Stewart Anderson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Time-varying coefficient cumulative gap time models for intensive longitudinal ecological momentary assessment data with missingness 2020 Xiaoxue Li
Stewart Anderson
Saul Shiffman
Bo Zhang
+ A spatial partial differential equation approach to addressing unit misalignments in Bayesian poisson space-time models 2020 Natalie Sumetsky
Christina Mair
Stewart Anderson
Paul J. Gruenewald
+ Joint modeling of bivariate longitudinal and survival data in spouse pairs 2019 Jia‐Yuh Chen
Richard Schulz
Stewart Anderson
+ PDF Chat Incorporating Prior Information with Fused Sparse Group Lasso: Application to Prediction of Clinical Measures from Neuroimages 2019 Joanne C. Beer
Howard Aizenstein
Stewart Anderson
Robert T. Krafty
+ Longitudinal Study Designs 2019 Stewart Anderson
+ Assessment of effect size and power for survival analysis through a binary surrogate endpoint in clinical trials 2018 Judah Abberbock
Stewart Anderson
Priya Rastogi
Gong Tang
+ PDF Chat Simulation Modeling of Cancer Clinical Trials: Application to Omitting Radiotherapy in Low-risk Breast Cancer 2018 Jinani Jayasekera
Yisheng Li
Clyde B. Schechter
Reshma Jagsi
Juhee Song
Julia White
George Luta
Judith‐Anne W. Chapman
Eric J. Feuer
Richard C. Zellars
+ Incorporating Prior Information with Fused Sparse Group Lasso: Application to Prediction of Clinical Measures from Neuroimages 2018 Joanne C. Beer
Howard Aizenstein
Stewart Anderson
Robert T. Krafty
+ Biostatistics: A Computing Approach 2018 Stewart Anderson
+ Longitudinal Study Designs 2018 Stewart Anderson
+ Incorporating Prior Information with Fused Sparse Group Lasso: Application to Prediction of Clinical Measures from Neuroimages 2018 Joanne C. Beer
Howard Aizenstein
Stewart Anderson
Robert T. Krafty
+ Influence diagnostics for multivariate growth curve models 2017 Yun Ling
Stewart Anderson
Richard A. Bilonick
Gadi Wollstein
Joel S. Schuman
+ PDF Chat Non-parametric MANOVA approaches for non-normal multivariate outcomes with missing values 2016 Fanyin He
Sati Mazumdar
Gong Tang
Triptish Bhatia
Stewart Anderson
Mary Amanda Dew
Robert T. Krafty
Vishwajit L. Nimgaonkar
Smita N. Deshpande
Martica H. Hall
+ PDF Chat A three-step estimation procedure using local polynomial smoothing for inconsistently sampled longitudinal data 2016 Lei Ye
Ada O. Youk
Susan M. Sereika
Stewart Anderson
Lora E. Burke
+ PDF Chat Exploring the role of host-tumor interactions in tumor growth and regression 2015 William C. Troy
Stewart Anderson
+ PDF Chat Prediction of transplant-free survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients using joint models for event times and mixed multivariate longitudinal data 2014 Jiin Choi
Stewart Anderson
Thomas J. Richards
Wesley K. Thompson
+ PDF Chat An Adaptive Two-Stage Dose-Response Design Method for Establishing Proof of Concept 2013 Yoko Franchetti
Stewart Anderson
Allan R. Sampson
+ PDF Chat Incorporating temporal features of repeatedly measured covariates into tree‐structured survival models 2012 Meredith L. Wallace
Stewart Anderson
Sati Mazumdar
Lan Kong
Benoit H. Mulsant
+ PDF Chat A stochastic multiple imputation algorithm for missing covariate data in tree-structured survival analysis 2010 Meredith L. Wallace
Stewart Anderson
Sati Mazumdar
+ Meta‐analysis methodology for combining treatment effects from Cox proportional hazard models with different covariate adjustments 2010 Xing Yuan
Stewart Anderson
+ PDF Chat Zero inflation in ordinal data: Incorporating susceptibility to response through the use of a mixture model 2008 Mary E. Kelley
Stewart Anderson
+ Centralized medical monitoring in phase III clinical trials: the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) experience 2006 Atilla Soran
Lois Nesbitt
E.P. Mamounas
BC Lembersky
Jennifer Bryant
Stewart Anderson
Ami Shah Brown
M Passarello
+ PDF Chat Some Thoughts on the Reporting of Adverse Events in Phase II Cancer Clinical Trials 2006 Stewart Anderson
+ Using trajectories from a bivariate growth curve as predictors in a Cox regression model 2006 Qianyu Dang
Sati Mazumdar
