Freydoon Shahidi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Rankin-Selberg L-Functions for GSpin x GL Groups 2024 Mahdi Asgari
James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat On anti-tempered local Arthur packets and a lemma of Arthur 2024 Baiying Liu
Chi-Heng Lo
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat On the upper bound of wavefront sets of representations of p-adic groups 2024 Alexander Hazeltine
Baiying Liu
Chi-Heng Lo
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Jiang’s conjecture and Fibers of the Barbasch-Vogan duality 2024 Baiying Liu
Chi-Heng Lo
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Local Coefficients and Gamma Factors for Principal Series of Covering Groups 2023 Fan Gao
Freydoon Shahidi
Dani Szpruch
+ PDF On the resolution of reductive monoids and multiplicativity of γ-factors 2022 Freydoon Shahidi
William Sokurski
+ Automorphic L-Functions 2021 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Langlands’ Contributions To Mathematical Physics 2021 Julia Mueller
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the Resolution of Reductive Monoids and Multiplicativity of $\gamma$-factors 2021 Freydoon Shahidi
William Sokurski
+ Restrictions, L-parameters, and local coefficients for genuine representations 2021 Fan Gao
Freydoon Shahidi
Dani Szpruch
+ On the Resolution of Reductive Monoids and Multiplicativity of $γ$-factors 2021 Freydoon Shahidi
William Sokurski
+ Gamma factors for genuine principal series of covering groups (with an appendix by Caihua Luo) 2019 Fan Gao
Freydoon Shahidi
Dani Szpruch
+ In Memoriam: Jean Bourgain and Elias M. Stein 2019 William P. Minicozzi
Freydoon Shahidi
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shokurov
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Local coefficients and gamma factors for principal series of covering groups 2019 Fan Gao
Freydoon Shahidi
Dani Szpruch
+ On the Local Coefficients Matrix for Coverings of $$\mathrm{SL}_2$$SL2 2018 Fan Gao
Freydoon Shahidi
Dani Szpruch
+ On Generalized Fourier Transforms for Standard L-Functions 2018 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups 2018 James Cogdell
Günter Harder
Stephen S. Kudla
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Book Review: The endoscopic classification of representations—orthogonal and symplectic groups 2017 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On generalized Fourier Transforms for standard L-functions (with an appendix by Wen-Wei Li) 2017 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Local Langlands correspondence for GLn and the exterior and symmetric square ε-factors 2017 James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
T.-L. Tsai
+ PDF Chat Estimates on Eisenstein Distributions for Reciprocals of p-Adic L-Functions: The Case of Irregular Primes 2017 Stephen Gelbart
Ralph Greenberg
Stephen D. Miller
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Local Factors, Reciprocity and Vinberg Monoids 2017 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On generalized Fourier Transforms for standard L-functions (with an appendix by Wen-Wei Li) 2017 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Advances in the Theory of Automorphic Forms and Their 𝐿-functions 2016 Dihua Jiang
Freydoon Shahidi
David Soudry
+ PDF Chat Local transfer and reducibility of induced representations of 𝑝-adic groups of classical type 2016 Mahdi Asgari
James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions : workshop in honor of James Cogdell's 60th birthday, October 16-25, 2013, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2016 Dihua Jiang
Freydoon Shahidi
David Soudry
James Cogdell
+ Foreword 2016 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Estimates on Eisenstein distributions for reciprocals of p-adic L-functions: the case of irregular primes 2016 Stephen Gelbart
Ralph Greenberg
Stephen D. Miller
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Endoscopic transfer for unitary groups and holomorphy of Asai<i>L</i>-functions 2015 Neven Grbac
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry 2014 James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
David Soudry
+ Image of functoriality for general spin groups 2014 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic forms and related geometry : assessing the legecy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro : April 23-27, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2014 Related Geometry
James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
David Soudry
+ On equality of arithmetic and analytic exterior square root numbers 2014 Freydoon Shahidi
+ A 𝑝-adic integral for the reciprocal of 𝐿-functions 2014 Stephen Gelbart
Stephen D. Miller
Alexei Panchishkin
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Local Transfer and Reducibility of Induced Representations of $p$-adic Groups of Classical Type 2014 Mahdi Asgari
James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic forms and related geometry : assessing the legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro : Conference on Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry : Assessing the Legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro : April 23-27, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2014 James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
