Michaël Defferrard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat NeuroSteiner: A Graph Transformer for Wirelength Estimation 2024 Sahil Manchanda
Dana Kianfar
Markus F. Peschl
Romain Lepert
Michaël Defferrard
+ PDF Chat DE-HNN: An effective neural model for Circuit Netlist representation 2024 Zhishang Luo
Truong Son Hy
Puoya Tabaghi
Donghyeon Koh
Michaël Defferrard
Elahe Rezaei
Ryan M. Carey
W. Rhett Davis
Rajeev Jain
Yusu Wang
+ PDF Chat CodeIt: Self-Improving Language Models with Prioritized Hindsight Replay 2024 Natasha Butt
Blazej Manczak
Auke Wiggers
Corrado Rainone
David Zhang
Michaël Defferrard
Taco Cohen
+ PDF Chat ChebLieNet: Invariant Spectral Graph NNs Turned Equivariant by Riemannian Geometry on Lie Groups 2021 Hugo Aguettaz
Erik J. Bekkers
Michaël Defferrard
+ Learning to recover orientations from projections in single-particle cryo-EM 2021 Jelena Banjac
Laurène Donati
Michaël Defferrard
+ Learning to recover orientations from projections in single-particle cryo-EM 2021 Jelena Banjac
Laurène Donati
Michaël Defferrard
+ ChebLieNet: Invariant Spectral Graph NNs Turned Equivariant by Riemannian Geometry on Lie Groups 2021 Hugo Aguettaz
Erik J. Bekkers
Michaël Defferrard
+ Simplicial Neural Networks 2020 Stefania Ebli
Michaël Defferrard
Gard Spreemann
+ Simplicial Neural Networks 2020 Stefania Ebli
Michaël Defferrard
Gard Spreemann
+ DeepSphere: a graph-based spherical CNN 2020 Michaël Defferrard
Martino Milani
Frédérick Gusset
Nathanaël Perraudin
+ PDF Chat DeepSphere: Efficient spherical convolutional neural network with HEALPix sampling for cosmological applications 2019 Nathanaël Perraudin
Michaël Defferrard
T. Kacprzak
Raphaël Sgier
+ DeepSphere: towards an equivariant graph-based spherical CNN 2019 Michaël Defferrard
Nathanaël Perraudin
T. Kacprzak
Raphaël Sgier
+ Spherical convergence maps dataset 2018 Raphaël Sgier
T. Kacprzak
Nathanaël Perraudin
Michaël Defferrard
+ Spherical convergence maps dataset 2018 Raphaël Sgier
Tomasz Kacprzak
Nathanaël Perraudin
Michaël Defferrard
+ Learning to Recognize Musical Genre from Audio. 2018 Michaël Defferrard
Sharada P. Mohanty
Sean F. Carroll
Marcel Salathé
+ PDF Chat Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks 2018 Youngjoo Seo
Michaël Defferrard
Pierre Vandergheynst
Xavier Bresson
+ Learning to Recognize Musical Genre from Audio 2018 Michaël Defferrard
Sharada P. Mohanty
Sean F. Carroll
Marcel Salathé
+ Learning to Recognize Musical Genre from Audio 2018 Michaël Defferrard
Sharada P. Mohanty
Sean F. Carroll
Marcel Salathé
+ FMA: A Dataset for Music Analysis. 2017 Michaël Defferrard
Kirell Benzi
Pierre Vandergheynst
Xavier Bresson
+ Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering 2016 Michaël Defferrard
Xavier Bresson
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis 2016 Michaël Defferrard
Kirell Benzi
Pierre Vandergheynst
Xavier Bresson
+ Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks 2016 Youngjoo Seo
Michaël Defferrard
Pierre Vandergheynst
Xavier Bresson
+ Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering 2016 Michaël Defferrard
Xavier Bresson
Pierre Vandergheynst
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains 2013 David I Shuman
Sunil K. Narang
Pascal Frossard
Antonio Ortega
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering 2016 Michaël Defferrard
Xavier Bresson
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ PDF Chat HEALPix: A Framework for High‐Resolution Discretization and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere 2005 K. M. Górski
E. Hivon
A. J. Banday
B. D. Wandelt
F. K. Hansen
M. Reinecke
Matthias Bartelmann
+ Wavelets on graphs via spectral graph theory 2010 David K. Hammond
Pierre Vandergheynst
Rémi Gribonval
+ PDF Chat Graph-Based Classification of Omnidirectional Images 2017 Pascal Frossard
Renata Khasanova
+ PDF Chat Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs 2018 Carlos Esteves
Christine Allen-Blanchette
Ameesh Makadia
Kostas Daniilidis
+ PDF Chat Generalized Tree-Based Wavelet Transform 2011 Idan Ram
Michael Elad
Israel Cohen
+ Accelerated filtering on graphs using Lanczos method 2015 Ana Šušnjara
Nathanaël Perraudin
Daniel Kreßner
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ PDF Chat Geodesic Convolutional Neural Networks on Riemannian Manifolds 2015 Jonathan Masci
Davide Boscaini
Michael M. Bronstein
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ PDF Chat Fast generation of covariance matrices for weak lensing 2019 Raphaël Sgier
Alexandre Réfrégier
A. Amara
Andrina Nicola
+ Recurrent Neural Network Regularization 2014 Wojciech Zaremba
Ilya Sutskever
Oriol Vinyals
+ PDF Chat Relaxation-Based Coarsening and Multiscale Graph Organization 2011 Dorit Ron
Ilya Safro
Achi Brandt
+ Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 2013 Tomáš Mikolov
Kai Chen
Greg S. Corrado
Jay B. Dean
+ Emergence of Complex-Like Cells in a Temporal Product Network with Local Receptive Fields 2010 Karol Gregor
Yann LeCun
+ Spectral Networks and Locally Connected Networks on Graphs 2013 Joan Bruna
Wojciech Zaremba
Arthur Szlam
Yann LeCun
+ PDF Chat A Multiscale Pyramid Transform for Graph Signals 2015 David I Shuman
Mohammad Javad Faraji
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Transfer Learning of Artist Group Factors to Musical Genre Classification 2018 Jaehun Kim
Minz Won
Xavier Serra
Cynthia C. S. Liem
+ On the Generalization of Equivariance and Convolution in Neural Networks to the Action of Compact Groups 2018 Risi Kondor
Shubhendu Trivedi
+ Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 2013 Tomáš Mikolov
Kai Chen
Greg S. Corrado
Jay B. Dean
+ FMA: A Dataset for Music Analysis. 2017 Michaël Defferrard
Kirell Benzi
Pierre Vandergheynst
Xavier Bresson
+ On the Degrees of Freedom of Signals on Graphs 2015 Mikhail Tsitsvero
Sergio Barbarossa
+ Spherical CNNs 2018 Taco Cohen
Mario Geiger
Jonas Koehler
Max Welling
+ PDF Chat DeepSphere: Efficient spherical convolutional neural network with HEALPix sampling for cosmological applications 2019 Nathanaël Perraudin
Michaël Defferrard
T. Kacprzak
Raphaël Sgier
+ Geodesic convolutional neural networks on Riemannian manifolds 2015 Jonathan Masci
Davide Boscaini
Michael M. Bronstein
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Cosmological constraints from the convergence 1-point probability distribution 2017 K. Patton
J. Blazek
K. Honscheid
Eric Huff
P. Melchior
Ashley J. Ross
E. Suchyta
+ PDF Chat Stationary Signal Processing on Graphs 2017 Nathanaël Perraudin
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Video (language) modeling: a baseline for generative models of natural videos. 2014 Marc’Aurelio Ranzato
Arthur Szlam
Joan Bruna
Michaël Mathieu
Ronan Collobert
Sumit Chopra
+ Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Graphs 2016 Mathias Niepert
Mohamed M. Ahmed
Konstantin Kutzkov
+ Toward An Uncertainty Principle For Weighted Graphs 2015 Bastien Pasdeloup
Réda Alami
Vincent Gripon
Michael Rabbat
+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 Fabián Pedregosa
Gaël Varoquaux
Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
Bertrand Thirion
Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ PDF Chat Geometric Deep Learning: Going beyond Euclidean data 2017 Michael M. Bronstein
Joan Bruna
Yann LeCun
Arthur Szlam
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Spherical CNNs on Unstructured Grids 2019 Chiyu Max Jiang
Jingwei Huang
Karthik Kashinath
Philip Marcus
Matthias Nießner
+ PDF Chat Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions 2015 Andrej Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
+ Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering 2016 Michaël Defferrard
Xavier Bresson
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ Spectral Networks and Locally Connected Networks on Graphs 2013 Joan Bruna
Wojciech Zaremba
Arthur Szlam
Yann LeCun
+ PDF Chat Semantic Object Parsing with Graph LSTM 2016 Xiaodan Liang
Xiaohui Shen
Jiashi Feng
Liang Lin
Shuicheng Yan
+ PDF Chat Barcodes: The persistent topology of data 2007 Robert Ghrist
+ PDF Chat Euclidean Distance Matrices: Essential theory, algorithms, and applications 2015 Ivan Dokmanić
Reza Parhizkar
Juri Ranieri
Martin Vetterli
+ PDF Chat Detecting cosmic strings in the CMB with the Canny algorithm 2008 Stephen Amsel
J. Berger
Robert Brandenberger
+ PDF Chat Show and tell: A neural image caption generator 2015 Oriol Vinyals
Alexander Toshev
Samy Bengio
Dumitru Erhan
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks 2016 Davide Boscaini
Jonathan Masci
Emanuele Rodolà
Michael M. Bronstein
+ Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks 2016 Yujia Li
Daniel Tarlow
Marc Brockschmidt
Richard S. Zemel
Pavel Naselsky
О. В. Верходанов
D. Novikov
V. Turchaninov
I. D. Novikov
P. R. Christensen
L.-Y Chiang
+ Spectra of combinatorial Laplace operators on simplicial complexes 2013 Danijela Horak
Jürgen Jost
+ Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift 2015 Sergey Ioffe
Christian Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Harmonic inpainting of the cosmic microwave background sky: Formulation and error estimate 2008 Kaiki Taro Inoue
P. Cabella
Eiichiro Komatsu
+ PDF Chat Group Invariant Scattering 2012 Stéphane Mallat
+ Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks 2013 Alex Graves