Craig Williams


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Prevention and Control of Zika as a Mosquito-Borne and Sexually Transmitted Disease: A Mathematical Modeling Analysis 2016 Daozhou Gao
Yijun Lou
Daihai He
Travis C. Porco
Yang Kuang
Gerardo Chowell
Shigui Ruan
+ PDF Chat Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus in Island Populations: A Modelling Analysis of the 2013–14 French Polynesia Outbreak 2016 Adam J. Kucharski
Sebastian Funk
Rosalind M. Eggo
Henri‐Pierre Mallet
W. John Edmunds
Eric J. Nilles
+ PDF Chat Zika Virus Outbreak on Yap Island, Federated States of Micronesia 2009 Mark R. Duffy
Tai-Ho Chen
W. Thane Hancock
Ann M. Powers
Jacob L. Kool
Robert S. Lanciotti
Moses Pretrick
Maria Marfel
Stacey Holzbauer
Christine Dubray
+ PDF Chat Modelling the dynamics of dengue real epidemics 2010 Suani T. R. Pinho
ClĂĄudia Pio Ferreira
L. Esteva
Florisneide Rodrigues Barreto
V. C. Morato e Silva
Maria Gloria Lima Cruz Teixeira
+ Assessing potential airlines and the risk of Ebolavirus importation from west African countries into China 2014 George F. Gao
Jennifer Miniota
Kamran Khan
Xiang Ren
Zhongjie Li
Hongjie Yu
Liping Wang
Honglong Zhang
Shengjie Lai
+ Risk of imported Ebola virus disease in China 2014 Tianmu Chen
Ross Ka-Kit Leung
Ruchun Liu
Fa‐Ming Chen
Xixing Zhang
Jin Zhao
Shuilian Chen
+ PDF Chat Quantifying the Spatial Dimension of Dengue Virus Epidemic Spread within a Tropical Urban Environment 2010 Gonzalo M. VĂĄzquez-Prokopec
Uriel Kitron
Brian L. Montgomery
Peter Horne
Scott A. Ritchie
+ Emergence and control of infectious diseases in China 2008 Longde Wang
Yu Wang
Shuigao Jin
Zunyou Wu
Daniel P. Chin
Jeffrey P. Koplan
Mary Wilson
+ Impact of daily temperature fluctuations on dengue virus transmission by <i>Aedes aegypti</i> 2011 Louis Lambrechts
Krijn P. Paaijmans
Thanyalak Fansiri
Lauren B. Carrington
Laura D. Kramer
Matthew B. Thomas
Thomas W. Scott
+ A Simulation Model of the Epidemiology of Urban Dengue Fever: Literature Analysis, Model Development, Preliminary Validation, and Samples of Simulation Results 1995 Dana A. Focks
E. Daniels
D. G. Haile
James Keesling
+ Transmission potential of Zika virus infection in the South Pacific 2016 Hiroshi Nishiura
Ryo Kinoshita
Kenji Mizumoto
Yohei Yasuda
Kyeongah Nah
+ PDF Chat Potential for Zika virus transmission through blood transfusion demonstrated during an outbreak in French Polynesia, November 2013 to February 2014 2014 Didier Musso
Tu‐Xuan Nhan
Emilie Robin
Cicely Roche
D. Bierlaire
Karen Zisou
Aurore Shan Yan
Van‐Mai Cao‐Lormeau
Julien Broult
+ Assessing Seasonal Risks for the Introduction and Mosquito-borne Spread of Zika Virus in Europe 2016 Joacim Rocklöv
Mikkel B. Quam
Bertrand SĂșdre
Matthew German
Moritz U. G. Kraemer
Oliver J. Brady
Isaac I. Bogoch
Jing Liu-Helmersson
Annelies Wilder‐Smith
Jan C. Semenza
+ PDF Chat The epidemiology and transmissibility of Zika virus in Girardot and San Andres island, Colombia, September 2015 to January 2016 2016 Diana P. Rojas
Natalie E. Dean
Yang Yang
Eben Kenah
Juliana Quintero
SimĂłn Tomasi
Erika Ramı́rez
Yendi Kelly
Carolina Bruna Castro
Gabriel Carrasquilla
+ Epidemic Potential for Local Transmission of Zika Virus in 2015 and 2016 in Queensland, Australia 2016 Elvina Viennet
Gina Mincham
Francesca D. Frentiu
Cassie C. Jansen
Brian L. Montgomery
David Harley
Robert L. Flower
Craig Williams
Helen M. Faddy
+ PDF Chat Combining contact tracing with targeted indoor residual spraying significantly reduces dengue transmission 2017 Gonzalo M. VĂĄzquez-Prokopec
Brian L. Montgomery
Peter Horne
Julie A. Clennon
Scott A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Persistence of Zika Virus in Body Fluids — Final Report 2017 Gabriela Paz–Bailey
Eli S. Rosenberg
Kate Doyle
Jorge L. Muñoz‐JordĂĄn
Gilberto A. Santiago
Liore Klein
Janice PĂ©rez‐Padilla
Freddy A. Medina
Stephen H. Waterman
Laura E. Adams
+ Is Zika virus a potential threat to the Australian Blood Supply? 2017 Peter Watson‐Brown
Elvina Viennet
Veronica C. Hoad
Robert L. Flower
Helen M. Faddy
+ PDF Chat First outbreak of Zika virus in the continental United States: a modelling analysis 2017 Giovanni Marini
Giorgio Guzzetta
Roberto RosĂ 
Stefano Merler
+ PDF Chat Investigational Testing for Zika Virus among U.S. Blood Donors 2018 Paula SaĂĄ
Melanie C. Proctor
Gregory A. Foster
David E. Krysztof
Colleen Winton
Jeffrey M. Linnen
Kui Gao
Jaye P. Brodsky
Ronald J. Limberger
Roger Y. Dodd
+ Estimate of the reproduction number of the 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Barranquilla, Colombia, and estimation of the relative role of sexual transmission 2016 Sherry Towers
Fred Brauer
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
Andrew K. Falconar
Anuj Mubayi
Claudia M. Romero-Vivas
+ PDF Chat Unforeseen Costs of Cutting Mosquito Surveillance Budgets 2010 Gonzalo M. VĂĄzquez-Prokopec
Luis Fernando Chaves
Scott A. Ritchie
Joe Davis
Uriel Kitron
+ PDF Chat Is China prepared for microbial threats? 2005 David D. Ho