David Roosen


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Dynamics in Quantum-Impurity Systems: A Time-Dependent Numerical Renormalization-Group Approach 2005 Frithjof B. Anders
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Spin precession and real-time dynamics in the Kondo model: Time-dependent numerical renormalization-group study 2006 Frithjof B. Anders
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Tunneling-Induced Kondo Effect in Single Molecular Magnets 2006 C. Romeike
M. R. Wegewijs
Walter Hofstetter
Herbert Schoeller
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of a Single Electron Spin with Electric Fields 2007 Katja C. Nowack
Frank H. L. Koppens
Yuli V. Nazarov
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Generalized Numerical Renormalization Group for Dynamical Quantities 2000 Walter Hofstetter
+ <i>The Kondo Problem of Heavy Fermions</i> 1994 A. C. Hewson
Piers Coleman
+ PDF Chat Kondo-Transport Spectroscopy of Single Molecule Magnets 2006 C. Romeike
M. R. Wegewijs
Walter Hofstetter
Herbert Schoeller
+ Numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems 2008 R. Bulla
T. A. Costi
Thomas Pruschke
+ PDF Chat Electron Transport through Single<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Mn</mml:mi><mml:mn>12</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>Molecular Magnets 2006 H. B. Heersche
Zeger de Groot
Joshua Folk
Herre S. J. van der Zant
C. Romeike
M. R. Wegewijs
Laura Zobbi
Davide Barreca
Eugenio Tondello
Andrea Cornia
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transition in the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model: Quantum Monte Carlo Study with a Continuous Imaginary Time Cluster Algorithm 2009 André Winter
Heiko Rieger
Matthias Vojta
R. Bulla
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase transition in a single-molecule quantum dot 2008 Nicolas Roch
Serge Florens
Vincent Bouchiat
Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
Franck Balestro
+ PDF Chat Creation of Entanglement by Interaction with a Common Heat Bath 2002 Daniel Braun
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity of Interacting Bosonic Mixtures in Optical Lattices 2010 Bryce Gadway
Daniel Pertot
René Reimann
Dominik Schneble
+ PDF Chat Distance Dependence of Entanglement Generation via a Bosonic Heat Bath 2009 Thomas Zell
Friedemann Queißer
Rochus Klesse
+ PDF Chat Iterative real-time path integral approach to nonequilibrium quantum transport 2008 S. Weiss
J. Eckel
Michael Thorwart
Reinhold Egger
+ PDF Chat Quantum computing in molecular magnets 2001 Michael N. Leuenberger
Daniel Loss
+ PDF Chat Atomic Quantum Dots Coupled to a Reservoir of a Superfluid Bose-Einstein Condensate 2005 Alessio Recati
П. О. Федичев
W. Zwerger
Jan von Delft
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic spin-boson models of trapped ions 2008 Diego Porras
Florian Marquardt
Jan von Delft
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transitions in the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model: Failure of the Quantum-Classical Mapping 2005 Matthias Vojta
Ning-Hua Tong
R. Bulla
+ PDF Chat Transient dynamics of the Anderson impurity model out of equilibrium 2008 Thomas L. Schmidt
Philipp Werner
Lothar Mühlbacher
A. Komnik
+ Critical Exponents for Long-Range Interactions 1972 Michael E. Fisher
Shang-keng Ma
B. G. Nickel
+ PDF Chat Quantum Criticality Out of Equilibrium: Steady State in a Magnetic Single-Electron Transistor 2009 Stefan Kirchner
Qimiao Si
+ PDF Chat Hidden Caldeira-Leggett Dissipation in a Bose-Fermi Kondo Model 2005 Mei-Rong Li
Karyn Le Hur
Walter Hofstetter
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of the BCS-BEC crossover by order-parameter fluctuations 2009 Lorenz Bartosch
Peter Kopietz
Álvaro Antônio Bandeira Ferraz
