Yuxin Kang


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat RMT: R-matrix with time-dependence. Solving the semi-relativistic, time-dependent Schrödinger equation for general, multielectron atoms and molecules in intense, ultrashort, arbitrarily polarized laser pulses 2019 A. C. Brown
Gregory Armstrong
Jakub Benda
Daniel D. A. Clarke
Jack Wragg
Kathryn R. Hamilton
Zdeněk Mašín
Jimena D. Gorfinkiel
H. W. van der Hart
+ PDF Chat Modeling tomographic measurements of photoelectron vortices in counter-rotating circularly polarized laser pulses 2019 Gregory Armstrong
Daniel D. A. Clarke
Jakub Benda
Jack Wragg
A. C. Brown
H. W. van der Hart
+ PDF Chat Qprop with faster calculation of photoelectron spectra 2019 V. A. Tulsky
D. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Synthesis and characterization of attosecond light vortices in the extreme ultraviolet 2016 Romain Géneaux
A. Camper
T. Auguste
O. Gobert
Jérémie Caillat
Richard Taïeb
Thierry Ruchon
+ PDF Chat Rotating trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 2009 Alexander L. Fetter
+ PDF Chat High-order above-threshold ionization: The uniform approximation and the effect of the binding potential 2002 C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
Henning Schomerus
W. Becker
+ PDF Chat Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states 2017 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Igor Ivanov
Giulio Guzzinati
Laura Clark
Ruben Van Boxem
Armand Béché
Roeland Juchtmans
Miguel A. Alonso
P. Schattschneider
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic tunneling in circularly polarized laser fields. II. Derivation of formulas 2013 Ingo Barth
Olga Smirnova
+ PDF Chat Generation of electron vortex states in ionization by intense and short laser pulses 2018 F. Cajiao Vélez
K. Krajewska
J. Z. Kamiński
+ PDF Chat Symphony on strong field approximation 2019 Kasra Amini
Jens Biegert
Francesca Calegari
Alexis Chacón
M. F. Ciappina
Alexandre Dauphin
Dmitry K. Efimov
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
Krzysztof Giergiel
Piotr Gniewek
+ PDF Chat Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light 2019 Emilio Pisanty
Gerard J. Machado
Verónica Vicuña-Hernández
Antonio Picón
Alessio Celi
Juan P. Torres
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Photoelectron spectra with Qprop and t-SURFF 2016 V. Mosert
D. Bauer
+ PDF Chat It is all about phases: ultrafast holographic photoelectron imaging 2019 C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
Andrew S. Maxwell
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math> -matrix-with-time-dependence theory for ultrafast atomic processes in arbitrary light fields 2018 Daniel D. A. Clarke
Gregory Armstrong
A. C. Brown
H. W. van der Hart
+ Generation of extreme-ultraviolet beams with time-varying orbital angular momentum 2019 Laura Rego
Kevin M. Dorney
Nathan J. Brooks
Quynh L. Nguyen
Chen-Ting Liao
Julio San Román
David E. Couch
Allison Liu
Emilio Pisanty
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Dynamics of Electron Wave Packet States with Phase Vortices 2007 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Yu. P. Bliokh
Sergey Savel’ev
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Tunable orbital angular momentum in high-harmonic generation 2017 D. Gauthier
Primož Rebernik Ribič
Ganesh Adhikary
A. Camper
Céline Chappuis
Riccardo Cucini
Louis F. DiMauro
Guillaume Dovillaire
Fabio Frassetto
Romain Géneaux
+ PDF Chat Signatures of the orbital angular momentum of an infrared light beam in the two-photon transition matrix element: A step toward attosecond chronoscopy of photoionization 2020 Sucharita Giri
Misha Ivanov
Gopal Dixit
+ PDF Chat Atomic photoionization dynamics in ultrashort cycloidal laser fields 2020 T. Bayer
Ch. Philipp
K. Eickhoff
M. Wollenhaupt
+ Quantum spin operator of the photon 2020 Li‐Ping Yang
Farhad Khosravi
Zubin Jacob
+ Angle-Resolved Attosecond Streaking of Twisted Attosecond Pulses 2020 Irfana N. Ansari
Deependra Jadoun
Gopal Dixit
+ PDF Chat Fermionic Chern insulator from twisted light with linear polarization 2022 Utso Bhattacharya
Swati Chaudhary
Tobias Graß
Allan S. Johnson
Simon Wall
