Sarwar Hussain


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Amir Haji-Akbari 6
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Computational investigation of structure, dynamics and nucleation kinetics of a family of modified Stillinger–Weber model fluids in bulk and free-standing thin films 2016 Melisa M. Gianetti
Amir Haji-Akbari
M. Paula Longinotti
Pablo G. Debenedetti
+ PDF Chat Perspective: Surface freezing in water: A nexus of experiments and simulations 2017 Amir Haji-Akbari
Pablo G. Debenedetti
+ PDF Chat Water Modeled As an Intermediate Element between Carbon and Silicon 2008 Valeria Molinero
Emily B. Moore
+ Direct calculation of ice homogeneous nucleation rate for a molecular model of water 2015 Amir Haji-Akbari
Pablo G. Debenedetti
+ Microscopic Mechanism and Kinetics of Ice Formation at Complex Interfaces: Zooming in on Kaolinite 2016 Gabriele C. Sosso
Tianshu Li
Davide Donadio
Gareth A. Tribello
Angelos Michaelides
+ PDF Chat Suppression of sub-surface freezing in free-standing thin films of a coarse-grained model of water 2014 Amir Haji-Akbari
Ryan S. DeFever
Sapna Sarupria
Pablo G. Debenedetti
+ Thermodynamics and kinetics of bubble nucleation: Simulation methodology 2012 Stacey L. Meadley
Fernando A. Escobedo
+ PDF Chat Simulating rare events in equilibrium or nonequilibrium stochastic systems 2006 Rosalind J. Allen
Daan Frenkel
Pieter Rein ten Wolde
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Controlled by the Coupling of Surface Crystallinity and Surface Hydrophilicity 2016 Yuanfei Bi
Raffaela Cabriolu
Tianshu Li
+ PDF Chat Disordered, quasicrystalline and crystalline phases of densely packed tetrahedra 2009 Amir Haji-Akbari
Michael Engel
Aaron S. Keys
Xiaoyu Zheng
Rolfe G. Petschek
Peter Palffy‐Muhoray
Sharon C. Glotzer
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Ice Nucleation at Moderate Supercooling from Molecular Simulation 2013 Eduardo Sanz
Carlos Vega
Jorge R. Espinosa
R. Caballero-Bernal
J. L. F. Abascal
Chantal Valeriani
+ PDF Chat Finite-Size Effects on Liquid-Solid Phase Coexistence and the Estimation of Crystal Nucleation Barriers 2015 Antonia Statt
Peter Virnau
Kurt Binder
+ Nucleation at contact lines where fluid–fluid interfaces meet solid surfaces 2007 Richard P. Sear
+ PDF Chat Finite size effects in simulations of glass dynamics 1996 Jürgen Horbach
Walter Kob
Kurt Binder
C. Austen Angell
+ Studying rare events using forward-flux sampling: Recent breakthroughs and future outlook 2020 Sarwar Hussain
Amir Haji-Akbari
+ PDF Chat Role of Nanoscale Interfacial Proximity in Contact Freezing in Water 2021 Sarwar Hussain
Amir Haji-Akbari
+ Crystal Nucleation in Liquids: Open Questions and Future Challenges in Molecular Dynamics Simulations 2016 Gabriele C. Sosso
Ji Chen
Stephen J. Cox
Martin Fitzner
Philipp Pedevilla
Andrea Zen
Angelos Michaelides
+ PDF Chat Strong orientational coordinates and orientational order parameters for symmetric objects 2015 Amir Haji-Akbari
Sharon C. Glotzer
+ PDF Chat How to quantify and avoid finite size effects in computational studies of crystal nucleation: The case of heterogeneous ice nucleation 2021 Sarwar Hussain
Amir Haji-Akbari
+ PDF Chat Forward flux sampling-type schemes for simulating rare events: Efficiency analysis 2006 Rosalind J. Allen
Daan Frenkel
Pieter Rein ten Wolde
+ PDF Chat Molecular simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation. II. Peeling back the layers 2015 Stephen J. Cox
Shawn M. Kathmann
Ben Slater
Angelos Michaelides
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamically driven assemblies and liquid–liquid phase separations in biology 2019 Hanieh Falahati
Amir Haji-Akbari
