Otared Kavian


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Confining integro-differential equations originating from evolutionary biology: ground states and long time dynamics 2023 Matthieu Alfaro
Pierre Gabriel
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Blow-up phenomena for positive solutions of semilinear diffusion equations in a half-space: the influence of the dispersion kernel 2022 Matthieu Alfaro
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Confining integro-differential equations originating from evolutionary biology: Ground states and long time dynamics 2022 Matthieu Alfaro
Pierre Gabriel
Otared Kavian
+ Polynomial stability of an abstract system with local damping 2022 Otared Kavian
Qiong Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Fokker-Planck equation with subcritical confinement force 2021 Otared Kavian
Stéphane Mischler
Mamadou Ndao
+ Blow-up phenomena for positive solutions of semilinear diffusion equations in a half-space: the influence of the dispersion kernel 2020 Matthieu Alfaro
Otared Kavian
+ Polynomial Stabilization of Solutions to a Class of Damped Wave Equations 2017 Otared Kavian
Qiong Zhang
+ Lagrangian controllability of inviscid perfect fluids: a constructive approach 2016 Thierry Horsin
Otared Kavian
+ Uniqueness and stability results for an inverse spectral problem in a periodic waveguide 2015 Otared Kavian
Yavar Kian
Éric Soccorsi
+ A global approach to the Schrödinger–Poisson system: An existence result in the case of infinitely many states 2015 Otared Kavian
Stéphane Mischler
+ Uniqueness and stability results for an inverse spectral problem in a periodic waveguide 2015 Otared Kavian
Yavar Kian
Éric Soccorsi
+ Uniqueness and stability results for an inverse spectral problem in a periodic waveguide 2015 Otared Kavian
Yavar Kian
Éric Soccorsi
+ A global approach to the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system: An Existence result in the case of infinitely many states 2013 Otared Kavian
Stéphane Mischler
+ A global approach to the Schrödinger-Poisson system: An Existence result in the case of infinitely many states 2013 Otared Kavian
Stéphane Mischler
+ PDF Chat Approximate controllability by birth control for a nonlinear population dynamics model 2010 Otared Kavian
Oumar Traoré
+ Qualitative properties and existence of solutions for a generalized Fisher-like equation. 2009 Smaïl Djebali
Otared Kavian
Toufik Moussaoui
+ PDF Chat Unique continuation principle for systems of parabolic equations 2009 Otared Kavian
Luz de Teresa
+ PDF Chat Imaging by Modification: Numerical Reconstruction of Local Conductivities from Corresponding Power Density Measurements 2009 Yves Capdeboscq
Jérôme Fehrenbach
Frédéric de Gournay
Otared Kavian
+ An optimal control approach to imaging by modification 2008 Yves Capdeboscq
Frédéric de Gournay
Jérôme Fehrenbach
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Existence and asymptotic behaviour of standing waves for quasilinear Schrödinger–Poisson systems in \( R^{3} \) 2007 Otared Kavian
Khalid Benmlih
+ PDF Chat On a nonlinear Schrödinger equation modelling ultra-short laser pulses with a large noncompact global attractor 2007 Rolci Cipolatti
Otared Kavian
+ Identification of immersed obstacles via boundary measurements 2005 Catalina Álvarez
Carlos Conca
Luis Friz
Otared Kavian
Jaime H. Ortega
+ Regularity for a Schrödinger equation with singular potentials and application to bilinear optimal control 2005 Lucie Baudouin
Otared Kavian
Jean-Pierre Puel
+ Remarks on Regularity Theorems for Solutions to Elliptic Equations via the Ultracontractivity of the Heat Semigroup 2005 Otared Kavian
+ Identification of an Obstacle in a Fluide via Boundary Measurements 2004 Otared Kavian
+ Determining two coefficients in elliptic operators via boundary spectral data: a uniqueness result 2004 Bruno Canuto
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Régularité dans une équation de Schrödinger avec potentiel singulier à distance finie et à l'infini 2003 Lucie Baudouin
Otared Kavian
Jean-Pierre Puel
+ Rate of decay to equilibrium in some semilinear parabolic equations 2003 Alain Haraux