Stewart Anderson
Patricia R. Houck
Charles F. Reynolds
+ Modeling Unequally Spaced Bivariate Growth Curve Data Using a Kalman Filter Approach 2005 Qianyu Dang
Stewart Anderson
Lingshi Tan
Sati Mazumdar
+ A Bayesian Group Sequential Approach for Multiple Endpoints 2005 Maria K. Mor
Stewart Anderson
+ Markov chain models for multivariate repeated binary data analysis 2000 Wei Tian
Stewart Anderson
+ Correlates of Quantitative Ultrasound in the Women's Healthy Lifestyle Project 1999 Edward W. Gregg
Andrea M. Kriska
L Salamone
Randi L. Wolf
Michelle Roberts
R E Ferrell
Stewart Anderson
Lewis H. Kuller
Jane A. Cauley
+ Sample size determination in complex clinical trials comparing more than two groups for survival endpoints 1998 Sang Ahnn
Stewart Anderson
+ Investigation of disease-free survival as a surrogate endpoint for survival in cancer clinical trials 1998 T. Timothy Chen
Richard Simon
Edward L. Kom
Stewart Anderson
Anne S. Lindblad
Harry S. Wieand
Harold O. Douglass
Bernard Fisher
J. Michael Hamilton
Michael Friedman
+ Statistical concepts and biomedical research 1996 Carol Redmond
Joseph P. Costantino
Stewart Anderson
Kai Yu
+ The transitivity of bioequivalence testing: potential for drift. 1996 Stewart Anderson
Walter W. Hauck
+ Sample size determination for comparing more than two survival distributions 1995 Sang Ahnn
Stewart Anderson
+ Methods for bounding the marginal survival distribution 1995 James J. Dignam
Lisa A. Weissfeld
Stewart Anderson
+ Characterization of the effects of an airborne mixture of chemicals on the respiratory tract and smoothing polynomial spline analysis of the data 1995 Lee Ann Boylstein
Stewart Anderson
R. Thompson
Yves Alarie
+ Smoothing splines for longitudinal data 1995 Stewart Anderson
Richard H. Jones
+ A comparison of stereology and segmentation techniques for volumetric measurements of lateral ventricles in magnetic resonance imaging 1995 Matcheri S. Keshavan
Stewart Anderson
Curt Beckwith
Kenneth C. Nash
Jay W. Pettegrew
Kousik Krishnan
+ Statistical and Regulatory Considerations for Multiple Measures in Bioequivalence Testing 1995 Walter W. Hauck
Terry Hyslop
Stewart Anderson
Frédéric Y. Bois
T N Tozer
+ Effect of changing the bioequivalence range from (0.80, 1.20) to (0.80, 1.25) on the power and sample size. 1992 V W Steinijans
Walter W. Hauck
E Diletti
Dieter Hauschke
Stewart Anderson
+ Types of bioequivalence and related statistical considerations. 1992 Walter W. Hauck
Stewart Anderson
+ Smoothing Polynomial Splines for Bivariate Data 1990 Stewart Anderson
Richard H. Jones
George D. Swanson
+ Smoothing Polynomial Splines for Bivariate Data. 1990 Stewart Anderson
Richard H. Jones
George D. Swanson
+ Statistical Methods for Comparative Studies: Techniques for Bias Reduction 1982 Ian Sutherland
Stewart Anderson
Ariane Auquier
Walter W. Hauck
David Oakes
Walter Vandaele
Herbert I. Weisberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Random-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data 1982 Nan M. Laird
James H. Ware
+ A generalized multivariate analysis of variance model useful especially for growth curve problems 1964 Richard F. Potthoff
Sasanka Roy
+ A Semiparametric Likelihood Approach to Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data 2002 Xiao Song
Marie Davidian
Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ Separate and Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Event Time Data Using Standard Computer Packages 2004 Xu Guo
Bradley P. Carlin
+ Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data 2000 Robert Henderson
+ Dynamic Predictions and Prospective Accuracy in Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data 2011 Dimitris Rizopoulos
+ Longitudinal Data Analysis for Discrete and Continuous Outcomes 1986 Scott L. Zeger
Kung‐Yee Liang
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Serial correlation in unequally spaced longitudinal data 1990 Richard H. Jones
Lynn Ackerson
+ Improper Priors, Spline Smoothing and the Problem of Guarding Against Model Errors in Regression 1978 Grace Wahba
+ Markov Models for Covariate Dependence of Binary Sequences 1985 Larry R. Muenz
