Yumeng Zeng


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Shu Chen 7
Bozhen Zhou 5
Linhu Li 1
Yanxia Liu 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in the Transverse-Field Ising Model 2013 Markus Heyl
Anatoli Polkovnikov
Stefan Kehrein
+ PDF Chat Scaling and Universality at Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions 2015 Markus Heyl
+ PDF Chat Dynamical phase transitions after quenches in nonintegrable models 2013 Christoph Karrasch
Dirk Schuricht
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in an Interacting Many-Body System 2017 Petar Jurcevic
Heng Shen
Philipp Hauke
Christine Maier
Tiff Brydges
Cornelius Hempel
B. P. Lanyon
Markus Heyl
R. Blatt
C. F. Roos
+ PDF Chat Quench dynamics and zero-energy modes: The case of the Creutz model 2019 R. Jafari
Henrik Johannesson
A. Langari
M. A. Martín-Delgado
+ PDF Chat Dynamical topological invariant after a quantum quench 2018 Chao Yang
Linhu Li
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat Topological classification of dynamical phase transitions 2015 Szabolcs Vajna
Balázs Dóra
+ PDF Chat Dynamical topological order parameters far from equilibrium 2016 Jan Carl Budich
Markus Heyl
+ PDF Chat Floquet dynamical phase transition and entanglement spectrum 2021 R. Jafari
Alireza Akbari
+ PDF Chat Unveiling quantum phase transitions by fidelity mapping 2021 Ho-Kin Tang
Mohamad Ali Marashli
Wing Chi Yu
+ PDF Chat Disentangling dynamical phase transitions from equilibrium phase transitions 2014 Szabolcs Vajna
Balázs Dóra
+ PDF Chat Observation of a Dynamical Quantum Phase Transition by a Superconducting Qubit Simulation 2019 Xueyi Guo
Chao Yang
Yu Zeng
Yi Peng
Hekang Li
Hui Deng
Yirong Jin
Shu Chen
Dongning Zheng
Heng Fan
+ PDF Chat Ground state overlap and quantum phase transitions 2006 Paolo Zanardi
Nikola Paunković
+ PDF Chat Dynamical quantum phase transitions in a spin chain with deconfined quantum critical points 2020 Gaoyong Sun
Bo-Bo Wei
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic relation between ground-state fidelity and the characterization of a quantum phase transition 2008 Shu Chen
Li Wang
Yajiang Hao
Yupeng Wang
+ PDF Chat Quenches and dynamical phase transitions in a nonintegrable quantum Ising model 2015 Shraddha Sharma
Sei Suzuki
Amit Dutta
+ PDF Chat Topological phases of generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models 2014 Linhu Li
Zhihao Xu
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat End States, Ladder Compounds, and Domain-Wall Fermions 1999 Michael Creutz
+ PDF Chat Topological characterizations of an extended Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model 2019 Dizhou Xie
Wei Gou
Teng Xiao
Bryce Gadway
Bo Yan
+ PDF Chat Observation of dynamical vortices after quenches in a system with topology 2017 Nick Fläschner
Dominik Vogel
Matthias Tarnowski
Benno S. Rem
Dirk-Sören Lühmann
Markus Heyl
Jan Carl Budich
Ludwig Mathey
K. Sengstock
Christof Weitenberg
+ PDF Chat The Loschmidt Index 2021 Diego Liška
Vladimir Gritsev
+ PDF Chat Exact zeros of the Loschmidt echo and quantum speed limit time for the dynamical quantum phase transition in finite-size systems 2021 Bozhen Zhou
Yumeng Zeng
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat Anomalous dynamical phase in quantum spin chains with long-range interactions 2017 Ingo Homrighausen
Nils O. Abeling
Valentin Zauner-Stauber
Jad C. Halimeh
+ PDF Chat Dynamical phase transitions at finite temperature from fidelity and interferometric Loschmidt echo induced metrics 2018 Bruno Mera
Chrysoula Vlachou
Nikola Paunković
V. R. Vieira
Oscar Viyuela
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Systems with Broken-Symmetry Phases 2014 Markus Heyl
+ PDF Chat Fidelity, dynamic structure factor, and susceptibility in critical phenomena 2007 Wen‐Long You
Ying-Wai Li
