Olivier Guédon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Talagrand's mathematical journey to the Abel Prize 2024 2024 Olivier Guédon
Joscha Prochno
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the inertia moments and the variance conjecture in Schatten balls 2022 Benjamin Dadoun
Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Pierre-André Zitt
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of polytopes generated by heavy-tailed random vectors 2021 Olivier Guédon
Felix Krahmer
Christian Kümmerle
Shahar Mendelson
Holger Rauhut
+ Asymptotics of the Inertia Moments and the Variance Conjecture in Schatten Balls 2021 Benjamin Dadoun
Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Pierre-André Zitt
+ PDF Chat Random polytopes obtained by matrices with heavy-tailed entries 2019 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Kateryna Tatarko
+ PDF Chat Dimension free bounds for the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator associated to convex sets 2018 Luc Deleaval
Olivier Guédon
B. Maurey
+ Random polytopes obtained by matrices with heavy tailed entries 2018 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Kateryna Tatarko
+ PDF Chat On the interval of fluctuation of the singular values of random matrices 2017 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat On the Expectation of Operator Norms of Random Matrices 2017 Olivier Guédon
Aicke Hinrichs
Alexander E. Litvak
Joscha Prochno
+ PDF Chat Inverse Littlewood–Offord Problems for Quasi-norms 2016 Omer Friedland
Ohad Giladi
Olivier Guédon
+ Dimension free bounds for the Hardy--Littlewood maximal operator associated to convex sets 2016 Luc Deleaval
Olivier Guédon
B. Maurey
+ Dimension free bounds for the Hardy--Littlewood maximal operator associated to convex sets 2016 Luc Deleaval
Olivier Guédon
B. Maurey
+ Inverse Littlewood-Offord problems for Quasi-Norms 2015 Omer Friedland
Ohad Giladi
Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat Community detection in sparse networks via Grothendieck’s inequality 2015 Olivier Guédon
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat Functional Versions of<i>L<sub>p</sub></i>-Affine Surface Area and Entropy Inequalities 2015 Umut Caglar
Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Joseph Lehec
Carsten Schütt
Elisabeth M. Werner
+ PDF Chat Small Ball Estimates for Quasi-Norms 2015 Omer Friedland
Ohad Giladi
Olivier Guédon
+ Inverse Littlewood-Offord problems for Quasi-Norms 2015 Omer Friedland
Ohad Giladi
Olivier Guédon
+ Community detection in sparse networks via Grothendieck's inequality 2014 Olivier Guédon
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat The central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of the sum of independent random matrices of rank one 2014 Olivier Guédon
Anna Lytova
Alain Pajor
L. А. Pastur
+ Restricted isometry property for random matrices with heavy-tailed columns 2014 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Restricted isometry property for random matrices with heavy-tailed columns. 2014 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Functional versions of L_p-affine surface area and entropy inequalities 2014 Umut Caglar
Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Joseph Lehec
Carsten Schuett
Elisabeth M. Werner
+ PDF Chat Concentration phenomena in high dimensional geometry 2014 Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat Thin-shell concentration for convex measures 2014 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Alain Pajor
+ Concentration inequalities and geometry of convex bodies 2014 Olivier Guédon
Piotr Nayar
Tomasz Tkocz
+ Community detection in sparse networks via Grothendieck's inequality 2014 Olivier Guédon
Roman Vershynin
+ The Central Limit Theorem for Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of the Sum of Rank One Projections on Vectors with Log-concave Distribution 2013 Olivier Guédon
Anna Lytova
Alain Pajor
L. А. Pastur
+ Concentration phenomena in high dimensional geometry 2013 Olivier Guédon
+ Thin-shell concentration for convex measures 2013 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Alain Pajor
+ Spherical thin-shell concentration for convex measures 2013 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat Sparsity and non-Euclidean embeddings 2013 Omer Friedland
Olivier Guédon
+ The Central Limit Theorem for Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of the Sum of Independent Matrices of Rank One 2013 Olivier Guédon
Anna Lytova
Alain Pajor
