Ilnura Usmanova


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Constrained Policy Optimization via Bayesian World Models 2022 Yarden As
Ilnura Usmanova
Sebastian Curi
Andreas Krause
+ Log Barriers for Safe Black-box Optimization with Application to Safe Reinforcement Learning 2022 Ilnura Usmanova
Yarden As
Maryam Kamgarpour
Andreas Krause
+ Fast Projection Onto Convex Smooth Constraints 2021 Ilnura Usmanova
Maryam Kamgarpour
Andreas Krause
Kfir Y. Levy
+ Fast Projection Onto Convex Smooth Constraints 2021 Ilnura Usmanova
Maryam Kamgarpour
Andreas Krause
Kfir Y. Levy
+ Risk-averse Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimization 2021 Anastasiia Makarova
Ilnura Usmanova
Ilija Bogunovic
Andreas Krause
+ Fast Projection Onto Convex Smooth Constraints 2021 Ilnura Usmanova
Maryam Kamgarpour
Andreas Krause
Kfir Y. Levy
+ Log Barriers for Safe Non-convex Black-box Optimization 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Safe Convex Learning under Uncertain Constraints 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Safe Convex Learning under Uncertain Constraints 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Safe non-smooth black-box optimization with application to policy search 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Log Barriers for Safe Non-convex Black-box Optimization 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Safe Convex Learning under Uncertain Constraints 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Nonlinear stochastic multiarmed bandit problems with inexact oracle 2015 Alexander Gasnikov
Ekaterina Krymova
Anastasia Lagunovskaya
Ilnura Usmanova
Fedor Fedorenko
+ About accelerated randomized methods 2015 Alexander Gasnikov
Pavel Dvurechensky
Ilnura Usmanova
+ About accelerated randomized methods 2015 Alexander Gasnikov
Pavel Dvurechensky
Ilnura Usmanova
+ Nonlinear stochastic multiarmed bandit problems with inexact oracle 2015 Alexander Gasnikov
Ekaterina Krymova
Anastasia Lagunovskaya
Ilnura Usmanova
Fedor Fedorenko
+ Gradient-free prox-methods with inexact oracle for stochastic convex optimization problems on a simplex 2014 Alexander Gasnikov
Anastasia Lagunovskaya
Ilnura Usmanova
Fedor Fedorenko
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex problems 2007 Yurii Nesterov
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates for Zero-Order Convex Optimization: The Power of Two Function Evaluations 2015 John C. Duchi
Michael I. Jordan
Martin J. Wainwright
Andre Wibisono
+ Zeroth-order (Non)-Convex Stochastic Optimization via Conditional Gradient and Gradient Updates 2018 Krishnakumar Balasubramanian
Saeed Ghadimi
+ Conditional Gradient Sliding for Convex Optimization 2016 Guanghui Lan
Yi Zhou
+ Bayesian Optimization with Safety Constraints: Safe and Automatic Parameter Tuning in Robotics 2016 Felix Berkenkamp
Andreas Krause
Angela P. Schoellig
+ PDF Chat Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds on the Oracle Complexity of Stochastic Convex Optimization 2012 Alekh Agarwal
Peter L. Bartlett
Pradeep Ravikumar
Martin J. Wainwright
+ PDF Chat Coordinate descent algorithms 2015 Stephen J. Wright
+ PDF Chat Stochastic First- and Zeroth-Order Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Programming 2013 Saeed Ghadimi
Guanghui Lan
+ Linear Coupling: An Ultimate Unification of Gradient and Mirror Descent 2014 Zeyuan Allen-Zhu
Lorenzo Orecchia
+ Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization 2001 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ The Complexity of Large-scale Convex Programming under a Linear Optimization Oracle 2013 Guanghui Lan
+ A feasible SQP-GS algorithm for nonconvex, nonsmooth constrained optimization 2013 Chunming Tang
Shuai Liu
Jinbao Jian
Jianling Li
+ Safe Convex Learning under Uncertain Constraints 2019 Ilnura Usmanova
Andreas Krause
Maryam Kamgarpour
+ Robust solutions of uncertain linear programs 1999 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ Robust solutions of Linear Programming problems contaminated with uncertain data 2000 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ Gradient methods for minimizing composite functions 2012 Yu. Nesterov
+ Learning the kernel matrix in discriminant analysis via quadratically constrained quadratic programming 2007 Jieping Ye
Shuiwang Ji
Jianhui Chen