Shi-Jian Gu
+ PDF Chat Signature of a nonequilibrium quantum phase transition in the long-time average of the Loschmidt echo 2019 Bozhen Zhou
Chao Yang
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat Dynamical quantum phase transitions and the Loschmidt echo: A transfer matrix approach 2014 F. Andraschko
Jesko Sirker
+ PDF Chat Fidelity and quantum phase transition for the Heisenberg chain with next-nearest-neighbor interaction 2007 Shu Chen
Li Wang
Shi-Jian Gu
Yupeng Wang
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Loschmidt echoes and fidelity decay 2006 T. Gorin
Tomaž Prosen
T. H. Seligman
Marko Žnidarič
+ PDF Chat Observation of a many-body dynamical phase transition with a 53-qubit quantum simulator 2017 J. Zhang
Guido Pagano
Paul Hess
A. Kyprianidis
Patrick Becker
Harvey Kaplan
Alexey V. Gorshkov
Zhe-Xuan Gong
C. Monroe
+ PDF Chat Dynamical phase diagram of quantum spin chains with long-range interactions 2017 Jad C. Halimeh
Valentin Zauner-Stauber
+ PDF Chat Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the Kitaev honeycomb model 2015 Markus Schmitt
Stefan Kehrein
+ PDF Chat Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator 2017 Hannes Bernien
Sylvain Schwartz
Alexander Keesling
Harry Levine
Ahmed Omran
Hannes Pichler
Soonwon Choi
A. S. Zibrov
Manuel Endres
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Dynamical phase transitions, time-integrated observables, and geometry of states 2014 James M. Hickey
Sam Genway
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat Tunable Nonreciprocal Quantum Transport through a Dissipative Aharonov-Bohm Ring in Ultracold Atoms 2020 Wei Gou
Tao Chen
Dizhou Xie
Teng Xiao
Tian-Shu Deng
Bryce Gadway
Wei Yi
Bo Yan
+ PDF Chat Simulating Dynamic Quantum Phase Transitions in Photonic Quantum Walks 2019 Kunkun Wang
Xingze Qiu
Lei Xiao
Xiang Zhan
Zhihao Bian
Wei Yi
Peng Xue
+ PDF Chat First-Order Dynamical Phase Transitions 2014 Elena Canovi
Philipp Werner
Martin Eckstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum Critical Scaling of the Geometric Tensors 2007 Lorenzo Campos Venuti
Paolo Zanardi
+ PDF Chat Environment-Independent Decoherence Rate in Classically Chaotic Systems 2001 Rodolfo A. Jalabert
Horacio M. Pastawski
+ PDF Chat Topologically protected mid-gap states induced by impurity in one-dimensional superlattices 2014 Li-Jun Lang
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat Ground-State Fidelity and Bipartite Entanglement in the Bose-Hubbard Model 2007 P. Buonsante
A. Vezzani
+ PDF Chat Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer 2016 Esteban A. Martinez
Christine A. Muschik
Philipp Schindler
Daniel Nigg
Alexander Erhard
Markus Heyl
Philipp Hauke
Marcello Dalmonte
Thomas Monz
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Edge exponents in work statistics out of equilibrium and dynamical phase transitions from scattering theory in one-dimensional gapped systems 2015 Tamás Pálmai
+ PDF Chat Topological defects and gapless modes in insulators and superconductors 2010 Jeffrey C. Y. Teo
C. L. Kane
+ Location of zeros in the complex temperature plane: absence of Lee-Yang theorem 1984 Wim van Saarloos
Douglas A. Kurtze
+ PDF Chat Impurity-bound states and Green's function zeros as local signatures of topology 2015 Robert-Jan Slager
Louk Rademaker
Jan Zaanen
Leon Balents
+ PDF Chat Universal Nonequilibrium Properties of Dissipative Rydberg Gases 2014 Matteo Marcuzzi
Emanuele Levi
Sebastian Diehl
Juan P. Garrahan
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Universal fidelity near quantum and topological phase transitions in finite one-dimensional systems 2016 Elio J. König
Alex Levchenko
Nicholas Sedlmayr
+ PDF Chat Generalized Geometric Quantum Speed Limits 2016 Diego Paiva Pires
Marco Cianciaruso
Lucas C. Céleri
Gerardo Adesso
Diogo O. Soares-Pinto