David J. Wraith


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Positive Intermediate Ricci Curvature on Fibre Bundles 2025 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat On the topology of the moduli space of positive scalar curvature concordances 2024 Boris Botvinnik
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Intermediate Ricci Curvatures and Gromov’s Betti number bound 2023 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ A generalization of the Perelman gluing theorem and applications 2023 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ Positive intermediate Ricci curvature on connected sums 2023 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat H-space and loop space structures for intermediate curvatures 2022 Mark Walsh
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Intermediate curvatures and highly connected manifolds 2022 Diarmuid Crowley
David J. Wraith
+ Intermediate Ricci curvatures and Gromov's Betti number bound 2022 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ Positive intermediate Ricci curvature on fibre bundles 2022 Philipp Reiser
David J. Wraith
+ Non-negative versus positive scalar curvature 2020 Thomas Schick
David J. Wraith
+ On the topology of the space of Ricci-positive metrics 2020 Boris Botvinnik
Johannes Ebert
David J. Wraith
+ H-Space and Loop Space Structures for Intermediate Curvatures 2020 Mark Walsh
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Homotopy groups of the observer moduli space of Ricci positive metrics 2019 Boris Botvinnik
Mark Walsh
David J. Wraith
+ Positive Scalar Curvature and Applications 2019 Jonathan Rosenberg
David J. Wraith
+ On the topology of the space of Ricci-positive metrics. 2018 Boris Botvinnik
Johannes Ebert
David J. Wraith
+ On the topology of the space of Ricci-positive metrics 2018 Boris Botvinnik
Johannes Ebert
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds 2017 Diarmuid Crowley
David J. Wraith
+ Path-component invariants for spaces of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 David J. Wraith
+ Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Non-negative sectional curvature moduli spaces on open manifolds 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Early results about the space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Applications of the s-invariant 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ The Klingenberg-Sakai conjecture and the space of positively pinched metrics 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ A survey of other results 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Dirac operators and index theorems 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Clifford algebras and spin 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Moduli spaces of Riemannian metrics with negative sectional curvature 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ The Kreck-Stolz s-invariant 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Spaces of metrics 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds 2014 Diarmuid Crowley
David J. Wraith
+ Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds 2014 Diarmuid Crowley
David J. Wraith
+ $$G$$ G -manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and many isolated singular orbits 2013 David J. Wraith
+ On the curvature on G-manifolds with finitely manynon-principal orbits 2013 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ G-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and many isolated singular orbits 2012 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat On the curvature on G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2012 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ On G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2012 David J. Wraith
+ G-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and many isolated singular orbits 2012 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat On the moduli space of positive Ricci curvature metrics on homotopy spheres 2011 David J. Wraith
+ On the curvature of G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2011 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ On the topology of G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2011 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ On the curvature of G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2011 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ On the topology of G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits 2011 Stefan Bechtluft‐Sachs
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat On Ptolemaic metric simplicial complexes 2010 Stephen M. Buckley
David J. Wraith
Jane McDougall
+ On the moduli space of positive Ricci curvature metrics on homotopy spheres 2009 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat PTOLEMAIC SPACES AND CAT(0) 2009 Stephen M. Buckley
Kurt Falk
David J. Wraith
+ On the moduli space of positive Ricci curvature metrics on homotopy spheres 2009 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Exotic spheres and curvature 2008 M. Joachim
David J. Wraith
