Joaquín Marro


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat EEGs Disclose Significant Brain Activity Correlated with Synaptic Fickleness 2021 Jorge Pretel
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ EEGs disclose significant brain activity correlated with synaptic fickleness 2021 Jorge Pretel
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ Emergence of Brain Rhythms: Model Interpretation of EEG Data 2019 Javier A. Galadí
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Concurrence of form and function in developing networks and its role in synaptic pruning 2018 Ana P. Millán
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
+ Growth strategy determines network performance 2018 Ana P. Millán
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
+ Theory for Inverse Stochastic Resonance in Nature 2018 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Muhammet Uzuntarla
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Efficient Transmission of Subthreshold Signals in Complex Networks of Spiking Neurons 2015 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Irene Elices
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Robust Short-Term Memory without Synaptic Learning 2013 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Can intrinsic noise induce various resonant peaks? 2011 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Jorge F. Mejías
+ PDF Chat Layering and wetting transitions for an interface model 2011 Salvador Miracle Solé
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics from dynamical non-equilibrium MD 2011 Sergio Orlandini
Simone Meloni
Giovanni Ciccotti
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ On the role of Galilean invariance in KPZ 2011 Horacio S. Wio
Jorge A. Revelli
Carlos Escudero
Roberto R. Deza
Marta Sanchez de La Lama
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Three lectures: NEMD, SPAM, and shockwaves 2011 Wm. G. Hoover
Carol G. Hoover
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Stochastic protein production and time-dependent current fluctuations 2011 Mieke Gorissen
Carlo Vanderzande
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Statics and dynamics of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a one-dimensional Ising system 2011 A. Prados
L. L. Bonilla
A. Carpio
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Griffiths phases in the contact process on complex networks 2011 Géza Ódor
Róbert Juhász
Claudio Castellano
Miguel A. Muñoz
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Statistical thermodynamics of a relativistic gas 2011 Afshin Montakhab
Malihe Ghodrat
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ A formula on the pressure for a set of generic points 2011 A. M. Meson
F. Vericat
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Violation of fluctuation-dissipation theorem in the off-equilibrium dynamics of a system with non additive interactions 2011 O. A. Pinto
F. Romá
A. J. Ramírez-Pastor
F. Nieto
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Cluster size distribution in Gaussian glasses 2011 S. V. Novikov
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Space-time phase transitions in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process 2011 M. Gorissen
C. Vanderzande
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ To model kinetic description 2011 V. V. Belyi
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Stationary points approach to thermodynamic phase transitions 2011 Michael Kästner
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Recent progress in fluctuation theorems and free energy recovery 2011 A. Alemany
M. Ribezzi
F. Ritort
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Fourier law, phase transitions, and the Stefan problem 2011 Errico Presutti
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ Quasistatic heat processes in mesoscopic non-equilibrium systems 2011 J. Pešek
K. Netočný
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ The Liouville equation and BBGKY hierarchy for a stochastic particle system 2011 M. Baryło
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
F. de los Santos
+ PDF Chat Unstable dynamics, nonequilibrium phases, and criticality in networked excitable media 2010 Sebastiano de Franciscis
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium Phases, Roaming and Criticality in Networks of Excitable Elements 2010 Sebastiano de Franciscis
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ Cluster Reverberation: a mechanism for robust short-term memory without synaptic learning 2010 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Entropic Origin of Disassortativity in Complex Networks 2010 Samuel Johnson
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ PDF Chat Evolving networks and the development of neural systems 2010 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ Evolving networks and their application to synaptic pruning 2009 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process 2009 Samuel Johnson
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Exact computation of current cumulants in small Markovian systems 2009 Marco Baiesi
Christian Maes
Karel Netočný
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Static and dynamic properties of a reversible gel 2009 Pablo I. Hurtado
Pinaki Chaudhuri
Ludovic Berthier
Walter Kob
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Pattern formation in systems with competing interactions 2009 Alessandro Giuliani
Joel L. Lebowitz
Élliott H. Lieb
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic description for ballistic annihilation systems 2009 M. I. García de Soria
P. Maynar
Grégory Schehr
Alain Barrat
Emmanuel Trizac
