Wei Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fractional Langevin equation far from equilibrium: Riemann-Liouville fractional Brownian motion, spurious nonergodicity, and aging 2025 Qing Wei
Wei Wang
Yifa Tang
Ralf Metzler
Aleksei V. Chechkin
+ PDF Chat Fractional Langevin equation far from equilibrium: Riemann-Liouville fractional Brownian motion, spurious nonergodicity and aging 2024 Qing Wei
Wei Wang
Yifa Tang
Ralf Metzler
Aleksei V. Chechkin
+ Aging and confinement in subordinated fractional Brownian motion 2024 Yingjie Liang
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
+ Aging and confinement in subordinated fractional Brownian motion 2024 Yingjie Liang
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
+ Nonergodicity of confined superdiffusive fractional Brownian motion 2023 Yingjie Liang
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
Andrey G. Cherstvy
+ Anomalous diffusion, nonergodicity, non-Gaussianity, and aging of fractional Brownian motion with nonlinear clocks 2023 Yingjie Liang
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
Andrey G. Cherstvy
+ Anomalous diffusion, non-Gaussianity, and nonergodicity for subordinated fractional Brownian motion with a drift 2023 Yingjie Liang
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Memory-multi-fractional Brownian motion with continuous correlations 2023 Wei Wang
Michał Balcerek
Krzysztof Burnecki
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Skirmantas JanuŔonis
Jakub Ślęzak
Thomas Vojta
Agnieszka Wyłomańska
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Time-fractional Caputo derivative versus other integrodifferential operators in generalized Fokker-Planck and generalized Langevin equations 2023 Qing Wei
Wei Wang
Hong Zhou
Ralf Metzler
Aleksei V. Chechkin
+ Anomalous diffusion, aging, and nonergodicity of scaled Brownian motion with fractional Gaussian noise: overview of related experimental observations and models 2022 Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
Andrey G. Cherstvy
+ Inertia triggers nonergodicity of fractional Brownian motion 2021 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
Igor M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Inertia triggers nonergodicity of fractional Brownian motion 2021 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Wei Wang
Ralf Metzler
Igor M. Sokolov
+ Anomalous diffusion and nonergodicity for heterogeneous diffusion processes with fractional Gaussian noise 2020 Wei Wang
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Xianbin Liu
Ralf Metzler
+ Fractional Brownian motion with random diffusivity: emerging residual nonergodicity below the correlation time 2020 Wei Wang
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Samudrajit Thapa
Flavio Seno
Xianbin Liu
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Unexpected crossovers in correlated random-diffusivity processes 2020 Wei Wang
Flavio Seno
Igor M. Sokolov
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Ralf Metzler
+ Analysis of a quintic system with fractional damping in the presence of vibrational resonance 2017 Zhi Yan
Wei Wang
Xianbin Liu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion models and their properties: non-stationarity, non-ergodicity, and ageing at the centenary of single particle tracking 2014 Ralf Metzler
Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Eli Barkai
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of fractional Brownian-Langevin motion 2009 Weihua Deng
Eli Barkai
+ Models of anomalous diffusion in crowded environments 2012 Igor M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Inequivalence of time and ensemble averages in ergodic systems: Exponential versus power-law relaxation in confinement 2012 Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Ralf Metzler
+ Fractional Brownian motion with random diffusivity: emerging residual nonergodicity below the correlation time 2020 Wei Wang
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Samudrajit Thapa
Flavio Seno
Xianbin Liu
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion and power-law relaxation of the time averaged mean squared displacement in worm-like micellar solutions 2013 Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Natascha Leijnse
Lene B. Oddershede
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Diffusion of Phospholipids and Cholesterols in a Lipid Bilayer and its Origins 2012 Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Hector Martinezā€Seara
Matti Javanainen
Ralf Metzler
+ The random walk's guide to anomalous diffusion: a fractional dynamics approach 2000 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ Bayesian analysis of single-particle tracking data using the nested-sampling algorithm: maximum-likelihood model selection applied to stochastic-diffusivity data 2018 Samudrajit Thapa
Michael A. Lomholt
Jens Krog
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat <i>In Vivo</i>Anomalous Diffusion and Weak Ergodicity Breaking of Lipid Granules 2011 Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Vincent Tejedor
Stanislav Burov
Eli Barkai
Christine Selhuberā€Unkel
Kirstine Bergā€SĆørensen
Lene B. Oddershede
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Bacterial Chromosomal Loci Move Subdiffusively through a Viscoelastic Cytoplasm 2010 Stephanie C. Weber
Andrew J. Spakowitz
Julie A. Theriot
+ Fractional Brownian motion and motion governed by the fractional Langevin equation in confined geometries 2010 Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Ralf Metzler
+ Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: Statistical mechanisms, models and physical applications 1990 Jeanā€Philippe Bouchaud
Antoine Georges
+ PDF Chat Random Time-Scale Invariant Diffusion and Transport Coefficients 2008 Yiwen He
