André Schulz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Arrangements of orthogonal circles with many intersections 2023 Sarah Carmesin
André Schulz
+ On the geometric thickness of 2-degenerate graphs 2023 Rahul Jain
M. Ricci
Jonathan Rollin
André Schulz
+ Arrangements of orthogonal circles with many intersections 2021 Sarah Carmesin
André Schulz
+ Adjacency Graphs of Polyhedral Surfaces 2021 Elena Arseneva
Linda Kleist
Boris Klemz
Maarten Löffler
André Schulz
Birgit Vogtenhuber
Alexander Wolff
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Zamariola et al. (2018), Interoceptive Accuracy Scores are Problematic: Evidence from Simple Bivariate Correlations”—The empirical data base, the conceptual reasoning and the analysis behind this statement are misconceived and do not support the authors’ conclusions 2020 Vivien Ainley
Manos Tsakiris
Olga Pollatos
André Schulz
Beate M. Herbert
+ Augmenting Geometric Graphs with Matchings 2020 Alexander Pilz
Jonathan Rollin
Lena Schlipf
André Schulz
+ Drawing Subcubic 1-Planar Graphs with Few Bends, Few Slopes, and Large Angles 2018 Philipp Kindermann
Fabrizio Montecchiani
Lena Schlipf
André Schulz
+ The Partition Spanning Forest Problem 2018 Philipp Kindermann
Boris Klemz
Ignaz Rutter
Patrick Schnider
André Schulz
+ Lombardi Drawings of Knots and Links 2017 Philipp Kindermann
Stephen Kobourov
Maarten Löffler
Martin Nöllenburg
André Schulz
Birgit Vogtenhuber
+ Saturated simple and 2-simple topological graphs with few edges 2015 Peter I. Hajnal
Alexander Igamberdiev
Günter Rote
André Schulz
+ A Duality Transform for Constructing Small Grid Embeddings of 3d Polytopes 2014 Alexander Igamberdiev
André Schulz
+ Embedding Stacked Polytopes on a Polynomial-Size Grid 2014 Erik D. Demaine
André Schulz
+ On Numbers of Pseudo-Triangulations 2012 Moria Ben-Ner
André Schulz
Adam Sheffer
+ Pinning Balloons with Perfect Angles and Optimal Area 2011 Immanuel Halupczok
André Schulz
+ On the number of spanning trees a planar graph can have 2009 Kevin Buchin
André Schulz