J. Fraser Forbes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ LQ (optimal) control of hyperbolic PDAEs 2014 Amir Alizadeh Moghadam
Ilyasse Aksikas
Stevan Dubljević
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Optimal control of an advection-dominated catalytic fixed-bed reactor with catalyst deactivation 2013 Ilyasse Aksikas
L. Mohammadi
J. Fraser Forbes
Youssef Belhamadia
Stevan Dubljević
+ A particle filter approach to approximate posterior Cram\'er-Rao lower bound 2013 Aditya Tulsyan
Biao Huang
R. Bhushan Gopaluni
J. Fraser Forbes
+ On-line Bayesian parameter estimation in general non-linear state-space models: A tutorial and new results 2013 Aditya Tulsyan
Biao Huang
R. Bhushan Gopaluni
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Error analysis in Bayesian identification of non-linear state-space models 2013 Aditya Tulsyan
Biao Huang
R. Bhushan Gopaluni
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Input design for Bayesian identification of non-linear state-space models 2013 Aditya Tulsyan
Swanand Khare
Biao Huang
R. Bhushan Gopaluni
J. Fraser Forbes
+ A particle filter approach to approximate posterior Cramér-Rao lower bound 2013 Aditya Tulsyan
Biao Huang
R. Bhushan Gopaluni
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Boundary optimal (LQ) control of coupled hyperbolic PDEs and ODEs 2012 Amir Alizadeh Moghadam
Ilyasse Aksikas
Stevan Dubljević
J. Fraser Forbes
+ LQR control of an infinite dimensional time-varying CSTR-PFR system* 2011 Amir Alizadeh Moghadam
Ilyasse Aksikas
Stevan Dubljević
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Linear quadratic regulator for time-varying hyperbolic distributed parameter systems 2010 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
+ LQ-control of a flow reversal reactor for the catalytic combustion of fugitive methane emissions 2010 Adrian Fuxman
Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
Robert E. Hayes
S. Hristo
+ LQ control of coupled hyperbolic PDEs and ODEs: Application to a CSTR-PFR system 2010 Amir Alizadeh Moghadam
Ilyasse Aksikas
Stevan Dubljević
J. Fraser Forbes
+ LQ control design of a class of hyperbolic PDE systems: Application to fixed-bed reactor 2009 Ilyasse Aksikas
Adrian Fuxman
J. Fraser Forbes
Joseph J. Winkin
+ Optimal control design for time-varying catalytic reactors: a Riccati equation-based approach 2009 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
Youssef Belhamadia
+ Optimal control of a time-varying catalytic fixed bed reactor with catalyst deactivation 2009 L. Mohammadi
Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
+ LQ-feedback control of a reverse flow reactor 2008 Adrian Fuxman
Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
Robert E. Hayes
+ Coordination of Decentralized Large-Scale Process Optimal Control Problems 2008 Anes Dallagi
Natalia Marcos
J. Fraser Forbes
+ State LQ-feedback control for a class of hyperbolic PDE's system: Application to a fixed-bed reactor 2007 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Perturbed cones for analysis of uncertain multi-criteria optimization problems 2003 L Kozeratska
J. Fraser Forbes
Randy Goebel
J. V. Kresta
+ Constrained Optimization of Nonlinear, Dynamic Chemical Processes – A Normalized Form Approach 2000 Sachin Kansal
J. Fraser Forbes
Martin Guay
+ Feedback Control of Hyperbolic PDE Systems 2000 Huilan Shang
J. Fraser Forbes
Martin Guay
+ Model-based real-time optimization of automotive gasoline blending operations 2000 Amit Kumar Singh
J. Fraser Forbes
P.J. Vermeer
S.S. Woo
+ Structured approach to storage allocation for improved process controllability 1998 Jeffrey D. Kelly
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Approximation of High-Dimensional Multivariable Controllers using Semi-Definite Programming 1997 Andrew J. Thake
J. Fraser Forbes
P. James McLellan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory 1995 Ruth F. Curtain
Hans Zwart
+ Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems 2007 Alain Bensoussan
Giuseppe Da Prato
Michel C. Delfour
Sanjoy K. Mitter
+ PDF Chat Optimal LQ-feedback control for a class of first-order hyperbolic distributed parameter systems 2008 Ilyasse Aksikas
Joseph J. Winkin
Denis Dochain
+ Spectral factorization and LQ-optimal regulation for multivariable distributed systems 1990 Frank M. Callier
Joseph J. Winkin
+ LQ control design of a class of hyperbolic PDE systems: Application to fixed-bed reactor 2009 Ilyasse Aksikas
Adrian Fuxman
J. Fraser Forbes
Joseph J. Winkin
+ Matrix Riccati Equations in Control and Systems Theory 2003 Hisham Abou‐Kandil
