Luis G. Gorostiza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Random systems in ultrametric spaces 2018 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks on Percolation Clusters in an Ultrametric Space 2016 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Transience and recurrence of random walks on percolation clusters in an ultrametric space 2015 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat From intersection local time to the Rosenblatt process 2014 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory Fractional Brownian Motion 2013 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat A Strong Approximation of Subfractional Brownian Motion by Means of Transport Processes 2013 Johanna Garzón
Luis G. Gorostiza
Jorge A. León
+ Percolation in an ultrametric space 2013 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory Fractional Brownian Motion and Hierarchical Random Walks 2012 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ A strong uniform approximation of sub-fractional Brownian motion 2012 Johanna Garzón
Luis G. Gorostiza
Jorge A. León
+ PDF Chat Approximations of fractional stochastic differential equations by means of transport processes 2011 Johanna Garzón
Luis G. Gorostiza
Jorge A. León
+ PDF Chat Number Variance for Hierarchical Random Walks and Related Fluctuations 2011 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Differential Equations by Means of Transport Processes 2011 Johanna Garzón
Luis G. Gorostiza
Jorge A. León
+ Percolation in an ultrametric space 2010 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Particle systems with quasi-homogeneous initial states and their occupation time fluctuations 2010 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Percolation in an ultrametric space 2010 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Occupation times of branching systems with initial inhomogeneous Poisson states and related superprocesses 2009 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Self-Similar Stable Processes Arising from High-Density Limits of Occupation Times of Particle Systems 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Some limits related to random iterations of a lamplighter group 2007 Luis G. Gorostiza
Martha Takane
+ Occupation time limits of inhomogeneous Poisson systems of independent particles 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Percolation in a hierarchical random graph 2007 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ A long range dependence stable process and an infinite variance branching system 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Occupation time fluctuations of an infinite-variance branching system in large dimensions 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Some Extensions of Fractional Brownian Motion and Sub-Fractional Brownian Motion Related to Particle Systems 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Non-local Branching Superprocesses and Some Related Models 2006 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Zenghu Li
+ Percolation in a hierarchical random graph 2006 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Non-local Branching Superprocesses and Some Related Models 2006 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ A Long Range Dependence Stable Process and an Infinite Variance Branching System 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Occupation Time Fluctuations of an Infinite Variance Branching System in Large Dimensions 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Space scaling limit theorems for infinite particle branching brownian motions with immigration 2005 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Generalized Gaussian random solutions of certain evolution equations 2005 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems II: Critical and large dimensions 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems I: Long-range dependence 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Some Long-Range Dependence Processes Arising from Fluctuations of Particle Systems 2005 Luis G. Gorostiza
Reyla A. Navarro
Eliane R. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat Degrees of Transience and Recurrence and Hierarchical Random Walks 2005 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Functional limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems in the cases of large and critical dimensions 2004 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Sub-fractional Brownian motion and its relation to occupation times 2004 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Functional Limit Theorems for Occupation Time Fluctuations of Branching Systems in the Case of Long-Range Dependence 2004 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Sub-fractional Brownian motion and its relation to occupation times 2004 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Some Long-Range Dependence Processes Arising from Fluctuations of Particle Systems 2004 Luis G. Gorostiza
Reyla A. Navarro
Eliane R. Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Equilibria of Branching Populations 2004 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Degrees of transience and recurrence and hierarchical random walks 2004 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Hierarchical equilibria of branching populations 2003 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Hierarchical equilibria of branching populations 2003 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Self-Intersection Local Time for ′(ℝd)-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Arising from Immigration Systems 2002 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ None 2002 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ None 2002 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Zenghu Li
+ None 2002 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ A note on a divergent series related to the Riemann zeta function 2002 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Self-Intersection Local Time for SomeS′(ℝd)-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Related to Inhomogeneous Fields 2001 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Trajectorial fluctuations and time-localization of Cox systems of independent motions 2001 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Trajectorial fluctuations of Cox systems of independent motions 2001 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Trajectorial Fluctuations Of Cox Systems Of Independent Motions 2000 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Occupation Time Fluctuations in Branching Systems 2000 Don Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Stochastic models : proceedings of the International Conference on Stochastic Models in Honour of Professor Donald A. Dawson, Ottawa, Canada, June 10-13, 1998 2000 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Gail Ivanoff
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Self-intersection local time of an S′(Rd)-valued process involving motions of two types 1999 Luis G. Gorostiza
