Per‐Gunnar Martinsson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Randomized Rank-Structured Matrix Compression by Tagging 2025 Katherine J. Pearce
Anna Yesypenko
James J. Levitt
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Fast and High-Order Approximation of Parabolic Equations Using Hierarchical Direct Solvers and Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods 2024 Ke Chen
Daniel Appelö
Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Solving Large Rank-Deficient Linear Least-Squares Problems on Shared-Memory CPU Architectures and GPU Architectures 2024 Mónica Chillaron
Gregorio Quintana‐Ortí
Vicente Vidal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Randomized compression of rank-structured matrices accelerated with graph coloring 2024 James J. Levitt
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat An O(N) distributed-memory parallel direct solver for planar integral equations 2024 Tianyu Liang
Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
George Biros
+ PDF Chat Linear-Complexity Black-Box Randomized Compression of Rank-Structured Matrices 2024 James J. Levitt
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ GPU Optimizations for the Hierarchical Poincaré-Steklov Scheme 2024 Anna Yesypenko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A Unified Trapezoidal Quadrature Method for Singular and Hypersingular Boundary Integral Operators on Curved Surfaces 2023 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Efficient algorithms for computing rank‐revealing factorizations on a GPU 2023 Nathan Heavner
Chao Chen
Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Computing rank‐revealing factorizations of matrices stored out‐of‐core 2023 Nathan Heavner
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
+ Fast and high-order approximation of parabolic equations using hierarchical direct solvers and implicit Runge-Kutta methods 2023 Ke Chen
Daniel Appelö
Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Robust Blockwise Random Pivoting: Fast and Accurate Adaptive Interpolative Decomposition 2023 Yijun Dong
Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Katherine Pearce
+ Adaptive Parallelizable Algorithms for Interpolative Decompositions via Partially Pivoted LU 2023 Katherine J. Pearce
Chao Chen
Yijun Dong
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A distributed-memory parallel algorithm for discretized integral equations using Julia 2023 Tianyu Liang
Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
George Biros
+ SkelFMM: A Simplified Fast Multipole Method Based on Recursive Skeletonization 2023 Anna Yesypenko
Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized Strong Recursive Skeletonization: Simultaneous compression and factorization of $\mathcal{H}$-matrices in the Black-Box Setting 2023 Anna Yesypenko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Solving Linear Systems on a GPU with Hierarchically Off-Diagonal Low-Rank Approximations 2022 Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat An accelerated, high-order accurate direct solver for the Lippmann–Schwinger equation for acoustic scattering in the plane 2022 Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized Compression of Rank-Structured Matrices Accelerated with Graph Coloring 2022 James J. Levitt
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Solving Linear Systems on a GPU with Hierarchically Off-Diagonal Low-Rank Approximations 2022 Chao Chen
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A Unified Trapezoidal Quadrature Method for Singular and Hypersingular Boundary Integral Operators on Curved Surfaces 2022 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Linear-Complexity Black-Box Randomized Compression of Rank-Structured Matrices 2022 James J. Levitt
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ SlabLU: A Two-Level Sparse Direct Solver for Elliptic PDEs 2022 Anna Yesypenko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Parallel Optimizations for the Hierarchical Poincaré-Steklov Scheme (HPS) 2022 Anna Yesypenko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Efficient Bounds and Estimates for Canonical Angles in Randomized Subspace Approximations 2022 Yijun Dong
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Yuji Nakatsukasa
+ PDF Chat Corrected trapezoidal rules for boundary integral equations in three dimensions 2021 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (RASC) 2021 Aydın Buluç
Tamara G. Kolda
Stefan M. Wild
Mihai Anitescu
Anthony M. DeGennaro
John Jakeman
Chandrika Kamath
Ramakrishnan Kannan
Miles E. Lopes
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (RASC) 2021 Aydın Buluç
Tamara G. Kolda
Stefan M. Wild
Mihai Anitescu
Anthony M. DeGennaro
John Jakeman
Chandrika Kamath
Ramakrishnan Kannan
Miles E. Lopes
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Zeta correction: a new approach to constructing corrected trapezoidal quadrature rules for singular integral operators 2021 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Simpler is better: A comparative study of randomized algorithms for computing the CUR decomposition 2021 Yijun Dong