+ Bundle stabilisation and positive Ricci curvature 2007 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat New connected sums with positive Ricci curvature 2007 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Ambrose 2006 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Deforming Ricci Positive Metrics 2002 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Surgery on Ricci positive manifolds 1998 David J. Wraith
+ The fundamental group of non-negatively curved manifolds 1998 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Exotic spheres with positive Ricci curvature 1997 David J. Wraith
+ Some New results in Ricci Curvature 1996 David J. Wraith
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Groups of Homotopy Spheres: I 1963 Michel Kervaire
John Milnor
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Exotic spheres with positive Ricci curvature 1997 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Surgery on Ricci positive manifolds 1998 David J. Wraith
+ Cohomogeneity one manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 2002 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Metrics of Negative Ricci Curvature 1994 Joachim Lohkamp
+ PDF Chat On the moduli space of positive Ricci curvature metrics on homotopy spheres 2011 David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Nonconnected moduli spaces of positive sectional curvature metrics 1993 Matthias Kreck
Stephan Stolz
+ PDF Chat Infinite loop spaces and positive scalar curvature 2017 Boris Botvinnik
Johannes Ebert
Oscar Randal‐Williams
+ Surgery on Simply-Connected Manifolds 1972 William Browder
+ PDF Chat Construction of manifolds of positive scalar curvature 1988 R J M Carr
+ PDF Chat Sasakian geometry, homotopy spheres and positive Ricci curvature 2003 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Michael Nakamaye
+ PDF Chat Positive Ricci curvature on the connected sums of $S^n \times S^n$ 1991 Ji-Ping Sha
DaGang Yang
+ PDF Chat The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature 2014 Bernhard Hanke
Thomas Schick
Wolfgang Steimle
+ PDF Chat New connected sums with positive Ricci curvature 2007 David J. Wraith
+ Metric deformations of curvature 1976 Paul E. Ehrlich
+ PDF Chat Homotopy groups of the moduli space of metrics of positive scalar curvature 2010 Boris Botvinnik
Bernhard Hanke
Thomas Schick
Mark Walsh
+ PDF Chat Curvature and Symmetry of Milnor Spheres 2000 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Harmonic spinors and metrics of positive curvature via the Gromoll filtration and Toda brackets 2018 Diarmuid Crowley
Thomas Schick
Wolfgang Steimle
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat The Gromoll filtration, KO–characteristic classes and metrics of positive scalar curvature 2013 Diarmuid Crowley
Thomas Schick
+ Cobordism invariance of the homotopy type of the space of positive scalar curvature metrics 2013 Mark Walsh
+ PDF Chat Exotic spheres and curvature 2008 M. Joachim
David J. Wraith
+ Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics 2015 Wilderich Tuschmann
David J. Wraith
+ PDF Chat Totally geodesic maps 1970 Jaak Vilms
+ PDF Chat Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1992 Stephan Stolz
+ Construction of Manifolds of Positive Ricci Curvature with Big Volume and Large Betti Numbers 1997 G. Perelman
+ Riemannian manifolds with positive mean curvature 1941 S. B. Myers
+ Homogeneous Riemannian manifolds of positive Ricci curvature 1995 V. N. BerestovskiÄ­
+ Einstein Manifolds 1987 Arthur L. Besse
+ PDF Chat Construction of Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1988 Rodney Carr
+ The eta invariant and metrics of positive scalar curvature 1995 Boris Botvinnik
Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Chat Some examples of manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1973 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Highly connected manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 2006 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
+ Elements of Homotopy Theory 1978 George W. Whitehead
+ PDF Chat MĂŠtriques riemanniennes et courbure 1970 Thierry Aubin
+ Ricci-positive metrics on connected sums of projective spaces 2018 Bradley Lewis Burdick
+ Bundle stabilisation and positive Ricci curvature 2007 David J. Wraith
+ Curvature, diameter and betti numbers 1981 Michael Gromov
+ Harmonic Spinors 1974 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat <i>H</i>–spaces, loop spaces and the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on the sphere 2014 Mark Walsh
+ Notes on Cobordism Theory 1969 R. E. Stong
+ PDF Chat The sphere theorems for manifolds with positive scalar curvature 2012 Juan-Ru Gu
Hongwei Xu
+ PDF Chat Simply connected manifolds of positive scalar curvature 1990 Stephan Stolz
+ On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
S.-T. Yau
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature: A Progress Report 2006 Jonathan Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat Rational Homology 5-Spheres with Positive Ricci Curvature 2002 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
+ A conjecture concerning positive Ricci curvature and the Witten genus 1996 Stephan Stolz
+ PDF Chat Positive Ricci curvature on fibre bundles 1979 John C. Nash
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov