Stephen Yau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Explicit construction of moduli space of bounded complete Reinhardt domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ 2010 Rong Du
Yun Gao
Stephen Yau
+ PDF Chat Hyperkähler manifolds and birational transformations 2002 Yi Hu
Stephen Yau
+ HyperKähler Manifolds and Birational Transformations 2001 Yi Hu
Stephen Yau
+ The topology of complements to hypersurfaces and nonvanishing of a twisted deRham cohomology 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Notes on the codimensions of smooth map-germs and the related results 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Embeddable CR-structures and deformations of pseudoconvex surfaces 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat On the singularity of the boundary of a convex domain admitting a non-compact automorphism group 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ On 𝐻⁰-lemma and projective normality of line bundles on algebraic curves 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Non-congruent number, odd graph and the BSD conjecture 𝑦²=𝑥³-𝑛²𝑥 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat Schwarzian derivative of holomorphic mappings 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Complement of arrangement of hyperplanes 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat Singular Milnor fibers and higher multiplicities for nonisolated complete intersections 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ The Chern characters of surface with singularities 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Enumeration of combinations of rational double points on quartic surfaces 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Singularities and Complex Geometry 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat The weighted blowing ups of singularities with 𝜅=0 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat Residues of complex analytic foliations relative to singular invariant subvarieties 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ Multi-polynomial invariants for plane algebraic curves 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ PDF Chat Complete algebraic CR invariants of real codimension 3 strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds 1997 Qi-Keng Lu
Stephen Yau
Anatoly Libgober
+ On sampling with Markov chains 1996 Fan Chung
R. L. Graham
Stephen Yau
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of Graphs and Sobolev Inequalities 1995 Frank R. Chung
Stephen Yau
+ PDF Chat A Harnack inequality for homogeneous graphs and subgraphs 1994 Fan Chung
Stephen Yau
+ Three dimensional algebraic manifolds with C<sub>1</sub> = 0 and χ = −6 1987 Gang Tian
Stephen Yau
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Characterizations of Projective Space and Applications to Complex Symplectic Manifolds 2018 Koji Cho
Yoichi Miyaoka
N. I. Shepherd‐Barron
+ Small Contractions of Symplectic 4-folds 2002 Jan Wierzba
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Brill-Noether duality for moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces 2001 Eyal Markman
+ PDF Chat Birational symplectic manifolds and their deformations 1997 Daniel Huybrechts
+ PDF Chat Deformation theory of singular symplectic n-folds 2001 Yoshinori Namikawa
+ Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1996 Janós Kollár
+ Symplectic resolutions: deformations and birational maps 2000 D. Kaledin
+ Local Expansion of Symmetrical Graphs 1992 László Babai
Márió Szegedy
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ PDF Chat Higher order Bergman functions and explicit construction of moduli space for complete Reinhardt domains 2009 Rong Du
Stephen S.‐T. Yau
+ PDF Chat On Arithmetic Genera of Algebraic Varieties 1953 K. Kodaira
D. C. Spencer
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
Jürgen Moser
+ On the Eigenvalues of Vibrating Membranes<sup>†</sup> 1961 Georg Pólya
+ λ1, Isoperimetric inequalities for graphs, and superconcentrators 1985 Noga Alon
Vitali Milman
+ Deformations of strictly pseudoconvex domains 1978 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
Raymond O. Wells
+ Problems in analysis 1964 Bernard R. Gelbaum
+ PDF Chat An algebraic computation of the alexander polynomial of a plane algebraic curve 1983 Toshitake Kohno
+ Isoperimetric numbers of graphs 1989 Bojan Mohar
+ PDF Chat Compact hyperk�hler manifolds: basic results 2003 Daniel Huybrechts
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Le polynôme d'Alexander d'une courbe plane projective 1990 François Loeser
Michel Vaquié
+ PDF Chat Global invariants for strongly pseudoconvex varieties with isolated singularities: Bergman functions 2004 Stephen S.‐T. Yau
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Estimates for Markov Chains and Random Walks on Groups 1993 Waldemar Hebisch
L. Saloff-Coste
+ PDF Chat Geometric Bounds for Eigenvalues of Markov Chains 1991 Persi Diaconis
Daniel W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting, uniform generation and rapidly mixing Markov chains 1989 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ Isoperimetric inequalities and Markov chains 1985 N. Th. Varopoulos
+ PDF Chat Contractions of symplectic varieties 2003 Jan Wierzba
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Weitzenböck in invariant theory 1962 C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat On the structure of cohomology groups attached to the integral of certain many-valued analytic functions 1983 Michitake Kita
Masatoshi Noumi
+ Homotopy Groups of the Complements to Singular Hypersurfaces, II 1994 Anatoly Libgober
+ Holomorphic equivalence problem for bounded Reinhardt domains 1978 Toshikazu Sunada
+ PDF Chat The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains 1974 Charles Fefferman
+ Holomorphic Invariants, Normal Forms, and the Moduli Space of Convex Domains 1988 László Lempert
+ PDF Chat Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties 1995 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ Ramanujan graphs 1988 Alexander Lubotzky
Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ Estimates of eigenvalues of a compact Riemannian manifold 1980 Peter Li
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Spectral and function theory for combinatorial Laplacians 1988 Józef Dodziuk
Leon Karp
+ Mirror Symmetry is T-Duality 1996 Andrew Strominger
Shing‐Tung Yau
Eric Zaslow
+ A Lower Bound for the Smallest Eigenvalue of the Laplacian 2015 Jeff Cheeger
+ An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli 2003 Shigeru Mukai
W. M. Oxbury
+ Cayley graphs and planar isospectral domains 1988 Peter Buser
+ Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables 1986 R. Michael Range
+ Extremal Graph Theory 1978 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Hermitian structures on a real hypersurface 1978 S. M. Webster
+ Some Applications of Modular Forms 1990 Peter Sarnak
+ Alexander polynomial of plane algebraic curves and cyclic multiple planes 1982 Anatoly Libgober
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ Characterizing the Projective Space after Cho, Miyaoka and Shepherd-Barron 2002 Stefan Kebekus