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Efficient algorithms for computing a rank-revealing UTV factorization on parallel computing architectures 2021 Nathan Heavner
Francisco D. Igual
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Efficient algorithms for computing rank-revealing factorizations on a GPU 2021 Nathan Heavner
Chao Chen
Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Corrected Trapezoidal Rules for Boundary Integral Equations in Three Dimensions 2020 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: Foundations & Algorithms. 2020 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Corrected Trapezoidal Rules for Boundary Integral Equations in Three Dimensions 2020 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Zeta Correction: A New Approach to Constructing Corrected Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules for Singular Integral Operators 2020 Bowei Wu
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat HPS Accelerated Spectral Solvers for Time Dependent Problems: Part I, Algorithms 2020 Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Daniel Appelö
+ PDF Chat HPS Accelerated Spectral Solvers for Time Dependent Problems: Part II, Numerical Experiments 2020 Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Daniel Appelö
+ An accelerated, high-order accurate direct solver for the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for acoustic scattering in the plane 2020 Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Computing rank-revealing factorizations of matrices stored out-of-core 2020 Nathan Heavner
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
+ Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: Foundations & Algorithms 2020 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Efficient nuclear norm approximation via the randomized UTV algorithm 2019 Nathan Heavner
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs 2019 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Chapter 3: Matrix factorizations and low-rank approximation 2019 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Chapter 19: An introduction to fast solvers for linear elliptic PDEs 2019 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Chapter 2: How global operators arise in solvers for elliptic PDEs 2019 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ The PowerURV algorithm for computing rank-revealing full factorizations 2018 Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Randomized methods for matrix computations 2018 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ HPS Accelerated Spectral Solvers for Time Dependent Problems 2018 Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Daniel Appelö
+ The PowerURV algorithm for computing rank-revealing full factorizations 2018 Abinand Gopal
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Mini-Workshop: Fast Solvers for Highly Oscillatory Problems 2017 Timo Betcke
Steffen Börm
Sabine Le Borne
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ randUTV: A blocked randomized algorithm for computing a rank-revealing UTV factorization 2017 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
Nathan Heavner
+ randUTV: A blocked randomized algorithm for computing a rank-revealing UTV factorization 2017 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
Nathan Heavner
+ An accelerated Poisson solver based on multidomain spectral discretization 2016 Tracy Babb
Adrianna Gillman
Sijia Hao
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Efficient algorithms for cur and interpolative matrix decompositions 2016 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized methods for matrix computations and analysis of high dimensional data 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized methods for matrix computations 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A Randomized Blocked Algorithm for Efficiently Computing Rank-revealing Factorizations of Matrices 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Sergey Voronin
+ PDF Chat Compressing Rank-Structured Matrices via Randomized Sampling 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ An accelerated Poisson solver based on multidomain spectral discretization 2016 Tracy Babb
Adrianna Gillman
Sijia Hao
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Randomized methods for matrix computations 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Householder QR Factorization: Adding Randomization for Column Pivoting. FLAME Working Note #78 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
Nathan Heavner
Robert A. Geijn
+ A high-order time-parallel scheme for solving wave propagation problems via the direct construction of an approximate time-evolution operator 2015 Terry S. Haut
Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Beth Wingate
+ A randomized blocked algorithm for efficiently computing rank-revealing factorizations of matrices 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Sergey Voronin
