B. J. Pettis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the Radon-Nikodym theorem 1978 B. J. Pettis
+ Addition to the Note: Closed Graph and Open Mapping Theorems in certain Topologically Complete Spaces 1975 B. J. Pettis
+ Some Topological Questions Related to Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems 1975 B. J. Pettis
+ Closed Graph and Open Mapping Theorems in Certain Topologically Complete Spaces 1974 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Cluster sets of nets 1969 B. J. Pettis
+ Pure and Applied Mathematics Series: <i>Point Set Topology</i> . Steven A. Gaal. Academic Press, New York, 1964. xiv + 317 pp. Illus. $9.75. 1965 B. J. Pettis
+ Principles of Modern Algebra. J. Eldon Whitesitt. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1964. viii + 262 pp. Illus. $7.50 1964 B. J. Pettis
+ Introductory Abstract Algebra: <i>Principles of Modern Algebra</i> . J. Eldon Whitesitt. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1964. viii + 262 pp. Illus. $7.50. 1964 B. J. Pettis
+ Introductory Abstract Algebra. (Book Reviews: Principles of Modern Algebra) 1964 B. J. Pettis
+ Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ Convexity in Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ PDF Chat On a vector space construction by Hausdorff 1957 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Comments on open homomorphisms 1957 B. J. Pettis
+ Separation Theorems for Convex Sets 1956 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat A note on everywhere dense subgroups 1952 B. J. Pettis
+ Uniform Cauchy Points and Points of Equicontinuity 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ On the Extension of Measures 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat On the continuity of parametric linear operations 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a theorem of E. J. McShane 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ On Continuity and Openness of Homomorphisms in Topological Groups 1950 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Linear operations on summable functions 1940 Nelson Dunford
B. J. Pettis
+ A proof that every uniformly convex space is reflexive 1939 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Differentiation in Banach spaces 1939 B. J. Pettis
+ Linear functionals and completely additive set functions 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat On Integration in Vector Spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat A note on regular Banach spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat On integration in vector spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Images of Sets Satisfying the Condition of Baire 1950 E. J. McShane
+ Théorie des opérations linéaires 1932 Stefan Banach
+ PDF Chat Integration of functions with values in a Banach space 1935 Garrett Birkhoff
+ On Continuity and Openness of Homomorphisms in Topological Groups 1950 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Über metrische Gruppen 1931 Stefan Banach
+ Moore-Smith Convergence in General Topology 1937 Garrett Birkhoff
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a Theorem of E. J. McShane 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ Some Characterizations of Interior Transformations 1939 A. D. Wallace
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ PDF Chat Differentiation in Banach spaces 1939 B. J. Pettis
+ Riemann Integration and Taylor's Theorem in General Analysis 1927 Lawrence M. Graves
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ Integration of Functions with Values in a Bananch Space 1935 Garrett Birkhoff
+ PDF Chat Über konvexe Mengen in linearen normierten Räumen 1933 S. Mazur
+ PDF Chat On Bounded Linear Functional Operations 1934 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Uniformly Convex Spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ Linear functional transformations in general spaces 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a theorem of E. J. McShane 1951 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat The Radon-Nikodym theorem for banack space valued measures 1976 Joseph Diestel
J. J. Uhl
+ PDF Chat Riemann integration and Taylor’s theorem in general analysis 1927 Lawrence M. Graves
+ PDF Chat Topologically complete groups 1972 Lawrence G. Brown
+ Addition to the Note on Some Functionals 1933 Stanisław Saks
+ Éléments de mathématique 2006 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat Abstract integral equations and the homogeneous stochastic process 1938 Kôsaku Yosida
+ PDF Chat The Radon-Nikodym theorem for the Bochner integral 1968 M. A. Rieffel
+ The extension of rectangle functions 1941 Paul V. Reichelderfer
L. A. Ringenberg
+ Operations in linear metric spaces 1948 G. G. Lorentz
+ Transformations on sequence spaces 1937 Leon Cohen
Nelson Dunford
+ PDF Chat A note on regular Banach spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat A geometrical characterization of Banach spaces with the Radon-Nikodym property 1973 Hugh B. Maynard
+ PDF Chat Iteration of linear operations in complex Banach spaces 1938 Shizuo Kakutani
+ Dentability and the Radon-Nikodým property 1974 Robert Huff
+ PDF Chat On complete topological spaces 1935 John von Neumann
+ Closed Graph and Open Mapping Theorems in Certain Topologically Complete Spaces 1974 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat Invariant extension of linear functionals 1954 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the preceding paper of James A. Clarkson: “Uniformly convex spaces” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 40 (1936), no. 3; MR1501880] 1936 Nelson Dunford
Anthony P. Morse
+ PDF Chat On integration in vector spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ On the Comparison of Topologies 1957 J. D. Weston
+ A mean ergodic theorem 1939 Nelson Dunford
+ PDF Chat On the compactness of the space 𝐿_{𝑝} 1932 J. D. Tamarkin
+ PDF Chat On bounded linear functional operations 1934 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat An ergodic theorem for a noncommutative semigroup of linear operators 1951 J. E. L. Peck
+ PDF Chat Über Folgen linearer Operationen 1922 Hans Hahn
+ PDF Chat On convex topological linear spaces 1946 George W. Mackey
+ Cotopology for metrizable spaces 1970 Johannes Aarts
J. de Groot
R. H. McDowell
+ An open mapping theorem 1973 Kung-Fu Ng
+ PDF Chat Connected and disconnected plane sets and the functional equation 𝑓(𝑥)+𝑓(𝑦)=𝑓(𝑥+𝑦) 1942 F. Burton Jones
+ PDF Chat Homomorphisms on Banach spaces 1948 Melanie Munroe
+ PDF Chat Square roots in locally Euclidean groups 1949 Andrew M. Gleason
+ Integration of vector valued functions 1983 Susumu Okada