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Boundary-induced heterogeneous absorbing states 2009 Juan A. Bonachela
Miguel A. Muñoz
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Global fluctuations in dissipative systems 2009 P. Maynar
M. I. García de Soria
Grégory Schehr
Alain Barrat
Emmanuel Trizac
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ Nonequilibrium Monte Carlo estimation of interfacial tension in the 2D Ising model 2009 Humberto Híjar
Godehard Sutmann
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Simulation of large deviation functions using population dynamics 2009 Julien Tailleur
Vivien Lecomte
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ Eigen-closure and existence of hydrodynamic manifolds 2009 I. V. Karlin
M. Colangeli
M. Kröger
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat On the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming systems: Insights from computer simulations 2009 Pinaki Chaudhuri
Ludovic Berthier
Srikanth Sastry
Walter Kob
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Demagnetization via Nucleation of the Nonequilibrium Metastable Phase in a Model of Disorder 2008 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Functional optimization in complex excitable networks 2008 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Instabilities in attractor networks with fast synaptic fluctuations and partial updating of the neurons activity 2008 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Jesús M. Cortés
B Wemmenhove
+ Complex behavior in a network with time-dependent connections and silent nodes 2008 Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
+ Instabilities in Attractor Networks with Fast Synaptic Fluctuations and Partial Updating of the Neurons Activity 2008 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Jesús M. Cortés
B Wemmenhove
+ PDF Chat Competition Between Synaptic Depression and Facilitation in Attractor Neural Networks 2007 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Lattice Versus Lennard-Jones Models with a Net Particle Flow 2007 Manuel Díez‐Minguito
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ On the similarities and differences between lattice and off–lattice models of driven fluids 2007 Manuel Díez‐Minguito
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Chaotic hopping between attractors in neural networks 2006 Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
+ PDF Chat Metastability, nucleation, and noise-enhanced stabilization out of equilibrium 2006 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Control of neural chaos by synaptic noise 2006 Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium anisotropic phases, nucleation, and critical behavior in a driven Lennard-Jones fluid 2006 Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Manuel Díez‐Minguito
+ Nonequilibrium Metastability and Noise-Enhanced Stabilization 2006 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Understanding scale invariance in a minimal model of complex relaxation phenomena 2006 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Effects of Fast Presynaptic Noise in Attractor Neural Networks 2006 Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Instability of attractors in autoassociative networks with bioinspired fast synaptic noise 2006 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
+ Sensitivity, Itinerancy and Chaos in Partly-Synchronized Weighted Networks 2006 Joaquín Marro
B Wemmenhove
+ Chaotic hopping between attractors in neural networks 2006 Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
+ Competition between synaptic depression and facilitation in attractor neural networks 2006 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Boltzmann behaviour of a spatially inhomogeneous gas 2005 J. Biel
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Lennard-Jones and lattice models of driven fluids 2005 Manuel Díez‐Minguito
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Instability of Attractors in Auto-associative Networks with Bio-inspired Fast Synaptic Noise 2005 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
+ Control of neural chaos by synaptic noise 2005 Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ Effects of fast presynaptic noise in attractor neural networks 2005 Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ PDF Chat Effects of static and dynamic disorder on the performance of neural automata 2004 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Jesús M. Cortés
F. Ramos
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the interface in a nonequilibrium two-temperature Ising model 2004 Pablo I. Hurtado
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Reentrant behavior of the spinodal curve in a nonequilibrium ferromagnet 2004 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ Origin of avalanches with many scales in a model of disorder 2004 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
P. L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Influence of topology on the performance of a neural network 2004 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Miguel A. Muñoz
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Switching between memories in neural automata with synaptic noise 2004 Jesús M. Cortés
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ Understanding Scale Invariance in a Minimal Model of Complex Relaxation Phenomena 2004 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
P. L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Kinetics of phase separation in the driven lattice gas: Self-similar pattern growth under anisotropic nonequilibrium conditions 2003 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Ezequiel V. Albano
