Philip N. Klein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A quasipolynomial (2 + <i>Δ</i> )-approximation for planar sparsest cut 2021 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Anupam Gupta
Philip N. Klein
Jason Li
+ A Quasipolynomial $(2+\varepsilon)$-Approximation for Planar Sparsest Cut 2021 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Anupam Gupta
Philip N. Klein
Jason Li
+ PDF Chat On Light Spanners, Low-treewidth Embeddings and Efficient Traversing in Minor-free Graphs 2020 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Arnold Filtser
Philip N. Klein
Hung Le
+ On the Computational Tractability of a Geographic Clustering Problem Arising in Redistricting 2020 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
DĂĄniel Marx
+ PDF Chat New hardness results for planar graph problems in p and an algorithm for sparsest cut 2020 Amir Abboud
Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
+ On the computational tractability of a geographic clustering problem arising in redistricting 2020 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
DĂĄniel Marx
+ On Light Spanners, Low-treewidth Embeddings and Efficient Traversing in Minor-free Graphs 2020 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Arnold Filtser
Philip N. Klein
Hung Le
+ New Hardness Results for Planar Graph Problems in P and an Algorithm for Sparsest Cut 2020 Amir Abboud
Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
+ A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs 2019 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
Aaron Schild
+ PDF Chat Local Search Yields Approximation Schemes for $k$-Means and $k$-Median in Euclidean and Minor-Free Metrics 2019 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs 2019 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
Aaron Schild
+ A near-linear time minimum Steiner cut algorithm for planar graphs 2019 Stephen Jue
Philip N. Klein
+ A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs 2019 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
Aaron Schild
+ PDF Chat Balanced centroidal power diagrams for redistricting 2018 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Neal E. Young
+ Balanced power diagrams for redistricting. 2017 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Neal E. Young
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for k-Center and Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Metrics with Bounded Highway Dimension. 2017 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
David Saulpic
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing and Clustering Problems in Metrics with Bounded Highway Dimension 2017 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
David Saulpic
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in Near-Linear Time 2017 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Yahav Nussbaum
Christian Wulff‐Nilsen
+ Balanced power diagrams for redistricting 2017 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Neal E. Young
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for k-Center and Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Graphs with Bounded Highway Dimension 2017 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
David Saulpic
+ PDF Chat Local Search Yields Approximation Schemes for k-Means and k-Median in Euclidean and Minor-Free Metrics 2016 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The Two-Edge Connectivity Survivable-Network Design Problem in Planar Graphs 2016 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
+ The power of local search for clustering. 2016 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ Local search yields approximation schemes for k-means and k-median in Euclidean and minor-free metrics 2016 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-time Bicriteria Approximation Scheme for Planar Bisection 2015 Kyle Fox
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ A Polynomial-time Bicriteria Approximation Scheme for Planar Bisection 2015 Kyle Fox
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Euclidean Steiner Forest 2015 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig--Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms 2015 Philip N. Klein
Neal E. Young
+ A Polynomial-time Bicriteria Approximation Scheme for Planar Bisection 2015 Kyle Fox
