M. Holschneider


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The clock advance description of the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model 2025 M. Holschneider
+ Bayesian Earthquake Forecasting Using Gaussian Process Modeling: GP-ETAS Applications 2024 Christian Molkenthin
Gert Zöller
Sebastian Hainzl
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous transitions between amoeboid and keratocyte-like modes of migration 2022 Ted Moldenhawer
Eduardo Moreno
Daniel Schindler
Sven Flemming
M. Holschneider
Wilhelm Huisinga
Sergio Alonso
Carsten Beta
+ Three-component contour dynamics model to simulate and analyze amoeboid cell motility 2022 Daniel Schindler
Ted Moldenhawer
Carsten Beta
Wilhelm Huisinga
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Analysis of protrusion dynamics in amoeboid cell motility by means of regularized contour flows 2021 Daniel Schindler
Ted Moldenhawer
Maike Stange
Valentino Lepro
Carsten Beta
M. Holschneider
Wilhelm Huisinga
+ PDF Chat Modeling cell crawling strategies with a bistable model: From amoeboid to fan-shaped cell motion 2020 Eduardo Moreno
Sven Flemming
Francesc Font
M. Holschneider
Carsten Beta
Sergio Alonso
+ PDF Chat Correlation based snapshot models of the archeomagnetic field 2020 Maximilian Arthus Schanner
Stefan Mauerberger
Monika Korte
M. Holschneider
+ Richter b-value maps from local moments of seismicity 2020 M. Holschneider
K. Ferrat
Gert Zöller
Ch. Molkenthin
+ GP-ETAS: Semiparametric Bayesian inference for the spatio-temporal Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence model 2020 Christian Molkenthin
Christian Donner
Stephanie Reich
Gert Zöller
Sebastian Hainzl
M. Holschneider
Manfred Opper
+ Modeling and Predicting the Short‐Term Evolution of the Geomagnetic Field 2018 Julien Bärenzung
M. Holschneider
J. Wicht
Sabrina Sanchez
Vincent Lesur
+ Multiple change-point detection in spatio-temporal seismicity data 2017 Bernhard Fiedler
G. Zoeller
M. Holschneider
S. Hainzl
+ Modeling and predicting the short term evolution of the Geomagnetic field 2017 Julien Baerenzung
M. Holschneider
J. Wicht
Sabrina Sanchez
Vincent Lesur
+ Modeling and predicting the short term evolution of the Geomagnetic field 2017 Julien Baerenzung
M. Holschneider
J. Wicht
Sabrina E. Sanchez
Vincent Lesur
+ PDF Chat Discovery of starspots on Vega - First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star 2015 T. Böhm
M. Holschneider
F. Lignières
P. Petit
M. Rainer
F. Paletou
G. A. Wade
E. Alécian
Hervé Carfantan
Aurore Blazère
+ PDF Chat Discovery of starspots on Vega 2015 T. Böhm
M. Holschneider
F. Lignières
P. Petit
M. Rainer
F. Paletou
G. A. Wade
E. Alécian
Hervé Carfantan
Aurore Blazère
+ Bayesian estimation of gravitational anomaly distribution from spectral data 2015 M. Holschneider
I. Panet
+ PDF Chat Discovery of starspots on Vega - First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star 2014 T. Böhm
M. Holschneider
F. Lignières
P. Petit
M. Rainer
F. Paletou
G. A. Wade
E. Alécian
Hervé Carfantan
Aurore Blazère
+ Analysing observatory data for Gauss coefficient time dependence 2014 Vincent Lesur
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Bayesian inversion for the filtered flow at the Earth's core‐mantle boundary 2014 Julien Baerenzung
M. Holschneider
Vincent Lesur
+ PDF Chat IRREGULAR GABOR FRAMES 2013 Ilona Iglewska-Nowak
M. Holschneider
+ Partial parameterization of orthogonal wavelet matrix filters 2012 Mariantonia Cotronei
M. Holschneider
+ Estimation of the Hurst exponent from noisy data: a Bayesian approach 2012 Natallia Makarava
M. Holschneider
+ Bayesian estimation of the maximum earthquake magnitude in a time horizon 2011 G. Zoeller
M. Holschneider
