Juvênia Bezerra Fontenele


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Francisco H C Felix 3
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The concept of<i>R<sub>o</sub></i>in epidemic theory 1996 Hans Heesterbeek
Klaus Dietz
+ PDF Chat A New Framework and Software to Estimate Time-Varying Reproduction Numbers During Epidemics 2013 Anne Cori
Neil M. Ferguson
Christophe Fraser
Simon Cauchemez
+ PDF Chat Different Epidemic Curves for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Reveal Similar Impacts of Control Measures 2004 Jacco Wallinga
+ PDF Chat Complexity of the Basic Reproduction Number (R<sub>0</sub>) 2018 Paul L. Delamater
Erica J. Street
Timothy F. Leslie
Y. Tony Yang
Kathryn H. Jacobsen
+ Improved inference of time-varying reproduction numbers during infectious disease outbreaks 2019 Robin N. Thompson
J.E. Stockwin
Rolina D. van Gaalen
Jonathan A. Polonsky
Zhian N. Kamvar
P.A. Demarsh
Elisabeth Dahlqwist
S. Li
Eve Miguel
Thibaut Jombart
+ Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia 2020 Qun Li
Xuhua Guan
Peng Wu
Xiaoye Wang
Lei Zhou
Yeqing Tong
Ruiqi Ren
Kathy Leung
Eric H. Y. Lau
Jessica Y. Wong
+ PDF Chat Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts 2020 Joel Hellewell
Sam Abbott
Amy Gimma
Nikos I Bosse
Christopher I Jarvis
Timothy Russell
James D. Munday
Adam J. Kucharski
W. John Edmunds
Sebastian Funk
+ PDF Chat COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic 2020 Juliet Bedford
Delia Enría
Johan Giesecke
Dominique Heymann
Chikwe Ihekweazu
Gary Kobinger
H. Clifford Lane
Ziad A. Memish
Myoung‐don Oh
Amadou Alpha Sall
+ Pandemic dynamics of COVID-19 using epidemic stage, instantaneous reproductive number and pathogen genome identity (GENI) score: modeling molecular epidemiology 2020 DJ Darwin R. Bandoy
Bart C. Weimer
+ PDF Chat Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 transmission suggests epidemic control with digital contact tracing 2020 Luca Ferretti
Chris Wymant
Michelle Kendall
Lele Zhao
Anel Nurtay
Lucie Abeler‐Dörner
Michael Parker
David Bonsall
Christophe Fraser
+ PDF Chat Data-based analysis, modelling and forecasting of the COVID-19 outbreak 2020 Cleo Anastassopoulou
Lucía Russo
Athanassios Tsakris
Constantinos Siettos
+ The effectiveness of quarantine of Wuhan city against the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19): A well‐mixed SEIR model analysis 2020 Can Hou
Jiaxin Chen
Yaqing Zhou
Lei Hua
Jinxia Yuan
Shu He
Yi Guo
Sheng Zhang
Qiaowei Jia
Chenhui Zhao