+ Compressing rank-structured matrices via randomized sampling 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ RSVDPACK: An implementation of randomized algorithms for computing the singular value, interpolative, and CUR decompositions of matrices on multi-core and GPU architectures 2015 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ RSVDPACK: Subroutines for computing partial singular value decompositions via randomized sampling on single core, multi core, and GPU architectures 2015 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat An efficient and highly accurate solver for multi-body acoustic scattering problems involving rotationally symmetric scatterers 2015 Shifeng Hao
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Porter Young
+ The Hierarchical Poincare-Steklov (HPS) solver for elliptic PDEs: A tutorial 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Blocked rank-revealing QR factorizations: How randomized sampling can be used to avoid single-vector pivoting 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Householder QR Factorization with Randomization for Column Pivoting (HQRRP). FLAME Working Note #78 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregorio Quintana-Ortı́
Nathan Heavner
Robert A. Geijn
+ RSVDPACK: An implementation of randomized algorithms for computing the singular value, interpolative, and CUR decompositions of matrices on multi-core and GPU architectures 2015 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A randomized blocked algorithm for efficiently computing rank-revealing factorizations of matrices 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Sergey Voronin
+ Compressing rank-structured matrices via randomized sampling 2015 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Efficient Algorithms for CUR and Interpolative Matrix Decompositions 2014 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A CUR Factorization Algorithm based on the Interpolative Decomposition. 2014 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A high-order accurate accelerated direct solver for acoustic scattering from surfaces 2014 James Bremer
Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A spectrally accurate direct solution technique for frequency-domain scattering problems with variable media 2014 Adrianna Gillman
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A Direct Solver with $O(N)$ Complexity for Variable Coefficient Elliptic PDEs Discretized via a High-Order Composite Spectral Collocation Method 2014 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A high-order scheme for solving wave propagation problems via the direct construction of an approximate time-evolution operator 2014 Benoı̂t Haut
Tracy Babb
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Beth Wingate
+ An efficient and highly accurate solver for multi-body acoustic scattering problems involving rotationally symmetric scatterers 2014 Sijia Hao
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Patrick Young
+ Efficient Algorithms for CUR and Interpolative Matrix Decompositions 2014 Sergey Voronin
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat An O(N) algorithm for constructing the solution operator to 2D elliptic boundary value problems in the absence of body loads 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A fast solver for Poisson problems on infinite regular lattices 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A spectrally accurate direct solution technique for frequency-domain scattering problems with variable media 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat High-order accurate methods for Nyström discretization of integral equations on smooth curves in the plane 2013 Shifeng Hao
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Porter Young
+ An O(N) Direct Solver for Integral Equations on the Plane 2013 Eduardo Corona
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Denis Zorin
+ An O(N) algorithm for constructing the solution operator to 2D elliptic boundary value problems in the absence of body loads 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A direct solver with O(N) complexity for variable coefficient elliptic PDEs discretized via a high-order composite spectral collocation method 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ An O(N) Direct Solver for Integral Equations on the Plane 2013 Eduardo Galán Corona
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Denis Zorin
+ An O(N) algorithm for constructing the solution operator to 2D elliptic boundary value problems in the absence of body loads 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A high-order accurate accelerated direct solver for acoustic scattering from surfaces 2013 James Bremer
Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A spectrally accurate direct solution technique for frequency-domain scattering problems with variable media 2013 Adrianna Gillman
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A high-order Nyström discretization scheme for boundary integral equations defined on rotationally symmetric surfaces 2012 Porter Young
Shifeng Hao
