David Gabai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Enumerating Kleinian Groups 2023 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
Andrew Yarmola
+ On the automorphism groups of hyperbolic manifolds 2023 Ryan Budney
David Gabai
+ Doubles of Gluck twists: a five dimensional approach 2023 David Gabai
Patrick Naylor
Hannah Schwartz
+ Pseudo-isotopies of simply connected 4-manifolds 2023 David Gabai
David Gay
Daniel A. Hartman
Vyacheslav Krushkal
Mark Powell
+ The Two-Eyes Lemma: A Linking Problem for Table-Top Necklaces 2022 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Andrew Yarmola
+ 3-Spheres in the 4-Sphere and Pseudo-Isotopies of $S^1\times S^3$ 2022 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Self-referential discs and the light bulb lemma 2021 David Gabai
+ Hyperbolic 3-manifolds of low cusp volume 2021 David Gabai
Robert C. Haraway
Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
Andrew Yarmola
+ The fully marked surface theorem 2020 David Gabai
Mehdi Yazdi
+ Self-Referential Discs and the Light Bulb Lemma 2020 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Geometric methods in Heegaard theory 2020 Tobias Colding
David Gabai
Daniel Ketover
+ PDF Chat The fully marked surface theorem 2020 David Gabai
Mehdi Yazdi
+ Geometric Methods In Heegaard Theory 2020 Tobias Colding
David Gabai
Daniel Ketover
+ The fully marked surface theorem 2020 David Gabai
Mehdi Yazdi
+ Self-Referential Discs and the Light Bulb Lemma 2020 David Gabai
+ Knotted 3-balls in S^4 2019 Ryan Budney
David Gabai
+ The 4-dimensional light bulb theorem 2019 David Gabai
+ Knotted 3-balls in S^4 2019 Ryan Budney
David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Effective finiteness of irreducible Heegaard splittings of non-Haken 3-manifolds 2018 Tobias Colding
David Gabai
+ PDF Chat On the classification of Heegaard splittings 2018 Tobias Colding
David Gabai
Daniel Ketover
+ The Two Eyes Lemma: a linking problem for horoball necklaces 2018 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Andrew Yarmola
+ The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem 2017 David Gabai
+ The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem 2017 David Gabai
+ D. Gabai - Maximal cusps of low volume 2016 David Gabai
Fanny Bastien
Pauline Martinet
+ PDF Chat Exceptional hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2015 David Gabai
Maria Trnková
+ PDF Chat On the topology of ending lamination space 2014 David Gabai
+ The Whitehead manifold is a union of two Euclidean spaces 2011 David Gabai
+ Hyperbolic 3-manifolds in the 2000's 2011 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Mom technology and volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2010 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ Mom technology and hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2010 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ Minimum volume cusped hyperbolic three-manifolds 2009 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ Hyperbolic geometry and 3-manifold topology 2009 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Almost filling laminations and the connectivity of ending lamination space 2009 David Gabai
+ Mom technology and hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2009 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ Almost filling laminations and the connectivity of ending lamination space 2008 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Covering a nontaming knot by the unlink 2007 Michael Freedman
David Gabai
+ Minimum volume cusped hyperbolic three-manifolds 2007 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ Mom technology and volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2006 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ PDF Chat Shrinkwrapping and the taming of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2005 Danny Calegari
David Gabai
+ Shrinkwrapping and the taming of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2004 Danny Calegari
David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are hyperbolic 2003 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
+ PDF Chat The Smale Conjecture for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Isom (M3) ≃ Diff (M3) 2001 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat On Brittenham’s theorem 2001 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Volumes of Tubes in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds 2001 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ 3 lectures on foliations and laminations on 3-manifolds 2001 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial volume preserving flows and taut foliations 2000 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Essential laminations and Kneser normal form 1999 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Group negative curvature for 3–manifolds with genuine laminations 1998 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ PDF Chat The finiteness of the mapping class group for atoroidal 3-manifolds with genuine laminations 1998 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ PDF Chat On the geometric and topological rigidity of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1997 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Order trees and laminations of the plane 1997 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ Homotopy Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds are Hyperbolic 1996 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Minimal Semi-Euclidean Laminations in 3-Manifolds 1996 David Gabai
+ Homotopy Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds are Hyperbolic 1996 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
+ On the geometric and topological rigidity of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1994 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are virtually hyperbolic 1994 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat On the geometric and topological rigidity of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1994 David Gabai
+ Homotopy Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds are Virtually Hyperbolic 1994 David Gabai
+ On the geometric and topological rigidity of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1994 David Gabai
+ 3-Manifolds with Essential Laminations are Covered by Solid Tori 1993 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ PDF Chat Convergence Groups are Fuchsian Groups 1992 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Taut foliations of 3-manifolds and suspensions of $S^1$ 1992 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Convergence groups are Fuchsian groups 1991 David Gabai
