Matthias Hieber


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Lagrangian approach to the compressible primitive equations 2025 Matthias Hieber
Yoshiki Iida
Arnab Roy
Tarek Zöchling
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the general $Q$-tensor model interacting with a rigid body 2025 Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
Arnab Roy
+ PDF Chat Interaction of liquid crystals with a rigid body 2024 Tim Binz
Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
Arnab Roy
+ The primitive equations with stochastic wind driven boundary conditions 2024 Tim Binz
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ PDF Chat Global Strong Well-Posedness of the Stochastic Bidomain Equations with FitzHugh–Nagumo Transport 2023 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ PDF Chat Rigorous analysis of the interaction problem of sea ice with a rigid body 2023 Tim Binz
Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ An Operator-Theoretical Approach to Dirac's Equation on Lp-Spaces 2023 Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Time periodic solutions to Hibler’s sea ice model 2023 Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Strong periodic solutions to quasilinear parabolic equations: An approach by the Da Prato–Grisvard theorem 2023 Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ Nonlinear theory remedies the lack of invertibility in time periodic fluid flows 2023 Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
Arnab Roy
+ Strong well-posedness and dynamics of a nematic liquid crystal-colloidal interaction model 2023 Tim Binz
Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
Arnab Roy
+ The three limits of the hydrostatic approximation 2023 Ken Furukawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
Marc Wrona
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions and their stability to the Navier-Stokes equations on a half space 2022 Matthias Hieber
Thieu Huy Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Analysis and Dynamics of Hibler’s Sea Ice Model 2022 Felix Brandt
Karoline Disser
Robert Haller‐Dintelmann
Matthias Hieber
+ A Characterization of Harmonic $$L^r$$-Vector Fields in Three Dimensional Exterior Domains 2022 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
+ PDF Chat Global Wellposedness of the Primitive Equations with Nonlinear Equation of State in Critical Spaces 2022 Tim Binz
Matthias Hieber
+ Time periodic solutions to Hibler's sea ice model 2022 Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ Well-posedness of a coupled atmosphere-sea ice-ocean model 2022 Tim Binz
Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ Rigorous analysis of the interaction problem of sea ice with a rigid body 2022 Tim Binz
Felix Brandt
Matthias Hieber
+ The stochastic primitive equations with non-isothermal turbulent pressure 2022 Antonio Agresti
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ Global Wellposedness of the Primitive Equations with Nonlinear Equation of State in Critical Spaces 2022 Tim Binz
Matthias Hieber
+ Stationary Navier–Stokes equations under inhomogeneous boundary conditions in 3D exterior domains 2021 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
+ L-Helmholtz-Weyl decomposition for three dimensional exterior domains 2021 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
+ PDF Chat The primitive equations in the scaling-invariant space $$L^{\infty }(L^1)$$ 2021 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ PDF Chat The Keller–Segel system on bounded convex domains in critical spaces 2021 Matthias Hieber
Klaus Kreß
Christian Stinner
+ The stochastic primitive equations with transport noise and turbulent pressure 2021 Antonio Agresti
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ PDF Chat Free Boundary Problems via Da Prato--Grisvard Theory 2020 Raphaël Danchin
Matthias Hieber
Piotr B. Mucha
Patrick Tolksdorf
+ PDF Chat Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation for the primitive equations by scaled Navier–Stokes equations* 2020 Ken Furukawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
Marc Wrona
+ On operator semigroups arising in the study of incompressible viscous fluid flows 2020 Matthias Hieber
+ The primitive equations with stochastic wind driven boundary conditions: global strong well-posedness in critical spaces 2020 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ The Helmholtz–Weyl decomposition of $$L^r$$ vector fields for two dimensional exterior domains 2020 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
