Yakov Vaisbourd


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Maximum entropy on the mean and the Cramér rate function in statistical estimation and inverse problems: properties, models, and algorithms 2025 Yakov Vaisbourd
Rustum Choksi
Ariel Goodwin
Tim Hoheisel
Carola‐Bibiane Schönlieb
+ An elementary approach to tight worst case complexity analysis of gradient based methods 2022 Marc Teboulle
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ Maximum Entropy on the Mean and the Cramér Rate Function in Statistical Estimation and Inverse Problems: Properties, Models, and Algorithms 2022 Yakov Vaisbourd
Rustum Choksi
Ariel Goodwin
Tim Hoheisel
Carola‐Bibiane Schönlieb
+ Globally Solving the Trust Region Subproblem Using Simple First-Order Methods 2018 Amir Beck
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ PDF Chat First Order Methods Beyond Convexity and Lipschitz Gradient Continuity with Applications to Quadratic Inverse Problems 2018 Jérôme Bolte
Shoham Sabach
Marc Teboulle
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ First Order Methods beyond Convexity and Lipschitz Gradient Continuity with Applications to Quadratic Inverse Problems 2017 Jérôme Bolte
Shoham Sabach
Marc Teboulle
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ First Order Methods beyond Convexity and Lipschitz Gradient Continuity with Applications to Quadratic Inverse Problems 2017 Jérôme Bolte
Shoham Sabach
Marc Teboulle
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ PDF Chat The Sparse Principal Component Analysis Problem: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms 2016 Amir Beck
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ Rate of convergence analysis of dual-based variables decomposition methods for strongly convex problems 2015 Amir Beck
Luba Tetruashvili
Yakov Vaisbourd
Ariel Shemtov
+ The Sparse PCA Problem: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms 2015 Amir Beck
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ The Sparse Principal Component Analysis Problem: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms 2015 Amir Beck
Yakov Vaisbourd
+ The Sparse Principal Component Analysis Problem: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms 2015 Amir Beck
Yakov Vaisbourd
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Conditional Gradient Algorithmsfor Rank-One Matrix Approximations with a Sparsity Constraint 2013 Ronny Luss
Marc Teboulle
+ PDF Chat Sparsity Constrained Nonlinear Optimization: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms 2013 Amir Beck
Yonina C. Eldar
+ PDF Chat Proximité et dualité dans un espace hilbertien 1965 Jean Jacques Moreau
+ PDF Chat A Descent Lemma Beyond Lipschitz Gradient Continuity: First-Order Methods Revisited and Applications 2016 Heinz H. Bauschke
Jérôme Bolte
Marc Teboulle
+ Loading and correlations in the interpretation of principle compenents 1995 Jorge Cadima
Ian T. Jolliffe
+ Proximal alternating linearized minimization for nonconvex and nonsmooth problems 2013 Jérôme Bolte
Shoham Sabach
Marc Teboulle
+ First-Order Methods in Optimization 2017 Amir Beck
+ The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming 1967 L.M. Bregman
+ Convergence of descent methods for semi-algebraic and tame problems: proximal algorithms, forward–backward splitting, and regularized Gauss–Seidel methods 2011 Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
B. F. Svaiter
+ Signal Recovery by Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting 2005 Patrick L. Combettes
Valérie R. Wajs
+ Generalized power method for sparse principal component analysis 2008 Michel Journée
Yurii Nesterov
Peter Richtárik
Rodolphe Sepulchre
+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Identifying small mean-reverting portfolios 2010 Alexandre d’Aspremont
+ Interior Gradient and Proximal Methods for Convex and Conic Optimization 2006 A. Auslender
Marc Teboulle
+ PDF Chat A majorization-minimization approach to the sparse generalized eigenvalue problem 2010 Bharath K. Sriperumbudur
David A. Torres
Gert Lanckriet
+ On the Minimization Over Sparse Symmetric Sets: Projections, Optimality Conditions, and Algorithms 2015 Amir Beck
