Lennart Carleson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Reflections on My Life as a Mathematician 2009 Lennart Carleson
+ Laplacian path models 2002 Lennart Carleson
Nikolai Makarov
+ Aggregation in the Plane and Loewner's Equation 2001 Lennart Carleson
Nikolai Makarov
+ PDF Chat Some results connected with Brennan's conjecture 1994 Lennart Carleson
Nikolai Makarov
+ Julia and John 1994 Lennart Carleson
Peter W. Jones
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ Applications of Quasiconformal Mappings 1993 Lennart Carleson
T. W. Gamelin
+ Conformal and Quasiconformal Mappings 1993 Lennart Carleson
T. W. Gamelin
+ Local Geometry of the Fatou Set 1993 Lennart Carleson
T. W. Gamelin
+ Quadratic Polynomials 1993 Lennart Carleson
T. W. Gamelin
+ Fixed Points and Conjugations 1993 Lennart Carleson
T. W. Gamelin
+ On coefficient problems for univalent functions and conformal dimension 1992 Lennart Carleson
Peter W. Jones
+ Problems in holomorphic dynamics 1992 Ben Bielefeld
Mikhail Lyubich
Lennart Carleson
Robert L. Devaney
Alexandre Erëmenko
Curt McMullen
John Milnor
Feliks Przytycki
Mary Rees
Scott Sutherland
+ Stochastic behavior of deterministic systems 1991 Lennart Carleson
+ The Dynamics of the Henon Map 1991 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ The Dynamics of Non-uniformly Hyperbolic Systems in Two Variables 1990 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Harmonic measures supported on curves 1989 Christopher J. Bishop
Lennart Carleson
John B. Garnett
Peter W. Jones
+ PDF Chat Arne Beurling in memoriam 1988 Lars V. Ahlfors
Lennart Carleson
+ On Iterations of 1 - ax 2 on (- 1,1) 1985 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ Interpolation with multiplicities 1985 Lennart Carleson
+ Appendix to the Paper of J.-P. Kahane and Y. Katznelson 1983 Lennart Carleson
+ Algebraic numbers and Fourier analysis . Selected problems on exceptional sets 1983 Raphaël Salem
Lennart Carleson
+ Estimates of harmonic measures 1982 Lennart Carleson
+ Some analytic problems related to statistical mechanics 1980 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat A remark on Denjoy’s inequality and Herman’s theorem 1979 Lennart Carleson
+ Sur la conjugaison différentiable des difféomorphismes du cercle a des rotations (p. 5 à 234) . A remark on Denjoy's inequality and Herman's theorem (p. 235 à 242) 1979 Michael R. Herman
Lennart Carleson
+ Two remarks on H1 and BMO 1976 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic paths for subharmonic functions in R^n 1976 Lennart Carleson
+ Interpolating sequences and separation properties 1975 Lennart Carleson
John B. Garnett
+ The Extension Problem for Quasiconformal Mappings 1974 Lennart Carleson
+ On the distortion of sets on a Jordan curve under conformal mapping 1973 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Best uniform approximation by analytic functions 1972 Lennart Carleson
Sigvard Jacobs
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory integrals and multiplier problem for the disc 1972 Lennart Carleson
Per Sjölin
+ The corona theorem 1969 Lennart Carleson
+ On mappings, conformal at the boundary 1967 Lennart Carleson
+ Selected problems on exceptional sets 1967 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series 1966 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Maximal functions and capacities 1965 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Mergelyan's Theorem on Uniform Polynomial Approximation. 1964 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Removable Singularities of Continuous Harmonic Functions in Rm. 1963 Lennart Carleson
+ Interpolations by Bounded Analytic Functions and the Corona Problem 1962 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On the existence of boundary values for harmonic functions in several variables 1962 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat A remark on Picard’s theorem 1961 Lennart Carleson
+ A representation formula for the Dirichlet integral 1960 Lennart Carleson
+ The analytic continuation of interpolatory functions 1959 Edwin J. Akutowicz
Lennart Carleson
+ An Interpolation Problem for Bounded Analytic Functions 1958 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Randorn sequences and additive number theory 1956 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat A Proof of an Inequality of Carleman 1954 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat A proof of an inequality of Carleman 1954 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On infinite differential equations with constant coefficients. I 1953 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On bounded analytic functions and closure problems 1952 Lennart Carleson
+ On the zeros of functions with bounded Dirichlet integrals 1952 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Sets of uniqueness for functions regular in the unit circle 1952 Lennart Carleson
