Iván Pan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On polynomial automorphisms commuting with a simple derivation 2024 Pierre-Louis Montagard
Iván Pan
Alvaro Rittatore
+ On derivations of differential Ore extensions 2022 Andrés Abella
Iván Pan
+ On the orbits of plane automorphisms and their stabilizers 2022 Iván Pan
Alvaro Rittatore
+ PDF Chat A characterization of local nilpotence for dimension two polynomial derivations 2021 Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On the Automorphism Group of a polynomial differential ring in two variables 2021 Rene Baltazar
Iván Pan
+ Corrigendum to: “On plane polynomial automorphisms commuting with simple derivations” [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 221 (2017) 875–882] 2021 Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ A characterization of local nilpotence for dimension two polynomial derivations 2020 Iván Pan
+ On the Automorphism Group of a Polynomial Differential Ring in Two Variables 2019 Iván Pan
Rene Baltazar
+ Birational Geometry of Foliations Associated to Simple Derivations 2019 Gaël Cousin
Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ Cremona transformations of $${\mathbb P}^4$$ P 4 coming from complete intersection of quadrics 2017 Divane Aparecida de Moraes Dantas
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Birational geometry of foliations associated to simple derivations and generalizations 2017 Gaël Cousin
Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ Birational geometry of foliations associated to simple derivations 2017 Gaël Cousin
Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On plane polynomial automorphisms commuting with simple derivations 2016 Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ On plane polynomial automorphisms commuting with simple derivations 2016 Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On Solutions for Derivations of a Noetherian<i>k</i>-algebra and Local Simplicity 2015 Rene Baltazar
Iván Pan
+ On smooth separatrices of foliations on singular surfaces 2015 G. Gonzalez-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Cremona Maps of de Jonquières Type 2014 Iván Pan
Aron Simis
+ PDF Chat On Cremona transformations of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> with all possible bidegrees 2013 Iván Pan
+ On Cremona Transformations of P^3 with all possible bidegrees 2013 Iván Pan
+ On solutions for derivations of a Noetherian k-algebra and local simplicity 2013 Rene Baltazar
Iván Pan
+ On singular quadratic complexes, quintic curves and Cremona transformations 2012 Dan Avritzer
Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ Some remarks about the Zariski topology of the Cremona group 2012 Iván Pan
Alvaro Rittatore
+ On the untwisting of general de Jonquières and cubo-cubic Cremona transformations of $${\mathbb{P}^3}$$ 2011 Iván Pan
+ On Cremona Transformations of P^3 which factorize in a minimal form 2011 Iván Pan
+ On Cremona Transformations of P^3 which factorize in a minimal form 2011 Iván Pan
+ On Cremona transformations and quadratic complexes 2008 Dan Avritzer
Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On birational transformations of pairs in the complex plane 2008 Jérémy Blanc
Iván Pan
Thierry Vust
+ PDF Chat On birational properties of smooth codimension two determinantal varieties 2008 Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Sur un théorème de Castelnuovo 2008 Jérémy Blanc
Iván Pan
Thierry Vust
+ PDF Chat Sur le sous-groupe de décomposition d'une courbe irrationnelle dans le groupe de cremona du plan 2007 Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Foliations with radial Kupka set and pencils of Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces 2006 Omegar Calvo-Andrade
Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ Sur un théorème de Castelnuovo 2006 Jérémy Blanc
Iván Pan
Thierry Vust
+ Some typical classes of t-norms and the 1-Lipschitz Condition 2006 Benjamín Bedregal
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On Characteristic Classes of Determinantal Cremona Transformations 2006 Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Sur le degré dynamique des transformations de Cremona du plan qui stabilisent une courbe irrationnelle non-elliptique 2005 Iván Pan
+ Cremona transformations and special double structures 2005 Iván Pan
Francesco Russo
+ On Characteristic Classes Of Determinantal Cremona Transformations 2005 Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ Les équations différentielles algébriques et les singularités mobiles 2004 Iván Pan
Marcos Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat On the monomial birational maps of the projective space 2003 Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ Quelques remarques sur les d-webs des surfaces complexes et un probleme propose par D. Cerveau 2003 Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Transformations birationnelles quadratiques de l'espace projectif complexe à trois dimensions 2001 Iván Pan
Felice Ronga
