Helena Bergold


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Subgraph-universal planar graphs for trees 2024 Helena Bergold
Vesna Irơič
Robert Lauff
Joachim Orthaber
Manfred Scheucher
Alexandra Wesolek
+ PDF Chat Holes in Convex and Simple Drawings 2024 Helena Bergold
Joachim Orthaber
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
+ PDF Chat Plane Hamiltonian Cycles in Convex Drawings 2024 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Meghana M. Reddy
Joachim Orthaber
Manfred Scheucher
+ PDF Chat Finding hardness reductions automatically using SAT solvers 2024 Helena Bergold
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
+ An extension theorem for signotopes 2023 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Manfred Scheucher
+ Using SAT to study plane Hamiltonian substructures in simple drawings 2023 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Meghana M. Reddy
Manfred Scheucher
+ PDF Chat Topological Drawings Meet Classical Theorems from Convex Geometry 2022 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
Raphael Steiner
+ PDF Chat Colorings of oriented planar graphs avoiding a monochromatic subgraph 2022 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Raphael Steiner
+ PDF Chat The Neighborhood Polynomial of Chordal Graphs 2022 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Uwe Mayer
+ Well-Separation and Hyperplane Transversals in High Dimensions 2022 Helena Bergold
Daniel Bertschinger
Nicolas Grelier
Wolfgang Mulzer
Patrick Schnider
+ PDF Chat The Neighborhood Polynomial of Chordal Graphs 2021 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Uwe Mayer
+ Colorings of oriented planar graphs avoiding a monochromatic subgraph 2021 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Raphael Steiner
+ PDF Chat The Neighborhood Polynomial of Chordal Graphs 2020 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Uwe Mayer
+ PDF Chat A semi-strong perfect digraph theorem 2020 Stephan Dominique Andres
Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Johanna Wiehe
+ PDF Chat Topological Drawings Meet Classical Theorems from Convex Geometry 2020 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
Raphael Steiner
+ Topological Drawings meet Classical Theorems from Convex Geometry 2020 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
Raphael Steiner
+ A Semi-strong Perfect Digraph Theorem. 2019 Stephan Dominique Andres
Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Johanna Wiehe
+ On the Geometry of Holmsen's Combinatorial Version of the Colorful Carathéodory 2019 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
+ A Semi-strong Perfect Digraph Theorem 2019 Stephan Dominique Andres
Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Johanna Wiehe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Perfect Digraphs 2014 Stephan Dominique Andres
Winfried HochstÀttler
+ The intersection of a matroid and an oriented matroid 2015 Andreas F. Holmsen
+ A generalization of carathéodory's theorem 1982 Imre Båråny
+ The dichromatic number of a digraph 1982 V. Neumann‐Lara
+ A Linear Recognition Algorithm for Cographs 1985 Derek G. Corneil
Yehoshua Perl
Laura K. Stewart
+ Complement reducible graphs 1981 Derek G. Corneil
H. Lerchs
L.Stewart Burlingham
+ PDF Chat Crossing Numbers and Combinatorial Characterization of Monotone Drawings of $$K_n$$ K n 2014 Martin Balko
Radoslav Fulek
Jan Kynčl
+ Tverberg-type Theorems for Pseudoconfigurations of Points in the Plane 1988 Jean-Pierre Roudneff
+ The intersection graphs of subtrees in trees are exactly the chordal graphs 1974 Fǎnicǎ Gavril
+ Representing triangulated graphs in stars 1992 Erich Prisner
+ Kneser's conjecture, chromatic number, and homotopy 1978 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
+ Piercing convex sets and the Hadwiger-Debrunner (p, q)-problem 1992 Noga Alon
Daniel J. Kleitman
+ PDF Chat On a Topological Generalization of a Theorem of Tverberg 1981 Imre BĂĄrĂĄny
Senya Shlosman
A. SzƱcs
+ The leafage of a chordal graph 1998 In-Jen Lin
Terry A. McKee
Douglas B. West
+ Sweeps, arrangements and signotopes 2001 Stefan Felsner
Helmut Weil
+ Über Systeme von abgeschlossenen Mengen mit gemeinschaftlichen Punkten 1930 Eduard Helly
+ Helly-type theorems for pseudoline arrangements in P2 1982 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Separation theorems for oriented matroids 1988 Achim Bachem
Alfred Wanka
+ On the Neighbourhood Polynomial 2017 D.-Y.S. Day
+ The neighbourhood polynomial of a graph. 2008 Jason I. Brown
Richard J. Nowakowski
+ Convex drawings of the complete graph: topology meets geometry 2017 Alan Arroyo
Dan McQuillan
R. Bruce Richter
Gelasio Salazar
+ Neighborhood and Domination Polynomials of Graphs 2018 Irene Heinrich
Peter Tittmann
+ Extending drawings of complete graphs into arrangements of pseudocircles 2020 Alan Arroyo
R. Bruce Richter
Matthew Sunohara
+ PDF Chat Improved bounds on the Hadwiger–Debrunner numbers 2018 Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
GĂĄbor Tardos
+ Drawings of K n with the same rotation scheme are the same up to Reidemeister moves (Gioan's Theorem). 2017 Alan Arroyo
Dan McQuillan
R. Bruce Richter
Gelasio Salazar
+ PDF Chat Tverberg’s theorem is 50 years old: A survey 2018 Imre Bárány
Pablo SoberĂłn
+ Bounding Helly Numbers via Betti Numbers 2017 Xavier Goaoc
Pavel PatĂĄk
Zuzana PatĂĄkovĂĄ
Martin Tancer
Uli Wagner
+ PDF Chat Levi's Lemma, pseudolinear drawings of , and empty triangles 2017 Alan Arroyo
Dan McQuillan
R. Bruce Richter
Gelasio Salazar
+ Extending Drawings of Graphs to Arrangements of Pseudolines 2018 Alan Arroyo
Julien Bensmail
R. Bruce Richter
+ A Note on Universal Point Sets for Planar Graphs 2020 Manfred Scheucher
Hendrik Schrezenmaier
Raphael Steiner
+ The topological Tverberg problem beyond prime powers 2020 Florian Frick
Pablo SoberĂłn
+ Two disjoint 5-holes in point sets 2020 Manfred Scheucher
+ Graph operations and neighborhood polynomials 2020 Maryam Alipour
Peter Tittmann
+ A topological colorful Helly theorem 2004 Gil Kalai
Roy Meshulam
+ PDF Chat Improved Enumeration of Simple Topological Graphs 2013 Jan Kynčl
+ PDF Chat Extending Drawings of Complete Graphs into Arrangements of Pseudocircles 2021 Alan Arroyo
R. Bruce Richter
Matthew Sunohara
+ Testing isomorphism of chordal graphs of bounded leafage is fixed-parameter tractable. 2021 V. Arvind
Roman Nedela
Ilia Ponomarenko
Peter Zeman
+ Subcolorings and the subchromatic number of a graph 2003 John Gimbel
Chris Hartman
+ Equivariant Maps for the Symmetric Group 1987 Murad Özaydın
+ A Course in Convexity 2002 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat The Neighborhood Polynomial of Chordal Graphs 2021 Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Uwe Mayer
+ PDF Chat Topological Drawings Meet Classical Theorems from Convex Geometry 2022 Helena Bergold
Stefan Felsner
Manfred Scheucher
Felix Schröder
Raphael Steiner
+ PDF Chat Convex drawings of the complete graph: topology meets geometry 2021 Alan Arroyo
Dan McQuillan
R. Bruce Richter
Gelasio Salazar
+ 2-List-coloring planar graphs without monochromatic triangles 2008 Carsten Thomassen
+ PDF Chat A semi-strong perfect digraph theorem 2020 Stephan Dominique Andres
Helena Bergold
Winfried HochstÀttler
Johanna Wiehe
+ Partitions of graphs into cographs 2010 John Gimbel
Jaroslav Neơetƙil
+ PDF Chat Empty Triangles in Good Drawings of the Complete Graph 2015 Oswin Aichholzer
Thomas Hackl
Alexander Pilz
Pedro Ramos
Vera SacristĂĄn
Birgit Vogtenhuber
+ PDF Chat Very Colorful Theorems 2009 Jorge L. Arocha
Imre BĂĄrĂĄny
Javier Bracho
Ruy Fabila
Luis Montejano
+ Some intersection theorems for ordered sets and graphs 1986 Fan Chung
Ronald Graham
PĂ©ter Frankl
James B. Shearer
+ Partitions of Graphs into Cographs 2002 John Gimbel
Jaroslav Neơetƙil