+ Effects of Static and Dynamic Disorder on the Performance of Neural Automata 2003 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Jesús M. Cortés
F. Ramos
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ PDF Chat Modeling nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical behavior in complex systems 2002 Joaquín Marro
Jesús M. Cortés
Pablo I. Hurtado
+ PDF Chat Growth and scaling in anisotropic spinodal decomposition 2002 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Ezequiel V. Albano
+ PDF Chat Is the Particle Current a Relevant Feature in Driven Lattice Gases? 2001 A. Achahbar
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ Critical properties of nonequilibrium anisotropic lattice gases 2000 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models 1999 Joaquín Marro
Ronald Dickman
+ Driven lattice gases: theory 1999 Joaquín Marro
Ronald Dickman
+ Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models 1999 Joaquín Marro
Ronald Dickman
+ Anisotropic Lattice Gases 1998 Joaquín Marro
A. Achahbar
+ Critical and scaling properties of cluster distributions in nonequilibrium Ising-like systems 1995 Juan J. Alonso
A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ Non-equilibrium layered lattice gases 1995 Juan J. Alonso
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
A. Achahbar
+ Phase transitions in a driven lattice gas in two planes 1995 A. Achahbar
Joaquín Marro
+ Interacting particle lattice systems: Some recent results on nonequilibrium steady states and phase transitions 1995 Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Ising critical behavior of a non-Hamiltonian lattice system 1994 Joaquín Marro
Julio F. Fernández
J. M. González-Miranda
M. Puma
+ A kinetic ANNNI model 1994 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ Kinetic lattice models of disorder 1994 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Ising Systems with Conflicting Dynamics: Exact Results for Random Interactions and Fields 1994 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ Diffusion in a one-dimensional gas of hard point particles 1993 Julio F. Fern�ndez
Joaquín Marro
+ Magnetic system under a fluctuating field 1993 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Reaction-diffusion lattice gas: Theory and computer results 1993 Juan J. Alonso
Joaquín Marro
J. M. González-Miranda
+ II Granada lectures in computational physics, Almuñécar (Granada), Spain, 7-12 September 1992 1993 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Lattice gas near two dimensions 1992 A. Achahbar
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Non-equilibrium phase transitions in lattice systems with random-field competing kinetics: mean-field theory 1992 Juan J. Alonso
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium phase transitions in lattice systems with random-field competing kinetics 1992 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ Mean-field solution of a nonequilibrium random-exchange Ising-model system 1992 Juan J. Alonso
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium impure lattice systems 1992 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ A Nonequilibrium Version of the Spin-Glass Problem 1991 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Monte Carlo study of the generalized reaction-diffusion lattice-gas model system 1990 J. M. Gonz�lez-Miranda
Joaquín Marro
+ Stationary distributions for systems with competing creation-annihilation dynamics 1990 A. I. López-Lacomba
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Ising models with competing, reaction-diffusion dynamics 1989 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
J. M. González-Miranda
+ PDF Chat Phase transition in the Ising ferromagnetic model with fixed spins 1988 A. Labarta
Joaquín Marro
B. Martı́nez
J. Tejada
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium second-order phase transitions in stochastic lattice systems: A finite-size scaling analysis in two dimensions 1988 J. L. Vall�s
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium second-order phase transitions in stochastic lattice systems: A finite-size scaling analysis in two dimensions 1987 J. L. Vall�s
Joaquín Marro
+ Ising models with anisotropic interactions: Stationary nonequilibrium states with a nonuniform temperature profile 1987 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior in nonequilibrium phase transitions 1987 Joaquín Marro
J. L. Vallés
J. M. González-Miranda
+ Three-dimensional ferromagnetic ising models with quenched, random non-magnetic impurities 1986 A. Labarta
Joaquín Marro
J. Tejada
+ PDF Chat On exact bounds for the cluster free energy in the three-dimensional lattice-gas model 1986 Raúl Toral
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium phase transition in stochastic lattice gases: Simulation of a three-dimensional system 1985 Joaquín Marro
Joel L. Lebowitz
Herbert Spohn
M. H. Kalos
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium cluster distributions of the three-dimensional Ising model in the one phase region 1983 Joaquín Marro
Raúl Toral
+ Modified Fisher Droplet Model 1982 Joaquín Marro
Raúl Toral
+ Statistical approach to the kinetics of nonuniform fluids 1978 J. Biel
Joaquín Marro
+ Monte Carlo studies of percolation phenomena for a simple cubic lattice 1976 Amit Sur
Joel L. Lebowitz
Joaquín Marro
M. H. Kalos
Scott Kirkpatrick
+ Universality test for critical amplitudes in two dimensional percolation 1976 Joaquín Marro
+ On the existence of kinetic equations 1974 J. Biel
Joaquín Marro
Leandro Navarro
+ On the generalization of the Boltzmann equation 1974 J. Biel
Joaquín Marro
+ A kinetic equation for dense gases 1973 J. Biel
Joaquín Marro
Leandro Navarro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models 1999 Joaquín Marro
Ronald Dickman