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat A direct solver with O(N) complexity for integral equations on one-dimensional domains 2012 Adrianna Gillman
Patrick Young
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A composite spectral scheme for variable coefficient Helmholtz problems 2012 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat An Algorithm for the Principal Component Analysis of Large Data Sets 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Yoel Shkolnisky
Mark Tygert
+ A high-order accurate discretization scheme for variable coefficient elliptic PDEs in the plane with smooth solutions 2011 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ High-order accurate Nystrom discretization of integral equations with weakly singular kernels on smooth curves in the plane 2011 Shifeng Hao
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Porter Young
+ A fast solver for Poisson problems on infinite regular lattices 2011 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A direct solver with O(N) complexity for integral equations on one-dimensional domains 2011 Adrianna Gillman
Patrick Young
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ An algorithm for the principal component analysis of large data sets 2010 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Yoel Shkolnisky
Mark Tygert
+ A randomized algorithm for the decomposition of matrices 2010 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ A Direct Solver for the Rapid Solution of Boundary Integral Equations on Axisymmetric Surfaces in Three Dimensions 2010 Patrick Young
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ A Direct Solver for the Rapid Solution of Boundary Integral Equations on Axisymmetric Surfaces in Three Dimensions 2010 Patrick Young
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ An algorithm for the principal component analysis of large data sets 2010 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Yoel Shkolnisky
Mark Tygert
+ Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions 2009 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions 2009 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Rapid factorization of structured matrices via randomized sampling 2008 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Randomized algorithms for the low-rank approximation of matrices 2007 Edo Liberty
Franco Woolfe
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ A fast direct solver for network matrices 2007 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat On interpolation and integration in finite-dimensional spaces of bounded functions 2006 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ A Randomized Algorithm for the Approximation of Matrices 2006 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rockhlin
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat Boundary Algebraic Equations for Lattice Problems 2006 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregory J. Rodin
+ A fast algorithm for the inversion of general Toeplitz matrices 2005 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ Communication modes for information content analysis 2005 Anna Burvall
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Ari T. Friberg
+ PDF Chat On Interpolation and Integration in Finite-Dimensional Spaces of Bounded Functions 2005 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ Asymptotic expansions of lattice Green's functions 2002 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Gregory J. Rodin
+ PDF Chat Solutions near singular points to the eikonal and related first-order nonlinear partial differential equations in two independent variables 2001 Emil Cornea
Ralph Howard
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Solutions Near Singular Points to the Eikonal and Related First Order Non-linear Partial Differential Equations in Two Independent Variables 2000 Emil Cornea
Ralph Howard
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Solutions Near Singular Points to the Eikonal and Related First Order Non-linear Partial Differential Equations in Two Independent Variables 2000 Emil Cornea
Ralph Howard
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ PDF Chat Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Strong Rank-Revealing QR Factorization 1996 Ming Gu
Stanley C. Eisenstat
+ A Randomized Algorithm for the Approximation of Matrices 2006 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rockhlin
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat A direct solver with O(N) complexity for integral equations on one-dimensional domains 2012 Adrianna Gillman
Patrick Young
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ High-Order Corrected Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules for Singular Functions 1997 Sharad Kapur
Vladimir Rokhlin
+ PDF Chat A Fast Direct Solver for Structured Linear Systems by Recursive Skeletonization 2012 Kenneth L. Ho
Leslie Greengard
+ PDF Chat Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs 2019 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules 1999 Bradley K. Alpert