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous estimation of free energies and rates using forward flux sampling and mean first passage times 2015 Vikram Thapar
Fernando A. Escobedo
+ PDF Chat Surface-induced crystallization in supercooled tetrahedral liquids 2009 Tianshu Li
Davide Donadio
Luca M. Ghiringhelli
Giulia Galli
+ PDF Chat Local order parameters for use in driving homogeneous ice nucleation with all-atom models of water 2012 Aleks Reinhardt
Jonathan P. K. Doye
Eva G. Noya
Carlos Vega
+ PDF Chat Ice nucleation on carbon surface supports the classical theory for heterogeneous nucleation 2015 Raffaela Cabriolu
Tianshu Li
+ PDF Chat Elaborating transition interface sampling methods 2004 Titus S. van Erp
Peter G. Bolhuis
+ Finite size effects for the simulation of phase coexistence in the Gibbs ensemble near the critical point 1992 K. K. Mon
Kurt Binder
+ PDF Chat Forward-flux sampling with jumpy order parameters 2018 Amir Haji-Akbari
+ PDF Chat Precursor-Mediated Crystallization Process in Suspensions of Hard Spheres 2010 Tanja Schilling
Hans Joachim Schöpe
M. Oettel
George Opletal
Ian K. Snook
+ PDF Chat Selective nucleation in porous media 2013 Lester O. Hedges
Stephen Whitelam
+ Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids 2012 H. H. Wensink
Jörn Dunkel
Sebastian Heidenreich
Knut Drescher
Raymond E. Goldstein
Hartmut Löwen
Julia M. Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Clustering and Phase Separation in Suspensions of Self-Propelled Colloidal Particles 2013 Ivo Buttinoni
Julian Bialké
Felix Kümmel
Hartmut Löwen
Clemens Bechinger
Thomas Speck
+ PDF Chat Folding kinetics of a polymer 2012 Štěpán Růžička
David Quigley
Michael P. Allen
+ PDF Chat Note: Heterogeneous ice nucleation on silver-iodide-like surfaces 2014 Guillaume Fraux
Jonathan P. K. Doye
+ PDF Chat Nucleation and crystallization process of silicon using the Stillinger-Weber potential 2005 Philippe Beaucage
Normand Mousseau
+ PDF Chat Active Motion of a Janus Particle by Self-Thermophoresis in a Defocused Laser Beam 2010 Hong-Ren Jiang
Natsuhiko Yoshinaga
Masaki Sano
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo results for the Ising model with shear 2005 Emilio N. M. Cirillo
Giuseppe Gonnella
Gustavo P. Saracco
+ Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions. II. Lattice Gas and Ising Model 1952 T. D. Lee
Chongming Yang
+ PDF Chat Optimal modularity for nucleation in a network-organized Ising model 2011 Hanshuang Chen
Zhonghuai Hou
+ PDF Chat A nucleotide-level coarse-grained model of RNA 2014 Petr Šulc
Flavio Romano
Thomas E. Ouldridge
Jonathan P. K. Doye
Ard A. Louis
+ PDF Chat Molecular simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation. I. Controlling ice nucleation through surface hydrophilicity 2015 Stephen J. Cox
Shawn M. Kathmann
Ben Slater
Angelos Michaelides
+ The Flexible Rare Event Sampling Harness System (FRESHS) 2014 Kai Kratzer
Joshua T. Berryman
Aaron Taudt
Johannes Zeman
Axel Arnold
+ PDF Chat The barrier method: A technique for calculating very long transition times 2010 David A. Adams
L. M. Sander
Robert M. Ziff
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
+ PDF Chat Percolation in networks with voids and bottlenecks 2009 Amir Haji‐Akbari
Robert M. Ziff
+ Crystal Statistics. I. A Two-Dimensional Model with an Order-Disorder Transition 1944 Lars Onsager
+ PDF Chat Reaction Coordinates for the Flipping of Genetic Switches 2008 Marco J. Morelli
Sorin Tănase‐Nicola
Rosalind J. Allen
Pieter Rein ten Wolde
+ PDF Chat Packing and self-assembly of truncated triangular bipyramids 2013 Amir Haji-Akbari
Elizabeth R. Chen
Michael Engel
Sharon C. Glotzer
+ PDF Chat Structure and Dynamics of a Phase-Separating Active Colloidal Fluid 2013 Gabriel S. Redner
Michael F. Hagan
Aparna Baskaran