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Manipulating twisted electrons in strong-field ionization 2020 Andrew S. Maxwell
Gregory Armstrong
M. F. Ciappina
Emilio Pisanty
Yuxin Kang
A. C. Brown
Maciej Lewenstein
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
+ PDF Chat Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene 2019 James McIver
Benedikt Schulte
Falk-Ulrich Stein
T. Matsuyama
Gregor Jotzu
Guido Meier
A. Cavalleri
+ Ultrafast resolution of tunneling delay time 2014 Alexandra S. Landsman
M. Weger
J. Mäurer
Robert Boge
André Ludwig
Sebastian Heuser
Claudio Cirelli
L. Gallmann
U. Keller
+ PDF Chat Attoclock revisited on electron tunnelling time 2019 Cornelia Hofmann
Alexandra S. Landsman
U. Keller
+ PDF Chat High-order-harmonic generation from diatomic molecules in driving fields with nonvanishing ellipticity: A generalized interference condition 2013 T. Das
B. B. Augstein
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
+ PDF Chat Influence of the Coulomb potential on above-threshold ionization: A quantum-orbit analysis beyond the strong-field approximation 2015 XuanYang Lai
Charles Poli
Henning Schomerus
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
+ PDF Chat Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Vortices from High-Order Harmonic Generation 2013 Carlos Hernández-García
Antonio Picón
Julio San Román
Luis Plaja
+ PDF Chat Measuring the orbital angular momentum of electron beams 2014 Giulio Guzzinati
Laura Clark
Armand Béché
Johan Verbeeck
+ PDF Chat Detection of Vorticity in Bose-Einstein Condensed Gases by Matter-Wave Interference 1998 Eric L. Bolda
Dan F. Walls
+ PDF Chat Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases 1999 F. Dalfovo
S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Intracycle and intercycle interferences in above-threshold ionization: The time grating 2010 D. G. Arbó
Kenichi L. Ishikawa
K. Schiessl
Emil Persson
Joachim Burgdörfer
+ PDF Chat Optical generation of vortices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 1999 Ł. Dobrek
Mariusz Gajda
Maciej Lewenstein
K. Sengstock
G. Birkl
W. Ertmer
+ PDF Chat Interpreting attoclock measurements of tunnelling times 2015 Lisa Torlina
Felipe Morales
Jivesh Kaushal
И. А. Иванов
A. S. Kheifets
Alejandro Zielinski
Armin Scrinzi
H. G. Muller
Suren Sukiasyan
Misha Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Vortex Formation in a Stirred Bose-Einstein Condensate 2000 Kirk W. Madison
Frédéric Chevy
Wendel Wohlleben
Jean Dalibard
+ PDF Chat An invitation to quantum incompatibility 2016 Teiko Heinosaari
Takayuki Miyadera
Mário Ziman
+ PDF Chat Extracting an electron's angle of return from shifted interference patterns in macroscopic high-order-harmonic spectra of diatomic molecules 2015 T. Das
B. B. Augstein
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
L. E. Chipperfield
David J. Hoffmann
J. P. Marangos
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Orbital Angular Momentum of Electron Vortex Beams Using a Forked Grating 2013 Koh Saitoh
Yuya Hasegawa
Kazuma Hirakawa
Nobuo Tanaka
Masaya Uchida
+ PDF Chat Roadmap on structured light 2016 Halina Rubinsztein‐Dunlop
Andrew Forbes
Michael Berry
Mark R. Dennis
Davıd L. Andrews
Masud Mansuripur
Cornelia Denz
Christina Alpmann
Peter Banzer
Thomas Bauer
+ PDF Chat Coulomb-corrected quantum interference in above-threshold ionization: Working towards multitrajectory electron holography 2017 Andrew S. Maxwell
A. Al-Jawahiry
T. Das
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria
+ Tunneling Time in Ultrafast Science is Real and Probabilistic 2013 Alexandra S. Landsman
M. Weger
J. Mäurer
Robert Boge
André Ludwig
Sebastian Heuser
Claudio Cirelli
L. Gallmann
U. Keller
+ PDF Chat Conservation of Torus-knot Angular Momentum in High-order Harmonic Generation 2019 Emilio Pisanty
Laura Rego
Julio San Román
Antonio Picón
Kevin M. Dorney
Henry C. Kapteyn
Margaret M. Murnane
Luis Plaja
Maciej Lewenstein
Carlos Hernández-García
+ PDF Chat Attosecond angular streaking and tunnelling time in atomic hydrogen 2019 U. Satya Sainadh
Han Xu
Xiaoshan Wang
A. Atia-Tul-Noor
William Wallace
Nicolas Douguet
Alexander W. Bray
И. А. Иванов
Klaus Bartschat
A. S. Kheifets
+ PDF Chat High-order harmonic generation with twisted electrons 2019 Sebastian Gemsheim
Jan M. Rost