Dăng Vũ Giang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Finite Hilbert transforms 2015 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ PDF Chat Linear Difference Equations and Periodic Sequences over Finite Fields 2015 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Beurling spectrum of a function in a Banach space 2014 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Orthonormal Polynomial Basis and Kellerian Mapping 2014 Dăng Vũ Giang
Hoang Quoc Viet
+ Gröbner Basis Convex Polytopes and Planar Graph 2012 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Gröbner Basis Convex Polytopes and Planar Graph 2012 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Locally injective polynomial mappings and Jacobian conjecture 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Polynomial Inverse of Kellerian Mapping 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ On local inverses of a locally injective polynomial mapping and Jacobian conjecture 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Orthonormal polynomials of several variables and Jacobian conjecture 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Spectral measure of Laplacean operators in Paley-Wiener space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Spherical harmonics involving the vanishing conjecture 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Linear difference equations over p-adic and finite fields 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Beurling spectrum of functions in Banach space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Spectrum of a bounded sequence and inhomogeneous delay linear difference equations in a Banach space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Gr\"obner Basis and Planar Graph 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Linear difference equations and periodic sequences over finite fields 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Levy Processes involving Riemann zeta function 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Positive solutions of an integral equation and Riemann hypothesis 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Congruent number and Elliptic curves 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Omega limit sets, minimal dynamical systems and the Julia set of .... 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Finite Hilbert Transforms Logarithmic Integrals and Equilibrium Measures 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Persistence and global attractivity in the model $A_{n+1}=A_nF(A_{n-m})$ 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Finite Hilbert Transforms Logarithmic Potentials and Singular Integral Equations 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Omega-limit sets and bounded solutions 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Algebroids and Jacobian conjecture 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Congruent number and Elliptic curves 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Spectral measure of Laplacean operators in Paley-Wiener space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Beurling spectrum of functions in Banach space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Linear difference equations and periodic sequences over finite fields 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Spectrum of a bounded sequence and inhomogeneous delay linear difference equations in a Banach space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Moebius functions Irreducible Polynomials and Dirichlet Series 2009 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Locally injective polynomial mappings and Bergman kernel functions 2009 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ The Jacobian conjecture is true 2009 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Moebius functions Irreducible Polynomials and Dirichlet Series 2009 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Delay model of glucose–insulin systems: Global stability and oscillated solutions conditional on delays 2008 Dăng Vũ Giang
Yongwimon Lenbury
Andrea De Gaetano
Pasquale Palumbo
+ Periodicity and knots in delay models of population growth 2007 Dăng Vũ Giang
Yongwimon Lenbury
+ Extinction, persistence and global stability in models of population growth 2005 Dăng Vũ Giang
Dinh Cong Huong
+ Delay effect in models of population growth 2005 Dăng Vũ Giang
Yongwimon Lenbury
Thomas I. Seidman
+ Nontrivial periodicity in discrete delay models of population growth 2005 Dăng Vũ Giang
Dinh Cong Huong
