William W. Symes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A numerical investigation of Matched Source Waveform Inversion applied to acoustic transmission data 2024 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ PDF Chat Adaptive waveform inversion for transmitted wave data 2024 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Efficient computation of extended surface sources 2023 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum: Solution of an acoustic transmission inverse problem by extended inversion (2022 Inverse Problems 38 115003) 2022 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ PDF Chat Solution of an acoustic transmission inverse problem by extended inversion 2022 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ PDF Chat Error bounds for extended source inversion applied to an acoustic transmission inverse problem 2022 William W. Symes
+ Efficient Computation of Extended Surface Sources 2022 William W. Symes
+ Solution of an Acoustic Transmission Inverse Problem by Extended Inversion 2022 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ Solution of an Acoustic Transmission Inverse Problem by Extended Inversion: Theory 2021 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Error Bounds for Extended Source Inversion applied to an Acoustic Transmission Inverse Problem 2021 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Full-waveform inversion by source extension: Why it works 2020 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ PDF Chat Wavefield reconstruction inversion: an example 2020 William W. Symes
+ Full Waveform Inversion by Source Extension: Why it works 2020 William W. Symes
+ Full Waveform Inversion by Source Extension: Why it works 2020 William W. Symes
+ A mathematical framework for inverse wave problems in heterogeneous media 2013 Kirk Blazek
Christiaan C. Stolk
William W. Symes
+ Methods for Optimal Control Problems 2010 Marco U. Enriquez
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat A software framework for abstract expression of coordinate-free linear algebra and optimization algorithms 2009 Anthony D. Padula
Shannon D. Scott
William W. Symes
+ The Acoustic Radiation Solution 2008 William W. Symes
Tetyana Vdovina
+ Guest Editors' introduction to the special section on statistical and computational issues in inverse problems 2008 Luis Tenorio
Eldad Haber
William W. Symes
Philip B. Stark
Dennis D. Cox
Omar Ghattas
+ Regularity of an inverse problem in wave propagation 2007 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ A paraxial formulation for the viscosity solution of quasi-P eikonal equations 2003 Jianliang Qian
William W. Symes
+ Adaptive Simulation, the Adjoint State Method, and Optimization 2003 Mark S. Cockenbach
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Smooth objective functionals for seismic velocity inversion 2002 Christiaan C. Stolk
William W. Symes
+ Efficient and automatic implementation of the adjoint state method 2002 Mark S. Gockenbach
Daniel R. Reynolds
Peng Shen
William W. Symes
+ Automatic Differentiation and the Adjoint State Method 2002 Mark S. Gockenbach
Daniel R. Reynolds
William W. Symes
+ Paraxial Eikonal Solvers for Anisotropic Quasi-P Travel Times 2001 Jianliang Qian
William W. Symes
+ Upwind finite difference traveltime for anisotropic media 1999 Jianliang Qian
William W. Symes
+ A slowness matching finite difference method for traveltimes beyond transmission caustics 1998 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Anomalous reflections near a caustic 1997 Clifford J. Nolan
William W. Symes
+ Global solution of a linearized inverse problem for the wave equation 1997 Clifford J. Nolan
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat An Infeasible Point Method for Minimizing the Lennard-Jones Potential 1997 Mark S. Gockenbach
Anthony J. Kearsley
William W. Symes
+ Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation 1997 Guy Chavent
Paul Sacks
George Papanicolaou
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Computation of Pseudo-Differential Operators 1996 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ A note on consistency and adjointness for numerical schemes 1995 Alain Sei
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Time-Like Trace Regularity of the Wave Equation with a Nonsmooth Principal Part 1995 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Stability Analysis of Finite-Difference Schemes for the Viscoelastic Wave Equation 1994 Joakim O. Blanch
William W. Symes
