Shenglong Hu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Low-Rank Tensor Completion Method via Strassenā€“Ottaviani Flattening 2024 Tiantian He
Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ PDF Chat Quantifying low rank approximations of third order symmetric tensors 2024 Shenglong Hu
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ Quadratic Growth and Linear Convergence of a DCA Method for Quartic Minimization over the Sphere 2024 Shenglong Hu
Zhifang Yan
+ A DCA-Newton method for quartic minimization over the sphere 2023 Shenglong Hu
Yong Wang
Jinling Zhou
+ Quantifying low rank approximations of third order symmetric tensors 2023 Shenglong Hu
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ PDF Chat Linear convergence of an alternating polar decomposition method for low rank orthogonal tensor approximations 2022 Shenglong Hu
Ke Ye
+ A globally convergent method for solving a quartic generalized Markowitz portfolio problem 2022 Shenglong Hu
Qun Wang
+ Unconstrained minimization of block-circulant polynomials via semidefinite program in third-order tensor space 2022 Meng-Meng Zheng
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Shenglong Hu
+ PDF Chat Nondegeneracy of eigenvectors and singular vector tuples of tensors 2022 Shenglong Hu
+ $${\text {B}}$$-Subdifferential of the Projection onto the Generalized Spectraplex 2022 Youyicun Lin
Shenglong Hu
+ When geometry meets optimization theory: partially orthogonal tensors 2022 Ke Ye
Shenglong Hu
+ A Global Convergence Analysis for Computing a Symmetric Low-Rank Orthogonal Approximation 2021 Wenxin Du
Shenglong Hu
Youyicun Lin
Jie Wang
+ $${\text {B}}$$-subdifferentials of the projection onto the matrix simplex 2021 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
+ PDF Chat A note on the solvability of a tensor equation 2021 Shenglong Hu
+ Certifying the Global Optimality of Quartic Minimization over the Sphere 2021 Shenglong Hu
+ B-Subdifferentials of the Projection onto the Generalized Simplex 2021 Youyicun Lin
Shenglong Hu
+ PDF Chat Spectral norm and nuclear norm of a third order tensor 2021 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Yanwei Xu
+ Biquadratic tensors, biquadratic decompositions, and norms of biquadratic tensors 2021 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
Yanwei Xu
+ Nondegeneracy of eigenvectors and singular vector tuples of tensors 2021 Shenglong Hu
+ Connectedness of the solution set of the tensor complementarity problem 2020 Yan Li
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Shenglong Hu
+ An Introduction to the Computational Complexity of Matrix Multiplication 2019 Yan Li
Shenglong Hu
Jie Wang
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ Nuclear Norm and Spectral Norm of Tensor Product. 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
+ Norm of Tensor Product, Tensor Norm, Cubic Power and Gelfand Limit 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
Yannan Chen
+ Norm of Tensor Product, Tensor Norm, and Cubic Power of A Third Order Tensor 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
Yannan Chen
+ Bounds on strongly orthogonal ranks of tensors 2019 Shenglong Hu
+ An inexact augmented Lagrangian method for computing strongly orthogonal decompositions of tensors 2019 Shenglong Hu
+ Generating Hypergraphs and Classification of Two-Step Nilpotent Lie Algebras 2019 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Honglian Zhang
+ Symmetry of eigenvalues of Sylvester matrices and tensors 2019 Shenglong Hu
+ An inexact augmented Lagrangian multiplier method for solving quadratic complementary problems: An adapted algorithmic framework combining specific resolution techniques 2019 Shenglong Hu
Jie Wang
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ PDF Chat Irreducible function bases of isotropic invariants of a third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensor 2019 Yannan Chen
Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Wennan Zou
+ Generating Hypergraphs, Decomposability and Classification of Two-Step Nilpotent Lie Algebras 2019 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Honglian Zhang
+ Spectral Norm and Nuclear Norm of a Third Order Tensor 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
+ Biquadratic Tensors, Biquadratic Decomposition and Norms of Biquadratic Tensors 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
+ Tensor Norm, Cubic Power and Gelfand Limit 2019 Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
Xinzhen Zhang
Yannan Chen
+ PDF Chat Best Nonnegative Rank-One Approximations of Tensors 2019 Shenglong Hu
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ Linear Convergence of an Alternating Polar Decomposition Method for Low Rank Orthogonal Tensor Approximations 2019 Shenglong Hu
Ke Ye
+ Characteristic polynomial and higher order traces of third order three dimensional tensors 2018 Guimei Zhang
Shenglong Hu
+ Error Bounds for the Solution Sets of Quadratic Complementarity Problems 2018 Shenglong Hu
Jie Wang
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ Convergence rate analysis for the higher order power method in best rank one approximations of tensors 2018 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
+ Best Nonnegative Rank-One Approximations of Tensors 2018 Shenglong Hu
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ Solution Sets of Quadratic Complementarity Problems 2017 Jie Wang
Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ Inverse eigenvalue problem for tensors 2017 Ke Ye
Shenglong Hu
+ Irreducible Function Bases of Isotropic Invariants of A Third Order Three-Dimensional Symmetric and Traceless Tensor 2017 Yannan Chen
Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Wennan Zou