+ The hydrostatic Stokes semigroup and well-posedness of the primitive equations on spaces of bounded functions 2020 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ PDF Chat The periodic version of the Da Prato–Grisvard theorem and applications to the bidomain equations with FitzHugh–Nagumo transport 2020 Matthias Hieber
Naoto Kajiwara
Klaus Kreß
Patrick Tolksdorf
+ Strong time periodic solutions to Keller-Segel systems: An approach by the quasilinear Arendt-Bu theorem 2020 Matthias Hieber
Christian Stinner
+ Analysis of Viscous Fluid Flows: An Approach by Evolution Equations 2020 Matthias Hieber
+ An Approach to the Primitive Equations for Oceanic and Atmospheric Dynamics by Evolution Equations 2020 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
+ PDF Chat On the Bidomain equations driven by stochastic forces 2020 Matthias Hieber
Oleksandr Misiats
Oleksandr Stanzhytskyi
+ Free Boundary Problems via Da Prato-Grisvard Theory 2020 Raphaël Danchin
Matthias Hieber
Piotr B. Mucha
Patrick Tolksdorf
+ The primitive equations with stochastic wind driven boundary conditions 2020 Tim Binz
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ Global Strong Well-Posedness of the stochastic bidomain equations with FitzHugh-Nagumo transport 2020 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Martin Saal
+ PDF Chat Analyticity of solutions to the primitive equations 2019 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ Bounded $$H^\infty $$-calculus for a class of nonlocal operators: the bidomain operator in the $$L_q$$-setting 2019 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ A Characterization of Harmonic $$L^r$$-Vector Fields in Two-Dimensional Exterior Domains 2019 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
+ A Characterization of the Growth Bound of a Semigroup via Fourier Multipliers 2019 Matthias Hieber
+ Dynamics of the Ericksen–Leslie Equations with General Leslie Stress II: The Compressible Isotropic Case 2019 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Optimal decay rates for solutions to the incompressible Oldroyd-B model in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2019 Matthias Hieber
Huanyao Wen
Ruizhao Zi
+ Umkehrabbildungen und Implizite Funktionen 2019 Matthias Hieber
+ Kurven, Wege und Vektorfelder 2019 Matthias Hieber
+ $L^r$-Helmholtz-Weyl decomposition for three dimensional exterior domains 2019 Matthias Hieber
Hideo Kozono
Anton Seyfert
Senjo Shimizu
Taku Yanagisawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
Marc Wrona
+ Time periodic and almost time periodic solutions to rotating stratified fluids subject to large forces 2018 Matthias Hieber
Alex Mahalov
Ryo Takada
+ On the bidomain problem with FitzHugh–Nagumo transport 2018 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ The Stokes Equation in the Lp-Setting: Well-Posedness and Regularity Properties 2018 Matthias Hieber
Jürgen Saal
+ Integralrechnung einer Variablen 2018 Matthias Hieber
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ THE $L^{p}$-APPROACH TO GLOBAL STRONG WELL-POSEDNESS OF THE PRIMITIVE EQUATIONS OF OCEAN DYNAMICS (Mathematical Analysis of Viscous Incompressible Fluid) 2017 Matthias Hieber
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ PDF Chat Strong time-periodic solutions to the 3D primitive equations subject to arbitrary large forces 2017 Giovanni P. Galdi
Matthias Hieber
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ Strong Time Periodic Solutions to the Bidomain Equations with FitzHugh-Nagumo Type Nonlinearities 2017 Matthias Hieber
Naoto Kajiwara
Klaus Kreß
Patrick Tolksdorf
+ Bounded 𝐻^{∞}-calculus for the hydrostatic Stokes operator on 𝐿^{𝑝}-spaces and applications 2017 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ The Primitive Equations in the scaling invariant space $L^{\infty}(L^1)$ 2017 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ On Periodic and Almost Periodic Solutions to Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow Problems on the Whole Line 2017 Matthias Hieber
Thieu Huy Nguyen
Anton Seyfert
+ Strong Time Periodic Solutions to the Bidomain Equations with FitzHugh-Nagumo Type Nonlinearities 2017 Matthias Hieber
Naoto Kajiwara
Klaus Kreß
Patrick Tolksdorf
+ Global strong L well-posedness of the 3D primitive equations with heat and salinity diffusion 2016 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ PDF Chat Strong solutions for two-phase free boundary problems for a class of non-Newtonian fluids 2016 Matthias Hieber
Hirokazu Saito
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the Ericksen–Leslie equations with general Leslie stress I: the incompressible isotropic case 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Dynamics of the Ericksen-Leslie Equations with General Leslie Stress I: The Incompressible Isotropic Case 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Global Strong Well-Posedness of the Three Dimensional Primitive Equations in $${L^p}$$ L p -Spaces 2016 Matthias Hieber
