Mike Steel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Predicting the depth of the most recent common ancestor of a random sample of $k$ species: the impact of phylogenetic tree shape 2025 Michael Fuchs
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Transformations to Simplify Phylogenetic Networks 2025 Johanna Heiss
Daniel H. Huson
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of the $k$-Robinson-Foulds dissimilarity measure on labelled trees 2024 Michael Fuchs
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic enumeration of normal and hybridization networks via tree decoration 2024 Michael Fuchs
Mike Steel
Qiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Cumulative, Adaptive, Open-ended Change through Self-Other Reorganization: Reply to comment on 'An evolutionary process without variation and selection' 2024 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Transformations to simplify phylogenetic networks 2024 Johanna Heiss
Daniel H. Huson
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat 0–1 Laws for Pattern Occurrences in Phylogenetic Trees and Networks 2024 François Bienvenu
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Neutral phylogenetic models and their role in tree-based biodiversity measures 2024 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat 0-1 laws for pattern occurrences in phylogenetic trees and networks 2024 François Bienvenu
Mike Steel
+ Interior operators and their relationship to autocatalytic networks 2023 Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic network classes through the lens of expanding covers 2023 Andrew Francis
Daniele Marchei
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Counting and optimising maximum phylogenetic diversity sets 2022 Kerry Manson
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat From Uncertainty to Insight: An Autocatalytic Framework 2022 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat An Autocatalytic Network Model of Conceptual Change 2021 Liane Gabora
Nicole Beckage
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree‐child networks 2021 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat An evolutionary process without variation and selection 2021 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Normalising phylogenetic networks 2021 Andrew Francis
Daniel H. Huson
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Modelling aspects of consciousness: A topological perspective 2021 Mike Steel
+ An Autocatalytic Network Model of Conceptual Change 2021 Liane Gabora
Nicole Beckage
Mike Steel
+ Defining phylogenetic networks using ancestral profiles 2021 Allan Bai
PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The Expected Number of Viable Autocatalytic Sets in Chemical Reaction Systems 2021 Stuart Kauffman
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorics of polymer models of early metabolism 2021 Oliver Weller-Davies
Mike Steel
Jotun Hein
+ Counting and optimising maximum phylogenetic diversity sets 2021 Kerry Manson
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat From Uncertainty to Insight: An Autocatalytic Framework 2020 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Modelling aspects of consciousness: a topological perspective 2020 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Modeling a Cognitive Transition at the Origin of Cultural Evolution Using Autocatalytic Networks 2020 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ Normalising phylogenetic networks 2020 Andrew Francis
Daniel H. Huson
Mike Steel
+ Predicting the number of viable autocatalytic sets in systems that combine catalysis and inhibition 2020 Stuart Kauffman
Mike Steel
+ The expected number of viable autocatalytic sets in chemical reaction systems 2020 Stuart Kauffman
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree-child networks. 2020 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ Modeling a Cognitive Transition at the Origin of Cultural Evolution using Autocatalytic Networks 2020 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a birth–death process based on combinatorial innovation 2020 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Stuart Kauffman
+ Defining phylogenetic networks using ancestral profiles 2020 Allan Bai
PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Modeling a Cognitive Transition at the Origin of Cultural Evolution using Autocatalytic Networks 2020 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ Modelling aspects of consciousness: a topological perspective 2020 Mike Steel
+ Normalising phylogenetic networks 2020 Andrew Francis
Daniel H. Huson
Mike Steel
+ The expected number of viable autocatalytic sets in chemical reaction systems 2020 Stuart Kauffman
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree-child networks 2020 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices 2019 Kristina Wicke
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial results for network-based models of metabolic origins 2019 Oliver Weller-Davies
Mike Steel
Jotun Hein
