Yvan Saint-Aubin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fusion hierarchies, T-systems and Y-systems for the dilute A2(2) loop models on a strip 2023 Florence Boileau
Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Spin Chains as Modules over the Affine Temperley–Lieb Algebra 2022 ThĂ©o Pinet
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Spin chains as modules over the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra 2022 Théo Pinet
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Fusion hierarchies, $T$-systems and $Y$-systems for the dilute $A_2^{(2)}$ loop models on a strip 2022 Florence Boileau
Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat The Genesis of the Langlands Program 2021 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat L’invariance conforme et l’universalitĂ© au point critique des modĂšles bidimensionnels 2021 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat The representation theory of seam algebras 2020 Alexis Langlois-RĂ©millard
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Report on 1909.03499v01 2019 Alexis Langlois-R Émillard
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Épartement De
+ PDF Chat Report on 1909.03499v01 2019 Alexis Langlois-R Émillard
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Épartement De
+ PDF Chat Fusion and monodromy in the Temperley-Lieb category 2018 Jonathan BelletĂȘte
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ On the computation of fusion over the affine Temperley–Lieb algebra 2018 Jonathan BelletĂȘte
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Restriction and induction of indecomposable modules over the Temperley–Lieb algebras 2017 Jonathan BelletĂȘte
David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat On the reality of spectra of<i>U</i><sub><i>q</i></sub>(<i>sl</i><sub>2</sub>)-invariant XXZ Hamiltonians 2016 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
Philippe Ruelle
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The Challenges of Preparing a Mathematical Lecture for the Public 2015 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat The principal indecomposable modules of the dilute Temperley-Lieb algebra 2014 Jonathan BelletĂȘte
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Standard modules, induction and the structure of the Temperley-Lieb algebra 2014 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The Idempotents of the TL n -Module ⊗ n C2 in Terms of Elements ofU q sl 2 2014 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat The Idempotents of the TL n -Module $${\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}2}$$ ⊗ n C 2 in Terms of Elements of $${{\rm U}_{q} \mathfrak{sl}_2}$$ U q sl 2 2013 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Jordan cells of periodic loop models 2013 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat A homomorphism between link and XXZ modules over the periodic Temperley–Lieb algebra 2013 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The idempotents of the TL_n-modules \otimes^nC^2 in terms of elements of U_qsl_2 2013 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The idempotents of the TL_n-modules \otimes^nC^2 in terms of elements of U_qsl_2 2013 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Standard Modules, Induction and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra 2012 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Geometric Exponents of Dilute Loop Models 2012 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Paul A. Pearce
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
+ The Gram matrix as a connection between periodic loop models and XXZ Hamiltonians 2012 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Warum 44 100 Abtastungen pro Sekunde? 2012 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Manfred Stern
+ Bildkompression: Iterierte Funktionensysteme 2012 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Manfred Stern
+ Standard Modules, Induction and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra 2012 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model at the boundary of a half-infinite cylinder 2011 Yvan Saint-Aubin
Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Hassan Aurag
+ PDF Chat The Jordan structure of two-dimensional loop models 2011 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Geometric Exponents of Dilute Logarithmic Minimal Models 2011 Guillaume Provencher
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Paul A. Pearce
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents for the homology of Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters on a torus 2009 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Restricted partition functions of the two-dimensional Ising model on a half-infinite cylinder 2009 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat On the Spectrum of an <i>n</i>! × <i>n</i>! Matrix Originating from Statistical Mechanics 2009 Dominique ChassĂ©
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Geometric exponents, SLE and logarithmic minimal models 2009 Yvan Saint-Aubin
Paul A. Pearce
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
+ Mathématiques et Technologie 2009 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model at the boundary of a half-infinite cylinder 2009 Yvan Saint-Aubin
Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Hassan Aurag
+ Algebro-geometric aspects of the Bethe equations 2008 R. P. Langlands
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Why 44100 Samples per Second 2008 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Image Compression Iterated Function Systems 2008 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Mathematics and Technology 2008 Christiane Rousseau
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The symmetry group of the Euclidean CPn model as the invariance group of two bilinear formst 2005 G. Arsenault
Mr Jacques
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Non-unitary observables in the 2d critical Ising model 2002 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Crossing probabilities on same-spin clusters in the two-dimensional Ising model 2001 Ervig Lapalme
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Boundary states for a free boson defined on finite geometries 2001 Marc-André Lewis
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ None 2000 R. P. Langlands
Marc-André Lewis
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Universality and conformal invariance for the Ising model in domains with boundary 1999 R. P. Langlands
Marc-André Lewis
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Aspects combinatoires des Ă©quations de Bethe 1997 R. P. Langlands
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Conformal invariance of a model of percolation on random lattices 1995 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Dedicated to the memory of Feza Gursey 1995 R. P. Langlands
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation 1994 R. P. Langlands
Philippe Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation 1994 R. P. Langlands
Philippe Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation 1994 R. P. Langlands
Philippe Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat On the universality of crossing probabilities in two-dimensional percolation 1992 R. P. Langlands
C. Pichet
Ph. Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Singular vectors of the Neveu-Schwarz algebra 1991 Louis Benoit
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The exchange algebra for Zamolodchikov and Fateev's parafermionic theories 1991 L. Boivin
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The hidden symmetry of U(n) principal sigma models revisited. II. The algebraic structure 1989 G. Arsenault
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ The hidden symmetry of U(n) principal sigma models revisited. I. Explicit expressions for the generators 1989 G. Arsenault
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Degenerate conformal field theories and explicit expressions for some null vectors 1988 Louis Benoit
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Collapse and exponentiation of infinite symmetry algebras of Euclidean projective and Grassmannian σ models 1988 G. Arsenault
Michel Jacques
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ SL(n+1, C) strata and orbits in the solution space of Euclidean CP n models 1988 G. Arsenault
Mr Jacques
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Soliton solutions to various σ models with a wess-zumino term 1988 Ghislain Giroux
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras acting on the solution space of various σ models 1987 Michel Jacques
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Bïżœcklund transformations for nonlinear sigma models with values in Riemannian symmetric spaces 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ Quadratic pseudopotentials for Gl(N,) principal sigma models 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ PDF Chat The soliton correlation matrix and the reduction problem for integrable systems 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ Superposition of solutions to BĂ€cklund transformations for the SU(<i>n</i>) principal σ-model 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ Soliton Solutions to Zakharov-Shabat Systems by The Reduction Method 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ Harmonic polynomials invariant under a finite subgroup of O(<i>n</i>) 1983 A. Ronveaux
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ BĂ€cklund transformations and soliton-type solutions for σ models with values in real Grassmannian spaces 1982 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Invariant physical fields with gauge freedom 1982 Yvan Saint-Aubin
Luc Vinet
Joël Doneux
+ Fonctions génératrices et bases d'intégrité pour les sous-groupes finis du groupe de Lorentz <i>O</i>(3,1) 1980 Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Finite subgroups of the generalized Lorentz groups O(p,q) 1980 J. Patera
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Hans Zassenhaus
+ Finite Subgroups of the Lorentz Group and their Generating Functions 1980 J. Patera
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic minimal models 2006 Paul A. Pearce
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ The representation theory of the Temperley-Lieb algebras 1995 Bruce W. Westbury
+ PDF Chat The Temperley-Lieb algebra at roots of unity 1993 Frederick M. Goodman
Hans Wenzl
+ PDF Chat Lattice fusion rules and logarithmic operator product expansions 2012 Azat M. Gainutdinov
Romain Vasseur