David Soudry
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On equality of arithmetic and analytic factors through local Langlands correspondence 2012 Freydoon Shahidi
+ The tempered spectrum of quasi-split classical groups III: The odd orthogonal groups 2012 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functoriality for General Spin Groups 2011 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Arthur packets and the Ramanujan conjecture 2011 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functoriality for the quasisplit classical groups 2011 James Cogdell
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functoriality for General Spin Groups 2011 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On certain L-functions : conference on certain L-functions in honor of Freydoon Shahidi, July 23-27, 2007, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 2011 James Arthur
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Eisenstein Series and Automorphic $l$-functions 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Further properties of 𝐿–functions 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functional equations 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Intertwining operators 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Eisenstein Series and Automorphic 𝐿-Functions 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Residues of intertwining operators for SO<sup>*</sup><sub>6</sub> as character identities 2010 Freydoon Shahidi
Steven Spallone
+ The p-Adic Eisenstein Measure and Fourier coefficients for SL(2) 2010 Stephen Gelbart
Alexei Pantchichkine
Freydoon Shahidi
+ A p-adic integral for the reciprocal of L-functions 2010 Stephen Gelbart
Stephen D. Miller
Alexei Pantchichkine
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF The p-Adic Eisenstein Measure and Shahidi-type p-Adic Integral for SL(2) 2009 Stephen Gelbart
Stephen D. Miller
Alexei Panchishkin
Freydoon Shahidi
+ The tempered spectrum of quasi-split classical groups III: The odd orthogonal groups 2009 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Appendix: L-Functions and Poles of Intertwining Operators 2008 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat On Certain Period Relations for Cusp Forms on GLn 2008 A. Raghuram
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Functoriality and Special Values of L-Functions 2007 A. Raghuram
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Langlands Functoriality Conjecture and Number Theory 2007 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic Forms and Applications 2007 Peter Sarnak
Freydoon Shahidi
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Residues of Intertwining Operators for Classical Groups with an Appendix "$L$-Functions and Poles of Intertwining Operators" 2007 Steven Spallone
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Siegel modular forms of genus $2$ attached to elliptic curves 2007 Dinakar Ramakrishnan
Freydoon Shahidi
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On certain period relations for cusp forms on GL_n 2007 A. Raghuram
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functoriality and special values of L-functions 2007 A. Raghuram
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Generic transfer from GSp(4) to GL(4) 2006 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Generic transfer for general spin groups 2006 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Holomorphy of the 9th symmetric power L-functions for Re(s) &gt; 1 2006 H. H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Siegel modular forms of genus 2 attached to elliptic curves 2006 Dinakar Ramakrishnan
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Partial Bessel functions for quasi-split groups 2005 James Cogdell
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Infinite Dimensional Groups and Automorphic L-Functions 2005 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Functoriality for the classical groups 2004 James Cogdell
H. H. Kim
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functorial products for $GL_2\times GL_3$ and the symmetric cube for $GL_2$ 2004 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ PDF On the Ramanujan Conjecture for Quasisplit Groups 2004 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Functoriality and small eigenvalues of Laplacian on Riemann surfaces 2004 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Generic Transfer for General Spin Groups 2004 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Generic transfer from GSp(4) to GL(4) 2004 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic L-functions and functoriality 2003 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Functorial Products for GL 2 × GL 3 and the Symmetric Cube for GL 2 2002 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Cuspidality of symmetric powers with applications 2002 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ None 2002 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic ^-Functions and Functoriality 2002 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On lifting from classical groups to GLN 2001 James Cogdell