+ LQ-optimal control of infinite-dimensional systems by spectral factorization 1992 Frank M. Callier
Joseph J. Winkin
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ Trajectory analysis of nonisothermal tubular reactor nonlinear models 2001 Mohamed Laabissi
Mohammed Elarbi Achhab
Joseph J. Winkin
Denis Dochain
+ Optimal discrete-time feedback control of mixed distributed and lumped parameter systems 1973 Arild Thowsen
Will Perkins
+ Optimal distributed-parameter control using classical variational theory† 1970 Spyros G. Tzafestaş
+ Boundary Control Systems 1968 H. O. Fattorini
+ Existence of solutions to the Riccati equation for time-varying distributed systems 1992 Luciano Pandolfi
+ Analysis and LQ-optimal control of infinite-dimensional semilinear systems : application to a plug flow reactor/ 2005 Ilyasse Aksikas
+ Optimal control of systems with transportation lags 1969 S. Hiratsuka
Akira Ichikawa
+ State LQ-feedback control for a class of hyperbolic PDE's system: Application to a fixed-bed reactor 2007 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Optimal control design for time-varying catalytic reactors: a Riccati equation-based approach 2009 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
Youssef Belhamadia
+ Some existence and regularity results for abstract non-autonomous parabolic equations 1984 Paolo Acquistapace
Brunello Terreni
+ Linear System Theory 1991 Frank M. Callier
C. Desoer
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Boundary Control of PDEs: A Course on Backstepping Designs 2008 Miroslav Krstić
+ Linear quadratic regulator for time-varying hyperbolic distributed parameter systems 2010 Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Controllability and Observability in Time-Variable Linear Systems 1967 L. Silverman
H. E. Meadows
+ Final-value control of nonlinear composite distributed- and lumped-parameter systems 1970 Spyros G. Tzafestaş
+ Semidefinite Programming 1996 Lieven Vandenberghe
Stephen Boyd
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis in multiobjective optimization 1988 Tetsuzo Tanino
+ The Decomposition Algorithm for Linear Programs 1961 George B. Dantzig
Philip Wolfe
+ LQ-feedback control of a reverse flow reactor 2008 Adrian Fuxman
Ilyasse Aksikas
J. Fraser Forbes
Robert E. Hayes
+ Well-Posedness and Controllability of a Class of Coupled Linear Systems 2009 George H. Weiss
Xiaowei Zhao
+ PDF Chat Superlinear Convergence of a Symmetric Primal-Dual Path Following Algorithm for Semidefinite Programming 1998 Zhi‐Quan Luo
J.F. Sturm
Shuzhong Zhang
+ Absolute equivalence and dynamic feedback linearization 1990 W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat Computational methods for complex stochastic systems: a review of some alternatives to MCMC 2007 Paul Fearnhead
+ Operateurs Maximaux Monotones - Et Semi-Groupes De Contractions Dans Les Espaces De Hilbert 1973 Haı̈m Brezis
+ On dynamic feedback linearization 1989 B. Charlet
Jean Lévine
R. Marino
+ Solution of dynamic optimization problems by successive quadratic programming and orthogonal collocation 1984 Lorenz T. Biegler
+ PDF Chat Robust control of a catalytic fixed bed reactor 2002 Andreas Kremling
Frank Allgöwer
+ Forward Smoothing Using Sequential Monte Carlo 2009 DM Pierre
+ Nonlinear operators and differential equations in Banach spaces 1976 Robert H. Martin
+ Simultaneous optimization and solution methods for batch reactor control profiles 1989 J.E. Cuthrell
Lorenz T. Biegler
+ Robust control of hyperbolic PDE systems 1998 Panagiotis D. Christofides
Pródromos Daoutidis
+ Stability, parametric, and postoptimality analysis of discrete optimization problems 1984 L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
И. В. Сергиенко
+ Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations 1991 John C. Strikwerda
+ Nonnegative Matrices and Applications 1997 R.B. Bapat
T. E. S. Raghavan
+ Control parametrization: A unified approach to optimal control problems with general constraints 1988 C.J. Goh
Kok Lay Teo
+ Vector optimization problems: Stability in the decision space and in the space of alternatives 1994 L. N. Kozeratskaya
+ On‐line almost‐sure parameter estimation for partially observed discrete‐time linear systems with known noise characteristics 2002 Robert J. Elliott
Jason Ford
J.B. Moore
+ Stability and unboundedness of vector optimization problems 1997 И. В. Сергиенко
L. N. Kozeratskaya
Anna Kononova
+ PDF Chat An Online Expectation–Maximization Algorithm for Changepoint Models 2013 Sinan Yıldırım
Sumeetpal S. Singh
Arnaud Doucet
+ Sequential Monte Carlo smoothing for general state space hidden Markov models 2011 Randal Douc
Aurélien Garivier
Éric Moulines
Jimmy Olsson