R. Bebb


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Boron-10 layers, Neutron Reflectometry and Thermal Neutron Gaseous Detectors 2014 F. Piscitelli
+ Multi-Grid Boron-10 detector for large area applications in neutron scattering science 2012 K.H. Andersen
T. Bigault
Jens Birch
J.-C. Buffet
Jonathan Correa
P. Van Esch
B. Guérard
R. Hall-Wilton
Lars Hultman
Carina Höglund
+ A first comparison of the responses of a 4He-based fast-neutron detector and a NE-213 liquid-scintillator reference detector 2015 R. Al Jebali
J. Scherzinger
J. R. M. Annand
Rico Chandra
G. Davatz
K. Fissum
Hannes Friederich
U. Gendotti
R. Hall-Wilton
Erik Håkansson
+ PDF Chat A design study of VOR: A versatile optimal resolution chopper spectrometer for the ESS 2015 P. P. Deen
Anette Vickery
K.H. Andersen
R. Hall-Wilton
+ PDF Chat Investigation of gamma-ray sensitivity of neutron detectors based on thin converter films 2013 A. Khaplanov
F. Piscitelli
J.C. Buffet
J -F Clergeau
Jonathan Correa
P. Van Esch
Matthieu Ferraton
B. Guérard
R. Hall-Wilton
+ PDF Chat Neutron detectors for the ESS diffractometers 2017 I. Ştefânescu
Mogens Christensen
J. Fenske
R. Hall-Wilton
Paul F. Henry
O. Kirstein
Martin Müller
G. Nowak
D.E. Pooley
D. Raspino
+ PDF Chat The cold neutron chopper spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source—A review of the first 8 years of operation 2016 G. Ehlers
A. Podlesnyak
А. И. Колесников
+ Neutron Position Sensitive Detectors for the ESS 2015 O. Kirstein
+ PDF Chat Analytical modeling of thin film neutron converters and its application to thermal neutron gas detectors 2013 F. Piscitelli
P. Van Esch
+ PDF Chat Investigation of background in large-area neutron detectors due to alpha emission from impurities in aluminium 2015 Jens Birch
J.-C. Buffet
J.F. Clergeau
P. Van Esch
Matthieu Ferraton
B. Guérard
R. Hall-Wilton
Lars Hultman
Carina Höglund
J. Jensen
+ PDF Chat The new cold neutron chopper spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source: Design and performance 2011 G. Ehlers
A. Podlesnyak
J. L. Niedziela
Erik B. Iverson
P. E. Sokol
+ PDF Chat Geant4 based simulations for novel neutron detector development 2014 T. Kittelmann
I. Ştefânescu
Kalliopi Kanaki
Mirko Boin
R. Hall-Wilton
K. Zeitelhack