L. А. Pastur
+ Thin-shell concentration for convex measures 2013 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
Alain Pajor
+ Concentration phenomena in high dimensional geometry 2013 Olivier Guédon
+ Interactions between compressed sensing, random matrices, and high dimensional geometry 2012 Djalil Chafaï
Olivier Guédon
Guillaume Lecué
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat Moment estimates for convex measures 2012 Radosław Adamczak
Olivier Guédon
Rafał Latała
Alexander E. Litvak
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ On the symmetric average of a convex body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ PDF Chat Interpolating Thin-Shell and Sharp Large-Deviation Estimates for Lsotropic Log-Concave Measures 2011 Olivier Guédon
Emanuel Milman
+ Sparsity and non-Euclidean embeddings 2011 Omer Friedland
Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat Condition number of a square matrix with i.i.d. columns drawn from a convex body 2011 Radosław Adamczak
Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ Sparsity and non-Euclidean embeddings 2011 Omer Friedland
Olivier Guédon
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ On the symmetric average of a body 2011 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ Random embedding of $${\ell_p^n}$$ into $${\ell_r^N}$$ 2010 Omer Friedland
Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat On the isotropic constant of random polytopes 2010 Nikos Dafnis
Apostolos Giannopoulos
Olivier Guédon
+ Interpolating Thin-Shell and Sharp Large-Deviation Estimates For Isotropic Log-Concave Measures 2010 Olivier Guédon
Emanuel Milman
+ PDF Chat On the isotropic constant of random polytopes 2010 Nikolaos Dafnis
Apostolos Giannopoulos
Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat Majorizing measures and proportional subsets of bounded orthonormal systems 2008 Olivier Guédon
Shahar Mendelson
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Smallest singular value of random matrices with independent columns 2008 Radosław Adamczak
Olivier Guédon
A. G. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Majorizing measures and proportional subsets of bounded orthonormal systems 2008 Olivier Guédon
Shahar Mendelson
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat Subspaces and Orthogonal Decompositions Generated by Bounded Orthogonal Systems 2007 Olivier Guédon
Shahar Mendelson
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ A stability result for mean width of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-centroid bodies 2007 Benoît Fleury
Olivier Guédon
Grigoris Paouris
+ PDF Chat Concentration of mass on the Schatten classes 2006 Olivier Guédon
Grigoris Paouris
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-moments of random vectors via majorizing measures 2006 Olivier Guédon
Mark Rudelson
+ A generalized localization theorem and geometric inequalities for convex bodies 2006 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic approach to the geometry of the ℓpn-ball 2005 Franck Barthe
Olivier Guédon
Shahar Mendelson
Assaf Naor
+ L_p moments of random vectors via majorizing measures 2005 Olivier Guédon
Mark Rudelson
+ Supremum of a Process in Terms of Trees 2003 Olivier Guédon
Artem Zvavitch
+ PDF Chat Random Euclidean sections of some classical Banach spaces 2002 Y. Gordon
Olivier Guédon
M. Meyer
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat Euclidean projections of a p-convex body 2000 Olivier Guédon
Alexander E. Litvak
+ Kahane‐Khinchine type inequalities for negative exponent 1999 Olivier Guédon
+ Kahane-Khinchine type inequalities for negative exponent 1999 Olivier Guédon
+ PDF Chat An isomorphic Dvoretzky's theorem for convex bodies 1998 Y. Gordon
Olivier Guédon
M. Meyer
+ Sections euclidiennes des corps convexes et inégalités de concentration volumique 1998 Olivier Guédon
+ None 1997 Olivier Guédon
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Concentration of mass on convex bodies 2006 Grigoris Paouris
+ Isotropic position and inertia ellipsoids and zonoids of the unit ball of a normed n-dimensional space 2006 Vitali Milman
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat The central limit problem for convex bodies 2003 Milla Anttila
Keith Ball
Irini Perissinaki
+ PDF Chat Convex measures on locally convex spaces 1974 Christer Borell
+ Small ball probability estimates for log-concave measures 2011 Grigoris Paouris
+ Convex set functions ind-space 1975 Christer Borell