Mohamed Ali Jendoubi
Otared Kavian
Otared Kavian
Bernhard Ruf
+ On the existence and ‘blow-up’ of solutions to a two-dimensional nonlinear boundary-value problem arising in corrosion modelling 2003 Otared Kavian
Michael Vogelius
+ Rate of decay to equilibrium in some semilinear parabolic equations 2003 Alain Haraux
Mohamed Ali Jendoubi
Otared Kavian
+ Existence of Pseudo-Conformally Invariant Solutions to the Davey–Stewartson System 2001 Rolci Cipolatti
Otared Kavian
+ Determining Coefficients in a Class of Heat Equations via Boundary Measurements 2001 Bruno Canuto
Otared Kavian
+ Stationary Solutions of Quasi-Linear Schrödinger–Poisson Systems 1998 Reinhard Illner
Otared Kavian
H. Lange
+ PDF Chat Optimal control of an ill-posed elliptic semilinear equation with an exponential non linearity 1998 Eduardo Casas
Otared Kavian
Jean-Pierre Puel
+ Large time behavior of solutions of a dissipative semilnear heat equation 1995 Miguel Escobedo
Otared Kavian
Hiroshi Matano
+ PDF Chat Self-similar solutions of the pseudo-conformally invariant nonlinear Schrödinger equation. 1994 Otared Kavian
Fred B. Weissler
+ Introduction a LA Theorie Des Points Critiques: Et Applications Aux Problemes Elliptiques 1993 Otared Kavian
+ Some Remarks on Ultracontractivity 1993 Otared Kavian
G. Kerkyacharian
Bernard Roynette
+ PDF Chat Approximation of Some Diffusion Evolution Equations in Unbounded Domains by Hermite Functions 1991 Daniele Funaro
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Approximation of some diffusion evolution equations in unbounded domains by Hermite functions 1991 Daniele Funaro
Otared Kavian
+ Laguerre spectral approximation of elliptic problems in exterior domains 1990 Olivier Coulaud
Daniele Funaro
Otared Kavian
+ Finite energy self–similar solutions of a nonlinear wave equation 1990 Otared Kavian
Fred B. Weissler
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the large time behaviour of a nonlinear diffusion equation 1987 Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat A remark on the blowing-up of solutions to the Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equations 1987 Otared Kavian
+ Variational problems related to self-similar solutions of the heat equation 1987 Miguel Escobedo
Otared Kavian
+ A Remark on the Blowing-Up of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations 1987 Otared Kavian
+ Minimum action solutions of non-linear elliptic equations in unbounded domains containing a plane 1986 Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Résultats d'existence et de non-existence pour certains problèmes demi-linéaires à l'infini 1981 Thierry Gallouët
Otared Kavian
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the large time behaviour of a nonlinear diffusion equation 1987 Otared Kavian
+ Variational problems related to self-similar solutions of the heat equation 1987 Miguel Escobedo
Otared Kavian
+ Introduction a LA Theorie Des Points Critiques: Et Applications Aux Problemes Elliptiques 1993 Otared Kavian
+ Problèmes aux limites non homogènes et applications 1968 Enrico Magenes
Jacques Louis Lions
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Sharp nonuniqueness results for some nonlinear problems 1979 Antonio Ambrosetti§
G.B. John Mancini
+ The Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problem 1998 Norman Levinson
+ The poisson-Wigner system: A quantum transport equation 1993 P. F. Zweifel
+ Determining Coefficients in a Class of Heat Equations via Boundary Measurements 2001 Bruno Canuto
Otared Kavian
+ Polynomial stability of operator semigroups 2006 András Bátkai
Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Jan Prüß
Roland Schnaubelt
+ On the determination of a differential equation from its spectral function 1987 I. M. Gel'fand
+ Non-uniform stability for bounded semi-groups on Banach spaces 2008 C. J. K. Batty
Thomas Duyckaerts
+ Existence of solutions for Schr�dinger evolution equations 1987 Kenji Yajima
+ Numerical simulation of singular solutions to the two‐dimensional cubic schrödinger equation 1984 P. L. Sulem
Catherine Sulem
Anthony T. Patera