+ PDF Chat The Jordan structure of two-dimensional loop models 2011 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat The blob algebra and the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra 1994 Paul Martin
Hubert Saleur
+ Common structures between finite systems and conformal field theories through quantum groups 1990 Vincent Pasquier
Hubert Saleur
+ PDF Chat Standard modules, induction and the structure of the Temperley-Lieb algebra 2014 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Associative-algebraic approach to logarithmic conformal field theories 2007 N. Read
Hubert Saleur
+ Hecke algebras of typeA n and subfactors 1988 Hans Wenzl
+ PDF Chat Percolation Theory for Mathematicians. 1984 J. M. Hammersley
Harry Kesten
+ Relations between the ‘percolation’ and ‘colouring’ problem and other graph-theoretical problems associated with regular planar lattices: some exact results for the ‘percolation’ problem 1971 H. N. V. Temperley
Élliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat Critical percolation in finite geometries 1992 John Cardy
+ PDF Chat On the universality of crossing probabilities in two-dimensional percolation 1992 R. P. Langlands
C. Pichet
Ph. Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation 1994 R. P. Langlands
Philippe Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Standard Modules, Induction and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra 2012 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Effect of boundary conditions on the operator content of two-dimensional conformally invariant theories 1986 John Cardy
+ PDF Chat Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory 1984 A. A. Belavin
A. Polyakov
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat The principal indecomposable modules of the dilute Temperley-Lieb algebra 2014 Jonathan BelletĂȘte
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II 1979 В. Е. Đ—Đ°Ń…Đ°Ń€ĐŸĐČ
A. B. Shabat
+ Boundary algebras and Kac modules for logarithmic minimal models 2015 Alexi Morin-Duchesne
JĂžrgen Rasmussen
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Critical percolation in the plane: conformal invariance, Cardy's formula, scaling limits 2001 Stanislav Smirnov
+ Conformal field theory 2024 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Critical percolation on the torus 1994 Haru T. Pinson
+ PDF Chat Homology of Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters of Potts models on the torus 2002 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
+ Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory and invariants of 3-manifolds 1994 Louis H. Kauffman
SĂłstenes Lins
+ Bïżœcklund transformations for nonlinear sigma models with values in Riemannian symmetric spaces 1984 J. Harnad
Yvan Saint-Aubin
Steven Shnider
+ None 2000 R. P. Langlands
Marc-André Lewis
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ ON SCHUR-WEYL DUALITY, A<sub>n</sub> HECKE ALGEBRAS AND QUANTUM sl(N) ON $\otimes^{n+1}{\mathbb C}^N$ 1992 Paul Martin
+ A q-analogue of U(g[(N+1)), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation 1986 Michio Jimbo
+ More about non-linear sigma models on symmetric spaces 1980 H. Eichenherr
Michael Forger
+ PDF Chat From percolation to logarithmic conformal field theory 2007 Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Interaction-round-a-face models with fixed boundary conditions: The ABF fusion hierarchy 1996 Roger E. Behrend
Paul A. Pearce
David O’Brien
+ Kac-Moody Algebra is Hidden Symmetry of Chiral Models 1981 L. Dolan
+ PDF Chat Lusztig limit of quantum at root of unity and fusion of Virasoro logarithmic minimal models 2009 Pavel V. Bushlanov
Boris Feigin
Azat M. Gainutdinov
I. Yu. Tipunin
+ PDF Chat Scaling limits of loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees 2000 Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat PT symmetry on the lattice: the quantum group invariant<i>XXZ</i>spin chain 2007 Christian Korff
Robert Weston
+ Cellular algebras 1996 J. J. Graham
G Lehrer
+ Exact Determination of the Percolation Hull Exponent in Two Dimensions 1987 Hubert Saleur
Bertrand Duplantier
+ Index for subfactors 1983 Vaughan F. R. Jones
+ Standard Modules, Induction and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra 2012 David Ridout
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Surface exponents of the quantum XXZ, Ashkin-Teller and Potts models 1987 F C Alcaraz
Michael N. Barber
Murray T. Batchelor
R. J. Baxter
G. Quispel
+ Conformal boundary conditions in the critical model and dilute loop models 2009 JĂ©rĂŽme Dubail
Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Hubert Saleur
+ Collapse and exponentiation of infinite symmetry algebras of Euclidean projective and Grassmannian σ models 1988 G. Arsenault
Michel Jacques
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial aspects of boundary loop models 2008 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Hubert Saleur
+ Aq-difference analogue of U(g) and the Yang-Baxter equation 1985 Michio Jimbo
+ Graph theory and statistical physics 1971 J W Essam
+ Iwahori-Hecke Algebras and Schur Algebras of the Symmetric Group 1999 Andrew Mathas
+ Superposition principles for matrix Riccati equations 1983 J. Harnad
P. Winternitz
R. L. Anderson
+ Critical behaviour and conformal anomaly of the O(n) model on the square lattice 1989 Henk W. J. Blöte
Bernard Nienhuis