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamical Consistent Modeling and Analysis of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Bounded Analyticity of the Stokes Semigroup on Spaces of Bounded Functions 2016 Matthias Hieber
Paolo Maremonti
+ The Stokes Equation in the L p -setting: Well Posedness and Regularity Properties 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jürgen Saal
+ Modeling and Analysis of the Ericksen-Leslie Equations for Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Dynamics of the Ericksen-Leslie Equations with General Leslie Stress I: The Incompressible Isotropic Case 2016 Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ A General Approach to Time Periodic Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow Problems 2015 Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hieber
Thieu Huy Nguyen
+ Thermodynamical Consistent Modeling and Analysis of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows 2015 Matthias Hieber
Jan Pruess
+ The $L^p$-approach to the fluid-rigid body interaction problem for compressible fluids 2015 Matthias Hieber
Miho Murata
+ Strong Time-Periodic Solutions to the 3D Primitive Equations subject to Arbitrary Large Forces 2015 Giovanni P. Galdi
Matthias Hieber
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ Strong solutions for two-phase free boundary problems for a class of non-Newtonian fluids 2015 Matthias Hieber
Hirokazu Saito
+ Local and global existence results for the Navier-Stokes equations in the rotational framework 2015 Daoyuan Fang
Bin Han
Matthias Hieber
+ Global Existence Results for the Navier–Stokes Equations in the Rotational Framework in Fourier–Besov Spaces 2015 Daoyuan Fang
Bin Han
Matthias Hieber
+ Thermodynamical Consistent Modeling and Analysis of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows 2015 Matthias Hieber
Jan Pruess
+ Pointwise upper bounds for the solution of the Stokes equation on L-sigma(infinity)(Omega) and applications 2015 Martin Bolkart
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Stokes Resolvent Estimates in Spaces of Bounded Functions 2015 Ken Abe
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
+ Pointwise upper bounds for the solution of the Stokes equation on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∞</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>Ω</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> and applications 2014 Martin Bolkart
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of nematic liquid crystal flows: The quasilinear approach 2014 Matthias Hieber
Manuel Nesensohn
Jan Prüß
Katharina Schade
+ Stability results for fluids of Oldroyd-B type on exterior domains 2014 Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hieber
Thieu Huy Nguyen
+ Stokes Resolvent Estimates in Spaces of Bounded Functions 2014 Ken Abe
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Global existence of strong solutions for $2$-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on exterior domains with growing data at infinity 2014 Michele Campiti
Giovanni P. Galdi
Matthias Hieber
+ Stokes Resolvent Estimates in Spaces of Bounded Functions 2014 Ken Abe
Yoshikazu Giga
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness results for the Navier-Stokes equations in the rotational framework 2013 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ PDF Chat Stochastic stability of the Ekman spiral 2013 Matthias Hieber
Wilhelm Stannat
+ PDF Chat Global existence results for Oldroyd-B fluids in exterior domains: the case of non-small coupling parameters 2013 Daoyuang Fang
Matthias Hieber
Ruizhao Zi
+ Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows: the Quasilinear Approach 2013 Matthias Hieber
Manuel Nesensohn
Jan Prüß
Katharina Schade
+ Remarks on the theory of Oldroyd-B fluids in exterior domains 2013 Matthias Hieber
+ Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows: the Quasilinear Approach 2013 Matthias Hieber
Manuel Nesensohn
Jan Prüß
Katharina Schade
+ PDF Chat $L^{p}$-theory for strong solutions to fluid-rigid body interaction in Newtonian and generalized Newtonian fluids 2012 Matthias Geißert
Karoline Götze
Matthias Hieber
+ Global existence results for the Navier-Stokes equations in the rotational framework 2012 Daoyuang Fang
Bin Han
Matthias Hieber
+ Global existence results for Oldroyd-B Fluids in exterior domains: The case of non-small coupling parameters 2012 Daoyuang Fang
Matthias Hieber
Ruizhao Zi