+ 1-bridge braids in solid tori 1990 David Gabai
+ Pseudo-Anosov maps and surgery on fibred 2-bridge knots 1990 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ Foliations and 3-Manifolds* 1990 David Gabai
+ Essential Laminations in 3-Manifolds 1989 David Gabai
Ulrich Oertel
+ Surgery on knots in solid tori 1989 David Gabai
+ The classification of maps of nonorientable surfaces 1988 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ PDF Chat The classification of maps of surfaces 1987 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ Genus is superadditive under band connected sum 1987 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds. II 1987 David Gabai
+ Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds. III 1987 David Gabai
+ Detecting fibred links inS 3 1986 David Gabai
+ Genera of the alternating links 1986 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat The classification of maps of surfaces 1986 David Gabai
William Kazez
+ PDF Chat Foliations and surgery on knots 1986 David Gabai
+ Genera of the arborescent links . A norm for the homology of 3-manifolds 1986 David Gabai
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat The simple loop conjecture 1985 David Gabai
+ The Murasugi sum is a natural geometric operation. II 1985 David Gabai
+ An internal hierarchy for 3-manifolds 1985 David Gabai
+ Foliations and genera of links 1984 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ The Murasugi sum is a natural geometric operation 1983 David Gabai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat On Irreducible 3-Manifolds Which are Sufficiently Large 1968 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ PDF Chat Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are hyperbolic 2003 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1982 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat A Lower Bound for the Volume of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds 1987 Robert Meyerhoff
+ Essential Laminations in 3-Manifolds 1989 David Gabai
Ulrich Oertel
+ Quasi-conformal mappings inn-space and the rigidity of hyperbolic space forms 1968 G. D. Mostow
+ PDF Chat On the geometric and topological rigidity of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1997 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Plongements dans les variétés feuilletées et classification de feuilletages sans holonomie 1974 Robert Roussarie
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Equivalences of 3-Manifolds with Boundaries 1979 Klaus Johannson
+ PDF Chat Volume change under drilling 2002 Ian Agol
+ PDF Chat The simple loop conjecture 1985 David Gabai
+ Sphere-packing and volume in hyperbolic 3-space 1986 Robert Meyerhoff
+ Elementary Geometry in Hyperbolic Space 1989 Werner Fenchel
+ Foliations and genera of links 1984 David Gabai
+ The orientable cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds of minimum volume 2001 Chun Cao
G. Robert Meyerhoff
+ Lower bounds on volumes of hyperbolic Haken 3-manifolds 2007 Ian Agol
Peter A. Storm
William P. Thurston
+ Incompressible surfaces via branched surfaces 1984 William Floyd
Ulrich Oertel
+ PDF Chat Seifert fibered spaces in 3-manifolds 1979 William Jaco
Peter B. Shalen
+ Embedded Minimal Surfaces, Exotic Spheres, and Manifolds with Positive Ricci Curvature 1982 William H. Meeks
Leon Simon
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Three-Manifold Topology 1980 William Jaco
+ Foliations by planes 1968 Harold Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat Vol3 and other exceptional hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2000 Kerry N. Jones
Alan W. Reid
+ PDF Chat Dehn surgery, homology and hyperbolic volume 2006 Ian Agol
Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
+ PDF Chat Minimum volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2009 Peter Milley
+ A homological characterization of foliations consisting of minimal surfaces 1979 Dennis Sullivan
+ The Geometry of Finitely Generated Kleinian Groups 1974 Albert Marden
+ Exceptional Regions and Associated Exceptional Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds 2007 Abhijit Champanerkar
Jacob Lewis
Max Lipyanskiy
Scott Meltzer
+ Surgery on knots in solid tori 1989 David Gabai
+ Geometry and Topology of Manifolds 2007 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces 1988 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat On the construction of branched coverings of low-dimensional manifolds 1979 Israel Berstein
Allan L. Edmonds
+ PDF Chat Mom technology and volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2010 David Gabai
Robert Meyerhoff
Peter Milley
+ PDF Chat Shrinkwrapping and the taming of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2005 Danny Calegari
David Gabai
+ PDF Chat The classification of Kleinian surface groups, II: The Ending Lamination Conjecture 2012 Jeffrey Brock
Richard D. Canary
Yair N. Minsky
+ Train tracks and the Gromov boundary of the complex of curves 2004 Ursula Hamenstaedt
+ Non-compact 3-manifolds and the missing-boundary problem 1974 Thomas W. Tucker
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the complex of curves I: Hyperbolicity 1999 Howard Masur
Yair N. Minsky
+ PDF Chat Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are virtually hyperbolic 1994 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat End reductions, fundamental groups, and covering spaces of irreducible open 3–manifolds 2005 Robert C. Myers
+ Hyperbolic manifolds according to Thurston and Jørgensen 2006 Michael Gromov
+ On fibering certain 3-manifolds 1961 John R. Stallings
+ PDF Chat Precisely invariant collars and the volume of hyperbolic 3-folds 1998 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat The existence of least area surfaces in 3-manifolds 1988 Joel Hass
Peter Scott
+ On the classification of generic branched coverings of surfaces 1984 Israel Berstein
Allan L. Edmonds
+ PDF Chat Ends of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1993 Richard D. Canary
+ PDF Chat A classification of immersions of the two-sphere 1959 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat La stratification naturelle des espaces de fonctions différentiables réelles et le théorème de la pseudo-isotopie 1970 Jean Cerf
+ PDF Chat Topologie de certains espaces de plongements 1961 Jean Cerf
+ PDF Chat A universal upper bound on density of tube packings in hyperbolic space 2006 Andrew Przeworski