Peter Littelmann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Seshadri stratifications on normal toric varieties 2025 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Martina Costa Cesari
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Schubert valuations on Grassmann varieties 2024 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Seshadri stratifications and Schubert varieties: a geometric construction of a standard monomial theory 2024 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ On normal Seshadri stratifications 2024 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory 2023 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ LS algebras, valuations, and Schubert varieties 2023 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Bases of tensor products and geometric Satake correspondence 2022 Pierre Baumann
Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Seshadri stratification for Schubert varieties and standard monomial theory 2022 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Algebraic Groups 2022 Corrado De Concini
Philippe Gille
Peter Littelmann
+ Seshadri stratification for Schubert varieties and Standard Monomial Theory 2022 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ LS Algebras, Valuations and Schubert Varieties 2022 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ On normal Seshadri stratifications 2022 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Seshadri stratifications and Schubert varieties: a geometric construction of a standard monomial theory 2022 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory 2021 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory 2021 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Algebraic Groups 2018 Corrado De Concini
Peter Littelmann
Zinovy Reichstein
+ PDF Chat Simplices in Newton–Okounkov bodies and the Gromov width of coadjoint orbits 2017 Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
Milena Pabiniak
+ PDF Chat From standard monomial theory to semi-toric degenerations via Newton–Okounkov bodies 2017 Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ Essential bases and toric degenerations arising from birational sequences 2017 Xin Fang
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ From standard monomial theory to semi-toric degenerations via Newton-Okounkov bodies 2017 Xin Fang
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat On toric degenerations of flag varieties 2016 Xin Fang
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Degenerate flag varieties and Schubert varieties: a characteristic free approach 2016 Giovanni Cerulli Irelli
Martina Lanini
Peter Littelmann
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ On toric degenerations of flag varieties 2016 Xin Fang
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Fusion products and toroidal algebras 2015 Deniz Kus
Peter Littelmann
+ Essential bases and toric degenerations arising from birational sequences 2015 Xin Fang
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Degenerate Flag Varieties 2013 Evgeny Feigin
Michael Finkelberg
Peter Littelmann
+ Favourable modules: Filtrations, polytopes, Newton-Okounkov bodies and flat degenerations 2013 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW-filtration over â„€ and Compatible Bases for V_Z(\lambda) in Type A_n and C_n 2013 Evgeny Feigin
Peter Littelmann
Fourier Ghislain
+ Favourable modules: Filtrations, polytopes, Newton-Okounkov bodies and flat degenerations 2013 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW-filtration over â„€ and Compatible Bases for V â„€(λ) in Type A n and C n 2012 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 2012 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
Wolfgang Soergel
+ PBW--filtration over $\bz$ and compatible bases for $V_\bz(\la)$ in type ${\tt A}_n$ and ${\tt C}_n$ 2012 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ SU(N) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and non-Abelian symmetries 2012 Arne Alex
Lukas Everding
Peter Littelmann
Jan von Delft
+ Knuth relations, tableaux and MV-cycles 2012 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
An Hoa Nguyen
+ PDF Chat One-skeleton galleries, the path model and a generalization of Macdonald's formula for Hall-Littlewood polynomials 2012 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW--filtration over $\bz$ and compatible bases for $V_\bz(\la)$ in type ${\tt A}_n$ and ${\tt C}_n$ 2012 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat One-Skeleton Galleries, the Path Model, and a Generalization of Macdonald's Formula for Hall-Littlewood Polynomials 2011 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat PBW Filtration and Bases for Symplectic Lie Algebras 2011 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW filtration and bases for irreducible modules in type A n 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW filtration and bases for symplectic Lie algebras 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Zhu's algebras, <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>-algebras and abelian radicals 2010 Boris Feigin
