Ezzat S. Noussair


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Multiscale-bump standing waves with a critical frequency for nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2008 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ Multi-bump standing waves with a critical frequency for nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2004 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the scalar curvature equation $-\Delta u = (1+\varepsilon K)u ^{(N+2)/(N-2)}$ in ${\mathbb R}^{N}$ 2002 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat On a semilinear Robin problem involving critical Sobolev exponent 2001 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ Symmetric solutions for a Neumann problem involving critical exponent 2001 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat Existence and nonexistence of interior-peaked solution for a nonlinear Neumann problem 2001 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ The scalar curvature equation on 2001 Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat The effect of geometry of the domain boundary in an elliptic Neumann problem 2001 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ PDF Chat On the number of nodal solutions in singular perturbation problems 2001 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Multi-peak Solutions for a Singularly Perturbed Semilinear Elliptic Problem 2000 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On Positive Multipeak Solutions of a Nonlinear Elliptic Problem 2000 Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ Existance of symmetric multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic problems 2000 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Solutions with multiple peaks for nonlinear elliptic equations 1999 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness results on Single-Peaked solutions of a semilinear problem 1998 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity results for an inhomogeneous nonlinear elliptic problem 1998 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the location of spikes and profile of nodalsolutions for a singularly perturbed neumann problem 1998 Ezzat S. Noussair
Juncheng Wei
+ PDF Chat On the effect of domain geometry on the existence of nodal solutions in singular perturbations problems 1997 Ezzat S. Noussair
Juncheng Wei
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity of positive and nodal solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems in $ℝ^N$ 1996 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the existence of multiple positive solutions of critical semilinear elliptic problems 1996 Ezzat S. Noussair
Jianfu Yang
+ Multiple finite energy states for critical potential systems 1996 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat On the existence and profile of multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problems 1996 Daomin Cao
E. N. Dancer
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shunsen Yan
+ Multiple Finite Energy Solutions of Critical Semilinear Field Equations 1995 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Multiple positive and nodal solutions for semilinear elliptic problems with critical exponents 1995 Daomin Cao
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ A barrier method for mean curvature problems 1993 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
Jianfu Yang
+ PDF Chat Positive Finite Energy Solutions of Critical Semilinear Elliptic Problems 1992 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
Jianfu Yang
Charles A. Swanson
+ Properties of potential systems in RN 1992 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Critical semilinear biharmonic equations in R<sup>N</sup> 1992 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
Jianfu Yang
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for Semilinear Elliptic Systems 1991 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ An Lq(RN)-Theory of subcritical semilinear elliptic problems 1990 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Ground states for critical semilinear scalar field equations 1990 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Decaying Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations in ${\bf R}^N $ 1989 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Existence of Decaying Entire Solutions of a Class of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1988 Takaŝi Kusano
Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Existence of decaying entire solutions of a class of semilinear elliptic equations 1988 Takaŝi Kusano
Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Positive Lq (RN)-solutions of subcritical Emden-Fowler problems 1988 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Positive solutions of elliptic systems with bounded nonlinearities 1988 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Semilinear Elliptic Problems with Pairs of Decaying Positive Solutions 1987 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ On the existance of positive entire solutions of non-linear elliptic problems in $R^N$ 1986 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems in unbounded domains 1985 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Semilinear elliptic eigenvalue problems in ${\bf R}\sp N$ 1985 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Global Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1983 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Existence theorems for generalized Klein-Gordon equations 1983 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ On semilinear elliptic boundary value problems in unbounded domains 1981 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the existence of optimal controls for quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations 1981 Ezzat S. Noussair
S. Nababan
Kok Lay Teo
+ Positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in exterior domains 1980 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Semilinear Schrödinger equations in exterior domains 1980 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat The oscillatory behaviour of a second order nonlinear equation with damping 1979 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the existence of solutions of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems 1979 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Projection methods for equations of the second kind 1979 Ian H. Sloan
Ezzat S. Noussair
Bob Burn
+ PDF Chat Existence theorems for optimal control of quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations 1979 S. Nababan