+ PDF Chat Reducing decoherence in quantum-computer memory with all quantum bits coupling to the same environment 1998 Lu-Ming Duan
Guang-Can Guo
+ PDF Chat Landau-Zener Transitions in a Dissipative Environment: Numerically Exact Results 2009 P. Nalbach
Michael Thorwart
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group using adaptive effective Hilbert spaces 2004 Andrew J. Daley
Corinna Kollath
Ulrich Schollwöck
Guifré Vidal
+ PDF Chat Quantum emitters coupled to surface plasmons of a nanowire: A Green’s function approach 2010 David Dzsotjan
Anders S. Sørensen
Michael Fleischhauer
+ PDF Chat Spin Quantum Tunneling in Single Molecular Magnets: Fingerprints in Transport Spectroscopy of Current and Noise 2006 C. Romeike
M. R. Wegewijs
Herbert Schoeller
+ PDF Chat Sequential Tunneling through Molecular Spin Rings 2007 J. Lehmann
Daniel Loss
+ PDF Chat A unitary perturbation theory approach to real-time evolution problems 2008 Andreas Hackl
Stefan Kehrein
+ PDF Chat A functional renormalization group approach to the Anderson impurity model 2009 Lorenz Bartosch
Hermann Freire
José Juan Ramos Cárdenas
Peter Kopietz
+ PDF Chat Berry-Phase Blockade in Single-Molecule Magnets 2007 Gabriel González
Michael N. Leuenberger
+ PDF Chat A functional renormalization group approach to zero-dimensional interacting systems 2004 R Hedden
V. Meden
Th. Pruschke
K. Schönhammer
+ PDF Chat Real time evolution in quantum many-body systems with unitary perturbation theory 2008 Andreas Hackl
Stefan Kehrein
+ PDF Chat Universal and Measurable Entanglement Entropy in the Spin-Boson Model 2007 Angela Kopp
Karyn Le Hur
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Evolution Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group 2004 Steven R. White
Adrian Feiguin
+ PDF Chat Mass-flow error in the numerical renormalization-group method and the critical behavior of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model 2010 Matthias Vojta
R. Bulla
Fabian Güttge
Frithjof B. Anders
+ PDF Chat Numerical renormalization group calculations for the self-energy of the impurity Anderson model 1998 R. Bulla
A. C. Hewson
Th. Pruschke
+ PDF Chat Keeping a Quantum Bit Alive by Optimized<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>-Pulse Sequences 2007 Götz S. Uhrig
+ PDF Chat Density matrix renormalization group study of a quantum impurity model with Landau-Zener time-dependent Hamiltonian 2009 Cheng Guo
Andreas Weichselbaum
Stefan Kehrein
Tao Xiang
Jan von Delft
+ PDF Chat Separation-dependent localization in a two-impurity spin-boson model 2010 Dara P. S. McCutcheon
Ahsan Nazir
Sougato Bose
A. J. Fisher
+ Superfluid–Mott-insulator transition of light in the Jaynes-Cummings lattice 2009 Jens Koch
Karyn Le Hur
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Anisotropic Large Spins in the Kondo Regime: Time-Dependent Numerical Renormalization Group Analysis 2008 David Roosen
M. R. Wegewijs
Walter Hofstetter
+ PDF Chat Entanglement between charge qubits induced by a common dissipative environment 2008 L. D. Contreras-Pulido
Ramón Aguado
+ PDF Chat Dissipative quantum Ising model in a cold-atom spin-boson mixture 2008 Peter P. Orth
Ivan Stanić
Karyn Le Hur
+ PDF Chat Entanglement and Criticality in Quantum Impurity Systems 2007 Karyn Le Hur
Philippe Doucet-Beaupré
Walter Hofstetter
+ PDF Chat Conformal-field-theory approach to the two-impurity Kondo problem: Comparison with numerical renormalization-group results 1995 Ian Affleck
Andreas W. W. Ludwig
Barbara Jones
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transition in a Multilevel Dot 2001 Walter Hofstetter
Herbert Schoeller
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent transport in interacting and noninteracting resonant-tunneling systems 1994 Antti–Pekka Jauho
Ned S. Wingreen
Yigal Meir