Vicente Rico‐Ramírez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Modeling, simulation and optimization of combined fractional-ordinary dynamic systems 2019 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Julio C. Barrera-Martinez
Edgar Omar Castrejón‐González
Edna Soraya Lopez-Saucedo
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ An Alternative Numerical Interpretation of the Equal Area Rule and its Implications for Calculating Equilibrium Conditions 2016 Gustavo A. Iglesias‐Silva
Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
David Guerrero
Muhammad ibn Rizq Malik ibn Anas
Kenneth R. Hall
+ A fractional calculus approach to the dynamic optimization of biological reactive systems. Part I: Fractional models for biological reactions 2014 Rasiel Toledo-Hernandez
Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Gustavo A. Iglesias‐Silva
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ A fractional calculus approach to the dynamic optimization of biological reactive systems. Part II: Numerical solution of fractional optimal control problems 2014 Rasiel Toledo-Hernandez
Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Ramiro Rico-Martı́nez
Salvador Hernández-Castro
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ A Fractional Calculus Application to Biological Reactive Systems 2012 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Jesus Martinez-Lizardo
Gustavo A. Iglesias‐Silva
Salvador Hernández-Castro
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Fisher Information on the Performance of Dynamic Systems 2010 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Miguel A. Reyes-Mendoza
P.A. Quintana-Hernández
Jesus A. Ortiz-Cruz
Salvador Hernández-Castro
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Stochastic Optimal Control for the Treatment of a Pathogenic Disease 2010 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Fabricio Nápoles‐Rivera
Guillermo González‐Alatorre
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Improving convergence of the stochastic decomposition algorithm by using an efficient sampling technique 2004 José María Ponce‐Ortega
Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Salvador Hernández-Castro
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Structural analysis of conditional models 2002 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Arthur W. Westerberg
+ Interior point methods for the solution of conditional models 2002 Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Arthur W. Westerberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Formulation of Euler–Lagrange equations for fractional variational problems 2002 Om P. Agrawal
+ None 2002 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
Alan D. Freed
+ Fractional Calculus in Bioengineering 2007 Bruce J. West
+ A General Formulation and Solution Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems 2004 Om P. Agrawal
+ Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations 2002 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
+ A Predictor-Corrector Approach for the Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations 2013 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
Alan D. Freed
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for the fractional calculus: A selection of numerical methods 2004 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
Alan D. Freed
Yu. Luchko
+ The Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations 2010 Kai Diethelm
+ A Formulation and Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems 2008 Om P. Agrawal
+ A commentary on fractionalization of multi-compartmental models 2010 Aristides Dokoumetzidis
Richard L. Magin
Panos Macheras
+ A fractional calculus approach to the dynamic optimization of biological reactive systems. Part I: Fractional models for biological reactions 2014 Rasiel Toledo-Hernandez
Vicente Rico-Ramı́rez
Gustavo A. Iglesias‐Silva
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation as a Model of Solute Transport in Porous Media 2007 F. San Jose Martinez
Yakov Pachepsky
W. J. Rawls
+ Solution of algebraic systems of disjunctive equations 1996 Ignacio E. Grossmann
Metin Türkay
+ Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: Theory and Applications 1993 Stefan Samko
Anatoly A. Kilbas
O. I. Marichev
+ Fractional differential equations 1999 Igor Podlubný
+ A comparative study of constant-order and variable-order fractional models in characterizing memory property of systems 2011 HongGuang Sun
W. Chen
Hui Wei
YangQuan Chen
+ PDF Chat Measuring memory with the order of fractional derivative 2013 Maolin Du
Zaihua Wang
Haiyan Hu
+ Fractional kinetics in drug absorption and disposition processes 2009 Aristides Dokoumetzidis
Panos Macheras
+ Fractional kinetics in multi-compartmental systems 2010 Aristides Dokoumetzidis
Richard L. Magin
Panos Macheras
+ An approximate method for numerically solving fractional order optimal control problems of general form 2009 Christophe Tricaud
YangQuan Chen
+ PDF Chat Robust stochastic maximum principle: Complete proof anddiscussions 2002 Alex Poznyak
+ A fractional calculus based model for the simulation of an outbreak of dengue fever 2012 Kai Diethelm
+ PDF Chat Simulation of drug uptake in a two compartmental fractional model for a biological system 2011 Ivo Petráš
Richard L. Magin
+ Mittag–Leffler stability of fractional order nonlinear dynamic systems 2009 Yan Li
YangQuan Chen
Igor Podlubný
+ An Efficient Sampling Technique for Off-Line Quality Control 1997 Jayant Kalagnanam
Urmila M. Diwekar
+ Optimal Control of a Fractional-Order HIV-Immune System With Memory 2011 Yongsheng Ding
Zidong Wang
Haiping Ye
+ None 1999 Willem K. Klein Haneveld
Maarten H. van der Vlerk
+ Fractional-order Euler–Lagrange equations and formulation of Hamiltonian equations 2009 Moustafa El-Shahed
Dumitru Băleanu
+ PDF Chat Respiratory impedance model with lumped fractional order diffusion compartment 2013 Clara M. Ionescu
Dana Copoţ
Robin De Keyser
+ PDF Chat Optimal control applied to immunotherapy 2003 K. Renee Fister
Jon Ernstberger
Thalya Burden
+ Fractional calculus models of complex dynamics in biological tissues 2009 Richard L. Magin
+ Fractional-order systems and PI/sup /spl lambda//D/sup /spl mu//-controllers 1999 Igor Podlubný
+ An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations 1993 Kenneth S. Miller
Bertram Ross
+ Interior point SQP strategies for structured process optimization problems 1997 Joa ̃o S. Albuquerque
Vipin Gopal
George H. Staus
Lorenz T. Biegler
B. Erik Ydstie
+ Discretized Fractional Calculus 1986 Ch. Lubich
+ Heat conduction modeling by using fractional-order derivatives 2015 Monika Žecová
Ján Terpák
+ PDF Chat A Superlinear Infeasible-Interior-Point Algorithm for Monotone Complementarity Problems 1996 Stephen J. Wright
Daniel Ralph
+ Multi-order fractional differential equations and their numerical solution 2003 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
+ A two-compartment fractional derivative model for Propofol diffusion in anesthesia 2013 Dana Copoţ
Amélie Chevalier
Clara M. Ionescu
Robin De Keyser
+ PDF Chat High Order Numerical Methods for Fractional Terminal Value Problems 2014 Neville J. Ford
M. Luísa Morgado
Magda Rebelo
+ Fractional boundary value problems: Analysis and numerical methods 2011 Neville J. Ford
M. Luísa Morgado
+ Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices 2017 Iain Duff
A. M. Erisman
J. K. Reid
+ Small sample sensitivity analysis techniques for computer models.with an application to risk assessment 1980 Ronald L. Iman
W. J. Conover
+ How to avoid unbounded drug accumulation with fractional pharmacokinetics 2013 Maud Hennion
Emmanuel Hanert
+ PDF Chat Modeling immunotherapy of the tumor - immune interaction 1998 Denise E. Kirschner
John C. Panetta
+ A new approach to the compartmental analysis in pharmacokinetics: fractional time evolution of diclofenac 2010 Jovan Popović
Milica Atanacković Krstonošić
Ana Pilipović
Milan R. Rapaić
Stevan Pilipović
Teodor M. Atanacković
+ Primal-dual target-following algorithms for linear programming 1996 Benjamin Jansen
C. Roos
Tamás Terlaky
Jean-Philippe Vial
+ An Interior-Point Algorithm for Linearly Constrained Optimization 1992 Stephen J. Wright
+ Linear models of dissipation in anelastic solids 1971 Michèle Caputo
Francesco Mainardi
+ On the definition of fractional derivatives in rheology 2011 Fan Yang
Ke‐Qin Zhu