+ Weak Neumann implies Stokes 2011 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
Okihiro Sawada
+ Global existence results for Oldroyd-B fluids in exterior domains 2011 Matthias Hieber
Yuka Naito
Yoshihiro Shibata
+ Density-dependent incompressible viscous fluid flow subject to linearly growing initial data 2011 Daoyuan Fang
Matthias Hieber
Ting Zhang
+ Asymptotics of Solutions of Cauchy Problems 2011 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Translation Invariant Operators on L p (ℝ n ) 2011 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Cauchy Problems 2011 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear stability of Ekman boundary layers 2010 Matthias Hess
Matthias Hieber
Alex Mahalov
Jürgen Saal
+ PDF Chat $L^\infty$-estimates for parabolic systems with VMO-coefficients 2010 Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
Kyriakos Stavrakidis
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the $L^p$-approach to the Stokes equation on unbounded domains 2010 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
Okihiro Sawada
+ The Fujita–Kato approach to the Navier–Stokes equations in the rotational framework 2009 Matthias Hieber
Yoshihiro Shibata
+ Strong 𝐿^{𝑝}-solutions to the Navier-Stokes flow past moving obstacles: The case of several obstacles and time dependent velocity 2008 Eva Dintelmann
Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hieber
+ Global properties of generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operators on<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>with more than … 2008 Matthias Hieber
Luca Lorenzi
Jan Prüß
Abdelaziz Rhandi
Roland Schnaubelt
+ Maximal Lp – Lq-Estimates for the Stokes Equation: a Short Proof of Solonnikov’s Theorem 2008 Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hess
Matthias Hieber
Céline Schwarz
Kyriakos Stavrakidis
+ Quasilinear Parabolic Systems with Mixed Boundary Conditions on Nonsmooth Domains 2008 Matthias Hieber
Joachim Rehberg
+ Optimal L p -L q -estimates for parabolic boundary value problems with inhomogeneous data 2007 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet problem in convex bounded domains for operators in non-divergence form with $L^\infty$-coefficients 2007 Matthias Hieber
Ian Wood
+ PDF Chat Second-order parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients in exterior domains 2007 Matthias Hieber
Luca Lorenzi
Abdelaziz Rhandi
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ The model-problem associated to the Stefan problem with surface tension 2006 Matthias Geißert
Bérénice Grec
Matthias Hieber
Е. В. Радкевич
+ The Navier-Stokes Flow in the Exterior of Rotating Obstacles 2006 Matthias Hieber
+ On the Equation div u = g and Bogovskii’s Operator in Sobolev Spaces of Negative Order 2006 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat L p -theory of the Navier-Stokes flow in the exterior of a moving or rotating obstacle 2006 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in exterior domains 2005 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
Ian Wood
+ H∞-calculus for Products of Non-Commuting operators 2005 Robert Haller‐Dintelmann
Matthias Hieber
+ Optimal Lp-Lq-regularity for parabolic problems with inhomogeneous boundary data 2005 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ The Navier-Stokes Equations in ?n with Linearly Growing Initial Data 2004 Matthias Hieber
Okihiro Sawada
+ New thoughts on old results of R.T. Seeley 2004 Robert Denk
Giovanni Dore
Matthias Hieber
Jan Pr�ss
Alberto Venni
+ R-Boundedness, Fourier Multipliers, and Problems of Elliptic and Parabolic Type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Muckenhoupt weights and maximal L p -regularity 2003 R. Haller
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ Maximal L p ‐regularity for elliptic operators with VMO‐coefficients 2003 Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Towards an L 1-Theory for Vector-Valued Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Asymptotics of Perturbations to the Wave Equation 2003 Matthias Hieber
Ian Wood
+ Maximal L p -regularity for elliptic operators with VMO-coefficients 2003 Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ ℛ-boundedness, Fourier multipliers and problems of elliptic and parabolic type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ $ L^p $-Theory of the Stokes equation in a half space 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ The Wave Equation 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Asymptotics of Laplace Transforms 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ The Heat Equation 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Cauchy Problems 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Asymptotics of Solutions of Cauchy Problems 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ Translation Invariant Operators On L p (ℝ n ) 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
