Martin Schottenloher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Unitary Group in Its Strong Topology 2018 Martin Schottenloher
+ The Unitary Group In Its Strong Topology 2013 Martin Schottenloher
+ The Unitary Group In Its Strong Topology 2013 Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Publisher's Note: “Time-evolution of the external field problem in quantum electrodynamics” [J. Math. Phys. 51, 122301 (2010)] 2011 Dirk-André Deckert
D. Dürr
Franz Merkl
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Time-evolution of the external field problem in Quantum Electrodynamics 2010 Dirk-André Deckert
D. Dürr
Franz Merkl
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Zero-One Survival Behavior of Cyclically Competing Species 2009 Maximilian J. Berr
Tobias Reichenbach
Martin Schottenloher
Erwin Frey
+ The Conformal Group 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Foundations of Two-Dimensional Conformal Quantum Field Theory 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Mathematical Aspects of the Verlinde Formula 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ The Virasoro Algebra 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Representation Theory of the Virasoro Algebra 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Vertex Algebras 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Appendix A 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Central Extensions of Groups 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Central Extensions of Lie Algebras and Bargmann’s Theorem 2008 Martin Schottenloher
+ Zero-one survival behavior of cyclically competing species 2008 Maximilian J. Berr
Tobias Reichenbach
Martin Schottenloher
Erwin Frey
+ Isomorphism Classification of Operator Algebra Bundles 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Analytic Definition of Twisted K-Theory 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Gram–Schmidt Process, Iwasawa Decomposition, and Reduction of Structure in Principal Bundles 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Brauer Group of Matrix Algebra Bundles and K-Groups 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Generalities on Bundles and Categories 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ K-Theory of Vector Bundles, of Modules, and of Idempotents 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Twisted Equivariant K-Theory and the Verlinde Algebra 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Basic Bundle Theory and K-Cohomology Invariants 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Topological Algebras: G-Equivariance and KK-Theory 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Homotopy Classes of Maps and the Homotopy Groups 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Cohomology Classes as Homotopy Classes: CW-Complexes 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ The Atiyah–Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence in K-Theory 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ G-Spaces, G-Bundles, and G-Vector Bundles 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Equivariant K-Theory Functor KG : Periodicity, Thom Isomorphism, Localization, and Completion 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Vector Bundles 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Bundle Gerbes 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Principal Bundles and Sections of Fibre Bundles: Reduction of the Structure and the Gauge Group I 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Category Objects and Groupoid Gerbes 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ The Milnor Construction: Homotopy Classification of Principal Bundles 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Characteristic Classes of Manifolds 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Bott Periodicity Maps and Clifford Algebras 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Relation Between Vector Bundles, Projective Modules, and Idempotents 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Fibrations and Bundles: Gauge Group II 2007 Dale Husemöller
M. Joachim
Branislav Jurčo
Martin Schottenloher
+ Kapitel IV. Potenzreihen über R und C 2006 Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic deformation of Hopf algebras and applications to quantum groups 1998 Markus J. Pflaum
Martin Schottenloher
+ Holomorphic deformation of Hopf algebras and applications to quantum groups 1996 Markus J. Pflaum
Martin Schottenloher
+ Holomorphic deformation of Hopf algebras and applications to quantum groups 1996 Markus J. Pflaum
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Metaplectic quantization of the moduli spaces of flat and parabolic bundles. 1995 P. Scheinost
Martin Schottenloher
+ Elektrodynamik und Relativitätstheorie 1995 Martin Schottenloher
+ Einführung in Geometrie, Symmetrie und Physik 1995 Martin Schottenloher
+ Geometrie und Symmetrie in der Physik 1995 Martin Schottenloher
+ Klassische Mechanik 1995 Martin Schottenloher
+ Metaplectic Quantization of the Moduli Spaces of Flat and Parabolic Bundles 1993 Martin Schottenloher
+ Cartan-Thullen theorem for domains spread over -spaces. 1983 Martin Schottenloher
+ Spectrum and envelope of holomorphy for infinite dimensional riemann domains 1983 Martin Schottenloher
+ Embedding of Stein spaces into sequence spaces 1982 Martin Schottenloher
+ Michael problem and algebras of holomorphic functions 1981 Martin Schottenloher
+ An Example of a Locally Convex Space Which is Not an ω-Space 1979 Martin Schottenloher
+ Holomorphe Funktionen auf Gebieten �ber Banach-R�umen zu vorgegebenen Konvergenzradien 1977 Martin Schottenloher
+ Polynomial Approximation on Compact Sets 1977 Martin Schottenloher
+ Richness of the Class of Holomorphic Functions on an Infinite Dimensional Space 1977 Martin Schottenloher