Thierry Vust
+ PDF Chat Sur les équations différentielles algébriques admettant des solutions avec une singularité essentielle 2001 Iván Pan
Marcos Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat Les transformations de Cremona stellaires 2000 Iván Pan
+ Sur le multidegré des transformations de Cremona 2000 Iván Pan
+ Une remarque sur la g�n�ration du groupe de Cremona 1999 Iván Pan
+ Les applications rationnelles de Pn determinantielles de degre n 1999 Iván Pan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cremona Transformations in Plane and Space. 1927 Virgil Snyder
Hilda P. Hudson
+ Liaison des vari�t�s alg�briques. I 1974 Christian Peskine
Lucien Szpiro
+ Some Special Cremona Transformations 1989 Lawrence Ein
N. I. Shepherd‐Barron
+ PDF Chat Les transformations de Cremona stellaires 2000 Iván Pan
Yves Lequain
Daniel Levcovitz
+ Cremona Transformations with Smooth Irreducible Fundamental Locus 1989 Bruce Craùder
Sheldon Katz
+ PDF Chat Transformations birationnelles quadratiques de l'espace projectif complexe à trois dimensions 2001 Iván Pan
Felice Ronga
Thierry Vust
+ Une remarque sur la g�n�ration du groupe de Cremona 1999 Iván Pan
+ Differential Ideals in Rings of Finitely Generated Type 1967 A. Seidenberg
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat On plane polynomial automorphisms commuting with simple derivations 2016 Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat On Characteristic Classes of Determinantal Cremona Transformations 2006 Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ Cremona Transformations and Hartshorne's Conjecture 1991 Bruce Craùder
Sheldon Katz
+ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. 1951 A. Seidenberg
J. G. Semple
L. Roth
+ Automorphisms of the plane preserving a curve 2015 Jérémy Blanc
Immanuel Stampfli
+ Birational Geometry of Foliations 2015 Marco Brunella
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Francesco Russo
Aron Simis
+ PDF Chat Symétries birationnelles des surfaces feuilletÉes 2003 Serge Cantat
C. Favre
+ PDF Chat Sur le schéma de Hilbert des variétés de codimension $2$ dans $\mathbf{P}^e$ à cône de Cohen-Macaulay 1975 Geir Ellingsrud
+ PDF Chat On Solutions for Derivations of a Noetherian<i>k</i>-algebra and Local Simplicity 2015 Rene Baltazar
Iván Pan
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Finite Abelian subgroups of the Cremona group of the plane 2006 Jérémy Blanc
+ Birational involutions of P^2 1999 Lionel Bayle
Arnaud Beauville
+ Derivations on Regular Local Rings of Finitely Generated Type 1975 Robert A. Hart
+ Some Simple Derivations of<i>k</i>[<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>] 2012 Surjeet Kour
+ On Cremona transformations and quadratic complexes 2008 Dan Avritzer
Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ Automorphism group of a polynomial ring and algebraic group action on an affine space 1979 T. Kambayashi
+ Compact Complex Surfaces 1984 Wolf Barth
Chris Peters
A. Van de Ven
+ The Decomposition, Inertia and Ramification Groups in Birational Geometry 1994 M H Gizatullin
+ The cubo-cubic transformation ofP 3 is very special 1987 Sheldon Katz
+ PDF Chat An example of a simple derivation in two variables 2008 Andrzej Nowicki
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of bimeromorphic maps of surfaces 2001 Jeffrey Diller
C. Favre
+ Birational Geometry of Foliations Associated to Simple Derivations 2019 Gaël Cousin
Luís Gustavo Mendes
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat The number of conjugacy classes of elements of the Cremona group of some given finite order 2007 Jérémy Blanc
+ Cremona transformations and special double structures 2005 Iván Pan
Francesco Russo
+ PDF Chat Transformation groups of holomorphic foliations 2002 Jorge Vitório Pereira
Percy Fernández Sánchez
+ Géométrie classique de certains feuilletages de degré deux 2010 D. Cerveau
Julie Déserti
D. Garba Belko
R. Meziani
+ Groupes de Cremona, connexit\'e et simplicit\'e 2009 Jérémy Blanc
+ Threefolds Whose Canonical Bundles Are Not Numerically Effective 1982 Шигефуми Мори
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ Complex Algebraic Surfaces 1996 Arnaud Beauville
+ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. 1960 Alice T. Schafer
Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat On the monomial birational maps of the projective space 2003 Gérard González-Sprinberg
Iván Pan
+ PDF Chat Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces 2011 Serge Cantat
+ The <i>T</i> <sub>2,4</sub> of <i>S</i> <sub>6</sub> Defined by a Rational Surface <sup>3</sup> <i>F</i> <sup>8</sup> 1970 J. G. Semple
John Tyrrell
+ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 1985 J. G. Semple
L. Roth
+ PDF Chat On planar Cremona maps of prime order 2004 Tommaso de Fernex
+ Elementary Birational Maps between Mori Toric Fiber 3-Spaces 2005 Constantin Shramov
+ PDF Chat p-Elementary subgroups of the Cremona group 2007 Arnaud Beauville
+ Specialization of Cremona transformations 1968 J. G. Semple
John Tyrrell