+ PDF Chat On the <i>L</i><sup>1</sup>-convergence of Fourier transforms 1996 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Strong Approximation by Fourier Transforms and Fourier Series in L∞-Norm 1995 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Hardy Spaces on the Plane and Double Fourier Transforms 1995 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ The Cesàro operator on the Banach algebra ofL(R2) multipliers. III (even-odd case) 1995 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ A New Characterization of Besov Spaces on the Real Line 1995 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ The strong summability of Fourier transforms 1994 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Strong Approximation by Dirichlet Integrals in Lλ(R)-Norm, 1 &lt; λ &lt; ∞ 1994 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Cesaro Means of Fourier Transforms and Multipliers on L 1 ( R ) 1994 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Multipliers of Fourier transforms and series onL 1 1994 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ PDF Chat Cesàro means of Fourier transforms and multipliers on 𝐿¹(𝑅) 1994 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ On the integrability of trigonometric series 1992 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ On the exactness of a theorem of G.A. Fomin 1991 Dăng Vũ Giang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds 2003 Steven G. Krantz
K Fritzsche
Hans Grauert
+ PDF Chat Hessian nilpotent polynomials and the Jacobian conjecture 2006 Wenhua Zhao
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ Global Behavior of Nonlinear Difference Equations of Higher Order with Applications 1993 V. L. Kocic
G. Ladas
+ Representations and invariants of the classical groups 1998 Roe Goodman
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ A Course in p-adic Analysis 2013 Alain Robert
+ Linear difference equations mod 2 with applications to nonlinear difference equations1 2008 Lothar Berg
Stevo Stević
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ A class of trigonometric series 1978 G. A. Fomin
+ Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. 1993 Bruce Jay Collings
Harald Niederreiter
+ Harmonic Function Theory 1992 Sheldon Axler
Paul Bourdon
Wade Ramey
+ PDF Chat The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains 1974 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Automorphisms and the Jacobian Conjecture 2021 Arno van den Essen
Shigeru Kuroda
Anthony J. Crachiola
+ REAL PALEY–WIENER THEOREMS 2004 Nils Byrial Andersen
+ The Bergman Kernel of Complex Ovals and Multivariable Hypergeometric Functions 1996 Gábor Francsics
Nicholas Hanges
+ Delay differential equations with applications in population dynamics 1993 Yang Kuang
+ On real Paley–Wiener theorems for certain integral transforms 2003 Nils Byrial Andersen
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Hp spaces of several variables 1972 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ Extinction, persistence and global stability in models of population growth 2005 Dăng Vũ Giang
Dinh Cong Huong
+ Periodic solutions of delay-differential equations with a restorative condition 2001 Fatihcan M. Atay
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff mean of a Fourier-Stieltjes transform 1992 Constantine Georgakis
+ Oscillation and global attractivity in a periodic Nicholson's blowflies model 2002 S. H. Saker
Sheba Agarwal
+ Delay effect in models of population growth 2005 Dăng Vũ Giang
Yongwimon Lenbury
Thomas I. Seidman
+ On the existence of rapidly oscillatory solutions in the Nicholson blowflies equation 2002 István Győri
Sergei Trofımchuk
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ On power bounded operators 1986 Yitzhak Katznelson
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat On the arithmetic mean of Fourier-Stieltjes coefficients 1972 Constantine Georgakis
+ Riemann's Zeta Function 1974 Harold M. Edwards
+ The Poincaré–Bendixson Theorem for Monotone Cyclic Feedback Systems with Delay 1996 John Mallet‐Paret
George R. Sell
+ Beurling spectrum of functions in Banach space 2010 Dăng Vũ Giang
+ Interpolation of Operators 1988 Curtis D. Bennett
M Sharpley
+ The equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture: a survey 2004 Matthias Flach
+ A spectral theory of continuous functions and the Loomis–Arendt–Batty–Vu theory on the asymptotic behavior of solutions of evolution equations 2009 Nguyễn Văn Minh
+ Topics in Analytic Number Theory 1973 Hans Rademacher
+ A logarithmic singular integral equation over multiple intervals 2003 S.R. Manam
+ Theory of function spaces 1983 Hans Triebel
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport
+ PDF Chat Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1991 Peter Shiu
Władysław Narkiewicz
+ PDF Chat On the integrability and 𝐿¹-convergence of complex trigonometric series 1991 Ferenc Móricz
+ A New Characterization of Besov Spaces on the Real Line 1995 Dăng Vũ Giang
Ferenc Móricz
+ Periodicity and knots in delay models of population growth 2007 Dăng Vũ Giang
Yongwimon Lenbury
+ PDF Chat On the invariant sets of a family of quadratic maps 1983 Michael F. Barnsley
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
A. N. Harrington
+ Sur la Sommabilité Forte de Séries de Fourier 1939 J. Marcinkiewicz
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i><sup>1</sup>-convergence of Fourier series 1986 Chang-Pao Chen