+ Trace Regularity for a Second Order Hyperbolic Equation with Nonsmooth Coefficients 1993 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ Integrated Approaches to Parallelism in Optimization and Solution of Inverse Problems 1993 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Computation of Pseudo-Differential Operators 1992 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Conjugate residual methods for almost symmetric linear systems 1992 Juan Meza
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Deflated Krylov subspace methods for nearly singular linear systems 1992 Juan Meza
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat A trace theorem for solutions of linear partial differential equations 1991 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat An Upper Bound for the Linearized Map of an Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation 1991 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat The Reflection Inverse Problem for Acoustic Waves 1990 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat A Trace Theorem for Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1989 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ Velocity inversion from common offset data 1989 Paul Sacks
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Singularities and Some Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation 1989 William W. Symes
+ 9. Computing the Least-Squares Solution 1989 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
Raymon L. Brown
+ 8. Implications for the Solution of the Least-Squares Inverse Problem 1989 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
Raymon L. Brown
+ 6. Perturbations about a Slowly Varying Reference Velocity 1989 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
Raymon L. Brown
+ Appendix A: Least-Squares and the Velocity Spectrum 1989 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
Raymon L. Brown
+ Reconstruction of blocky impedence profiles from normal-incidence reflection seismograms which are band-limited and miscalibrated 1988 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
+ Uniqueness for an inverse problem for the wave equation 1988 Rakesh Rakesh
William W. Symes
+ Inversion of band-limited reflection seismograms using stacking velocities as constraints 1987 Fadil Santosa
William W. Symes
G. Raggio
+ Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Linear Hyperbolic Equations 1987 Juan Meza
William W. Symes
+ On the Relation between Coefficient and Boundary Values for Solutions of Webster’s Horn Equation 1986 William W. Symes
+ Linearization Stability for an Inverse Problem in Several-Dimensional Wave Propagation 1986 William W. Symes
+ Uniqueness and continuous dependence for a multidimensional hyperbolic inverse problem 1985 Paul Sacks
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Stability considerations for one-dimensional inverse problems 1985 Samuel H. Gray
William W. Symes
+ Impedance profile inversion via the first transport equation 1983 William W. Symes
+ A trace theorem for solutions of the wave equation, and the remote determination of acoustic sources 1983 William W. Symes
L. E. Payne
+ PDF Chat Systems of Toda type, inverse spectral problems, and representation theory 1981 William W. Symes
+ Erratum: Numerical Stability in an Inverse Scattering Problem 1981 William W. Symes
+ Stable Solution of the Inverse Reflection Problem for a Smoothly Stratified Elastic Medium 1981 William W. Symes
+ Hamiltonian group actions and integrable systems 1980 William W. Symes
+ Numerical Stability in an Inverse Scattering Problem 1980 William W. Symes
+ Inverse boundary value problems and a theorem of Gel'fand and Levitan 1979 William W. Symes
+ The Inverse Reflection Problem for a Smoothly Stratified Elastic Medium. 1979 William W. Symes
+ An integral representation for eigenfunctions of linear ordinary differential operators 1979 William W. Symes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ About the stability of the inverse problem in 1-D wave equations?application to the interpretation of seismic profiles 1979 A. Bamberger
Guy Chavent
Patrick Lailly
+ Impedance profile inversion via the first transport equation 1983 William W. Symes
+ A trace theorem for solutions of the wave equation, and the remote determination of acoustic sources 1983 William W. Symes
L. E. Payne
+ PDF Chat Inverse Problem for the One-dimensional Wave Equation 1970 M. L. Gerver
+ On the Relation between Coefficient and Boundary Values for Solutions of Webster’s Horn Equation 1986 William W. Symes
+ Propagation of singularities for hyperbolic pseudo differential operators with non‐smooth coefficients 1982 Michael Beals
Michael C. Reed
+ The One-Dimensional Inverse Problem of Reflection Seismology 1983 Kenneth P. Bube