Sebastian Hainzl
+ PDF Chat Detection of trend changes in time series using Bayesian inference 2011 N. Schütz
M. Holschneider
+ Frames of Poisson wavelets on the sphere 2009 Ilona Iglewska-Nowak
M. Holschneider
+ Directional spherical multipole wavelets 2009 M. Hayn
M. Holschneider
+ Gravity Signature Of The Sumatra 2004 And 2005 Earthquakes: What We Learn From A Wavelet Analysis Of GRACE Data 2006 I. Panet
В. О. Михайлов
M. Diament
O. de Viron
G. King
Fred F. Pollitz
M. Holschneider
R. Biancale
J. Lemoine
+ Introduction to continuous wavelet analysis 2005 M. Holschneider
+ On the Relevance of the Spatial Distribution of Events for Seismic Hazard Evaluation 2004 M. Holschneider
A. Teramo
Antonio Bottari
D. Termini
+ PDF Chat Correlation dimension of self-similar surfaces and application to Kirchhoff integrals 2003 Charles-Antoine Gu rin
M. Holschneider
+ From global to regional analysis of the magnetic field on the sphere using wavelet frames 2003 M. Holschneider
Aude Chambodut
Mioara Mandéa
+ An Interpolation Family between Gabor and Wavelet Transformations 2003 Bruno Nazaret
M. Holschneider
+ Two-Channel Perfect Reconstruction FIR Filter Banks over Commutative Rings 2000 Andreas Klappenecker
M. Holschneider
Kristin M. Flornes
+ Some directional microlocal classes defined using wavelet transforms 1999 M. Holschneider
+ A Weyl-Berry formula for the scattering operator associated to self-similar potentials on the line 1999 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Approximation of nonessential spectrum of transfer operators 1999 Viviane Baladi
M. Holschneider
+ Time-dependent scattering on fractal measures 1998 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ On the asymptotic behaviour of QMFs with single factor loops 1998 Carl Fredrik Stein
M. Holschneider
+ Electromagnetic scattering from multi-scale rough surfaces 1997 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
Marc Saillard
+ None 1997 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
Marc Saillard
+ On equivalent definitions of the correlation dimension for a probability measure 1997 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ Potential Scattering on Fractals in One Dimension 1997 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ Some Directional Elliptic Regularity for Domains with Cusps 1997 M. Holschneider
+ Scattering on fractal measures 1996 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ Continuous wavelet transforms on the sphere 1996 M. Holschneider
+ Large-Scale Renormalisation of Fourier Transforms of Self-Similar Measures and Self-Similarity of Riesz Measures 1996 M. Holschneider
+ Group Theory As Unifying Language 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Discretizing And Periodizing The Half-Plane 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Functional Analysis And Wavelets 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Preface 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Wavelet Analysis over Abelian Groups 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Some directional microlocal classes defined using wavelet transforms 1995 M. Holschneider
+ Functional calculus using wavelet transforms 1994 M. Holschneider
+ Wavelets on Discrete Fields 1994 Kristin M. Flornes
A. Grossmann
M. Holschneider
Bruno Torrésani
+ Quadrature Mirror Filters and Loop Groups 1994 M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Fractal Wavelet Dimensions and Time Evolution 1994 M. Holschneider
+ Fractal Wavelet Dimensions and Time Evolution 1994 M. Holschneider
+ General inversion formulas for wavelet transforms 1993 M. Holschneider
+ Pointwise analysis of Riemann's ?nondifferentiable? function 1991 M. Holschneider
