J. Kim


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A new photon recoil experiment: towards a determination of the fine structure constant 2006 Holger MĂŒller
Sheng‐wey Chiow
Quan Long
Christoph Vo
Steven Chu
+ PDF Chat Atom interferometry measurement of the electric polarizability of lithium 2006 Alain Miffre
Marion Jacquey
M BĂŒchner
G. Trénec
J. Vigué
+ PDF Chat Search for Variations of Fundamental Constants using Atomic Fountain Clocks 2003 H. Marion
Franck Pereira dos Santos
Michel Abgrall
Shuo Zhang
Yvan R. P. Sortais
S. Bize
I. Maksimovic
Davide Calonico
Jan GrĂŒnert
C. Mandache
+ PDF Chat Matter-wave interferometry in a double well on an atom chip 2005 Thorsten Schumm
Sebastian Hofferberth
L. Mauritz Andersson
S. Wildermuth
S. Groth
I. Bar‐Joseph
Jörg Schmiedmayer
P. KrĂŒger
+ PDF Chat Cold Atom Clock Test of Lorentz Invariance in the Matter Sector 2006 Peter Wolf
Frédéric Chapelet
S. Bize
André Clairon
+ PDF Chat Sensitive absolute-gravity gradiometry using atom interferometry 2002 J. M. McGuirk
G. T. Foster
J. B. Fixler
M. J. Snadden
Mark A. Kasevich
+ PDF Chat Six-Axis Inertial Sensor Using Cold-Atom Interferometry 2006 B. Canuel
Florence Leduc
David Holleville
A. Gauguet
J. Fils
Antonio Virdis
A. Clairon
N. Dimarcq
C. J. Bordé
Arnaud Landragin
+ PDF Chat Properties of a dilute Bose gas near a Feshbach resonance 2003 Lan Yin
Zhenhua Ning
+ Compact laser system for atom interferometry 2006 Patrick Cheinet
Franck Pereira dos Santos
Tomasz Petelski
Julien Le Gouët
J. Kim
Kasper T. Therkildsen
A. Clairon
Arnaud Landragin
+ PDF Chat I.C.E.: a transportable atomic inertial sensor for test in microgravity 2006 Robert A. Nyman
Gaël Varoquaux
Fabien Lienhart
D. Chambon
Salah Boussen
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Tobias M. MĂŒller
Giorgio Santarelli
Franck Pereira dos Santos
A. Clairon
+ PDF Chat Raman cooling of spin-polarized cesium atoms in a crossed dipole trap 1999 HĂ©lĂšne Perrin
Axel Kuhn
Isabelle Bouchoule
Tilman Pfau
C. Salomon
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of diurnal polar motion by ring laser gyroscopes 2004 Ulrich Schreiber
A. Velikoseltsev
M. Rothacher
Thomas KlĂŒgel
G E Stedman
David L. Wiltshire
+ PDF Chat Soliton solutions with real poles in the Alekseev formulation of the inverse-scattering method 1999 Salvatore MiccichĂš
J. B. Griffiths