Larry Rubinstein
+ The Signal Extraction Approach to Nonlinear Regression and Spline Smoothing 1983 William E. Wecker
Craig F. Ansley
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ Unbalanced Repeated-Measures Models with Structured Covariance Matrices 1986 Robert I. Jennrich
Mark Schluchter
+ PDF Chat Prediction of transplant-free survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients using joint models for event times and mixed multivariate longitudinal data 2014 Jiin Choi
Stewart Anderson
Thomas J. Richards
Wesley K. Thompson
+ The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments. 1987 Michael Hills
Joseph L. Fleiss
+ Relative Risk Trees for Censored Survival Data 1992 Michael LeBlanc
John Crowley
+ PDF Chat Joint Models for the Association of Longitudinal Binary and Continuous Processes With Application to a Smoking Cessation Trial 2009 Xuefeng Liu
Michael J. Daniels
Bess H. Marcus
+ Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. 2010 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Rob Tibshirani
+ Modeling Unequally Spaced Bivariate Growth Curve Data Using a Kalman Filter Approach 2005 Qianyu Dang
Stewart Anderson
Lingshi Tan
Sati Mazumdar
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Growth and Dose Response Curves 1969 James E. Grizzle
David M. Allen
+ A class of multivanate failure time distributions 1986 Philip Hougaard
+ Survival Trees by Goodness of Split 1993 Michael LeBlanc
John Crowley
+ A model for association in bivariate life tables and its application in epidemiological studies of familial tendency in chronic disease incidence 1978 David Clayton
+ Analyzing developmental trajectories: A semiparametric, group-based approach. 1999 Daniel S. Nagin
+ Linear Models for the Analysis of Longitudinal Studies 1985 James H. Ware
+ Group Lasso with Overlaps: the Latent Group Lasso approach 2011 Guillaume Obozinski
Laurent Jacob
Jean‐Philippe Vert
+ Longitudinal Data Analysis 2008 Geert Molenberghs
Geert Verbeke
+ A semiparametric estimator for the proportional hazards model with longitudinal covariates measured with error 2001 Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit 2002 David J. Spiegelhalter
Nicola Best
Bradley P. Carlin
Angelika van der Linde
+ A Bayesian semiparametric multivariate joint model for multiple longitudinal outcomes and a time‐to‐event 2011 Dimitris Rizopoulos
Pulak Ghosh
+ PDF Chat An experimental design for the development of adaptive treatment strategies 2004 Susan A. Murphy
+ A Bivariate Extension of the Exponential Distribution 1961 John E. Freund
+ Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle 1998 H. Akaike
+ Discovering, comparing, and combining moderators of treatment on outcome after randomized clinical trials: a parametric approach 2013 Helena C. Kraemer
+ Theory and Application of the Linear Model. 1977 J. A. Nelder
Franklin A. Graybill
+ PDF Chat Localized Functional Principal Component Analysis 2015 Kehui Chen
Jing Lei
+ PDF Chat The Adaptive Lasso and Its Oracle Properties 2006 Hui Zou
+ PDF Chat Extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem to Include the Estimation of Random Effects 1976 David A. Harville
+ Joint Models for Multivariate Longitudinal and Multivariate Survival Data 2005 Yueh‐Yun Chi
Joseph G. Ibrahim
+ A class of rank test procedures for censored survival data 1982 David P. Harrington
Thomas R. Fleming
+ PDF Chat Modeling disease progression via fused sparse group lasso 2012 Jiayu Zhou
Jun Liu
Vaibhav A. Narayan
Jieping Ye
+ A New Algorithm for Spline Smoothing Based on Smoothing a Stochastic Process 1987 Robert Kohn
Craig F. Ansley
+ Sample-Size Formula for the Proportional-Hazards Regression Model 1983 David Schoenfeld
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ A Sparse-Group Lasso 2012 Noah Simon
Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ Problems in the Analysis of Survey Data, and a Proposal 1963 James N. Morgan
John A. Sonquist
+ Regression Trees for Censored Data 1988 Mark R. Segal
+ Tree-structured survival analysis. 1985 Louisa G. Gordon
Richard A. Olshen