+ PDF Chat A class of phylogenetic networks reconstructable from ancestral profiles 2019 PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Dynamics of a combinatorial birth-death process based on the 'adjacent possible' 2019 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Stuart Kauffman
+ Dynamics of a birth-death process based on combinatorial innovation 2019 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Stuart Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Quantifying the accuracy of ancestral state prediction in a phylogenetic tree under maximum parsimony 2019 Lina Herbst
Heyang Li
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices for rooted and unrooted trees 2019 Kristina Wicke
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices 2019 Kristina Wicke
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial results for network-based models of metabolic origins 2019 Oliver Weller-Davies
Mike Steel
Jotun Hein
+ Dynamics of a birth-death process based on combinatorial innovation 2019 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Stuart Kauffman
+ Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices 2019 Kristina Wicke
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Tree-based networks: characterisations, metrics, and support trees 2018 Joan Carles Pons
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Species notions that combine phylogenetic trees and phenotypic partitions 2018 Anica Hoppe
Sonja TĂŒrpitz
Mike Steel
+ Quantifying the accuracy of ancestral state prediction in a phylogenetic tree under maximum parsimony 2018 Lina Herbst
Thomas Li
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial properties of triplet covers for binary trees 2018 Stefan GrĂŒnewald
Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ Tractable models of self-sustaining autocatalytic networks 2018 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
+ Tractable models of self-sustaining autocatalytic networks 2018 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
+ Quantifying the accuracy of ancestral state prediction in a phylogenetic tree under maximum parsimony 2018 Lina Herbst
Thomas Li
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat On the information content of discrete phylogenetic characters 2017 Magnus Bordewich
Ina Maria Deutschmann
Mareike Fischer
Elisa Kasbohm
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Species notions that combine phylogenetic trees and phenotypic partitions 2017 Anica Hoppe
Sonja TĂŒrpitz
Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic flexibility via Hall-type inequalities and submodularity 2017 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ Nonbinary tree-based networks: characterisations, metrics, and support trees. 2017 Joan Carles Pons
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Tree-based networks: characterisations, metrics, and support trees. 2017 Joan Carles Pons
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ New characterisations of tree-based networks and proximity measures 2017 Andrew Francis
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic networks in cognition and the origin of culture 2017 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial properties of triplet covers for binary trees 2017 Stefan Gruenewald
Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Minimum triplet covers of binary phylogenetic X-trees 2017 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic networks in cognition and the origin of culture 2017 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ On the information content of discrete phylogenetic characters 2017 Magnus Bordewich
Ina Maria Deutschmann
Mareike Fischer
Elisa Kasbohm
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The optimal rate for resolving a near-polytomy in a phylogeny 2017 Mike Steel
Christoph Leuenberger
+ PDF Chat Can We “Future-Proof” Consensus Trees?† 2017 David Bryant
Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic networks in cognition and the origin of culture 2017 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial properties of triplet covers for binary trees 2017 Stefan Gruenewald
Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ On the information content of discrete phylogenetic characters 2017 Magnus Bordewich
Ina Maria Deutschmann
Mareike Fischer
Elisa Kasbohm
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Tree-based networks: characterisations, metrics, and support trees 2017 Joan Carles Pons
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic flexibility via Hall-type inequalities and submodularity 2017 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ Species notions that combine phylogenetic trees and phenotypic partitions 2017 Anica Hoppe
Sonja TĂŒrpitz
Mike Steel
+ The optimal rate for resolving a near-polytomy in a phylogeny 2016 Mike Steel
Christoph Leuenberger
+ New Characterisations of Tree-Based Networks and Proximity Measures 2016 Andrew Francis
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Can we 'future-proof' consensus trees? 2016 David Bryant
Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Minimum triplet covers of binary phylogenetic $X$-trees 2016 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Phylogenetic mixtures and linear invariants for equal input models 2016 Marta Casanellas
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Autocatalytic sets in polymer networks with variable catalysis distributions 2016 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic sets in polymer networks with variable catalysis distributions 2016 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic mixtures and linear invariants for equal input models 2016 Marta Casanellas
Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic mixtures and linear invariants for equal input models 2016 Marta Casanellas
Mike Steel
+ New Characterisations of Tree-Based Networks and Proximity Measures 2016 Andrew Francis
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ The optimal rate for resolving a near-polytomy in a phylogeny 2016 Mike Steel
Christoph Leuenberger
+ Minimum triplet covers of binary phylogenetic $X$-trees 2016 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ Can we 'future-proof' consensus trees? 2016 David Bryant
Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic sets in polymer networks with variable catalysis distributions 2016 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Similarities as Evidence for Common Ancestry: A Likelihood Epistemology 2015 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Twisted trees and inconsistency of tree estimation when gaps are treated as missing data – The impact of model mis-specification in distance corrections 2015 Emily Jane McTavish
Mike Steel
Mark T. Holder
+ PDF Chat Which Phylogenetic Networks are Merely Trees with Additional Arcs? 2015 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Impacts of Terraces on Phylogenetic Inference 2015 Michael J. Sanderson
Michelle M. McMahon
Alexandros Stamatakis
Derrick J. Zwickl
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Self-sustaining autocatalytic networks within open-ended reaction systems 2015 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat A ‘Stochastic Safety Radius’ for Distance-Based Tree Reconstruction 2015 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Twisted trees and inconsistency of tree estimation when gaps are treated as missing data -- the impact of model mis-specification in distance corrections 2015 Emily Jane McTavish
Mike Steel
Mark T. Holder
+ PDF Chat Reflections on the extinction–explosion dichotomy 2015 Mike Steel
+ Which phylogenetic networks are merely trees with additional arcs 2015 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The existence and abundance of ghost ancestors in biparental populations 2015 Simon Gravel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Circumstances in Which Parsimony but not Compatibility will be Provably Misleading 2015 Robert W. Scotland
Mike Steel
+ Self-sustaining autocatalytic networks within open-ended reaction systems 2015 Mike Steel
+ Similarities as Evidence for Common Ancestry -- A Likelihood Epistemology 2015 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ A consistency lemma in statistical phylogenetics 2015 Mike Steel
+ Neighbourhoods of phylogenetic trees: exact and asymptotic counts 2015 Jamie V. de Jong
Jeanette C. McLeod
Mike Steel
+ Capturing a phylogenetic tree when the number of character states varies with the number of leaves 2015 Mike Steel
+ Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks 2015 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Taoyang Wu
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the Expected Size of the Maximum Agreement Subtree 2015 Daniel Irving Bernstein
Lam Si Tung Ho
Colby Long
Mike Steel
Katherine St. John
Seth Sullivant
+ Twisted trees and inconsistency of tree estimation when gaps are treated as missing data -- the impact of model mis-specification in distance corrections 2015 Emily Jane McTavish
Mike Steel
Mark T. Holder
+ Self-sustaining autocatalytic networks within open-ended reaction systems 2015 Mike Steel
+ Similarities as Evidence for Common Ancestry -- A Likelihood Epistemology 2015 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ Which phylogenetic networks are merely trees with additional arcs? 2015 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Likelihood-based tree reconstruction on a concatenation of aligned sequence data sets can be statistically inconsistent 2014 SĂ©bastien Roch
Mike Steel
+ Bounds on the Expected Size of the Maximum Agreement Subtree 2014 Daniel Irving Bernstein
Lam Si Tung Ho
Colby Long
Mike Steel
Katherine St. John
Seth Sullivant
+ A 'stochastic safety radius' for distance-based tree reconstruction 2014 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Tree-like reticulation networks—When do tree-like distances also support reticulate evolution? 2014 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Tracing Evolutionary Links between Species 2014 Mike Steel
+ Impacts of terraces on phylogenetic inference 2014 Michael J. Sanderson
Michelle M. McMahon
Alexandros Stamatakis
Derrick J. Zwickl