Evgeny Feigin
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Zhu's algebra and the<i>C</i><sub>2</sub>-algebra in the symplectic and the orthogonal cases 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW filtration and bases for irreducible modules in type $A_n$ 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PBW filtration and bases for symplectic Lie algebras 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ One-skeleton galleries, the path model and a generalization of Macdonald's formula for Hall-Littlewood polynomials 2010 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 2009 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
Wolfgang Soergel
+ Zhu's algebras, $C_2$-algebras and abelian radicals 2009 Boris Feigin
Evgeny Feigin
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Equations Defining Symmetric Varieties and Affine Grassmannians 2008 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Peter Littelmann
Andrea Maffei
+ PDF Chat Superbosonization of Invariant Random Matrix Ensembles 2008 Peter Littelmann
H.-J. Sommers
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Über einige Arbeiten von Andrei Okounkov 2007 Peter Littelmann
+ Equations defining symmetric varieties and affine Grassmannians 2007 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Peter Littelmann
Andrea Maffei
+ Equations defining symmetric varieties and affine grassmannians 2007 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
Peter Littelmann
Andrea Maffei
+ Weyl modules, Demazure modules, KR-modules, crystals, fusion products and limit constructions 2006 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Tensor Product Structure of Affine Demazure Modules and Limit Constructions 2006 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 2005 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
Wolfgang Soergel
+ Weyl modules, affine Demazure modules, fusion products and limit constructions 2005 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ Weyl modules, Demazure modules, KR-modules, crystals, fusion products and limit constructions 2005 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat LS galleries, the path model, and MV cycles 2005 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ Weyl modules, Demazure modules, KR-modules, crystals, fusion products and limit constructions 2005 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ Tensor product structure of affine Demazure modules and limit constructions 2004 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Adapted algebras and standard monomials 2004 Philippe Caldero
Peter Littelmann
+ Tensor product structure of affine Demazure modules and limit constructions 2004 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ LS-Galleries, the path model and MV-cycles 2003 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Richardson varieties and equivariant K-theory 2003 V. Lakshmibai
Peter Littelmann
+ A Pieri-Chevalley Type Formula for K (G/B) and Standard Monomial Theory 2003 Peter Littelmann
C. S. Seshadri
+ Bases for representations, LS-paths and Verma flags 2003 Peter Littelmann
+ LS-Galleries, the path model and MV-cycles 2003 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Algebraization of Frobenius Splitting via Quantum Groups 2002 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat None 2002 V. Lakshmibai
Peter Littelmann
PĂ©ter Magyar
+ Richardson Varieties and Equivariant K-Theory 2002 V. Lakshmibai
Peter Littelmann
+ Adapted algebras and standard monomials 2002 Philippe Caldero
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Algebraization of Frobenius Splitting via Quantum Groups 2002 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
+ Frobenius splitting in characteristic zero and the quantum Frobenius map 2000 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
+ Algebraization of Frobenius splitting via quantum groups 2000 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
+ Cones, crystals, and patterns 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ Standard Monomial Theory and applications 1998 V. Lakshmibai
Peter Littelmann
PĂ©ter Magyar
+ The Path Model, the Quantum Frobenius Map and Standard Monomial Theory 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Contracting modules and standard monomial theory for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ An algorithm to compute bases and representation matrices for SLn + 1-representations 1997 Peter Littelmann
+ A Plactic Algebra for Semisimple Lie Algebras 1996 Peter Littelmann
+ An effective method to classify nilpotent orbits 1996 Peter Littelmann
+ Paths and Root Operators in Representation Theory 1995 Peter Littelmann
+ Crystal Graphs and Young Tableaux 1995 Peter Littelmann