Ph. Tchamitchian
+ Inverse Radon transforms through inverse wavelet transforms 1991 M. Holschneider
+ Numerical resolution of the burgers equation using the wavelet transform 1990 C. Basdevant
M. Holschneider
Jacques Liandrat
Véronique Perrier
Ph. Tchamitchian
+ Wavelet Transform Analysis of Invariant Measures of Some Dynamical Systems 1990 A. Arnéodo
G. Grasseau
M. Holschneider
+ Wavelet Transform Analysis of Invariant Measures of Some Dynamical Systems 1989 A. Arnéodo
G. Grasseau
M. Holschneider
+ Wavelet Transform of Multifractals 1988 A. Arnéodo
G. Grasseau
M. Holschneider
+ On the wavelet transformation of fractal objects 1988 M. Holschneider
+ Fractal dimensions and homeomorphic conjugacies 1988 A. Arnéodo
M. Holschneider
+ Crossover Effect in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:math>Spectrum for Quasiperiodic Trajectories at the Onset of Chaos 1987 A. Arnéodo
M. Holschneider
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fractal wavelet dimensions and localization 1994 Matthias Hoschneider
+ On the wavelet transformation of fractal objects 1988 M. Holschneider
+ Pointwise analysis of Riemann's ?nondifferentiable? function 1991 M. Holschneider
Ph. Tchamitchian
+ Transforms associated to square integrable group representations. I. General results 1985 A. Großmann
J. Morlet
T. Paul
+ Scattering on fractal measures 1996 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ The dimension spectrum of some dynamical systems 1987 Pierre Collet
J. L. Lebowitz
Anna Porzio
+ On rigorous mathematical definitions of correlation dimension and generalized spectrum for dimensions 1993 Ya. B. Pesin
+ Wavelet Transform of Multifractals 1988 A. Arnéodo
G. Grasseau
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Self-similar measures and their Fourier transforms. II 1993 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Crossover Effect in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:math>Spectrum for Quasiperiodic Trajectories at the Onset of Chaos 1987 A. Arnéodo
M. Holschneider
+ Decomposition of Hardy Functions into Square Integrable Wavelets of Constant Shape 1984 A. Großmann
J. Morlet
+ On equivalent definitions of the correlation dimension for a probability measure 1997 Charles‐Antoine Guérin
M. Holschneider
+ PDF Chat Discovery of a weak magnetic field in the photosphere of the single giant Pollux 2009 M. Aurière
G. A. Wade
R. Konstantinova‐Antova
C. Charbonnel
C. Catala
W. W. Weiß
T. Roudier
P. Petit
J.‐F. Donati
E. Alécian
+ Intrinsic oscillations in measuring the fractal dimension 1984 R. Badii
Antonio Politi
+ PDF Chat Understanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars 2013 N. Nardetto
E. Poretti
M. Rainer
G. Guiglion
M. Scardia
V. S. Schmid
P. Mathias
+ Vega is a rapidly rotating star 2006 D. M. Peterson
C. A. Hummel
T. Pauls
J. T. Armstrong
J. A. Benson
G. C. Gilbreath
Robert B. Hindsley
D. J. Hutter
K. J. Johnston
David Mozurkewich
X. Che
Ming Zhao
Sylvia Ekström
Vicente Maestro
J. P. Aufdenberg
Fabien Baron
C. Georgy
Stefan Kraus
Harold A. McAlister
+ PDF Chat Least-squares deconvolution of the stellar intensity and polarization spectra 2010 O. Kochukhov
V. Makaganiuk
N. Piskunov
+ PDF Chat Large-scale magnetic field of the G8 dwarf ξ Bootis A 2005 P. Petit
J.‐F. Donati
M. Aurière
J. D. Landstreet
F. Lignières
S. C. Marsden
D. Mouillet
F. Paletou
N. Toqué
G. A. Wade
+ Renormalization group analysis of the global properties of a strange attractor 1986 Leo P. Kadanoff
+ PDF Chat Stellar differential rotation from direct star-spot tracking 2002 A. Collier Cameron
J.‐F. Donati
M. Semel
+ PDF Chat Probable nonradial <i><b>g</b></i>-mode pulsation in early A-type stars 2005 E. Antonello
