M. Helsen


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Magnetic vortex core reversal by excitation of spin waves 2011 Matthias Kammerer
Markus Weigand
Michael Curcic
Matthias Noske
Markus Sproll
Arne Vansteenkiste
Bartel Van Waeyenberge
Hermann Stoll
Georg Woltersdorf
C. H. Back
+ PDF Chat MuMax: A new high-performance micromagnetic simulation tool 2011 Arne Vansteenkiste
Ben Van de Wiele
+ PDF Chat Precise probing spin wave mode frequencies in the vortex state of circular magnetic dots 2010 Ahmad A. Awad
K. Y. Guslienko
Juan F. Sierra
G. N. Kakazeı̆
V. Metlushko
F. G. Aliev
+ PDF Chat Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy of Spin-Torque-Induced Magnetic Vortex Gyration 2008 Markus Bolte
Guido Meier
Benjamin Krüger
André Drews
René Eiselt
Lars Bocklage
Stellan Bohlens
Tolek Tyliszczak
Arne Vansteenkiste
Bartel Van Waeyenberge
+ PDF Chat X-ray imaging of the dynamic magnetic vortex core deformation 2009 Arne Vansteenkiste
Kang Wei Chou
Markus Weigand
Michael Curcic
Vitalij Sackmann
Hermann Stoll
T. Tyliszczak
Georg Woltersdorf
C. H. Back
Gisela Schütz
+ PDF Chat Boltzmann test of Slonczewski’s theory of spin-transfer torque 2004 Jiang Xiao
Andrew Zangwill
M. D. Stiles
+ PDF Chat Probing the Anharmonicity of the Potential Well for a Magnetic Vortex Core in a Nanodot 2013 Oksana V. Sukhostavets
Benjamin Pigeau
Soraya Sangiao
G. de Loubens
V. V. Naletov
O. Klein
K. Mitsuzuka
S. Andrieu
F. Montaigne
K. Y. Guslienko
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls in ultrathin magnetic films 2012 A. Thiaville
Stanislas Rohart
Émilie Jué
Vincent Cros
A. Fert
+ PDF Chat Regular and chaotic vortex core reversal by a resonant perpendicular magnetic field 2013 Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi
Denis D. Sheka
Volodymyr P. Kravchuk
Franz G. Mertens
Yuri Gaididei
+ PDF Chat Magneto-optical spectrum analyzer 2014 M. Helsen
Ajay Gangwar
Arne Vansteenkiste
Bartel Van Waeyenberge
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Vortex Core Dynamics in Cylindrical Ferromagnetic Dots 2006 K. Y. Guslienko
Xingguo Han
D. J. Keavney
Ralu Divan
S. D. Bader
+ PDF Chat The design and verification of MuMax3 2014 Arne Vansteenkiste
Jonathan Leliaert
Mykola Dvornik
M. Helsen
Felipe García‐Sánchez
Bartel Van Waeyenberge
+ PDF Chat Interactions of Spin Waves with a Magnetic Vortex 2005 J. P. Park
P. A. Crowell
+ PDF Chat Skyrmion confinement in ultrathin film nanostructures in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction 2013 Stanislas Rohart
A. Thiaville
+ PDF Chat Roles of Nonequilibrium Conduction Electrons on the Magnetization Dynamics of Ferromagnets 2004 S. Zhang
Z. Li