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ On the zeros of solutions of elliptic inequalities in bounded domains 1978 John G. Heywood
Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Oscillation of nonlinear vector differential equations 1976 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear delay inequalities 1976 S. Nababan
Ezzat S. Noussair
+ 6.—Oscillation Theory for Semilinear Schrödinger Equations and Inequalities 1976 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Oscillation of Elliptic Equations in General Domains 1975 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ PDF Chat Comparison theorems for elliptic and parabolic inequalities 1974 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Differential equations in Banach spaces 1973 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Oscillation criteria for differential systems 1971 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ Oscillation theory of elliptic equations of order 2m 1971 Ezzat S. Noussair
+ Comparison and oscillation theorems for elliptic equations and systems 1970 Ezzat S. Noussair
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ 6.—Oscillation Theory for Semilinear Schrödinger Equations and Inequalities 1976 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ On the shape of least‐energy solutions to a semilinear Neumann problem 1991 Wei‐Ming Ni
Izumi Takagi
+ Nonlinear scalar field equations, I existence of a ground state 1983 Henri Berestycki
P. L. Lions
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Existence of solitary waves in higher dimensions 1977 Walter A. Strauss
+ Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving critical sobolev exponents 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Louis Nirenberg
+ Global and local behavior of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations 1981 Basilis Gidas
Joel Spruck
+ Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications 1973 Antonio Ambrosetti
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ The role of the Green's function in a non-linear elliptic equation involving the critical Sobolev exponent 1990 Olivier Rey
+ On bounded entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations 1984 Nichiro Kawano
+ Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems in unbounded domains 1985 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ The effect of the domain topology on the number of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic problems 1991 Vieri Benci
Giovanna Cerami
+ On the location and profile of spike‐layer solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear dirichlet problems 1995 Wei‐Ming Ni
Juncheng Wei
+ Positive entire solutions of superlinear elliptic equations 1986 Takaŝi Kusano
Manabu Naito
+ PDF Chat A relation between pointwise convergence of functions and convergence of functionals 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Élliott H. Lieb
+ Maximum Principles in Differential Equations 1984 Murray H. Protter
Hans F. Weinberger
+ PDF Chat Embedding theorems and quasi-linear elliptic boundary value problems for unbounded domains 1972 Melvyn S. Berger
Martin Schechter
+ On a nonlinear elliptic equation involving the critical sobolev exponent: The effect of the topology of the domain 1988 Abbas Bahri
Jean‐Michel Coron
+ On the Generalized Emden–Fowler Equation 1975 James S. W. Wong
+ Locating the peaks of least-energy solutions to a semilinear Neumann problem 1993 Wei-Ming Ni
Izumi Takagi
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Global positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems 1984 Ezzat Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ On positive entire solutions of a class of second order semilinear elliptic systems 1984 Nichiro Kawano
Taka i Kusano
+ PDF Chat On the existence and profile of multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problems 1996 Daomin Cao
E. N. Dancer
Ezzat S. Noussair
Shunsen Yan
+ Quasilinear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponents 1989 Mohammed Guedda
Лаурент Верон
+ On entire solutions of second order semilinear elliptic equations 1986 Takaŝi Kusano
Shinnosuke Ôharu
+ A Relation Between Pointwise Convergence of Functions and Convergence of Functionals 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Élliott H. Lieb
+ Positive solutions of elliptic systems with bounded nonlinearities 1988 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat The concentration-compactness principle in the Calculus of Variations. The locally compact case, part 1. 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Une methode locale pour l’existence de solutions positives de problemes semi-lineaires elliptiques dans RN 1980 H. Berestycki
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat On a Min-Max Procedure for the Existence of a Positive Solution for Certain Scalar Field Equations in $\mathbb R^N$ 1990 Abbas Bahri
YanYan Li
+ On the elliptic equation Δu+Ku(n+2)/(n−2)=0 and related topics 1985 Wei Yue Ding
Wei Ming Ni
+ Uniqueness of positive solutions of Δu−u+up=0 in Rn 1989 Man Kam Kwong
+ Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations 1968 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat On second-order non-linear oscillation 1955 F. V. Atkinson
+ The effect of domain shape on the number of positive solutions of certain nonlinear equations, II 1990 E. N. Dancer
+ Boundary value problems for quasilinear second order elliptic equations 1978 Klaus Schmitt
+ PDF Chat Positive Finite Energy Solutions of Critical Semilinear Elliptic Problems 1992 Ezzat S. Noussair
Charles A. Swanson
Jianfu Yang
+ On conformal scalar curvature equations in ℝn 1988 Yi Li
Wei‐Ming Ni
+ Positive solutions for some semilinear elliptic equations with critical sobolev exponents 1987 José F. Escobar
+ Multi-peak solutions for some singular perturbation problems 2000 Manuel del Pino
Patricio Felmer
Juncheng Wei
+ Semilinear elliptic equations of Matukuma-type and related topics 1988 Wei-Ming Ni
Shoji Yotsutani
+ Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type 1970 Carlo Miranda
+ PDF Chat On the existence of a positive solution of semilinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains 1997 Abbas Bahri
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1982 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Positive solutions of some nonlinear elliptic problems in exterior domains 1987 Vieri Benci
Giovanna Cerami
+ The Effect of the Domain Geometry in Singular Perturbation Problems 1998 ES Noussair
Shusen Yan
+ PDF Chat Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti