Ian Wagner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Central $L$-values of newforms and local polynomials 2023 Joshua Males
Andreas Mono
Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Jacobi forms with CM and applications 2022 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat On a new class of Laguerre–Pólya type functions with applications in number theory 2022 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Jensen polynomials for the Riemann xi-function 2022 Michael Griffin
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Jesse Thorner
Zachary Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ Jacobi forms with CM and applications 2022 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat On a new class of Laguerre-P\'{o}lya type functions with applications in number theory 2021 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions 2021 Kathrin Bringmann
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Partition-theoretic formulas for arithmetic densities, II 2021 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Fields generated by characters of finite linear groups 2021 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Correction to: A note on Schwartz functions and modular forms 2021 Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as $q$-brackets of weighted $t$-hook functions on partitions 2020 Kathrin Bringmann
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ The Riemann hypothesis for period polynomials of Hilbert modular forms 2020 Angelica Babei
Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2020 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ Cranks for Ramanujan-type congruences of $k$-colored partitions 2020 Larry Rolen
Zack Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ The Riemann Hypothesis for period polynomials of Hilbert modular forms 2020 Angelica Babei
Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat A note on Schwartz functions and modular forms 2020 Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ The Riemann Hypothesis for period polynomials of Hilbert modular forms 2020 Angelica Babei
Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as $q$-brackets of weighted $t$-hook functions on partitions 2020 Kathrin Bringmann
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ Cranks for Ramanujan-type congruences of $k$-colored partitions 2020 Larry Rolen
Zack Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat The Jensen–Pólya program for various <i>L</i>-functions 2019 Ian Wagner
+ Fields generated by characters of finite linear groups 2019 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2019 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ Jensen Polynomials for the Riemann Xi Function 2019 Michael Griffin
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Jesse Thorner
Zachary Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ Pair correlation for Dedekind zeta functions of abelian extensions. 2019 David de Laat
Larry Rolen
Zack Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Multiquadratic fields generated by characters of A 2019 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ The Jensen-P\'{o}lya program for various L-functions 2019 Ian Wagner
+ Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ Multiquadratic fields generated by characters of $A_n$ 2019 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ A note on Schwartz functions and modular forms 2019 Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ Fields generated by characters of finite linear groups 2019 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2019 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ Pair correlation for Dedekind zeta functions of abelian extensions 2019 David de Laat
Larry Rolen
Zack Tripp
Ian Wagner
+ The Jensen-PĂłlya program for various L-functions 2019 Ian Wagner
+ Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ A note on Schwartz functions and modular forms 2019 Larry Rolen
Ian Wagner
+ Multiquadratic fields generated by characters of $A_n$ 2019 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Maass form eigencurves 2018 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Shifted Distinct-part Partition Identities in Arithmetic Progressions 2017 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy growth series for wreath product finitary symmetric groups 2017 Ian Wagner
+ Harmonic Maass form eigencurves 2017 Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Congruences for Powers of the Partition Function 2017 Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Partition-Theoretic Formulas for Arithmetic Densities 2017 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Harmonic Maass form eigencurves 2017 Ian Wagner
+ Partition-theoretic formulas for arithmetic densities 2017 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Conjugacy growth series for wreath product finitary symmetric groups 2016 Ian Wagner
+ Congruences for powers of the partition function 2016 Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
+ Conjugacy growth series for wreath product finitary symmetric groups 2016 Ian Wagner
+ Congruences for powers of the partition function 2016 Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
+ Shifted distinct-part partition identities in arithmetic progressions 2015 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
+ Shifted distinct-part partition identities in arithmetic progressions 2015 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and 𝑞-series 2003 Ken Ono
+ Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications 2017 Kathrin Bringmann
Amanda Folsom
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
+ PDF Chat Jensen polynomials for the Riemann zeta function and other sequences 2019 Michael Griffin
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Don Zagier
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions and the Riemann hypothesis 1990 George CsordĂĄs
Richard S. Varga
+ Sums of Squares and the Fields QAn 1995 Geoffrey R. Robinson
J. G. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Sur la lacunarité des puissances de η 1985 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic of partitions and the $q$-bracket operator 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat New progress on the zeta function: From old conjectures to a major breakthrough 2019 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Chat Congruences for Powers of the Partition Function 2017 Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Exceptional congruences for powers of the partition function 2004 Matthew Boylan
+ PDF Chat On p-adic modular forms and the Bloch–Okounkov theorem 2016 Michael Griffin
Marie Jameson
Sarah Trebat-Leder
+ Congruences like Ramanujan's for powers of the partition function 1992 Ian Kiming
Jïżœrn B. Olsson
+ PDF Chat Dyson’s crank of a partition 1988 George E. Andrews
Frank G. Garvan
+ PDF Chat Partition zeta functions 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat New upper bounds on sphere packings I 2003 Henry Cohn
Noam D. Elkies
+ PDF Chat Log-concavity of the partition function 2014 Stephen DeSalvo
Igor Pak
+ PDF Chat The Riemann hypothesis and the TurĂĄn inequalities 1986 George CsordĂĄs
Timothy S. Norfolk
Richard S. Varga
+ PDF Chat Sur les entiers $N$ pour lesquels il y a beaucoup de groupes abéliens d'ordre $N$ 1978 Jean-Louis Nicolas
+ A Survey of Multipartitions Congruences and Identities 2008 George E. Andrews
+ The Character of the Infinite Wedge Representation 2000 Spencer Bloch
AndreÄ­ Okounkov
+ PDF Chat Partitions, quasimodular forms, and the Bloch–Okounkov theorem 2015 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Higher order TurĂĄn inequalities for the Riemann $\xi$-function 2010 Dimitar K. Dimitrov
FĂĄbio Lucas
+ PDF Chat The sphere packing problem in dimension $24$ 2017 Henry Cohn
Abhinav Kumar
Stephen D. Miller
Danylo Radchenko
Maryna Viazovska
+ PDF Chat Zeta-functions of elliptic curves of 2-power conductor 1974 Taira Honda
Isao Miyawaki
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Unimodularity of zeros of period polynomials of Hecke eigenforms 2014 Ahmad El‐Guindy
Wissam Raji
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the Partition Function Modulo m 2000 Ken Ono
James A. Sellers
+ PDF Chat Hilbert modular forms and the Ramanujan conjecture 2007 Don Blasius
+ Sums involving the values at negative integers of L-functions of quadratic characters 1975 Henri Cohen
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa modules attached to congruences of cusp forms 1986 Haruzo Hida
+ PDF Chat Intersection numbers of curves on Hilbert modular surfaces and modular forms of Nebentypus 1976 Friedrich Hirzebruch
Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Modular forms and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds 1999 R. J. Lawrence
Don Zagier
+ On a Problem of Lehmer on Partitions into Squares 2004 Michael D. Hirschhorn
James A. Sellers
+ On Epstein's Zeta-function. 1967 S. Chowla
Atle Selberg
+ PDF Chat Combining hook length formulas and BG-ranks for partitions via the Littlewood decomposition 2010 Guo-Niu Han
Kathy Q. Ji
+ PDF Chat New combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan’s partition congruences mod 5,7 and 11 1988 Frank G. Garvan
+ p-Adic congruences and modular forms of half integer weight 1986 Neal Koblitz
+ PDF Chat Periods and Points Attached to Quadratic Algebras 2004 Massimo Bertolini
Henri Darmon
Peter Green
+ PDF Chat The characters of the finite general linear groups 1955 J. A. Green
+ None 2003 Henri Darmon
Adam Logan
+ PDF Chat Some new observations on the Göllnitz-Gordon and Rogers-Ramanujan identities 1995 Krishnaswami Alladi
+ PDF Chat Seiberg-Witten Theory and Random Partitions 2007 Nikita Nekrasov
AndreÄ­ Okounkov
+ Eine p-adische Theorie der Zetawerte. II. 1975 Heinrich Wolfgang Leopoldt
+ Shintani Descent for Special Linear Groups 1998 Toshiaki Shoji
+ PDF Chat On the series for the partition function 1938 D. H. Lehmer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic partition formulae. III. Partitions into k-th powers 1934 Edward Wright
+ The quintuple product identity and shifted partition functions 1996 Krishnaswami Alladi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulaae in Combinatory Analysis 1918 G. H. Hardy
S. Ramanujan
+ Words and Pictures: New Light on Plimpton 322 2002 Eleanor Robson