Nadav Hallak
+ The Łojasiewicz Inequality for Nonsmooth Subanalytic Functions with Applications to Subgradient Dynamical Systems 2007 Jérôme Bolte
Aris Daniilidis
Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Forward-Backward Splitting with Bregman Distances 2017 Quang Van Nguyen
+ Nonlinear Proximal Point Algorithms Using Bregman Functions, with Applications to Convex Programming 1993 Jonathan Eckstein
+ Entropic Proximal Mappings with Applications to Nonlinear Programming 1992 Marc Teboulle
+ Principal Component Analysis 2005 Ian T. Jolliffe
+ PDF Chat A Direct Formulation for Sparse PCA Using Semidefinite Programming 2007 Alexandre d’Aspremont
Laurent El Ghaoui
Michael I. Jordan
Gert Lanckriet
+ PDF Chat A Modified Principal Component Technique Based on the LASSO 2003 Ian T. Jolliffe
Nickolay T. Trendafilov
Mudassir Uddin
+ Convergence Analysis of a Proximal-Like Minimization Algorithm Using Bregman Functions 1993 Gong Chen
Marc Teboulle
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of the proximal algorithm for nonsmooth functions involving analytic features 2007 Hédy Attouch
Jérôme Bolte
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of Łojasiewicz inequalities: Subgradient flows, talweg, convexity 2009 Jérôme Bolte
Aris Daniilidis
Olivier Ley
Laurent Mazet
+ Proximal minimization algorithm withD-functions 1992 Yair Censor
Stavros A. Zenios
+ PDF Chat A New Matrix-Free Algorithm for the Large-Scale Trust-Region Subproblem 2001 Marielba Rojas
Sandra A. Santos
Danny C. Sorensen
+ PDF Chat Solving the Trust-Region Subproblem using the Lanczos Method 1999 Nicholas I. M. Gould
Stefano Lucidi
Massimo Roma
Philippe L. Toint
+ PDF Chat Incremental proximal methods for large scale convex optimization 2011 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ PDF Chat Computing a Trust Region Step 1983 Jorge J. Morè
D. C. Sorensen
+ Minimization of a Large-Scale Quadratic FunctionSubject to a Spherical Constraint 1997 D. C. Sorensen
+ A Generalized Proximal Point Algorithm for the Variational Inequality Problem in a Hilbert Space 1998 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the Convergence of Alternating Minimization for Convex Programming with Applications to Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares and Decomposition Schemes 2015 Amir Beck
+ A fast dual proximal gradient algorithm for convex minimization and applications 2013 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ Hidden convexity in some nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming 1996 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Marc Teboulle
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 2000 J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ PDF Chat A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging 2010 Antonin Chambolle
Thomas Pock
+ Error bounds and convergence analysis of feasible descent methods: a general approach 1993 Zhi-Quan Luo
Paul Tseng
+ PDF Chat Efficiency of Coordinate Descent Methods on Huge-Scale Optimization Problems 2012 Yu. Nesterov
+ PDF Chat Accelerating the LSTRS Algorithm 2011 Jörg Lampe
M. Rojas
D. C. Sorensen
Heinrich Voß
+ On the Convergence of the Proximal Point Algorithm for Convex Minimization 1991 Osman Güler
+ PDF Chat Iteration complexity of randomized block-coordinate descent methods for minimizing a composite function 2012 Peter Richtárik
Martin Takáč
+ Principal Component Analysis 1988 Colin Goodall
Ian T. Jolliffe
+ Iterative Methods for Finding a Trust-region Step 2009 Jennifer B. Erway
Philip E. Gill
Joshua Griffin
+ PDF Chat On the ergodic convergence rates of a first-order primal–dual algorithm 2015 Antonin Chambolle
Thomas Pock
+ Gradient-based algorithms with applications to signal-recovery problems 2009 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ Global convergence of a proximal linearized algorithm for difference of convex functions 2015 João Carlos O. Souza
Paulo Roberto Oliveira
Antoine Soubeyran
+ PDF Chat A Second-Order Cone Based Approach for Solving the Trust-Region Subproblem and Its Variants 2017 Nam Ho-Nguyen
Fatma Kılınç-Karzan