+ PDF Chat Computing the geometric measure of entanglement of multipartite pure states by means of non-negative tensors 2016 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Guofeng Zhang
+ PDF Chat A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Existence of a Positive Perron Vector 2016 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities of tensor eigenvalues 2016 Shenglong Hu
Ke Ye
+ Positive Spectral Radius and Positive Perron Vector of a Nonnegative Tensor 2015 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ A generalized Newton method for absolute value equations associated with circular cones 2015 Xin-He Miao
Jiantao Yang
Shenglong Hu
+ An iterative algorithm for third-order tensor multi-rank minimization 2015 Yang Lei
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Shenglong Hu
Jiye Han
+ Relations of the nuclear norm of a tensor and its matrix flattenings 2015 Shenglong Hu
+ Inverse tensor eigenvalue problem 2015 Ke Ye
Shenglong Hu
+ A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Existence of a Positive Perron Vector 2015 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat The largest Laplacian and signless Laplacian H-eigenvalues of a uniform hypergraph 2014 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Jinshan Xie
+ PDF Chat A Tensor Analogy of Yuanā€™s Theorem of the Alternative and Polynomial Optimization with Sign structure 2014 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
+ A Tensor Analogy of Yuan's Alternative Theorem and its Application to Polynomial Optimization 2014 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Some new trace formulas of tensors with applications in spectral hypergraph theory 2014 Jiaā€Yu Shao
Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
+ PDF Chat Convergence of a second order Markov chain 2014 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ The eigenvectors associated with the zero eigenvalues of the Laplacian and signless Laplacian tensors of a uniform hypergraph 2014 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Multiplicities of eigenvalues of tensors 2014 Shenglong Hu
Ke Ye
+ Relations of the Nuclear Norms of a Tensor and its Matrix Flattenings 2014 Shenglong Hu
+ A Tensor Analogy of Yuan's Theorem of the Alternative and Polynomial Optimization with Sign structure 2014 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Strictly nonnegative tensors and nonnegative tensor partition 2013 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Liqun Qi
+ Cored hypergraphs, power hypergraphs and their Laplacian H-eigenvalues 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Jia-Yu Shao
+ PDF Chat The E-eigenvectors of tensors 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Finding the extreme Zā€eigenvalues of tensors via a sequential semidefinite programming method 2013 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Finding the Maximum Eigenvalue of Essentially Nonnegative Symmetric Tensors via Sum of Squares Programming 2013 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
Yisheng Song
+ The Laplacian of a uniform hypergraph 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Cored Hypergraphs, Power Hypergraphs and Their Laplacian H-Eigenvalues 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Jiaā€Yu Shao
+ The Largest Laplacian and Signless Laplacian H-Eigenvalues of a Uniform Hypergraph 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Jinshan Xie
+ Some new trace formulas of tensors with applications in spectral hypergraph theory 2013 Jiaā€Yu Shao
Liqun Qi
Shenglong Hu
+ Convergence of a Second Order Markov Chain 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ On determinants and eigenvalue theory of tensors 2012 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Chen Ling
Liqun Qi
+ The E-characteristic polynomial of a tensor of dimension 2 2012 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Theorems of the Alternative for Inequality Systems of Real Polynomials 2012 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ The geometric measure of entanglement of pure states with nonnegative amplitudes and the spectral theory of nonnegative tensors 2012 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Guofeng Zhang
+ Geometric measure of entanglement of multipartite mixed states 2012 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
Yisheng Song
Guofeng Zhang
+ Positive definiteness of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging 2012 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Hongyan Ni
Liqun Qi
+ A note on quadratic convergence of a smoothing Newton algorithm for the LCP 2011 Tie Ni
Shenglong Hu
+ PDF Chat Finding the Spectral Radius of a Nonnegative Tensor 2011 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Liqun Qi
+ Algebraic connectivity of an even uniform hypergraph 2011 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Alternating direction method for bi-quadratic programming 2011 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ Properties of a family of merit functions and a merit function method for the NCP 2010 Li-Yong Lu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Shenglong Hu
+ A note on approximating quadratic programming with rank constraint 2010 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ A generalized Newton method for absolute value equations associated with second order cones 2010 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Qiong Zhang
+ Polynomial time solvability of non-symmetric semidefinite programming 2010 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ A note on absolute value equations 2010 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