+ On Bernstein's Approximation Problem 1951 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On null-sets for continuous analytic functions 1951 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On Berstein’s approximation problem 1951 Lennart Carleson
+ On a class of meromorphic functions and its associated exceptional sets 1950 Lennart Carleson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The boundary correspondence under quasiconformal mappings 1956 Arne Beurling
Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat Absolutely continuous invariant measures for one-parameter families of one-dimensional maps 1981 Michael Jakobson
+ Interpolations by Bounded Analytic Functions and the Corona Problem 1962 Lennart Carleson
+ On the distortion of sets on a Jordan curve under conformal mapping 1973 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of polynomial-like mappings 1985 Adrien Douady
John H. Hubbard
+ On a class of meromorphic functions and its associated exceptional sets 1950 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms 1984 F. Ledrappier
Lai-Sang Young
+ PDF Chat On bounded analytic functions and closure problems 1952 Lennart Carleson
+ On coefficient problems for univalent functions and conformal dimension 1992 Lennart Carleson
Peter W. Jones
+ On the Distortion of Boundary Sets Under Conformal Mappings 1985 Nikolai Makarov
+ PDF Chat On two problems concerning linear transformations in hilbert space 1949 Arne Beurling
+ On Iterations of 1 - ax 2 on (- 1,1) 1985 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions. 1964 Garrett Johnson
Kenneth A. Hoffman
+ The Integrability of the Derivative in Conformal Mapping 1978 James E. Brennan
+ PDF Chat Values of Brownian intersection exponents, II: Plane exponents 2001 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ An Interpolation Problem for Bounded Analytic Functions 1958 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Some results connected with Brennan's conjecture 1994 Lennart Carleson
Nikolai Makarov
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariants and function-theoretic null-sets 1950 Lars V. Ahlfors
Arne Beurling
+ The Dynamics of the Henon Map 1991 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ Some theorems on boundedness of analytic functions 1949 Arne Beurling
+ PDF Chat Construction and analysis of some convolution algebras 1964 Arne Beurling
+ On a theorem of Fatou 1993 Ricardo Ma��
+ PDF Chat On the coefficients of univalent functions. 1967 J. Clunie
Ch. Pommerenke
+ Constructing continuous functions holomorphic off a curve 1989 Christopher J. Bishop
+ PDF Chat An extension of the Riemann mapping theorem 1953 Arne Beurling
+ Infinite hankel matrices and generalized carath�odory ? fejer and riesz problems 1968 V. M. Adamyan
Damir Z. Arov
M. Г. Крейн
+ PDF Chat On the boundary values of harmonic functions in R3 1964 Kjell‐Ove Widman
+ PDF Chat A critical topology in harmonic analysis on semigroups 1964 Arne Beurling
+ PDF Chat Generators for some rings of analytic functions 1967 Lars Hörmander
+ Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, a Kinetic Critical Phenomenon 1981 Thomas A. Witten
Leonard M. Sander
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension of quasi-circles 1979 Rufus Bowen
+ On the differentiability of functions 1989 Elias M. Stein
Antoni Zygmund
+ PDF Chat Solution of the problem of Plateau 1931 Jesse Douglas
+ PDF Chat On a differential equation arising in a Hele Shaw flow moving boundary problem 1984 Björn Gustafsson
+ On conformal mapping and linear measure 1993 Ch. Pommerenke
+ A counterexample concerning integrability of derivatives of conformal mappings 1989 Albert Baernstein
+ PDF Chat On fourier transforms of measures with compact support 1962 Arne Beurling
Paul Malliavin
+ Diffusion-limited aggregation without branching 1986 Giuseppe Rossi
+ PDF Chat Extreme points and extremum problems in<i>H</i><sub>1</sub> 1958 Karel DeLeeuw
Walter Rudin
+ Pointwise bounded approximation and Dirichlet algebras 1971 T. W. Gamelin
John B. Garnett
+ PDF Chat On the existence of a largest subharmonic minorant of a given function 1958 Yngve Domar
+ PDF Chat A proof of the Bieberbach conjecture 1985 Louis de Branges
+ An Introduction to Functional Analysis 2006 Angus E. Taylor
P. J. Davis
+ Aggregation in the Plane and Loewner's Equation 2001 Lennart Carleson
Nikolai Makarov
+ Laplacian Needle Growth 1993 Joachim Krug
Klaus Kassner
Paul Meakin
Fereydoon Family
+ Invariant measures exist under a summability condition for unimodal maps 1991 Tomasz Nowicki
Sebastian van Strien
+ PDF Chat <i>An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems</i> 1987 Robert L. Devaney
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
+ On the Integral Means of the Derivative of a Univalent Function 1985 Ch. Pommerenke
+ PDF Chat 12. On Removable Sets for Sobolev Spaces in the Plane 1995 Peter W. Jones