Stanislav Burov
Ralf Metzler
Eli Barkai
+ Ageing and confinement in non-ergodic heterogeneous diffusion processes 2014 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Ralf Metzler
+ Elucidating the Origin of Anomalous Diffusion in Crowded Fluids 2009 Jędrzej Szymański
Matthias WeiƟ
+ PDF Chat Objective comparison of methods to decode anomalous diffusion 2021 Gorka MuƱoz-Gil
Giovanni Volpe
Miguel Ɓngel Garcƭa-March
Erez Aghion
Aykut Argun
Chang Beom Hong
Tom Bland
Stefano Bo
J. Alberto Conejero
NicolƔs Firbas
+ PDF Chat Quantifying non-ergodicity of anomalous diffusion with higher order moments 2017 Maria Schwarzl
Aljaž Godec
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Diffusing Diffusivity: A Model for Anomalous, yet Brownian, Diffusion 2014 Mykyta V. Chubynsky
Gary W. Slater
+ PDF Chat Crossover from anomalous to normal diffusion: truncated power-law noise correlations and applications to dynamics in lipid bilayers 2018 Daniel Molina-GarcĆ­a
Trifce Sandev
Hadi Safdari
Gianni Pagnini
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Elucidating the Origin of Heterogeneous Anomalous Diffusion in the Cytoplasm of Mammalian Cells 2020 Adal Sabri
Xinran Xu
Diego Krapf
Matthias WeiƟ
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation analysis of time-averaged mean-square displacement for the Langevin equation with time-dependent and fluctuating diffusivity 2015 Takashi Uneyama
Tomoshige Miyaguchi
Takuma Akimoto
+ PDF Chat Non-specific interactions govern cytosolic diffusion of nanosized objects in mammalian cells 2018 Fred Etoc
Ɖlie Balloul
Chiara Vicario
Davide Normanno
Domenik LiƟe
Assa Sittner
Jacob Piehler
Maxime Dahan
Mathieu Coppey
+ Random Walks on Lattices. II 1965 Elliott W. Montroll
George H. Weiss
+ Ergodicity breaking, ageing, and confinement in generalized diffusion processes with position and time dependent diffusivity 2015 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Single particle tracking in systems showing anomalous diffusion: the role of weak ergodicity breaking 2011 Stanislav Burov
Jaeā€Hyung Jeon
Ralf Metzler
Eli Barkai
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion in time-fluctuating non-stationary diffusivity landscapes 2016 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Aging Renewal Theory and Application to Random Walks 2014 Johannes H. P. Schulz
Eli Barkai
Ralf Metzler
+ A toolbox for determining subdiffusive mechanisms 2015 Yasmine Meroz
Igor M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Unravelling the origins of anomalous diffusion: From molecules to migrating storks 2022 Ohad Vilk
Erez Aghion
Tal Avgar
Carsten Beta
Oliver Nagel
Adal Sabri
Raphaƫl Sarfati
Daniel K. Schwartz
Matthias WeiƟ
Diego Krapf
+ PDF Chat Bayesian deep learning for error estimation in the analysis of anomalous diffusion 2022 Henrik Seckler
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Aging and nonergodicity beyond the Khinchin theorem 2010 Stanislav Burov
Ralf Metzler
Eli Barkai
+ Non-Gaussian, non-ergodic, and non-Fickian diffusion of tracers in mucin hydrogels 2019 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Samudrajit Thapa
Caroline E. Wagner
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Fractional Brownian motion in superharmonic potentials and non-Boltzmann stationary distributions 2021 Tobias Guggenberger
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Time-averaged mean square displacement for switching diffusion 2019 Denis S. Grebenkov
+ Biased continuous-time random walks for ordinary and equilibrium cases: facilitation of diffusion, ergodicity breaking and ageing 2018 Ru Hou
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Ralf Metzler
Takuma Akimoto
+ PDF Chat Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells 2013 Felix Hƶfling
Thomas Franosch
+ Fractional Brownian Motion Versus the Continuous-Time Random Walk: A Simple Test for Subdiffusive Dynamics 2009 Marcin Magdziarz
Aleksander Weron
Krzysztof Burnecki
J. Klafter
+ PDF Chat Aging power spectrum of membrane protein transport and other subordinated random walks 2021 Zachary Fox
Eli Barkai
Diego Krapf
+ Aging Effects and Population Splitting in Single-Particle Trajectory Averages 2013 Johannes H. P. Schulz
Eli Barkai
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Aging underdamped scaled Brownian motion: Ensemble- and time-averaged particle displacements, nonergodicity, and the failure of the overdamping approximation 2017 Hadi Safdari
Andrey G. Cherstvy
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Anna Bodrova
Ralf Metzler
+ Resampling single-particle tracking data eliminates localization errors and reveals proper diffusion anomalies 2019 Matthias WeiƟ
+ Diffusion in regular and disordered lattices 1987 Joseph W. Haus
K. W. Kehr
+ PDF Chat Single-Particle Diffusion Characterization by Deep Learning 2019 Naor Granik
Lucien E. Weiss
Elias Nehme
Maayan Levin
Michael Chein
Eran Perlson
Yael Roichman
Yoav Shechtman
+ PDF Chat Fractional Brownian motion with a reflecting wall 2018 Alexander H. O. Wada
Thomas Vojta
+ PDF Chat Probability density of the fractional Langevin equation with reflecting walls 2019 Thomas Vojta
Sarah Skinner
Ralf Metzler
+ Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media: from superstatistics to homogenization 2020 Eugene B. Postnikov
Aleksei V. Chechkin
Igor M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Scaled Brownian motion as a mean-field model for continuous-time random walks 2014 Felix Thiel
Igor M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Nonergodicity, fluctuations, and criticality in heterogeneous diffusion processes 2014 Andrey G. Cherstvy
Ralf Metzler
+ PDF Chat Diffusion-limited reactions in dynamic heterogeneous media 2018 Yann LanoiselƩe
Nicolas Moutal
Denis S. Grebenkov