+ Accuracy Certificates for Computational Problems with Convex Structure 2009 Arkadi Nemirovski
Shmuel Onn
Uriel G. Rothblum
+ PDF Chat New analysis and results for the Frank–Wolfe method 2014 Robert M. Freund
Paul Grigas
+ PDF Chat Fast Alternating Direction Optimization Methods 2014 Tom Goldstein
Brendan O’Donoghue
Simon Setzer
Richard G. Baraniuk
+ PDF Chat Robust Solutions to Uncertain Semidefinite Programs 1998 Laurent El Ghaoui
François Oustry
HervĂŠ Lebret
+ Robust Convex Optimization 1998 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of finding first-order critical points in constrained nonlinear optimization 2012 Coralia Cartis
Nicholas I. M. Gould
Philippe L. Toint
+ PDF Chat Mini-Batch Semi-Stochastic Gradient Descent in the Proximal Setting 2015 Jakub Konečný
Jie Liu
Peter RichtĂĄrik
Martin Takáč
+ PDF Chat On the linear convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers 2016 Mingyi Hong
Zhi‐Quan Luo
+ A feasible descent SQP algorithm for general constrained optimization without strict complementarity 2004 Jinbao Jian
Chunming Tang
Qingjie Hu
Haiyan Zheng
+ Optimizing Costly Functions with Simple Constraints: A Limited-Memory Projected Quasi-Newton Algorithm 2009 Mark Schmidt
E. van den Berg
Michael P. Friedlander
Kevin P. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Accelerated proximal stochastic dual coordinate ascent for regularized loss minimization 2014 Shai Shalev‐Shwartz
Tong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Interior-point methods for optimization 2008 Arkadi Nemirovski
Michael J. Todd
+ Fast algorithms for approximate semidefinite programming using the multiplicative weights update method 2005 Sanjeev Arora
Elad Hazan
S. Kale
+ PDF Chat Theory and Applications of Robust Optimization 2011 Dimitris Bertsimas
David B. Brown
Constantine Caramanis
+ Random Gradient-Free Minimization of Convex Functions 2015 Yurii Nesterov
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ PDF Chat Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions 2004 Yu. Nesterov
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Evaluation Complexity for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization Using Unscaled KKT Conditions and High-Order Models 2016 E. G. Birgin
John Lenon Cardoso Gardenghi
J. M. MartĹ́nez
Sandra A. Santos
Philippe L. Toint
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Online Convex Optimization 2016 Elad Hazan
+ Adaptive Consensus ADMM for Distributed Optimization 2017 Zheng Xu
Gavin Taylor
Hao Li
MĂĄrio A. T. Figueiredo
Xiaoming Yuan
Tom Goldstein
+ A polynomial time log barrier method for problems with nonconvex constraints. 2018 Oliver Hinder
Yinyu Ye
+ Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Methods for the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2018 Maryam Fazel
Rong Ge
Sham M. Kakade
Mehran Mesbahi
+ Algorithms and software for projections onto intersections of convex and non-convex sets with applications to inverse problems. 2019 Bas Peters
Felix J. Herrmann
+ Worst-case iteration bounds for log barrier methods on problems with nonconvex constraints 2018 Oliver Hinder
Yinyu Ye
+ PDF Chat A Faster Cutting Plane Method and its Implications for Combinatorial and Convex Optimization 2015 Yin Tat Lee
Aaron Sidford
Sam Chiu-wai Wong
+ Conditional Accelerated Lazy Stochastic Gradient Descent 2017 Guanghui Lan
Sebastian Pokutta
Yi Zhou
Daniel Zink
+ Linear-Memory and Decomposition-Invariant Linearly Convergent Conditional Gradient Algorithm for Structured Polytopes 2016 Dan Garber
Ofer Meshi
+ PDF Chat Coordinate descent with arbitrary sampling I: algorithms and complexity<sup>†</sup> 2016 Zheng Qu
Peter RichtĂĄrik
+ Faster Projection-free Convex Optimization over the Spectrahedron 2016 Dan Garber
+ PDF Chat A General Safety Framework for Learning-Based Control in Uncertain Robotic Systems 2018 Jaime F. Fisac
Anayo K. Akametalu
Melanie N. Zeilinger
Shahab Kaynama
Jeremy Gillula
Claire J. Tomlin
+ PDF Chat Efficient Accelerated Coordinate Descent Methods and Faster Algorithms for Solving Linear Systems 2013 Yin Tat Lee
Aaron Sidford
+ Even faster accelerated coordinate descent using non-uniform sampling 2016 Zeyuan Allen-Zhu
Zheng Qu
Peter RichtĂĄrik
Yuan Yang
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for finding stationary points I 2019 Yair Carmon
John C. Duchi
Oliver Hinder
Aaron Sidford