C. J. K. Batty
Matthias Hieber
Frank Neubrander
+ PDF Chat Heat-kernels and maximalL p -L q -Estimates: The non-autonomous case 2000 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ PDF Chat Heat-kernels and maximal Lp − Lq−estimates: the non-autonomous case 2000 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ Pseudo-differential operators and maximal regularity results for non-autonomous parabolic equations 1999 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ Noyaux de la chaleur et estimations mixtes Lp — Lq optimales: le cas non autonome 1999 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ None 1999 Matthias Hieber
Elmar Schrohe
+ Operator Valued Fourier Multipliers 1999 Matthias Hieber
+ Heat kernel and maximal Lp - Lq estimates: the non-autonomous case 1999 Matthias Hieber
Sylvie Monniaux
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of holomorphic semigroups 1997 Wolfgang Arendt
Omar El Mennaoui
Matthias Hieber
+ Diffusive logistic growth on 1996 Matthias Hieber
Pablo Koch‐Medina
Sandro Merino
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Estimates and Holomorphy of Semigroups on <i>L</i> <sup> <i>p</i> </sup> Spaces 1996 Matthias Hieber
+ Examples of pseudo-differential operators inL p spaces with unbounded imaginary powers 1996 Matthias Hieber
+ Gaussian estimates and invariance of the $L^p$-Spectrum for elliptic operators of higher order 1996 Matthias Hieber
+ Linear and Semilinear Parabolic Equations on BUC(ℝ<i><sup>N</sup></i>) 1996 Matthias Hieber
Pablo Koch‐Medina
Sandro Merino
+ L p Spectra of Pseudodifferential Operators Generating Integrated Semigroups 1995 Matthias Hieber
+ H∞-Calculus for Second Order Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form 1995 Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat 𝐿^{𝑝} spectra of pseudodifferential operators generating integrated semigroups 1995 Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat On linear hyperbolic systems with multiple characteristics 1995 Matthias Hieber
+ Spectral theory of positive semigroups generated by differential operators 1994 Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Bounded $H_\infty$-calculus for elliptic operators 1994 Herbert Amann
Matthias Hieber
Gieri Simonett
+ On strongly elliptic differential operators on L1(ℝn) 1993 Matthias Hieber
+ A Remark on the Abstract Cauchy Problem on Spaces of Holder Continuous Functions 1992 Matthias Hieber
Frank Räbiger
+ PDF Chat A remark on the abstract Cauchy problem on spaces of Hölder continuous functions 1992 Matthias Hieber
Frank Räbiger
+ Regularized semigroups and systems of linear partial differential equations 1992 Matthias Hieber
A. Holderrieth
Frank Neubrander
+ Integrated semigroups and the cauchy problem for systems in Lp spaces 1991 Matthias Hieber
+ Integrated semigroups and differential operators onL p spaces 1991 Matthias Hieber
+ Laplace Transforms and α-Times Integrated Semigroups 1991 Matthias Hieber
+ Integrated semigroups 1989 Hermann Kellerman
Matthias Hieber
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ R-Boundedness, Fourier Multipliers, and Problems of Elliptic and Parabolic Type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ PDF Chat Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems 1995 Herbert Amann
+ Moving Interfaces and Quasilinear Parabolic Evolution Equations 2016 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics 2007 Chongsheng Cao
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued laplace transforms and cauchy problems 1987 Wolfgang Arendt
+ PDF Chat Estimates for solutions of nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations 1977 V. A. Solonnikov
+ ℛ-boundedness, Fourier multipliers and problems of elliptic and parabolic type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Operator–valued Fourier multiplier theorems and maximal $L_p$-regularity 2001 Lutz Weis
+ StrongL p -solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation inR m , with applications to weak solutions 1984 Tosio Kato
+ Analyticity of the semigroup generated by the Stokes operator inL r spaces 1981 Yoshikazu Giga
+ On the closedness of the sum of two closed operators 1987 Giovanni Dore
Alberto Venni
+ Optimal L p -L q -estimates for parabolic boundary value problems with inhomogeneous data 2007 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ Global Strong Well-Posedness of the Three Dimensional Primitive Equations in $${L^p}$$ L p -Spaces 2016 Matthias Hieber