+ Compact holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces and the approximation property 1976 Richard M. Aron
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat The Levi problem for domains spread over locally convex spaces with a finite dimensional Schauder decomposition 1976 Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Le problème de Lévi dans certains espaces vectoriels topologiques localement convexes 1976 Seán Dineen
Philippe Noverraz
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Compact holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces and the approximation property 1974 Richard M. Aron
Martin Schottenloher
+ Biemann domains: Basic results and open problems 1974 Martin Schottenloher
+ Bounding sets in banach spaces and regular classes of analytic functions 1974 Martin Schottenloher
+ Analytic continuation and regular classes in locally convex Hausdorff spaces 1974 Martin Schottenloher
+ �ber analytische Fortsetzung in Banachr�umen 1972 Martin Schottenloher
+ Ober analytische Fortsetzung in Banachr iumen 1972 Martin Schottenloher
Meinem Lehrer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Prolongement analytique en dimension infinie 1972 André Hirschowitz
+ Fibre Bundles 1994 Dale Husemöller
+ Fibre Bundles (3rd ed.) 1994 Dale Husemöller
+ PDF Chat The Levi problem for domains spread over locally convex spaces with a finite dimensional Schauder decomposition 1976 Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat Fonctions plurisousharmoniques sur les espaces vectoriels topologiques et applications à l'étude des fonctions analytiques 1970 Gérard Cœuré
+ Topology on Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings 1969 Léopoldo Nachbin
+ Pseudo-Convexité, Convexité Polynomiale et Domaines d'Holomorphie en Dimension Infinie 1973 Philippe Noverraz
+ �ber analytische Fortsetzung in Banachr�umen 1972 Martin Schottenloher
+ Bornologie des espaces de fonctions analytiques en dimension infinie 2006 André Hirschowitz
+ PDF Chat Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory 1984 A. A. Belavin
A. Polyakov
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ Diverses notions d'ouverts d'analyticité en dimension infinie 2006 André Hirschowitz
+ PDF Chat Metaplectic quantization of the moduli spaces of flat and parabolic bundles. 1995 P. Scheinost
Martin Schottenloher
+ Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables. 1968 J. W. Gray
Robert C. Gunning
Hugo Rossi
+ Unbounded Holomorphic Functions on a Banach Space 1972 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat Le problème de Lévi dans certains espaces vectoriels topologiques localement convexes 1976 Seán Dineen
Philippe Noverraz
Martin Schottenloher
+ Locally multiplicatively-convex topological algebras 1952 Ernest A. Michael
+ Holomorphically complete locally convex topological vector spaces 2006 Seán Dineen
+ Pseudo-convex completion of locally convex topological vector spaces 1974 Philippe Noverraz
+ PDF Chat The hidden group structure of quantum groups: Strong duality, rigidity and preferred deformations 1994 Philippe Bonneau
M. Flato
Murray Gerstenhaber
Georges Pinczon
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ A counterexample in the Levi problem 1974 Bengt Josefson
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial quantization of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory I 1995 Anton Alekseev
Harald Grosse
Volker Schomerus
+ Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces 1972 Albrecht Pietsch
+ Topology on Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings 1969 Léopoldo Nachbin
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. I 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ Theorie der Funktionen mehrerer komplexer Veränderlichen 1934 H. C. Heinrich Behnke
Peter Thullen
+ The homotopy type of the unitary group of Hilbert space 1965 Nicolaas H. Kuiper
+ The Cartan-Thullen theorem for Banach spaces 1970 Seán Dineen
+ The diamond lemma for ring theory 1978 George M. Bergman
+ Multiparameter quantum groups and twisted quasitriangular Hopf algebras 1990 Nicolai Reshetikhin
+ Analytic continuation and regular classes in locally convex Hausdorff spaces 1974 Martin Schottenloher
+ Algebraic Cohomology and Deformation Theory 1988 Murray Gerstenhaber
Samuel D. Schack
+ PDF Chat A local factorization of analytic functions and its applications 1973 Ewa Ligocka
+ PDF Chat The Levi problem in certain infinite dimensional vector spaces 1974 Lawrence Gruman
+ Two dual classes of bialgebras related to the concepts of “quantum group” and “quantum lie algebra” 1991 Richard G. Larson
Jacob Towber
+ Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves 2000 Edward Frenkel
Dani Ben‐Zvi
+ Quantum groups and non-commutative geometry 1988 I︠u︡. I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic functions on locally convex topological vector spaces. II. Pseudo convex domains 1973 Seán Dineen
+ A guide to quantum groups 1994 Vyjayanthi Chari
Andrew Pressley
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum conformal field theory 1989 Gregory Moore
Nathan Seiberg
+ Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren 1991 Joachim Hilgert
Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ On complemented subspaces ofm 1967 Joram Lindenstrauss
+ Michael problem and algebras of holomorphic functions 1981 Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to the approximation problem in Banach spaces 1973 Per Enflo
+ Vertex algebras for beginners 1998 Victor G. Kač
+ K-Theory for Operator Algebras 1986 Bruce Blackadar
+ PDF Chat Infinite grassmannians and moduli spaces of G-bundles 1997 Shrawan Kumar
+ The Structure of Weakly Compact Sets in Banach Spaces 1968 D. Amir
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ Tensor products of holomorphic functions 1973 Richard M. Aron
+ PDF Chat Le problème des modules pour les sous-espaces analytiques compacts d'un espace analytique donné 1966 Adrien Douady