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a Quantum Subband Model for the Transport of Partially Confined Charged Particles 2005 Florian Méhats
+ Ann-dimensional Borg-Levinson theorem 1988 Adrian Nachman
John Sylvester
Günther Uhlmann
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness theorems in inverse spectral theory for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators 1996 Fritz Gesztesy
Barry Simon
+ K. Yosida, Functional Analysis. (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 123) XII + 458 S. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1965. Springer‐Verlag. Preis geb. DM 66, — 1966 M. Landsberg
+ PDF Chat Characterization of polynomial decay rate for the solution of linear evolution equation 2005 Zhuangyi Liu
Bopeng Rao
+ PDF Chat Computational aspects of pseudospectral Laguerre approximations 1990 Daniele Funaro
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of semigroups and growth-fragmentation equations 2015 S. Mischler
Jose U. Scher
+ Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving critical sobolev exponents 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Proof of the ionization conjecture in a reduced Hartree-Fock model 1991 Jan Philip Solovej
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ A trace inequality of John von Neumann 1975 L. Mirsky
+ Existence and non-existence of global solutions for a semilinear heat equation 1981 Fred B. Weissler
+ PDF Chat Stability for the Multi-Dimensional Borg-Levinson Theorem with Partial Spectral Data 2012 Mourad Choulli
Plamen Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the multi-dimensional Borg-Levinson theorem 1991 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ Stability For a Multidimensional Inverse Spectral Theorem 1990 Giovanni Alessandrini
John Sylvester
Ziqi Sun
+ PDF Chat Electrical Impedance Tomography by Elastic Deformation 2008 Habib Ammari
Éric Bonnetier
Yves Capdeboscq
Mathias Fink
Mickaël Tanter
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of the spectrum of the periodic Schrödinger operator in a layer and in a smooth cylinder 2011 Ilya Kachkovskiy
N. Filonov
+ Exponential stability for the wave equations with local Kelvin–Voigt damping 2006 Kangsheng Liu
Bopeng Rao
+ Contrôle optimal bilinéaire d'une équation de Schrödinger 2000 Éric Cancès
Claude Le Bris
Mathieu Pilot
+ Determining conductivity by boundary measurements 1984 Robert V. Kohn
Michael Vogelius
+ Laguerre spectral approximation of elliptic problems in exterior domains 1990 Olivier Coulaud
Daniele Funaro
Otared Kavian
+ Tracing complex singularities with spectral methods 1983 Catherine Sulem
P. L. Sulem
H. Frisch
+ Inverse spectral problem for the Schr�dinger equation with periodic vector potential 1989 Gregory Eskin
+ Le nombre de solutions de certains problèmes semi-linéaires elliptiques 1981 Henri Berestycki
+ Stability estimate for an inverse wave equation and a multidimensional Borg–Levinson theorem 2009 Mourad Bellassoued
Mourad Choulli
Masahiro Yamamoto
Claude Le Bris
+ PDF Chat Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups 2009 Alexander Borichev
Yuri Tomilov
+ PDF Chat Inverse spectral-scattering problem with two sets of discrete spectra for the radial Schrödinger equation 2005 Tuncay Aktosun
Ricardo Weder
+ �ber eine Frage der Eigenwerttheorie 1929 V. Ambarzumian
+ Sharp Sufficient Conditions for the Observation, Control, and Stabilization of Waves from the Boundary 1992 Claude Bardos
Gilles Lebeau
Jeffrey Rauch
+ Exponential Decay of Energy of Evolution Equations with Locally Distributed Damping 1991 G. Chen
S. A. Fulling
F. J. Narcowich
S. M. Sun
+ Stationary Solutions of Quasi-Linear Schrödinger–Poisson Systems 1998 Reinhard Illner
Otared Kavian
H. Lange
+ An Introduction to Semilinear Evolution Equations 1998 Thierry Cazenave
Alain Haraux
Yvan Martel
+ PDF Chat One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators 1986 Wolfgang Arendt
Annette Grabosch
Günther Greiner
Ulrich Moustakas
Rainer Nagel
Ulf Schlotterbeck
Ulrich Groh
Heinrich P. Lotz
Frank Neubrander
+ Restrictions of Fourier transforms to quadratic surfaces and decay of solutions of wave equations 1977 Robert S. Strichartz