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ On the Strong Solvability of the Navier—Stokes Equations 2000 Herbert Amann
+ On the regularity of the primitive equations of the ocean 2007 Igor Kukavica
Mohammed Ziane
+ $ L^p $-Theory of the Stokes equation in a half space 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ New thoughts on old results of R.T. Seeley 2004 Robert Denk
Giovanni Dore
Matthias Hieber
Jan Pr�ss
Alberto Venni
+ The Navier-Stokes Equations in ?n with Linearly Growing Initial Data 2004 Matthias Hieber
Okihiro Sawada
+ Bounded 𝐻^{∞}-calculus for the hydrostatic Stokes operator on 𝐿^{𝑝}-spaces and applications 2017 Yoshikazu Giga
Mathis Gries
Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ Domains of fractional powers of the Stokes operator in Lr spaces 1985 Yoshikazu Giga
+ Solutions for semilinear parabolic equations in Lp and regularity of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes system 1986 Yoshikazu Giga
+ Abstract Lp estimates for the Cauchy problem with applications to the Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains 1991 Yoshikazu Giga
Hermann Sohr
+ PDF Chat Generalized resolvent estimates for the Stokes system in bounded and unbounded domains 1994 Reinhard Farwig
Hermann Sohr
+ Maximal regularity for evolution equations in weighted L p -spaces 2004 Jan Pr�ss
Gieri Simonett
+ Global strong L well-posedness of the 3D primitive equations with heat and salinity diffusion 2016 Matthias Hieber
Amru Hussein
Takahito Kashiwabara
+ An Existence Theorem¶for the Navier-Stokes Flow¶in the Exterior of a Rotating Obstacle 1999 Toshiaki Hishida
+ Maximal L p -regularity for Parabolic Equations, Fourier Multiplier Theorems and $H^\infty$ -functional Calculus 2004 Peer Christian Kunstmann
Lutz Weis
+ Theory of function spaces 1983 Hans Triebel
+ PDF Chat L p -theory of the Navier-Stokes flow in the exterior of a moving or rotating obstacle 2006 Matthias Geißert
Horst Heck
Matthias Hieber
+ PDF Chat Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces 1960 Lars Hörmander
+ Maximal Lp – Lq-Estimates for the Stokes Equation: a Short Proof of Solonnikov’s Theorem 2008 Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hess
Matthias Hieber
Céline Schwarz
Kyriakos Stavrakidis
+ Recent Advances Concerning Certain Class of Geophysical Flows 2018 Jinkai Li
Edriss S. Titi
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ On convergence of solutions to equilibria for quasilinear parabolic problems 2008 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
Rico Zacher
+ The Fujita–Kato approach to the Navier–Stokes equations in the rotational framework 2009 Matthias Hieber
Yoshihiro Shibata
+ $L_p$-Theory for a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluids 2007 Dieter Bothe
Jan Prüß
+ Imaginary powers of elliptic second order differential operators in $L\sp p$-spaces 1993 Jan Prüß
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+ Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2011 Hajer Bahouri
Jean-Yves Chemin
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+ Weak Neumann implies Stokes 2011 Matthias Geißert
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+ Nonlinear theory of defects in nematic liquid crystals; Phase transition and flow phenomena 1989 Fang‐Hua Lin
+ PDF Chat Bounded $H_\infty$-calculus for elliptic operators 1994 Herbert Amann
Matthias Hieber
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+ PDF Chat Analyticity of the Stokes semigroup in spaces of bounded functions 2013 Ken Abe
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+ PDF Chat On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted L p -spaces II 2014 Jeremy LeCrone
Jan Prüß
Mathias Wilke
+ Theory of Function Spaces 1983 Hans Triebel
+ Anisotropic estimates and strong solutions of the primitive equations 2001 Francisco Guillén‐González
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+ On the semigroup of the Stokes operator for exterior domains inL q -spaces 1987 Wolfgang Borchers
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+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
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+ PDF Chat On the General Ericksen–Leslie System: Parodi’s Relation, Well-Posedness and Stability 2012 Hao Wu
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+ On the Equation div u = g and Bogovskii’s Operator in Sobolev Spaces of Negative Order 2006 Matthias Geißert
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+ A General Approach to Time Periodic Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow Problems 2015 Matthias Geißert
Matthias Hieber
Thieu Huy Nguyen