+ PDF Chat Influence of topology on the performance of a neural network 2004 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Miguel A. Muñoz
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Phase Transitions in Lattice-Gas Models Far from Equilibrium 1984 Henk van Beijeren
L. S. Schulman
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ A Nonequilibrium Version of the Spin-Glass Problem 1991 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Stationary distributions for systems with competing creation-annihilation dynamics 1990 A. I. López-Lacomba
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ Statistical Mechanics of Probabilistic Cellular Automata 1985 G. Grinstein
C. Jayaprakash
Yu He
+ PDF Chat Switching between memories in neural automata with synaptic noise 2004 Jesús M. Cortés
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Effects of Fast Presynaptic Noise in Attractor Neural Networks 2006 Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Reaction-diffusion equations for interacting particle systems 1986 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Rigorous Derivation of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Fluctuations 1985 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Kinetic phase transitions and tricritical point in an Ising model with competing dynamics 1987 Ronald Dickman
+ PDF Chat Is the Particle Current a Relevant Feature in Driven Lattice Gases? 2001 A. Achahbar
Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ PDF Chat Evolving networks and the development of neural systems 2010 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Scale-Free Brain Functional Networks 2005 Vı́ctor M. Eguı́luz
Dante R. Chialvo
Guillermo Cecchi
Marwan N. Baliki
A. Vania Apkarian
+ Nonequilibrium phase transitions in lattice systems with random-field competing kinetics 1992 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
+ PDF Chat Competition Between Synaptic Depression and Facilitation in Attractor Neural Networks 2007 Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
Joaquín Marro
Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Nonequilibrium phase transition in stochastic lattice gases: Simulation of a three-dimensional system 1985 Joaquín Marro
Joel L. Lebowitz
Herbert Spohn
M. H. Kalos
+ PDF Chat Functional optimization in complex excitable networks 2008 Samuel Johnson
Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ Long-Range Correlations in Stationary Nonequilibrium Systems with Conservative Anisotropic Dynamics 1991 Z. Cheng
Pedro L. Garrido
J. L. Lebowitz
J. L. Vallés
+ Critical properties of a randomly driven diffusive system 1991 B. Schmittmann
Rukhsana Zia
+ Complex behavior in a network with time-dependent connections and silent nodes 2008 Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
+ Phase transitions in a driven lattice gas in two planes 1995 A. Achahbar
Joaquín Marro
+ Field theory of critical behaviour in driven diffusive systems 1986 Holger Janßen
B. Schmittmann
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 Réka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ Mean-field solution of a nonequilibrium random-exchange Ising-model system 1992 Juan J. Alonso
Joaquín Marro
+ Nonequilibrium impure lattice systems 1992 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Triangular anisotropies in driven diffusive systems: Reconciliation of up and down 1999 Andrew D. Rutenberg
Chuck Yeung
+ PDF Chat Universality classes in nonequilibrium lattice systems 2004 Géza Ódor
+ Random-Field Instability of the Ordered State of Continuous Symmetry 1975 Y. Imry
Shang-keng Ma
+ PDF Chat Chaotic hopping between attractors in neural networks 2006 Joaquín Marro
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Jesús M. Cortés
+ Microscopic models of hydrodynamic behavior 1988 Joel L. Lebowitz
Errico Presutti
Herbert Spohn
+ Ising Systems with Conflicting Dynamics: Exact Results for Random Interactions and Fields 1994 A. I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Reentrant behavior of the spinodal curve in a nonequilibrium ferromagnet 2004 Pablo I. Hurtado
Joaquín Marro
Pedro L. Garrido
+ PDF Chat Chaos in neural networks with a nonmonotonic transfer function 1999 D. Caroppo
Massimo Mannarelli
G. Nardulli
Sebastiano Stramaglia
+ PDF Chat Entropic Origin of Disassortativity in Complex Networks 2010 Samuel Johnson
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ Large Scale Dynamics of Interacting Particles 1991 Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Ordering dynamics of the driven lattice-gas model 2001 E. Levine
Yariv Kafri
David Mukamel
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process 2009 Samuel Johnson
Joaquı́n J. Torres
Joaquín Marro
+ Essential singularity in percolation problems and asymptotic behavior of cluster size distribution 1978 H. Russell Kunz
Bernard Souillard
+ PDF Chat Enhancing neural-network performance via assortativity 2011 Sebastiano de Franciscis
Samuel Johnson
Joaquı́n J. Torres
+ Kinetic lattice models of disorder 1994 Pedro L. Garrido
Joaquín Marro
+ PDF Chat Lee-Yang Zeros and Phase Transitions in Nonequilibrium Steady States 2002 Richard A. Blythe
M. R. Evans
+ Finite-Size Scaling in a Two-Temperature Lattice Gas: A Monte Carlo Study of Critical Properties 1994 Eigil Præstgaard
Henrik Legind Larsen
R. K. P. Zia
+ Essential Singularity in the Percolation Model 1978 H. Russell Kunz
Bernard Souillard
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic finite-size scaling analysis of a two-dimensional driven diffusive system 1996 Jian‐Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Generic Absorbing Transition in Coevolution Dynamics 2008 Federico Vázquez
Vı́ctor M. Eguı́luz
M. San Miguel
+ Statistical Mechanics of Periodic Frustrated Ising Systems 1986 R. Liebmann