L. Mantegazza
M. Rainer
A. Miglio
+ PDF Chat SigSpec 2007 P. Reegen
+ Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations 1978 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
+ PDF Chat The radius and mass of the close solar twin 18 Scorpii derived from asteroseismology and interferometry 2010 M. Bazot
Michael Ireland
Daniel Huber
T. R. Bedding
A.-M. Broomhall
T. L. Campante
Hervé Carfantan
W. J. Chaplin
Y. Elsworth
J. Meléndez
+ PDF Chat Modeling random crawling, membrane deformation and intracellular polarity of motile amoeboid cells 2018 Sergio Alonso
Maike Stange
Carsten Beta
+ PDF Chat Magnetic and viscous coupling at the core-mantle boundary: inferences from observations of the Earth's nutations 2007 B. A. Buffett
Ulrich R. Christensen
+ Large-Scale Renormalisation of Fourier Transforms of Self-Similar Measures and Self-Similarity of Riesz Measures 1996 M. Holschneider
+ Ergodic theory of chaos and strange attractors 1985 Jean-Pierre Eckmann
David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Long-term magnetic field monitoring of the Sun-like star<i>ξ</i>Bootis A 2012 A. Morgenthaler
P. Petit
Steven H. Saar
S. K. Solanki
J. Morin
S. C. Marsden
M. Aurière
B. Dintrans
R. Farès
T. Gastine
+ PDF Chat No planet for HD 166435 2001 D. Queloz
Gregory W. Henry
J. P. Sivan
S. L. Baliunas
Jean-Luc Beuzit
R. A. Donahue
M. Mayor
D. Naef
C. Perrier
S. Udry
+ PDF Chat Weak magnetic fields in early-type stars: failed fossils 2012 Jonathan Braithwaite
Matteo Cantiello
+ PDF Chat Pulsation spectrum of<i>δ</i>Scuti stars: the binary HD 50870 as seen with CoRoT and HARPS 2012 L. Mantegazza
E. Poretti
E. Michel
M. Rainer
F. Baudin
Antonio García Hernández
T. Semaan
M. Álvarez
P. J. Amado
R. Garrido
+ Wavelets on the 2-Sphere: A Group-Theoretical Approach 1999 Jean-Pierre Antoine
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ PDF Chat A Mass Conserved Reaction–Diffusion System Captures Properties of Cell Polarity 2007 Mikiya Otsuji
Shuji Ishihara
Carl Co
Kozo Kaibuchi
Atsushi Mochizuki
Shinya Kuroda
+ The analysis of partial differential operators 1986 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Inverse scattering on the line 1979 Percy Deift
Eugene Trubowitz
+ Theory of Function Spaces III 2006 Hans Triebel
+ PDF Chat The magnetic field of Betelgeuse: a local dynamo from giant convection cells? 2010 M. Aurière
J.‐F. Donati
R. Konstantinova‐Antova
G. Perrin
P. Petit
T. Roudier
+ Spherical wavelet transform and its discretization 1996 Willi Freeden
Ulrich Windheuser
+ Irregular sampling of wavelet and short-time Fourier transforms 1993 Karlheinz Gr�chenig
+ Fractal dimensions and homeomorphic conjugacies 1988 A. Arnéodo
M. Holschneider
+ Perturbation of Schrödinger Hamiltonians by measures—Self-adjointness and lower semiboundedness 1985 Johannes F. Brasche
+ Continuous wavelet transforms on the sphere 1996 M. Holschneider
+ Generalizations of the Hausdorff dimension of fractal measures 1985 Peter Grassberger
+ An invariant form for the prior probability in estimation problems 1946 Harold Jeffreys
+ Slow decay of temporal correlations in quantum systems with Cantor spectra 1992 Roland Ketzmerick
G. Petschel
T. Geisel
+ PDF Chat Chemical surface inhomogeneities in late B-type stars with Hg and Mn peculiarity - I. Spot evolution in HD 11753 on short and long time scales 2013 H. Korhonen
J. F. González
M. Briquet
M. Flores Soriano
S. Hubrig
И. С. Саванов
T. Hackman
I. Ilyin
E. Eulaers
Wim Pessemier
+ Mean quadratic variations and Fourier asymptotics of self-similar measures 1993 Ka‐Sing Lau
Jianrong Wang
+ Constructive Approximation on the Sphere: With Applications to Geomathematics 1998 Willi Freeden
T. Gervens
Michael Schreiner