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ Number Theory 2014 Philip N. Klein
+ Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science 2013 Philip N. Klein
+ PDF Chat Structured recursive separator decompositions for planar graphs in linear time 2013 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Christian Sommer
+ PDF Chat An efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme for Steiner forest in planar graphs 2012 David Eisenstat
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ Structured Recursive Separator Decompositions for Planar Graphs in Linear Time 2012 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Christian Sommer
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in Near-Linear Time 2011 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Yahav Nussbaum
Christian Wulff‐Nilsen
+ Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in Near-Linear Time 2011 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Yahav Nussbaum
Christian Wulff‐Nilsen
+ Multiple-Source Single-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in O(diameter*n*log(n)) Time 2011 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Source Single-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in O(diameter · n log n) Time 2011 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ PDF Chat Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus and Minor-Free Graphs 2011 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Philip N. Klein
Christian Sommer
+ Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in Near-Linear Time 2011 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
Yahav Nussbaum
Christian Wulff-Nilsen
+ Multiple-Source Single-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in O(diameter*n*log(n)) Time 2011 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in $O(n^{1.5} \log n)$ Time 2010 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ Multiple-source single-sink maximum flow in directed planar graphs in $O(n^{1.5} \log n)$ time 2010 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Euclidean Steiner Forest 2008 Glencora Borradaile
Philip N. Klein
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut 2004 David R. Karger
Philip N. Klein
Clifford Stein
Mikkel Thorup
Neal E. Young
+ PDF Chat Constructing 2D curve atlases 2002 Thomas Sebastian
Joseph J. Crisco
Philip N. Klein
Benjamin B. Kimia
+ Rounding algorithms for a geometric embedding of minimum multiway cut 1999 David R. Karger
Philip N. Klein
Clifford Stein
Mikkel Thorup
Neal E. Young
+ PDF Chat Space-Efficient Approximation Algorithms for MAXCUT and COLORING Semidefinite Programs 1998 Philip N. Klein
Hsueh-I Lu
+ Efficient approximation algorithms for semidefinite programs arising from MAX CUT and COLORING 1996 Philip N. Klein
Hsueh-I Lu
+ Ordering problems approximated: single-processor scheduling and interval graph completion 1991 R. Ravi
Ajit Agrawal
Philip N. Klein
+ A parallel algorithm for eliminating cycles in undirected graphs 1990 Philip N. Klein
Clifford Stein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A unified framework for approximating and clustering data 2011 Dan Feldman
Michael Langberg
+ PDF Chat A Quasipolynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Euclidean Capacitated Vehicle Routing 2014 Aparna Das
Claire Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs with Vertex Capacities 2010 Haim Kaplan
Yahav Nussbaum
+ PDF Chat Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus and Minor-Free Graphs 2011 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Philip N. Klein
Christian Sommer
+ PDF Chat Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs with Real Lengths in O(nlog2 n/loglogn) Time 2010 Shay Mozes
Christian Wulff‐Nilsen
+ Embeddings of Topological Graphs: Lossy Invariants, Linearization, and 2-Sums 2008 Amit Chakrabarti
Alexander Jaffe
James R. Lee
Justin Vincent
+ PDF Chat Maintaining information in fully dynamic trees with top trees 2005 Stephen Alstrup
Jacob Holm
Kristian de Lichtenberg
Mikkel Thorup
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Subset-Connectivity Problems in Bounded-Genus Graphs 2012 Glencora Borradaile
Erik D. Demaine
Siamak Tazari
+ PDF Chat Approximating k-median via pseudo-approximation 2013 Shi Li
Ola Svensson
+ PDF Chat Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming 1995 Michel X. Goemans
David P. Williamson