H.H. Kim
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On the Tempered Spectrum of Quasi-Split Classical Groups II 2001 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Holomorphy of Rankin tripleL-functions; special values and root numbers for symmetric cubeL-functions 2000 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functorial products for GL2×GL3 and functorial symmetric cube for GL2 2000 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Boundedness of automorphic 𝐿–functions in vertical strips 2000 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Twists of a General Class of <i>L</i>-Functions by Highly Ramified Characters 2000 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Poles of Intertwining Operators via Endoscopy; the Connection with Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces With an Appendix, 'Basic Endoscopic 2000 D. Shelstad
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF None 2000 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Symmetric cube L-functions for GL_2 are entire 1999 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Cube L-Functions for GL 2 are Entire 1999 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Symmetric cube L-functions for GL2 are entire 1999 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Symmetric cube L-functions for GL_2 are entire 1999 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Irreducibility of standard representations for Iwahori-spherical representations 1998 Goran Muić
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On irreducibility of standard modules for generic representations 1998 W. Casselman
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the tempered spectrum of quasi-split classical groups 1998 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On non-vanishing of twisted symmetric and exterior square L-functions for GL(n) 1997 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Quadratic unipotent Arthur parameters and residual spectrum of symplectic groups 1996 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ The notion of norm and the representation theory of orthogonal groups 1995 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic $L$\snug-functions, intertwining operators, and the irreducible tempered representations of $p$\snug-adic groups 1994 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Symmetric power 𝐿-functions for 𝐺𝐿(2) 1994 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic $L$\snug-functions, intertwining operators, and the irreducible tempered representations of $p$\snug-adic groups 1994 David Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Twisted endoscopy and reducibility of induced representations for p-adic groups 1992 Freydoon Shahidi
+ L-Functions and Representation Theory of p-Adic Groups 1992 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Langlands’ Conjecture on Plancherel Measures for p-Adic Groups 1991 Freydoon Shahidi
+ A Proof of Langlands' Conjecture on Plancherel Measures; Complementary Series of -adic groups 1990 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Third symmetric power $L$-functions for $GL(2)$ 1989 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the Ramanujan Conjecture and Finiteness of Poles for Certain L- Functions 1988 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Artin $L$-functions and normalization of intertwining operators 1988 C. David Keys
Freydoon Shahidi
+ DEVELOPMENTS AND REFINEMENTS (1970–1982) 1988 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ FIRST STEPS (1965–1970) 1988 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ RECENT DEVELOPMENTS (1982– ) 1988 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF A weak Ramanujan conjecture for generic cuspidal spectrum of quasi-split groups 1986 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF The <i>L</i>-Functions <i>L</i>(<i>s</i>, Sym<sup><i>m</i></sup>(<i>r</i>), π) 1985 Carlos Moreno
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Local coefficients as Artin factors for real groups 1985 Freydoon Shahidi
+ TheL-functionL 3(s, ??) is entire 1985 Carlos Moreno
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the absolute value of Ramanujan's ?-function 1984 P. D. T. A. Elliott
Carlos Moreno
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Fourier Transforms of Intertwining Operators and Plancherel Measures for GL(n) 1984 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Some Results on L-Indistinguishability for SL(r) 1983 Freydoon Shahidi
+ The fourth moment of Ramanujan ?-function 1983 Carlos Moreno
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Local coefficients and normalization of intertwining operators for $GL(n)$ 1983 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On Certain L-Functions 1981 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Whittaker models for real groups 1980 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On nonvanishing of 𝐿-functions 1980 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functional equation satisfied by certain $L$-functions 1978 Freydoon Shahidi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Proof of Langlands' Conjecture on Plancherel Measures; Complementary Series of -adic groups 1990 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the Ramanujan Conjecture and Finiteness of Poles for Certain L- Functions 1988 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On Certain L-Functions 1981 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Rankin-Selberg Convolutions 1983 H. Jacquet