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Time and Knowability in Evolutionary Processes 2014 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ Reflections on the extinction-explosion dichotomy 2014 Mike Steel
+ Circumstances in which parsimony but not compatibility will be provably misleading 2014 Robert W. Scotland
Mike Steel
+ Likelihood-based tree reconstruction on a concatenation of alignments can be positively misleading. 2014 SĂ©bastien Roch
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Majority rule has transition ratio 4 on Yule trees under a 2-state symmetric model 2014 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The most parsimonious tree for random data 2014 Mareike Fischer
Michelle Galla
Lina Herbst
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat A matroid associated with a phylogenetic tree 2014 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Axiomatic Opportunities and Obstacles for Inferring a Species Tree from Gene Trees 2014 Mike Steel
Joel D. Velasco
+ The most parsimonious tree for random data 2014 Mareike Fischer
Michelle Galla
Lina Herbst
Mike Steel
+ Axiomatic opportunities and obstacles for inferring a species tree from gene trees 2014 Mike Steel
Joel D. Velasco
+ Tree-like Reticulation Networks - When Do Tree-like Distances Also Support Reticulate Evolution? 2014 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Detecting reticulate evolution using distance measures 2014 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Majority rule has transition ratio 4 on Yule trees under a 2-state symmetric model 2014 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Predicting the Ancestral Character Changes in a Tree is Typically Easier than Predicting the Root State 2014 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Tracing evolutionary links between species 2014 Mike Steel
+ The existence and abundance of ghost ancestors in biparental populations 2014 Simon Gravel
Mike Steel
+ Tracing evolutionary links between species 2014 Mike Steel
+ Bounds on the Expected Size of the Maximum Agreement Subtree 2014 Daniel Irving Bernstein
Lam Tung Ho
Colby Long
Mike Steel
Katherine St. John
Seth Sullivant
+ A 'stochastic safety radius' for distance-based tree reconstruction 2014 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Impacts of terraces on phylogenetic inference 2014 Michael J. Sanderson
Michelle M. McMahon
Alexandros Stamatakis
Derrick J. Zwickl
Mike Steel
+ The existence and abundance of ghost ancestors in biparental populations 2014 Simon Gravel
Mike Steel
+ Tree-like Reticulation Networks - When Do Tree-like Distances Also Support Reticulate Evolution? 2014 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Axiomatic opportunities and obstacles for inferring a species tree from gene trees 2014 Mike Steel
Joel D. Velasco
+ The most parsimonious tree for random data 2014 Mareike Fischer
Michelle Galla
Lina Herbst
Mike Steel
+ Majority rule has transition ratio 4 on Yule trees under a 2-state symmetric model 2014 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ Reflections on the extinction-explosion dichotomy 2014 Mike Steel
+ Circumstances in which parsimony but not compatibility will be provably misleading 2014 Robert W. Scotland
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Autocatalytic Sets and Biological Specificity 2013 Wim Hordijk
Peter R. Wills
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic sets in a partitioned biochemical network 2013 Joshua I Smith
Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
+ Predicting the ancestral character changes in a tree is typically easier than predicting the root state 2013 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Predicting the loss of phylogenetic diversity under non-stationary diversification models 2013 Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Consistency of Bayesian inference of resolved phylogenetic trees 2013 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Hide and seek: Placing and finding an optimal tree for thousands of homoplasy-rich sequences 2013 Dietrich Radel
Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ A matroid associated with a phylogenetic tree 2013 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ An Arrow-type result for inferring a species tree from gene trees 2013 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The standard lateral gene transfer model is statistically consistent for pectinate four-taxon trees 2013 Andreas Sand
Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic Sets and Biological Specificity 2013 Wim Hordijk
Peter R. Wills
Mike Steel
+ The Structure of N-Player Games when Influence and Independence Collide 2013 Mike Steel
Amelia Taylor
+ PDF Chat Predicting the loss of phylogenetic diversity under non-stationary diversification models 2013 Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ Hide and seek: placing and finding an optimal tree for thousands of homoplasy-rich sequences 2013 Dietrich Radel
Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Minimal autocatalytic networks 2013 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Joshua I Smith
+ The standard lateral gene transfer model is statistically consistent for pectinate four-taxon trees 2013 Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ Does random tree puzzle produce Yule–Harding trees in the many-taxon limit? 2013 Sha Zhu
Mike Steel
+ Time and Knowability in Evolutionary Processes 2013 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Identifying a species tree subject to random lateral gene transfer 2013 Mike Steel
Simone Linz
Daniel H. Huson
Michael J. Sanderson
+ Tree split probabilities determine the branch lengths 2013 Benny Chor
Mike Steel
+ The standard lateral gene transfer model is statistically consistent for pectinate four-taxon trees 2013 Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ A matroid associated with a phylogenetic tree 2013 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ The Structure of N-Player Games when Influence and Independence Collide 2013 Mike Steel
Amelia Taylor
+ Hide and seek: placing and finding an optimal tree for thousands of homoplasy-rich sequences 2013 Dietrich Radel
Andreas Sand
Mike Steel
+ An Arrow-type result for inferring a species tree from gene trees 2013 Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic Sets and Biological Specificity 2013 Wim Hordijk
Peter R. Wills
Mike Steel
+ Time and Knowability in Evolutionary Processes 2013 Elliott Sober
Mike Steel
+ Predicting the ancestral character changes in a tree is typically easier than predicting the root state 2013 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic sets in a partitioned biochemical network 2013 Joshua I Smith
Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
+ Predicting the loss of phylogenetic diversity under non-stationary diversification models 2013 Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ Minimal autocatalytic networks 2012 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Joshua I Smith
+ Identifying a species tree subject to random lateral gene transfer 2012 Mike Steel
Simone Linz
Daniel H. Huson
Michael J. Sanderson
+ A formal model of autocatalytic sets emerging in an RNA replicator system 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
Stuart Kauffman
+ PDF Chat The impact and interplay of long and short branches on phylogenetic information content 2012 Iain Martyn
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Root location in random trees: A polarity property of all sampling consistent phylogenetic models except one 2012 Mike Steel
+ The impact and interplay of long and short branches on phylogenetic information content 2012 Iain Martyn
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic Sets Extended: Dynamics, Inhibition, and a Generalization 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
Stuart Kauffman
+ Root location in random trees: A polarity property of all sampling consistent phylogenetic models except one 2012 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat ‘Bureaucratic’ set systems, and their role in phylogenetics 2012 David Bryant
Mike Steel
+ Reconstructing fully-resolved trees from triplet cover distances 2012 Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Trait-Dependent Extinction Leads to Greater Expected Biodiversity Loss 2012 BeĂĄta Faller
Mike Steel
+ On Patchworks and Hierarchies 2012 Andreas Dress
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Taoyang Wu
+ Is the Random Tree Puzzle process the same as the Yule-Harding process? 2012 Sha Zhu
Mike Steel
+ Minimal autocatalytic networks 2012 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
J. R. Smith
+ A formal model of autocatalytic sets emerging in an RNA replicator system 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ Root location in random trees: A polarity property of all sampling consistent phylogenetic models except one 2012 Mike Steel
+ The impact and interplay of long and short branches on phylogenetic information content 2012 Iain Martyn
Mike Steel
+ Autocatalytic Sets Extended: Dynamics, Inhibition, and a Generalization 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
Stuart Kauffman
+ Identifying a species tree subject to random lateral gene transfer 2012 Mike Steel
Simone Linz
Daniel H. Huson
Michael J. Sanderson
+ PDF Chat Predicting template-based catalysis rates in a simple catalytic reaction model 2011 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Distribution of branch lengths and phylogenetic diversity under homogeneous speciation models 2011 Tanja Stadler
Mike Steel
+ Predicting template-based catalysis rates in a simple catalytic reaction model 2011 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ Distribution of branch lengths and phylogenetic diversity under homogeneous speciation models 2011 Tanja Stadler
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat ‘Lassoing’ a phylogenetic tree I: basic properties, shellings, and covers 2011 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ 'Bureaucratic' set systems, and their role in phylogenetics 2011 David Bryant
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Clades, clans, and reciprocal monophyly under neutral evolutionary models 2011 Sha Zhu
J. H. Degnan
Mike Steel
+ The 'Butterfly effect' in Cayley graphs, and its relevance for evolutionary genomics 2011 Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ `Lassoing' a phylogenetic tree I: Basic properties, shellings, and covers 2011 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ Clades, clans and reciprocal monophyly under neutral evolutionary models 2011 Sha Zhu
J. H. Degnan
Mike Steel
+ Distribution of branch lengths and phylogenetic diversity under homogeneous speciation models 2011 Tanja Stadler
Mike Steel
+ Predicting template-based catalysis rates in a simple catalytic reaction model 2011 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ 'Bureaucratic' set systems, and their role in phylogenetics 2011 David Bryant
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Can We Avoid “SIN” in the House of “No Common Mechanism”? 2010 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Locating a tree in a phylogenetic network 2010 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Inferring ancestral sequences in taxon-rich phylogenies 2010 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ The expected length of pendant and interior edges of a Yule tree 2010 Mike Steel
Arne Ø. Mooers
+ Locating a tree in a phylogenetic network 2010 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Species, clusters and the ‘Tree of life’: A graph-theoretic perspective 2010 Andreas Dress
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Taoyang Wu
+ Inferring ancestral sequences in taxon-rich phylogenies 2010 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Quantifying the Extent of Lateral Gene Transfer Required to Avert a ‘Genome of Eden’ 2010 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Consistency of Bayesian inference of resolved phylogenetic trees 2010 Mike Steel
+ Branch lengths on Yule trees and the expected loss of phylogenetic diversity 2010 Arne Ø. Mooers
Olivier Gascuel
Tanja Stadler
Heyang Li
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial and probabilistic methods in biodiversity theory 2010 Mike Steel
Charles Semple
+ Consistency of Bayesian inference of resolved phylogenetic trees 2010 Mike Steel
+ Inferring ancestral sequences in taxon-rich phylogenies 2010 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ Locating a tree in a phylogenetic network 2010 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Inverting Random Functions III: Discrete MLE Revisited 2009 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
+ PDF Chat Characterizing phylogenetically decisive taxon coverage 2009 Mike Steel
Michael J. Sanderson
+ A Hall-type theorem for triplet set systems based on medians in trees 2009 Andreas Dress
Mike Steel
+ An improved bound on the maximum agreement subtree problem 2009 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
+ PDF Chat Computing the Distribution of a Tree Metric 2009 David Bryant
Mike Steel
+ Markovian log-supermodularity, and its applications in phylogenetics 2009 Mike Steel
BeĂĄta Faller
+ PDF Chat Phylogenetic information complexity: Is testing a tree easier than finding it? 2009 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
Elchanan Mossel
+ A Hall-type theorem for triplet set systems based on medians in trees 2009 Andreas Dress
Mike Steel
+ Species, Clusters and the 'Tree of Life': A graph-theoretic perspective 2009 Andreas Dress
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Taoyang Wu
+ Trait-dependent extinction leads to greater expected biodiversity loss 2009 BeĂĄta Faller
Mike Steel
+ Quantifying the Extent of Lateral Gene Transfer Required to Avert a `Genome of Eden' 2009 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Expected length of pendant and interior edges of a Yule tree 2009 Mike Steel
Arne Ø. Mooers
+ Characterizing phylogenetically decisive taxon coverage 2009 Mike Steel
Michael J. Sanderson
+ An improved bound on the Maximum Agreement Subtree problem 2009 Ɓåszló A. Székely
Mike Steel
+ Can we avoid 'SIN' in the house of 'No Common Mechanism'? 2009 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Shrinkage Effect in Ancestral Maximum Likelihood 2008 Elchanan Mossel
SĂ©bastien Roch
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat A basic limitation on inferring phylogenies by pairwise sequence comparisons 2008 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Sequence length bounds for resolving a deep phylogenetic divergence 2008 Mareike Fischer
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat More Taxa Are Not Necessarily Better for the Reconstruction of Ancestral Character States 2008 Guoliang Li
Mike Steel
Louxin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Maximum Likelihood Supertrees 2008 Mike Steel
Allen G. Rodrigo
+ Shrinkage Effect in Ancestral Maximum Likelihood 2008 Elchanan Mossel
SĂ©bastien Roch
Mike Steel
+ Reconstructing pedigrees: A stochastic perspective 2008 Bhalchandra D. Thatte
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Mixed-up Trees: the Structure of Phylogenetic Mixtures 2008 F. A. Matsen
Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ A basic limitation on inferring phylogenies by pairwise sequence comparisons 2008 Mike Steel
+ Sequence length bounds for resolving a deep phylogenetic divergence 2008 Mareike Fischer
Mike Steel
+ Markovian log-supermodularity, and its applications in phylogenetics 2008 Mike Steel
BeĂĄta Faller
+ Phylogenetic information complexity: Is testing a tree easier than finding it? 2008 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
Elchanan Mossel
+ Computing the Distribution of a Tree Metric 2008 David Bryant
Mike Steel
+ More Taxa Are Not Necessarily Better for the Reconstruction of Ancestral Character States 2008 G. L. Li
Mike Steel
L. X. Zhang
+ Shrinkage Effect in Ancestral Maximum Likelihood 2008 Elchanan Mossel
SĂ©bastien Roch
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Distribution of phylogenetic diversity under random extinction 2007 BeĂĄta Faller
Fabio Pardi
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Phylogenetic Mixtures on a Single Tree Can Mimic a Tree of Another Topology 2007 F. A. Matsen
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The Bayesian "Star Paradox" Persists for Long Finite Sequences 2007 Mike Steel
F. A. Matsen
+ Distribution of phylogenetic diversity under random extinction 2007 BeĂĄta Faller
Fabio Pardi
Mike Steel
+ Maximum Likelihood Supertrees 2007 Mike Steel
Allen G. Rodrigo
+ Expected Anomalies in the Fossil Record 2007 Mareike Fischer
Mike Steel
+ Reconstructing pedigrees: a stochastic perspective 2007 Bhalchandra D. Thatte
Mike Steel
+ Mixed-up trees: the structure of phylogenetic mixtures 2007 F. A. Matsen
Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ Phylogenetic mixtures on a single tree can mimic a tree of another topology 2007 F. A. Matsen
Mike Steel
+ Hedging our bets: the expected contribution of species to future phylogenetic diversity 2007 Mike Steel
Aki Mimoto
Arne Ø. Mooers
+ PDF Chat On the variational distance of two trees 2006 Mike Steel
L. A. Székely
+ The Bayesian `star paradox' persists for long finite sequences 2006 Mike Steel
F. A. Matsen
+ Inverting Random Functions III: Discrete MLE Revisited 2006 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
+ Estimating the relative order of speciation or coalescence events on a given phylogeny 2006 Tanja Gernhard
Daniel Ford
Rutger Vos
Mike Steel
+ Reconstructing pedigrees: A combinatorial perspective 2005 Mike Steel
Jotun Hein
+ PDF Chat How Much Can Evolved Characters Tell us about the Tree that Generated Them? 2005 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ Peeling phylogenetic ‘oranges’ 2004 Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat <i>U</i>(1) ×<i>U</i>(1) ×<i>U</i>(1) symmetry of the Kimura 3ST model and phylogenetic branching processes 2004 J. D. Bashford
Peter Jarvis
Jeremy G. Sumner
Mike Steel
+ Random autocatalytic networks 2004 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ How much can evolved characters tell us about the tree that generated them? 2004 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ Cyclic permutations and evolutionary trees 2003 Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Four characters suffice 2003 Katharina T. Huber
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ A characterization for a set of partial partitions to define an X-tree 2002 Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ Dissimilarity maps and substitution models: Some new results 1997 Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Christopher Tuffley
+ Bounds on absorption times of directionally biased random sequences 1996 Bill Baritompa
Mike Steel
+ Symmetric Matrices Representable by Weighted Trees over a Cancellative Abelian Monoid 1995 Hans‐JĂŒrgen Bandelt
Mike Steel
+ The complexity of the median procedure for binary trees 1994 F.R. McMorris
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Andersson and Perlman 1993 Mike Steel
Graham R. Wood
+ A limiting theorem for parsimoniously bicoloured trees 1993 J. W. Moon
Mike Steel
+ A fourier inversion formula for evolutionary trees 1993 Låszló Á. Székely
PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Mike Steel
David Penny
+ Distributions on bicoloured binary trees arising from the principle of parsimony 1993 Mike Steel
+ Convex tree realizations of partitions 1992 Andreas Dress
Mike Steel
+ Distributions on bicoloured evolutionary trees : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Massey University 1989 Mike Steel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Broadcasting on trees and the Ising model 2000 William Evans
Claire Kenyon
Yuval Peres
Leonard J. Schulman
+ Probability and Random Processes 2004 Geoffrey Grimmett
David Stirzaker
+ Autocatalytic networks in cognition and the origin of culture 2017 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence 2012 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
Stuart Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Predicting template-based catalysis rates in a simple catalytic reaction model 2011 Wim Hordijk
Mike Steel
+ Cases in which Parsimony or Compatibility Methods will be Positively Misleading 1978 Joe Felsenstein
+ PDF Chat Minimal autocatalytic networks 2013 Mike Steel
Wim Hordijk
Joshua I Smith
+ PDF Chat Mixed-up Trees: the Structure of Phylogenetic Mixtures 2008 F. A. Matsen
Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Phylogenetic Mixtures on a Single Tree Can Mimic a Tree of Another Topology 2007 F. A. Matsen
Mike Steel
+ On Representatives of Subsets 1935 P. Hall
+ The probabilities of rooted tree-shapes generated by random bifurcation 1971 Edith Harding
+ PDF Chat How Much Can Evolved Characters Tell us about the Tree that Generated Them? 2005 Elchanan Mossel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Distribution of phylogenetic diversity under random extinction 2007 BeĂĄta Faller
Fabio Pardi
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+ PDF Chat Nonbinary Tree-Based Phylogenetic Networks 2016 Laura Jetten
Leo van Iersel
+ PDF Chat Recovering the Treelike Trend of Evolution Despite Extensive Lateral Genetic Transfer: A Probabilistic Analysis 2013 SĂ©bastien Roch
Sagi Snir
+ Peeling phylogenetic ‘oranges’ 2004 Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Which Phylogenetic Networks are Merely Trees with Additional Arcs? 2015 Andrew Francis
Mike Steel
+ Stochastic Processes and Population Growth 1977 David G. Kendall
+ PDF Chat On the Impossibility of Reconstructing Ancestral Data and Phylogenies 2003 Elchanan Mossel
+ Autocatalytic closure in a cognitive system: A tentative scenario for the origin of culture 1999 Liane Gabora
+ PDF Chat The conditioned reconstructed process 2008 Tanja Gernhard
+ PDF Chat On Tree-Based Phylogenetic Networks 2016 Louxin Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Identifiability of Tree Topology for Phylogenetic Models, Including Covarion and Mixture Models 2006 Elizabeth S. Allman
John A. Rhodes
+ Properties of Consensus Methods for Inferring Species Trees from Gene Trees 2009 J. H. Degnan
Michael DeGiorgio
David Bryant
Noah A. Rosenberg
+ Birth–death models and coalescent point processes: The shape and probability of reconstructed phylogenies 2013 Amaury Lambert
Tanja Stadler
+ PDF Chat Counting Phylogenetic Networks 2015 Colin McDiarmid
Charles Semple
Dominic Welsh
+ Cyclic permutations and evolutionary trees 2003 Charles Semple
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat ‘Lassoing’ a phylogenetic tree I: basic properties, shellings, and covers 2011 Andreas Dress
Katharina T. Huber
Mike Steel
+ Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees 2000 Louis J. Billera
Susan Holmes
Karen Vogtmann
+ PDF Chat Modeling a Cognitive Transition at the Origin of Cultural Evolution Using Autocatalytic Networks 2020 Liane Gabora
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Locating a tree in a phylogenetic network 2010 Leo van Iersel
Charles Semple
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+ PDF Chat Identity, Kinship, and the Evolution of Cooperation 2020 Burton Voorhees
Dwight Read
Liane Gabora
+ Probability and Random Processes 2001 Geoffrey Grimmett
David Stirzaker
+ PDF Chat Inverting Random Functions III: Discrete MLE Revisited 2009 Mike Steel
Ɓåszló A. Székely
+ PDF Chat To what extent does genealogical ancestry imply genetic ancestry? 2008 F. A. Matsen
Steven N. Evans
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction on Trees: Beating the Second Eigenvalue 2001 Elchanan Mossel
+ PDF Chat Generalizing Prototype Theory: A Formal Quantum Framework 2016 Diederik Aerts
Jan Broekaert
Liane Gabora
Sandro Sozzo
+ Chemical Organisation Theory 2007 Peter Dittrich
Pietro Speroni di Fenizio
+ A Hall-type theorem for triplet set systems based on medians in trees 2009 Andreas Dress
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Phylogeny of Mixture Models: Robustness of Maximum Likelihood and Non-Identifiable Distributions 2007 Daniel Ơtefankovič
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat Inferring ancestral sequences in taxon-rich phylogenies 2010 Olivier Gascuel
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Stochastic models for phylogenetic trees on higher-order taxa 2007 David Aldous
Maxim Krikun
Lea Popovic
+ PDF Chat Species, clusters and the ‘Tree of life’: A graph-theoretic perspective 2010 Andreas Dress
Vincent Moulton
Mike Steel
Taoyang Wu
+ Distributions on bicoloured binary trees arising from the principle of parsimony 1993 Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat Concepts and Their Dynamics: A Quantum‐Theoretic Modeling of Human Thought 2013 Diederik Aerts
Liane Gabora
Sandro Sozzo
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary trees and the Ising model on the Bethe lattice: a proof of Steel’s conjecture 2009 Constantinos Daskalakis
Elchanan Mossel
SĂ©bastien Roch
+ PDF Chat A critical branching process model for biodiversity 2005 David Aldous
Lea Popovic
+ The expected length of pendant and interior edges of a Yule tree 2010 Mike Steel
Arne Ø. Mooers
+ PDF Chat Maximum Likelihood Supertrees 2008 Mike Steel
Allen G. Rodrigo
+ PDF Chat Sequence length bounds for resolving a deep phylogenetic divergence 2008 Mareike Fischer
Mike Steel