Ekaterina Ivanova‐Todorova
+ None 1999 Luis G. Gorostiza
Eliane R. Rodrigues
+ A Nuclear Space of Distributions on a Space of Incomplete Continuous Functions 1998 Jaime Aguilar-Ortiz
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Self-intersection local time for S'(R(Sup d))-Wiener processes and related Orntein-Uhlenbeck processes 1997 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic fluctuations and critical dimension for a two-level branching system 1996 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Fluctuations and Critical Dimension for a Two-Level Branching System 1996 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Self-intersection local time for Gaussian G′(Rd)-processes: Existence, path continuity and examples 1995 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Fluctuations of a two-level critical branching system 1995 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Persistence of a critical super-2 process 1995 Luis G. Gorostiza
Kenneth J. Hochberg
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Persistence of a critical super-2 process 1995 Luis G. Gorostiza
Kenneth J. Hochberg
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Multitype Branching Particle Systems and High Density Limits 1995 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Nuclear Gelfand Triples on Wiener Space and Applications to Trajectorial Fluctuations of Particle Systems 1994 Luis G. Gorostiza
David Nualart
+ An occupation time approach for convergence of measure-valued processes, and the death process of a branching system 1994 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ A measure valued process arising from a branching particle system with changes of mass 1994 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Long time behavior of critical branching particle systems and applications 1994 Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ A random field approach to weak convergence of processes 1993 Luis G. Gorostiza
Rolando Rebolledo
+ A Convergence Criterion for Measure-Valued Processes, and Application to Continuous Superprocesses 1993 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ Stability of a class of transformations of distribution-valued processes and stochastic evolution equations 1992 Begoña Fernández
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Persistence of critical multitype particle and measure branching processes 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Convergence to equilibrium of critical branching particle systems and superprocesses, and related nonlinear partial differential equations 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ The demographic variation process of multitype branching random fields 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ La probabilidad en mexico 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Nuclear gelfand triples on wiener space and applications to trajectorial fluctuations of particle systems 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
David Nualart
+ PDF Chat A Criterion of Convergence of Generalized Processes and an Application to a Supercritical Branching Particle System 1991 Begoña Fernández
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Some properties of the multitype measure branching process 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
+ The demographic variation process of multitype branching random fields 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ PDF Chat Persistence Criteria for a Class of Critical Branching Particle Systems in Continuous Time 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Hydrodynamic and fluctuation limits of branching particle systems with changes of mass 1991 Begoña Fernández
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ A Stochastic Fubini Theorem and Equivalence of Extended Solutions of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Hilbert Space 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Jorge A. León
+ Schrödinger processes and large deviations 1990 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ The multitype measure branching process 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ The multitype measure branching process 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ Some different classes of generalized ornstein - uhlenbeck processes 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Convergence of generalized semimartingales to a continuous process 1990 Begoña Fernández
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Sur la persistance du processus de Dawson-Watanabe stable. L'interversion de la limite en temps et de la renormalisation 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Roelly-Coppoletta
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat Stable Hydrodynamic Limit Fluctuations of a Critical Branching Particle System in a Random Medium 1989 Donald A. Dawson
Klaus Fleischmann
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ The demographic variation process of branching random fields 1988 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Limit theorems for supercritical branching random fields with immigration 1988 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Inhomogenous infinite dimensional langevin equations 1988 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ ∗-Solutions of evolution equations in Hilbert space 1987 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Supercritical Branching Random Fields. Asymptotics of a Process Involving the Past 1987 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Limit fluctuations of a critical branching particle system in a random medium 1987 Donald A. Dawson
Klaus Fleischmann
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Langevin equations for L′-Valued Gaussian processes and fluctuation limits of infinite particle systems 1986 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Convergence of S′-valued processes and space-time random fields 1986 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
S. Ramaswamy
+ Asymptotics and spatial growth of branching random fields 1986 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Correction: Correction to "High Density Limit Theorems for Infinite Systems of Unscaled Branching Brownian Motions" 1984 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Limit Theorems for Supercritical Branching Random Fields 1984 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat High Density Limit Theorems for Infinite Systems of Unscaled Branching Brownian Motions 1983 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Rate of convergence of uniform transport processes to brownian motion and application to stochastic integrals 1980 Luis G. Gorostiza
Richard J. Griego
+ Rate of convergence of an approximate solution of stochastic differential equations 1980 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Convergence of branching transport processes to branching brownian motion 1979 Luis G. Gorostiza
Richard J. Griego
+ PDF Chat Strong approximation of diffusion processes by transport processes 1979 Luis G. Gorostiza