+ A randomized algorithm for the decomposition of matrices 2010 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat A Randomized Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis 2009 Vladimir Rokhlin
Arthur Szlam
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat A spectrally accurate direct solution technique for frequency-domain scattering problems with variable media 2014 Adrianna Gillman
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Randomized algorithms for the low-rank approximation of matrices 2007 Edo Liberty
Franco Woolfe
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices 2017 Iain Duff
A. M. Erisman
J. K. Reid
+ Efficient Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators 2010 Steffen Börm
+ PDF Chat A Direct Solver with $O(N)$ Complexity for Variable Coefficient Elliptic PDEs Discretized via a High-Order Composite Spectral Collocation Method 2014 Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory 2012 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ PDF Chat Fast construction of hierarchical matrix representation from matrix–vector multiplication 2011 Lin Lin
Jianfeng Lu
Lexing Ying
+ PDF Chat CUR matrix decompositions for improved data analysis 2009 Michael W. Mahoney
Petros Drineas
+ PDF Chat A high-order accurate accelerated direct solver for acoustic scattering from surfaces 2014 James Bremer
Adrianna Gillman
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ PDF Chat Numerical Linear Algebra 1966 W. Kahan
+ PDF Chat Relative-Error $CUR$ Matrix Decompositions 2008 Petros Drineas
Michael W. Mahoney
S. Muthukrishnan
+ PDF Chat Compressing Rank-Structured Matrices via Randomized Sampling 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
+ Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems 2006 Timothy A. Davis
+ PDF Chat A multidomain spectral method for solving elliptic equations 2003 Harald Pfeiffer
Larry Kidder
Mark Scheel
Saul A. Teukolsky
+ Estimating Extremal Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Matrices 1983 John D. Dixon
+ A theory of pseudoskeleton approximations 1997 S. A. Goreinov
Е. Е. Тыртышников
Н. Л. Замарашкин
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Largest Eigenvalue by the Power and Lanczos Algorithms with a Random Start 1992 J. Kuczyński
H. Woźniakowski
+ PDF Chat On Interpolation and Integration in Finite-Dimensional Spaces of Bounded Functions 2005 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat A Recursive Skeletonization Factorization Based on Strong Admissibility 2017 Victor Minden
Kenneth L. Ho
Anil Damle
Lexing Ying
+ PDF Chat High-order accurate methods for Nyström discretization of integral equations on smooth curves in the plane 2013 Shifeng Hao
Alex H. Barnett
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Porter Young
+ A fast randomized algorithm for the approximation of matrices 2007 Franco Woolfe
Edo Liberty
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
+ PDF Chat Condition Numbers of Gaussian Random Matrices 2005 Zizhong Chen
Jack Dongarra
+ Lattice Sums Then and Now 2013 Jonathan M. Borwein
M. L. Glasser
R. C. McPhedran
J. G. Wan
I. J. Zucker
+ PDF Chat Zur Theorie allgemeiner Zetafunctionen 1903 Paul S. Epstein
+ Fast Monte Carlo Algorithms for Matrices II: Computing a Low-Rank Approximation to a Matrix 2006 Petros Drineas
Ravi Kannan
Michael W. Mahoney
+ Sketching as a Tool for Numerical Linear Algebra 2014 David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat A Randomized Blocked Algorithm for Efficiently Computing Rank-revealing Factorizations of Matrices 2016 Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Sergey Voronin
+ Fast monte-carlo algorithms for finding low-rank approximations 2004 Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
Santosh Vempala
+ Corrected trapezoidal rules for a class of singular functions 2013 Oana Marin
Olof Runborg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat An Algorithm for the Principal Component Analysis of Large Data Sets 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Yoel Shkolnisky
Mark Tygert
+ A survey of direct methods for sparse linear systems 2016 Timothy A. Davis
Sivasankaran Rajamanickam
Wissam M. Sid-Lakhdar
+ High-order corrected trapezoidal quadrature rules for functions with a logarithmic singularity in 2-D 2002 Juan Carlos Zavaleta Aguilar
Y Chen
+ PDF Chat The Exponentially Convergent Trapezoidal Rule 2014 Lloyd N. Trefethen
J. A. C. Weideman
+ Numerics of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 1994 Åke Björck
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Multicore Implementation of a Novel HSS-Structured Multifrontal Solver Using Randomized Sampling 2016 Pieter Ghysels
Xiaoye Sherry Li
François-Henry Rouet
Samuel Williams
Artem Napov
+ High-order quadratures for integral operators with singular kernels 1995 Bradley K. Alpert
+ Improving CUR Matrix Decomposition and the Nyström Approximation via Adaptive Sampling 2013 Shusen Wang
Zhihua Zhang
+ A Further Extension of the Euler‐Maclaurin Summation Formula 1962 I. Navot
+ PDF Chat The Hat Matrix in Regression and ANOVA 1978 David C. Hoaglin
Roy E. Welsch
+ PDF Chat Subspace Iteration Randomization and Singular Value Problems 2015 Ming Gu