Robert Burridge
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ On the determination of a differential equation from its spectral function 1987 I. M. Gel'fand
+ On the determination of a differential equation from its spectral function 1955 I. M. Ge′lfand
B. M. Levitan
+ Continuous and Discrete Inverse-Scattering Problems in a Stratified Elastic Medium. I. Plane Waves at Normal Incidence 1969 Jerry A. Ware
K. Aki
+ Stable Solution of the Inverse Reflection Problem for a Smoothly Stratified Elastic Medium 1981 William W. Symes
+ Uniqueness and continuous dependence for a multidimensional hyperbolic inverse problem 1985 Paul Sacks
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Microlocal regularity theorems for nonsmooth pseudodifferential operators and applications to nonlinear problems 1984 Michael Beals
Michael C. Reed
+ Linearization Stability for an Inverse Problem in Several-Dimensional Wave Propagation 1986 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations 1988 Stanley Osher
James A. Sethian
+ PDF Chat A trace theorem for solutions of linear partial differential equations 1991 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization in inverse problems 2015 Tristan van Leeuwen
Felix J. Herrmann
+ PDF Chat Wavefield reconstruction inversion: an example 2020 William W. Symes
+ The Inverse Problem in the Quantum Theory of Scattering 1963 L. D. Faddeyev
Bernard D. Seckler
+ Trace regularity of the solutions of the wave equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and data supported away from the boundary 1989 Irena Lasiecka
Roberto Triggiani
+ The inversion of acoustical impedance profile by methods of characteristics 1982 Fadil Santosa
Horst Schwetlick
+ Pseudodifferential Operators (PMS-34) 1981 Michael E. Taylor
+ Linear Partial Differential Operators 1964 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Full-waveform inversion by source extension: Why it works 2020 William W. Symes
Huiyi Chen
Susan E. Minkoff
+ Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations 1973 Louis Nirenberg
+ The Gelfand-Levitan, the Marchenko, and the Gopinath-Sondhi integral equations of inverse scattering theory, regarded in the context of inverse impulse-response problems 1980 Robert Burridge
+ An Inverse Method for Determining Small Variations in Propagation Speed 1977 Jack K. Cohen
Norman Bleistein
+ Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations 1996 J. E. Dennis
Robert B. Schnabel
+ Inverse boundary value problems and a theorem of Gel'fand and Levitan 1979 William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Smooth objective functionals for seismic velocity inversion 2002 Christiaan C. Stolk
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Methods of Mathematical Physics, vol. II. Partial Differential Equations 1963 Courant
+ Linear Partial Differential Operators 1963 Lars Hörmander
+ Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 1971 J. L. Lions
+ A Linearised inverse problem for the wave equation 1988 Rakesh Rakesh
+ Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations 2006 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat The inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with symmetric potentials 1978 Ole H. Hald
+ Trace Regularity for a Second Order Hyperbolic Equation with Nonsmooth Coefficients 1993 Gang Bao
William W. Symes
+ PDF Chat Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with the alternating direction method of multipliers 2018 Hossein S. Aghamiry
Ali Gholami
S. Operto
+ Pseudodifferential Operators 2010 Michael E. Taylor
+ Stability for the one dimensional inverse problem via the gel’fand-levitan equation 1982 Robert Carroll
Fadil Santosa
Jaime H. Ortega
+ PDF Chat Application of optimal transport and the quadratic Wasserstein metric to full-waveform inversion 2017 Yunan Yang
Björn Engquist
Junzhe Sun
Brittany Froese Hamfeldt
+ High-Order Essentially Nonoscillatory Schemes for Hamilton–Jacobi Equations 1991 Stanley Osher
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ PDF Chat Reflection of singularities of solutions to systems of differential equations 1975 Michael E. Taylor
+ Pseudodifferential Operators and Nonlinear PDE 1991 Michael E. Taylor
+ Integrals of nonlinear equations of evolution and solitary waves 1968 Peter D. Lax
+ Introduction to Pseudodifferential and Fourier Integral Operators 1980 François Trèves
+ Inverse scattering on the line 1979 Percy Deift
Eugene Trubowitz
+ Least Squares Methods for Ill-Posed Problems with a Prescribed Bound 1970 Keith Miller
+ A discrete version of the inverse scattering problem 1973 K. M. Case
Mark Kac