+ PDF Chat Logarithmically concave functions and sections of convex sets in $R^{n}$ 1988 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat A central limit theorem for convex sets 2007 Bo’az Klartag
+ PDF Chat Power-law estimates for the central limit theorem for convex sets 2007 Bo’az Klartag
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ Gelfand numbers of operators with values in a Hilbert space 1988 Bernd Carl
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 1986 Vitali Milman
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Quantitative estimates of the convergence of the empirical covariance matrix in log-concave ensembles 2009 Radosław Adamczak
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat On concentration of distributions of random weighted sums 2003 S. G. Bobkov
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric problems for convex bodies and a localization lemma 1995 Ravi Kannan
László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ Complements of Lyapunov's inequality 1973 Christer Borell
+ Some inequalities for Gaussian processes and applications 1985 Y. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Interpolating Thin-Shell and Sharp Large-Deviation Estimates for Lsotropic Log-Concave Measures 2011 Olivier Guédon
Emanuel Milman
+ Smallest singular value of random matrices and geometry of random polytopes 2004 A.E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ Concentration in a thin Euclidean shell for log-concave measures 2010 Benoît Fleury
+ PDF Chat Restricted Isometry Property of Matrices with Independent Columns and Neighborly Polytopes by Random Sampling 2010 Radosław Adamczak
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Interactions between compressed sensing, random matrices, and high dimensional geometry 2012 Djalil Chafaï
Olivier Guédon
Guillaume Lecué
Alain Pajor
+ A stability result for mean width of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-centroid bodies 2007 Benoît Fleury
Olivier Guédon
Grigoris Paouris
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-moments of random vectors via majorizing measures 2006 Olivier Guédon
Mark Rudelson
+ On Convex Bodies and Log-Concave Probability Measures with Unconditional Basis 2003 Sergey G. Bobkov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Moment estimates for convex measures 2012 Radosław Adamczak
Olivier Guédon
Rafał Latała
Alexander E. Litvak
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ On convex perturbations with a bounded isotropic constant 2006 Bo’az Klartag
+ Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position 1999 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Random walks in a convex body and an improved volume algorithm 1993 László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ Verallgemeinerung eines Mittelwertsatzes von J. Favard für Positive Konkave Funktionen 1947 L. Berwald
+ On the distribution of polynomials on high dimensional convex sets 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ Concentration Property on Probability Spaces 2000 Apostolos Giannopoulos
Vitali Milman
+ Special orthogonal splittings ofL 1 2k 2004 Gideon Schechtman
+ None 1997 Olivier Guédon
+ Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 1986 4
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds on the rate of convergence of the empirical covariance matrix 2011 Radosław Adamczak
Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
M. Hartzoulaki
Antonis Tsolomitis
+ PDF Chat A Berry-Esseen type inequality for convex bodies with an unconditional basis 2008 Bo’az Klartag
+ PDF Chat The Extreme Points of Subsets of s -Concave Probabilities and a Geometric Localization Theorem 2004 Matthieu Fradelizi
Olivier Gu�don
+ Random walks and anO*(n5) volume algorithm for convex bodies 1997 Ravi Kannan
L�szl� Lov�sz
Mikl�s Simonovits
+ Reverse Brunn–Minkowski and reverse entropy power inequalities for convex measures 2012 Sergey G. Bobkov
Mokshay Madiman
+ Entropy numbers of diagonal operators between symmetric Banach spaces 1984 Carsten Schütt
+ PDF Chat A Short Proof of Paouris' Inequality 2012 Radosław Adamczak
Rafał Latała
Alexander E. Litvak
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood–Offord problem and invertibility of random matrices 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat Inequalities of Bernstein-Jackson-type and the degree of compactness of operators in Banach spaces 1985 Bernd Carl
+ Sections of convex bodies through their centroid 1997 Matthieu Fradelizi