+ A Non-monotone Line Search Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization 2009 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Nan Lu
+ Convergence of a smoothing algorithm for symmetric cone complementarity problems with a nonmonotone line search 2009 Zhengā€Hai Huang
Shenglong Hu
Jiye Han
+ A nonmonotone smoothing Newton algorithm for solving nonlinear complementarity problems 2009 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Ping Wang
+ Properties of a family of generalized NCP-functions and a derivative free algorithm for complementarity problems 2008 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Jein-Shan Chen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Eigenvalues of a real supersymmetric tensor 2005 Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Singular Values and Eigenvalues of Tensors: A Variational Approach 2006 Lekā€Heng Lim
+ Tensors: Geometry and Applications 2011 J. M. Landsberg
+ PDF Chat Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonnegative tensors 2008 Kaiā€Wei Chang
T. Zhang
+ Tensor Decompositions and Applications 2009 Tamara G. Kolda
Brett W. Bader
+ Algebraic connectivity of an even uniform hypergraph 2011 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Further Results for Perronā€“Frobenius Theorem for Nonnegative Tensors 2010 Yuning Yang
Qingzhi Yang
+ Spectra of uniform hypergraphs 2011 Joshua Cooper
Aaron Dutle
+ On determinants and eigenvalue theory of tensors 2012 Shenglong Hu
Zhengā€Hai Huang
Chen Ling
Liqun Qi
+ Eigenvalues and invariants of tensors 2006 Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations 2002 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat H<sup>+</sup>-eigenvalues of Laplacian and signless Laplacian tensors 2014 Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Biquadratic Optimization Over Unit Spheres and Semidefinite Programming Relaxations 2009 Chen Ling
Jiawang Nie
Liqun Qi
Yinyu Ye
+ The <i>Z</i>ā€eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor and its application to spectral hypergraph theory 2013 Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
Gaohang Yu
+ PDF Chat Finding the Largest Eigenvalue of a Nonnegative Tensor 2009 Michael K. Ng
Liqun Qi
Guanglu Zhou
+ The degree of the E-characteristic polynomial of an even order tensor 2006 Guyan Ni
Liqun Qi
Fei Wang
Yiju Wang
+ SDPT3 ā€” A Matlab software package for semidefinite programming, Version 1.3 1999 Kim-Chuan Toh
Michael J. Todd
Reha TĆ¼tĆ¼ncĆ¼
+ A nonsmooth version of Newton's method 1993 Liqun Qi
Jie Sun
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems 2004 Francisco Facchinei
Jongā€Shi Pang
+ Foundations of numerical multilinear algebra: decomposition and approximation of tensors 2007 Gene H. Golub
Gunnar Carlsson
Lekā€Heng Lim
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Positive Semidefinite Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2010 Liqun Qi
Gaohang Yu
+ PDF Chat Sums of Squares, Moment Matrices and Optimization Over Polynomials 2008 Monique Laurent
+ On the Best Rank-1 Approximation of Higher-Order Supersymmetric Tensors 2002 Eleftherios Kofidis
Phillip A. Regalia
+ Using SeDuMi 1.02, A Matlab toolbox for optimization over symmetric cones 1999 J.F. Sturm
+ PDF Chat A Newton-CG Augmented Lagrangian Method for Semidefinite Programming 2010 Xinyuan Zhao
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ The number of eigenvalues of a tensor 2011 Dustin Cartwright
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Eigenvectors of tensors and algorithms for Waring decomposition 2013 Luke Oeding
Giorgio Ottaviani
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the Motzkinā€“Straus theorem to hypergraphs 2008 Samuel Rota BulĆ²
Marcello Pelillo
+ Convergence rate analysis for the higher order power method in best rank one approximations of tensors 2018 Shenglong Hu
Guoyin Li
+ PDF Chat Further Results for Perronā€“Frobenius Theorem for Nonnegative Tensors II 2011 Qingzhi Yang
Yuning Yang
+ The Laplacian of a uniform hypergraph 2013 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Symmetric nonnegative tensors and copositive tensors 2013 Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat SDPNAL $$+$$ + : a majorized semismooth Newton-CG augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming with nonnegative constraints 2015 Liuqin Yang
Defeng Sun
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Tensors and Symmetric Tensor Rank 2008 Pierre Comon
Gene H. Golub
Lekā€Heng Lim
Bernard Mourrain
+ Primitivity, the Convergence of the NQZ Method, and the Largest Eigenvalue for Nonnegative Tensors 2011 Kung-Ching Chang
Tan Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Number of Singular Vector Tuples and Uniqueness of Best Rank-One Approximation of Tensors 2014 Shmuel Friedland
Giorgio Ottaviani
+ PDF Chat E-characteristic polynomials of tensors 2013 An-Min Li
Liqun Qi
Bin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite Relaxations for Best Rank-1 Tensor Approximations 2014 Jiawang Nie
Li Wang
+ Tensor rank is NP-complete 1990 Johan HĆ„stad
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ Semismoothness of the maximum eigenvalue function of a symmetric tensor and its application 2011 Guoyin Li
Liqun Qi
Gaohang Yu
+ Spectra of Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization 2001 Aharon Benā€Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ Semidefinite programming relaxations for semialgebraic problems 2003 Pablo A. Parrilo
+ PDF Chat Most Tensor Problems Are NP-Hard 2013 Christopher J. Hillar
Lekā€Heng Lim
+ The eigenvectors associated with the zero eigenvalues of the Laplacian and signless Laplacian tensors of a uniform hypergraph 2014 Shenglong Hu
Liqun Qi
+ Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems 2004 Francisco Facchinei
Jongā€Shi Pang