Richard J. Griego
+ Invariance principle for random processes on Galton-Watson trees 1977 Luis G. Gorostiza
A. R. Moncayo
+ Convergence of transport processes with radially symmetric direction changes, and chain molecules 1975 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Convergence of transport processes with radially symmetric direction changes, and chain molecules 1975 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat The Central Limit Theorem for Random Motions of $d$-Dimensional Euclidean Space 1973 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ An Invariance Principle for a Class of d-Dimensional Polygonal Random Functions 1973 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Convergence of the scattering transport process to Brownian motion 1972 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat A central limit theorem for a class of 𝑑-dimensional random motions with constant speed 1972 Luis G. Gorostiza
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Persistence Criteria for a Class of Critical Branching Particle Systems in Continuous Time 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat A weighted occupation time for a class of measured-valued branching processes 1986 Ian Iscoe
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes and Infinite Particle Branching Brownian Motions 1978 Richard A. Holley
Daniel W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Langevin equations for L′-Valued Gaussian processes and fluctuation limits of infinite particle systems 1986 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat High Density Limit Theorems for Infinite Systems of Unscaled Branching Brownian Motions 1983 Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Sub-fractional Brownian motion and its relation to occupation times 2004 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Tightness of Probabilities On $C(\lbrack 0, 1 \rbrack; \mathscr{Y}')$ and $D(\lbrack 0, 1 \rbrack; \mathscr{Y}')$ 1983 Itaru Mitoma
+ Convergence of S′-valued processes and space-time random fields 1986 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
S. Ramaswamy
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for the motion of a Poisson system of independent Markovian particles with high density 1976 Anders Martin-L�f
+ PDF Chat The critical measure diffusion process 1977 Donald A. Dawson
+ Large deviations for the occupation time functional of a Poisson system of independent Brownian particles 1994 Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Kongming Wang
+ PDF Chat Occupation Times for Critical Branching Brownian Motions 1985 J. Theodore Cox
David Griffeath
+ Limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems I: Long-range dependence 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems II: Critical and large dimensions 2005 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ A long range dependence stable process and an infinite variance branching system 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ Measure-valued Markov processes 1993 Donald A. Dawson
+ On clan-recurrence and -transience in time stationary branching Brownian particle systems 1994 Andreas Stoeckl
Anton Wakolbinger
+ The multitype measure branching process 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ Foundations of Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces 1984 Kiyosi Itô
+ Persistence of a critical super-2 process 1995 Luis G. Gorostiza
Kenneth J. Hochberg
Anton Wakolbinger
+ A multilevel branching model 1991 Donald A. Dawson
Kenneth J. Hochberg
+ Long time behavior of critical branching particle systems and applications 1994 Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Convergence of Probability Measures 1969 J. F. C. Kingmán
P. Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Degrees of Transience and Recurrence and Hierarchical Random Walks 2005 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat Intersection Local Times for Infinite Systems of Brownian Motions and for the Brownian Density Process 1991 Robert J. Adler
Raisa E. Feldman
Marica Lewin
+ Limit Theorems for Supercritical Branching Random Fields 1984 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Occupation time limits of inhomogeneous Poisson systems of independent particles 2007 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Convergence cylindrique et convergence étroite d'une suite de probabilités de Radon 1973 Pierre Boulicaut
+ PDF Chat Stable Hydrodynamic Limit Fluctuations of a Critical Branching Particle System in a Random Medium 1989 Donald A. Dawson
Klaus Fleischmann
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Equilibria of Branching Populations 2004 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
Anton Wakolbinger
+ A functional ergodic theorem for the occupation time process of a branching system 2007 Anna Talarczyk
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Modern Probability 2021 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical organization in complex networks 2003 Erzsébet Ravasz Regan
Albert‐László Barabási
+ Ergodic theory and a local occupation time for measure-valued critical branching brownian motion 1986 Ian Iscoe
+ Self-intersection local time for Gaussian G′(Rd)-processes: Existence, path continuity and examples 1995 Tomasz Bojdecki
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ Fluctuation limits of multitype branching random fields 1992 José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ PDF Chat Persistence of critical multitype particle and measure branching processes 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat Percolation in a hierarchical random graph 2007 Donald A. Dawson
Luis G. Gorostiza
+ PDF Chat Mutually catalytic super branching random walks: large finite systems and renormalization analysis 2004 J. Theodore Cox
Donald A. Dawson
Andreas Greven
+ PDF Chat Intersection Local Times of All Orders for Brownian and Stable Density Processes--Construction, Renormalisation and Limit Laws 1993 Robert J. Adler
Jay Rosen
+ Equilibrium Distributions of Branching Processes 1988 Alfred Liemant
Klaus Matthes
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat Branching Particle Systems and Superprocesses 1991 E. B. Dynkin
+ Weak convergence of sequences of semimartingales with applications to multitype branching processes 1986 A. Joffe
Michel Métivier
+ PDF Chat Existence of a phase-transition in a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet 1969 Freeman J. Dyson
+ An introduction to stochastic partial differential equations 2006 John B. Walsh
+ Some Long-Range Dependence Processes Arising from Fluctuations of Particle Systems 2005 Luis G. Gorostiza
Reyla A. Navarro
Eliane R. Rodrigues
+ Ultrametric calculus : an introduction to p-adic analysis 1984 Wilhelmus Hendricus Schikhof
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem of branching processes and continuous state branching processes 1968 Shinzo Watanabe
+ Central limit theorem for a simple diffusion model of interacting particles 1981 Hiroshi Tanaka
Masuyuki Hitsuda