+ The Path Model for Representations of Symmetrizable Kac-Moody Algebras 1995 Peter Littelmann
+ A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 1994 Peter Littelmann
+ On Spherical Double Cones 1994 Peter Littelmann
+ Good filtrations and decomposition rules for representations with standard monomial theory. 1992 Peter Littelmann
+ On the Poincaré series of the invariants of binary forms 1990 Peter Littelmann
Claudio Procesi
+ A generalization of the Littlewood-Richardson rule 1990 Peter Littelmann
+ KoregulÀre und Àquidimensionale Darstellungen 1989 Peter Littelmann
+ Der Grad erzeugender Funktionen von Invariantenringen 1987 Friedrich Knop
Peter Littelmann
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 1994 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Contracting modules and standard monomial theory for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ Paths and Root Operators in Representation Theory 1995 Peter Littelmann
+ Standard monomial theory 1981 C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ Projective normality of flag varieties and Schubert varieties 1985 S. Ramanan
A. Ramanathan
+ PDF Chat Geometry of GP−V 1986 V. Lakshmibai
C. S. Seshadri
+ Quantum Groups and Their Primitive Ideals 1995 Anthony Joseph
+ Introduction to Quantum Groups 2010 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Geometry of đș/𝑃 1979 V. Lakshmibai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PBW filtration and bases for irreducible modules in type A n 2010 Evgeny Feigin
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Okounkov bodies and toric degenerations 2012 Dave Anderson
+ A Plactic Algebra for Semisimple Lie Algebras 1996 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory 2012 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold KhovanskiÄ­
+ Kac-Moody Groups, their Flag Varieties and Representation Theory 2002 Shrawan Kumar
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Groupes et algĂšbres de Lie 1971 NicolĂĄs Bourbaki
+ Finite-dimensional representations of the group of unimodular matrices 1950 Israel M. Gelfand
Michael .L. Zetlin
+ Some Enumerative Results in the Theory of Forms 1943 W. V. D. Hodge
+ Standard Monomial Theory and applications 1998 V. Lakshmibai
Peter Littelmann
PĂ©ter Magyar
+ Crystal bases of modified quantized enveloping algebra 1994 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat Canonical bases arising from quantized enveloping algebras 1990 G. Lusztig
+ Canonical Bases Arising from Quantized Enveloping Algebras. II 1990 G. Lusztig
+ A generalization of the Littlewood-Richardson rule 1990 Peter Littelmann
+ On some geometric aspects of Bruhat orderings. I. A finer decomposition of Bruhat cells 1985 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ PDF Chat Toric degenerations of Schubert varieties 2002 Philippe Caldero
+ Geometry ofG/P—IV (Standard monomial theory for classical types) 1979 V. Lakshmibai
C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ The crystal base and Littelmann’s refined Demazure character formula 1993 Masaki Kashiwara
+ Frobenius splitting in characteristic zero and the quantum Frobenius map 2000 Shrawan Kumar
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes and Feigin–Fourier–Littelmann–Vinberg polytopes as marked poset polytopes 2011 Federico Ardila
Thomas Bliem
Dido Salazar
+ LS algebras and application to Schubert varieties 2000 Rocco ChirivĂŹ
+ Combinatorial Results on Demazure Modules 1998 RaĂŻka Dehy
+ Equations defining schubert varieties and frobenius splitting of diagonals 1987 A. Ramanathan
+ Some remarks on nilpotent orbits 1980 Victor G. Kač
+ Standard Monomial Theory 2007 V. Lakshmibai
K. N. Raghavan
+ Uniqueness and presentation of Kac-Moody groups over fields 1987 Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Crystal bases and Newton–Okounkov bodies 2015 Kiumars Kaveh
+ Degenerations of flag and Schubert varieties to toric varieties 1996 Nicolae Gonciulea
V. Lakshmibai
+ Zhu's algebra, the C_2 algebra, and twisted modules 2008 Matthias R. Gaberdiel
Terry Gannon
+ Demazure character formula in arbitrary Kac-Moody setting 1987 Shrawan Kumar
+ Crystalizing theq-analogue of universal enveloping algebras 1990 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat The PBW Filtration, Demazure Modules and Toroidal Current Algebras 2008 Evgeny Feigin
+ PDF Chat LS galleries, the path model, and MV cycles 2005 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ On Spherical Double Cones 1994 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Filtrations of $G$-modules 1990 Olivier Mathieu
Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ Representations of Algebraic Groups 2007 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Schubert varieties are arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay 1985 A. Ramanathan
+ Cones, crystals, and patterns 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ The PBW filtration 2009 Evgeny Feigin