+ A survey of very large-scale neighborhood search techniques 2002 Ravindra K. Ahuja
Özlem ErgĂŒn
James B. Orlin
Abraham P. Punnen
+ Small distortion and volume preserving embeddings for planar and Euclidean metrics 1999 Satish Rao
+ Shortest non-trivial cycles in directed and undirected surface graphs 2013 Kyle Fox
+ PDF Chat Minor-Free Graphs Have Light Spanners 2017 Glencora Borradaile
Hung Le
Christian Wulff‐Nilsen
+ Redistricting: Drawing the Line 2017 Sachet Bangia
Christy V. Graves
Gregory Herschlag
Han Sung Kang
Justin Luo
Jonathan C. Mattingly
Robert Ravier
+ PDF Chat Approximating $k$-Median via Pseudo-Approximation 2016 Shi Li
Ola Svensson
+ Metric embedding via shortest path decompositions 2018 Ittai Abraham
Arnold Filtser
Anupam Gupta
Ofer Neiman
+ PDF Chat A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs 2019 Amariah Becker
Philip N. Klein
Aaron Schild
+ Interior Point Methods in Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Combinatorial Optimization 1995 Farid Alizadeh
+ PDF Chat An Interior-Point Method for Semidefinite Programming 1996 Christoph Helmberg
Franz Rendl
Robert J. Vanderbei
Henry Wolkowicz
+ PDF Chat Bounded geometries, fractals, and low-distortion embeddings 2004 Anupam Gupta
Robert Krauthgamer
J.R. Lee
+ PDF Chat Approximate graph coloring by semidefinite programming 2002 David R. Karger
R. Motwani
Madhu Sudan
+ PDF Chat Clustering under Perturbation Resilience 2016 Maria Florina Balcan
Yingyu Liang
+ PDF Chat Fixed Parameter Approximations for k-Center Problems in Low Highway Dimension Graphs 2015 Andreas Emil Feldmann
+ PDF Chat The Greedy Spanner is Existentially Optimal 2016 Arnold Filtser
Shay Solomon
Artur Czumaj
Andrzej Lingas
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic Graph Minor Theory: Decomposition, Approximation, and Coloring 2005 Erik D. Demaine
Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi
Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
+ Shortest non-trivial cycles in directed surface graphs 2011 Jeff Erickson
+ PDF Chat Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning 2009 Sanjeev Arora
Satish Rao
Umesh Vazirani
+ A Separator Theorem in Minor-Closed Classes 2010 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Bruce Reed
+ On the Shannon capacity of a graph 1979 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
+ PDF Chat Parallel approximation algorithms for facility-location problems 2010 Guy E. Blelloch
Kanat Tangwongsan
+ PDF Chat Local Tree-Width, Excluded Minors, and Approximation Algorithms 2003 Martin Grohe
+ Finding the Maximal Empty Rectangle Containing a Query Point 2011 Haim Kaplan
Micha Sharir
+ PDF Chat Listing All Maximal Cliques in Sparse Graphs in Near-Optimal Time 2010 David Eppstein
Maarten Löffler
Darren Strash
+ PDF Chat Separators for sphere-packings and nearest neighbor graphs 1997 Gary L. Miller
Shang‐Hua Teng
William P. Thurston
Stephen A. Vavasis
+ PDF Chat PTAS for k-Tour Cover Problem on the Plane for Moderately Large Values of k 2009 Anna Adamaszek
Artur Czumaj
Andrzej Lingas
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-time Bicriteria Approximation Scheme for Planar Bisection 2015 Kyle Fox
Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Source Single-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in O(diameter · n log n) Time 2011 Philip N. Klein
Shay Mozes
+ The Hardness of Approximation of Euclidean k-means 2015 Pranjal Awasthi
Moses Charikar
Ravishankar Krishnaswamy
Ali Kemal Sinop
+ An Interior-Point Method for Minimizing the Maximum Eigenvalue of a Linear Combination of Matrices 1993 Florian Jarre
+ An Improved Decomposition Theorem for Graphs Excluding a Fixed Minor 2003 Jittat Fakcharoenphol
Kunal Talwar
+ Spectral partitioning works: planar graphs and finite element meshes 1996 Daniel A. Spielman
Shang‐Hua Teng
+ Interior Point Methods for the Monotone Linear Complementarity Problem in Symmetric Matrices 1995 Masakazu Kojima
Susumu Shindoh
Shinji Hara
+ PDF Chat Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Applications and Algorithms 1999 Qiang Du
Vance Faber
Max Gunzburger
+ Separating a Voronoi Diagram. 2014 Vijay Bhattiprolu
Sariel Har-Peled
+ On Variants of k-means Clustering 2015 Sayan Bandyapadhyay
Kasturi Varadarajan
+ PDF Chat Preserving Terminal Distances Using Minors 2014 Robert Krauthgamer
Huy L. Nguyễn
Tamar Zondiner
+ PDF Chat Are Stable Instances Easy? 2012 Yonatan Bilu
Nathan Linial