bredies
Dirk A. Lorenz
+ PDF Chat Local Extremes, Runs, Strings and Multiresolution 2001 P. L. Davies
A. Kovac
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ The inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ On Shape of Plane Elastic Curves 2006 Washington Mio
Anuj Srivastava
Shantanu H. Joshi
+ Signal Recovery by Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting 2005 Patrick L. Combettes
Valérie R. Wajs
+ On enhanced convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems in Banach spaces 2009 Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic formulas for perturbations in the electromagnetic fields due to the presence of inhomogeneities of small diameter 2000 Michael Vogelius
Darko Volkov
+ Approximation of functional depending on jumps by elliptic functional via t‐convergence 1990 Luigi Ambrosio
Vincenzo Maria Tortorelli
+ Approximate source conditions for nonlinear ill-posed problems—chances and limitations 2009 Torsten Hein
Bernd Hofmann
+ PDF Chat Multi-parameter regularization and its numerical realization 2010 Shuai Lu
Sergei V. Pereverzev
+ PDF Chat Damping Noise-Folding and Enhanced Support Recovery in Compressed Sensing 2015 Steffen Peter
Marco Artina
Massimo Fornasier
+ PDF Chat A Study in the BV Space of a Denoising—Deblurring Variational Problem 2001 Luminita A. Vese
+ Solution smoothness of ill-posed equations in Hilbert spaces: four concepts and their cross connections 2011 Jens Flemming
+ On Converse and Saturation Results for Tikhonov Regularization of Linear Ill-Posed Problems 1997 Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Integral Invariant Signatures 2004 Siddharth Manay
Byung‐Woo Hong
Anthony Yezzi
Stefano Soatto
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ Error estimates for non-quadratic regularization and the relation to enhancement 2006 Elena Resmerita
Otmar Scherzer
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes