Parthanil Roy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Generalized Elephant Random Walks 2024 Krishanu Maulik
Parthanil Roy
Tamojit Sadhukhan
+ Branching random walk with infinite progeny mean: A tale of two tails 2023 Souvik Ray
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
Philippe Soulier
+ PDF Chat Stable random fields, Patterson–Sullivan measures and extremal cocycle growth 2022 Jayadev S. Athreya
Mahan Mj
Parthanil Roy
+ Mixing Properties of Stable Random Fields Indexed by Amenable and Hyperbolic Groups 2022 Mahan Mj
Parthanil Roy
Sourav Sarkar
+ PDF Chat Maximal moments and uniform modulus of continuity for stable random fields 2021 Snigdha Panigrahi
Parthanil Roy
Yimin Xiao
+ Group measure space construction, ergodicity and $W^\ast$-rigidity for stable random fields 2020 Parthanil Roy
+ Group measure space construction, ergodicity and $W^\ast$-rigidity for stable random fields 2020 Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Continued fractions, the Chen–Stein method and extreme value theory 2019 Anish Ghosh
Maxim Kirsebom
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Extremes of multitype branching random walks: heaviest tail wins 2019 Ayan Bhattacharya
Krishanu Maulik
Zbigniew Palmowski
Parthanil Roy
+ Continued fractions, the Chen-Stein method and extreme value theory 2019 Anish Ghosh
Maxim Kirsebom
Parthanil Roy
+ Continued fractions, the Chen-Stein method and extreme value theory 2019 Anish Ghosh
Maxim Kirsebom
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable Random Fields, Bowen-Margulis measures and Extremal Cocycle Growth 2018 Mahan Mj
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Stable random fields indexed by finitely generated free groups 2018 Sourav Sarkar
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat A large sample test for the length of memory of stationary symmetric stable random fields via nonsingular â„€<sup><i>d</i></sup>-actions 2018 Ayan Bhattacharya
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable Random Fields, Patterson-Sullivan measures and Extremal Cocycle Growth 2018 Jayadev S. Athreya
Mahan Mj
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Maxima of stable random fields, nonsingular actions and finitely generated abelian groups: A survey 2017 Parthanil Roy
+ Branching random walks, stable point processes and regular variation 2017 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Point process convergence for branching random walks with regularly varying steps 2017 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ Maxima of stable random fields, nonsingular actions and finitely generated abelian groups: A survey 2017 Parthanil Roy
+ Maximal Moments and Uniform Modulus of Continuity for Stable Random Fields 2017 Snigdha Panigrahi
Parthanil Roy
Yimin Xiao
+ Maxima of stable random fields, nonsingular actions and finitely generated abelian groups: A survey 2017 Parthanil Roy
+ A large sample test for the length of memory of stationary symmetric stable random fields via nonsingular $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions 2016 Ayan Bhattacharya
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable random fields indexed by finitely generated free groups 2016 Sourav Sarkar
Parthanil Roy
+ Branching Random Walks, Stable Point Processes and Regular Variation 2016 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ A large sample test for the length of memory of stationary symmetric stable random fields via nonsingular $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions 2016 Ayan Bhattacharya
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable random fields indexed by finitely generated free groups 2016 Sourav Sarkar
Parthanil Roy
+ Branching Random Walks, Stable Point Processes and Regular Variation 2016 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Stable random fields, point processes and large deviations 2015 Vicky Fasen
Parthanil Roy
+ Branching random walk with step size coming from a power law 2015 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ Point process convergence for branching random walks with regularly varying steps 2014 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable Random Fields, Point Processes and Large Deviations 2014 Vicky Fasen
Parthanil Roy
+ Point process convergence for branching random walks with regularly varying steps 2014 Ayan Bhattacharya
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ Stable Random Fields, Point Processes and Large Deviations 2014 Vicky Fasen
Parthanil Roy
+ Maximum eigenvalue of symmetric random matrices with dependent heavy tailed entries 2013 Arijit Chakrabarty
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Parthanil Roy
+ Ergodic properties of sum- and max-stable stationary random fields via null and positive group actions 2013 Yizao Wang
Parthanil Roy
Stilian Stoev
+ Decomposability for stable processes 2011 Yizao Wang
Stilian Stoev
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Group-Theoretic Dimension of Stationary Symmetric α-Stable Random Fields 2011 Arijit Chakrabarty
Parthanil Roy
+ Decomposability for stable processes 2011 Yizao Wang
Stilian Stoev
Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theory, Abelian groups and point processes induced by stable random fields 2010 Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Nonsingular group actions and stationary S$\alpha $S random fields 2010 Parthanil Roy
+ Nonsingular Group Actions and Stationary S alpha S Random Fields 2009 Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Multivariate extremes of generalized skew-normal distributions 2008 Natalia Lysenko
Parthanil Roy
Rolf Waeber
+ Stationary Symmetric α-Stable Discrete Parameter Random Fields 2007 Parthanil Roy
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ Ergodic Theory, Abelian Groups, and Point Processes Induced by Stable Random Fields 2007 Parthanil Roy
+ Maharam Extension for Nonsingular Group Actions 2006 Parthanil Roy
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ Stationary Symmetric alpha-Stable Discrete Parameter Random Fields 2006 Parthanil Roy
Gennady Samorodnitsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Stationary Stable Processes 1995 J. RosiƄski
+ PDF Chat Extreme value theory, ergodic theory and the boundary between short memory and long memory for stationary stable processes 2004 Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of stationary $\alpha$-stable random fields 2000 J. RosiƄski
+ An introduction to infinite ergodic theory 1997 Jon Aaronson
+ Stationary Symmetric α-Stable Discrete Parameter Random Fields 2007 Parthanil Roy
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of Poissonian ID processes 2007 Emmanuel Roy
+ PDF Chat Ruin probability with claims modeled by a stationary ergodic stable process 2000 Thomas Mikosch
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat Maxima of branching random walks 1983 Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theory, Abelian groups and point processes induced by stable random fields 2010 Parthanil Roy
+ PDF Chat Point processes associated with stationary stable processes 2004 Sidney I. Resnick
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat Classes of Mixing Stable Processes 1996 J. RosiƄski
Gennady Samorodnitsky
J. RosiƄski
+ An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory 1997 Jon Aaronson
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Chat The limiting process of $N$-particle branching random walk with polynomial tails 2014 Jean BĂ©rard
Pascal Maillard
+ Maxima of branching random walks vs. independent random walks 1979 Richard Durrett
+ On the spectral representation of symmetric stable processes 1982 Clyde D. Hardin
+ PDF Chat Minima in branching random walks 2009 Louigi Addario‐Berry
Bruce Reed
+ PDF Chat Spectral representations of sum- and max-stable processes 2009 Zakhar Kabluchko
+ PDF Chat Postulates for Subadditive Processes 1974 J. M. Hammersley
+ PDF Chat Stable random fields, point processes and large deviations 2015 Vicky Fasen
Parthanil Roy
+ Ergodic properties of sum- and max-stable stationary random fields via null and positive group actions 2013 Yizao Wang
Parthanil Roy
Stilian Stoev
+ Convergence in law of the minimum of a branching random walk 2013 Élie AĂŻdĂ©kon
+ PDF Chat On the structure and representations of max-stable processes 2010 Yizao Wang
Stilian Stoev
+ PDF Chat Strictly stable distributions on convex cones 2008 Youri Davydov
Ilya Molchanov
Sergei Zuyev
+ PDF Chat A Branching Random Walk Seen from the Tip 2011 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Nonsingular group actions and stationary S$\alpha $S random fields 2010 Parthanil Roy
+ The first- and last-birth problems for a multitype age-dependent branching process 1976 J. D. Biggins
+ PDF Chat Convergence in Law for the Branching Random Walk Seen from Its Tip 2015 Thomas Madaule
+ On uniqueness of the spectral representation of stable processes 1994 Jan Ronsinski
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Point Processes Based on Stationary Sequences with Heavy Tails 2010 Henrik Hult
Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ PDF Chat On the association of sum- and max-stable processes 2009 Yizao Wang
Stilian Stoev
+ PDF Chat Limit Theory for Moving Averages of Random Variables with Regularly Varying Tail Probabilities 1985 Richard A. Davis
Sidney I. Resnick
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ PDF Chat Null flows, positive flows and the structure of stationary symmetric stable processes 2005 Gennady Samorodnitsky
+ Ergodic Theorems 1985 Ulrich Krengel
+ On the ergodicity and mixing of max-stable processes 2007 Stilian Stoev
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Genealogy of extremal particles of branching Brownian motion 2011 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
N. Kistler
+ Minimal integral representations of stable processes 2006 J. RosiƄski
+ PDF Chat Minimal position and critical martingale convergence in branching random walks, and directed polymers on disordered trees 2009 Yueyun Hu
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2012 Élie AĂŻdĂ©kon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Point Process and Partial Sum Convergence for Weakly Dependent Random Variables with Infinite Variance 1995 Richard A. Davis
Tailen Hsing
+ Group Self-Similar Stable Processes in R<sup>d</sup> 2003 SƂawomir KolodyƄski
J. RosiƄski
+ PDF Chat Regular variation for measures on metric spaces 2006 Henrik Hult
Filip Lindskog
+ The maximum of a tree-indexed random walk in the big jump domain 2016 Pascal Maillard
+ PDF Chat The First Birth Problem for an Age-dependent Branching Process 1975 J. F. C. KingmĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Freezing and Decorated Poisson Point Processes 2015 Eliran Subag
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat A note on stable point processes occurring in branching Brownian motion 2013 Pascal Maillard
+ PDF Chat Regularly varying measures on metric spaces: Hidden regular variation and hidden jumps 2014 Filip Lindskog
Sidney I. Resnick
Joyjit Roy