I. I. Piatetskii-Shapiro
J. A. Shalika
+ PDF Local coefficients as Artin factors for real groups 1985 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Une preuve simple des conjectures de Langlands pour GL(n) sur un corps p-adique 2000 Guy Henniart
+ PDF On the Functional Equations Satisfied by Eisenstein Series 1976 R. P. Langlands
+ The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. 2001 Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ PDF Functoriality for the classical groups 2004 James Cogdell
H. H. Kim
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On lifting from classical groups to GLN 2001 James Cogdell
H.H. Kim
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Fourier Transforms of Intertwining Operators and Plancherel Measures for GL(n) 1984 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On the classification of irreducible representations of real algebraic groups 1989 R. P. Langlands
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Representations I 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ PDF <i>L</i>-Indistinguishability For <i>SL</i> (2) 1979 J.-P. Labesse
R. P. Langlands
+ Converse theorems for GL n 1994 J. W. Cogdell
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
+ Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120 2016 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ PDF Chat Functorial Products for GL 2 × GL 3 and the Symmetric Cube for GL 2 2002 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Gelfand-Kirillov dimension for Harish-Chandra modules 1978 David A. Vogan
+ Functional equation satisfied by certain $L$-functions 1978 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Cuspidality of symmetric powers with applications 2002 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Modularity of the Rankin-Selberg L-Series, and Multiplicity One for SL(2) 2000 Dinakar Ramakrishnan
+ PDF Chat Generic transfer for general spin groups 2006 Mahdi Asgari
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of 𝐺𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of 𝐺𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Forms II 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ Twisted endoscopy and reducibility of induced representations for p-adic groups 1992 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF On irreducibility of standard modules for generic representations 1998 W. Casselman
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF A relation between automorphic representations of ${\rm GL}(2)$ and ${\rm GL}(3)$ 1978 Stephen Gelbart
Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF On Local <i>L</i>-Functions and Normalized Intertwining Operators 2005 Henry H. Kim
+ PDF Zeta Functions of Simple Algebras 1972 Roger Godement
Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Boundedness of automorphic 𝐿–functions in vertical strips 2000 Stephen Gelbart
Freydoon Shahidi
+ Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions 1979 Armand Borel
W. Casselman
+ PDF Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. II. On irreducible representations of ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1980 Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Langlands-Shahidi Method and Poles of Automorphic <i>L</i>-Functions: Application to Exterior Square <i>L</i>-Functions 1999 Henry H. Kim
+ PDF Local <i>L</i>-Functions for Split Spinor Groups 2002 Mahdi Asgari
+ The Multiplicity One Theorem for GL n 1974 J. A. Shalika
+ Converse theorems for GLn, II 1999 James Cogdell
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
+ Intertwining operators for semisimple groups, II 1980 Anthony W. Knapp
E. M. Stein
+ The notion of norm and the representation theory of orthogonal groups 1995 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On Artin's L-Functions 1970 R. P. Langlands
+ The unramified principal series of $p$-adic groups. II. The Whittaker function 1980 W. Casselman
J. A. Shalika
+ None 2001 David Ginzburg
Stephen Rallis
Stephen Rallis
David Soudry
+ PDF Classification of unitary representations in irreducible representations of general linear group (non-Archimedean case) 1986 Marko Tadić
+ On some problems suggested by the trace formula 1983 James Arthur
+ None 2005 Henry Kim
Muthukrishnan Krishnamurthy
+ PDF A Proof of Casselman-Shahidi’s Conjecture for Quasi-split Classical Groups 2001 Goran Muić
+ On the tempered spectrum of quasi-split classical groups 1998 David Theo Goldberg
Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Twists of a General Class of <i>L</i>-Functions by Highly Ramified Characters 2000 Freydoon Shahidi
+ A lemma on highly ramified ?-factors 1985 Hervé Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ On the definition of transfer factors 1987 R. P. Langlands
D. Shelstad