Klaus Schittkowski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A combined SQP–IPM algorithm for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems 2015 Björn Sachsenberg
Klaus Schittkowski
+ A comparative study of SQP-type algorithms for nonlinear and nonconvex mixed-integer optimization 2012 Oliver Exler
Thomas Lehmann
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Sequential Quadratic Programming Methods 2011 Klaus Schittkowski
Ya-xiang Yuan
+ A robust implementation of a sequential quadratic programming algorithm with successive error restoration 2010 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Mathematisches Institut der Universit 2010 Der Gesch
Kurt Chudej
Ya-xiang Yuan
Klaus Schittkowski
+ An active set strategy for solving optimization problems with up to 200,000,000 nonlinear constraints 2009 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Numerical Simulation of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell by Partial Differential Algebraic Equations 2007 Kurt Chudej
Maximilian Bauer
Hans Josef Pesch
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Parameter Identification in One‐Dimensional Partial Differential Algebraic Equations 2007 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A trust region SQP algorithm for mixed-integer nonlinear programming 2006 Oliver Exler
Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat The cyclic Barzilai-–Borwein method for unconstrained optimization 2006 Yu‐Hong Dai
William W. Hager
Klaus Schittkowski
Hongchao Zhang
+ Heuristic reasoning with the interactive mathematical programming system emp 2006 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A unified nonlinear programming theory for penalty, multiplier, SQP and GRG methods 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Organization, test, and performance of optimization programs 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Heuristic reasoning in mathematical programming 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
+ An adaptive precision method for the numerical solution of constrained optimization problems applied to a time-optimal heating process 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
+ SQP versus SCP Methods for Nonlinear Programming 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
Christian Zillober
+ Index analysis and numerical solution of a large scale nonlinear PDAE system describing the dynamical behaviour of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells 2005 Kurt Chudej
Peter Heidebrecht
Verena Petzet
Sabine Scherdel
Klaus Schittkowski
Hans Josef Pesch
Kai Sundmacher
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Programming: Algorithms, Software, and Applications 2005 Klaus Schittkowski
Christian Zillober
+ Optimal Design of Electronic Components by Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 2004 Georg van de Braak
M. J. BĂŒnner
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Very large scale optimization by sequential convex programming 2004 C. Zillober
Klaus Schittkowski
K. Moritzen
+ PCOMP: A Modeling Language for Nonlinear Programs with Automatic Differentiation 2004 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Data fitting in partial differential algebraic equations: some academic and industrial applications 2003 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Index Analysis of a Nonlinear PDAE System Describing a Molten CarbonateFuel Cell 2003 Kurt Chudej
Verena Petzet
Sabine Scherdel
Hans Josef Pesch
Klaus Schittkowski
Peter Heidebrecht
Kai Sundmacher
+ Numerical Simulation of a 1D Model of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell 2003 Hans Josef Pesch
Kurt Chudej
Verena Petzet
Sabine Scherdel
Klaus Schittkowski
Peter Heidebrecht
Kai Sundmacher
+ EASY-FIT: a software system for data fitting in dynamical systems 2002 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Break Points 2001 Michael Liepelt
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Parameter Estimation in Dynamic Systems 2000 Klaus Schittkowski
+ None 2000 Markus Blatt
Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDEFIT: A Fortran code for data fitting in partial differential equations 1999 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Parameter estimation in one-dimensional time-dependet partial differential equations 1997 Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 746: PCOMP—a Fortran code for automatic differentiation 1995 M. Dobmann
Michael Liepelt
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Some experiments on heuristic code selection versus numerical performance in nonlinear programming 1993 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Solving nonlinear programming problems with very many constraints 1992 Klaus Schittkowski
+ EMP: An Expert System for Mathematical Programming 1988 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Solving Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems by a General Purpose SQP-Method 1988 Klaus Schittkowski
+ The Test Problems 1987 Klaus Schittkowski
+ More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes 1987 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Condensed Information on the Test Problems 1987 Klaus Schittkowski
+ NLPQL: A fortran subroutine solving constrained nonlinear programming problems 1986 Klaus Schittkowski
+ NLPQL: A fortran subroutine solving constrained nonlinear programming problems 1986 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A Unified Outline of Nonlinear Programming Algorithms 1985 Klaus Schittkowski
+ On the Global Convergence of Nonlinear Programming Algorithms 1985 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Software for Mathematical Programming 1985 Klaus Schittkowski
+ On the convergence of a sequential quadratic programming method with an augmented lagrangian line search function 1983 Klaus Schittkowski
+ The Numerical Solution of Constrained Linear Least-squares Problems 1983 Klaus Schittkowski
+ The nonlinear programming method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an augmented Lagrangian type line search function 1982 Klaus Schittkowski
+ The nonlinear programming method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an augmented Lagrangian type line search function 1982 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Nonlinear Programming Methods with Linear Least Squares Subproblems 1982 Klaus Schittkowski
+ On the Convergence of a Sequential Quadratic Programming Method with an Augmented Lagrangian Line Search Functions. 1982 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Condensed Information about the Test Problems 1981 Willi Hock
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes 1981 Willi Hock
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Organisation, Test und Leistungsvermögen nichtlinearer Optimierungsprogramme 1981 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Nonlinear Programming Codes: Information, Tests, Performance 1980 Klaus Schittkowski
+ The Construction of Test Problems 1980 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Introduction 1980 Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat Test examples for nonlinear programming codes 1980 Willi Hock
Klaus Schittkowski
+ Numerical solution of a time-optimal parabolic boundary-value control problem 1979 Klaus Schittkowski
+ An Adaptive Precision Method for Nonlinear Optimization Problems 1979 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A factorization method for the solution of constrained linear least squares problems allowing subsequent data changes 1978 Klaus Schittkowski
Josef Stoer
+ Numerical Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Inequalities 1976 Klaus Schittkowski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ NLPQL: A fortran subroutine solving constrained nonlinear programming problems 1986 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A fast algorithm for nonlinearly constrained optimization calculations 1978 M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat A globally convergent method for nonlinear programming 1977 S.-P. Han
+ On the convergence of a sequential quadratic programming method with an augmented lagrangian line search function 1983 Klaus Schittkowski
+ NLPQL: A fortran subroutine solving constrained nonlinear programming problems 1986 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs 1983 Donald Goldfarb
A. Idnani
+ PDF Chat Superlinearly convergent variable metric algorithms for general nonlinear programming problems 1976 Shih-Ping Han
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential - Algebraic Problems 1991 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes 1987 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1996 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Solving Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems by a General Purpose SQP-Method 1988 Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 573: NL2SOL—An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm [E4] 1981 J. E. Dennis
David M. Gay
Roy E. Welsch
+ Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes 1981 Willi Hock
Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 746: PCOMP—a Fortran code for automatic differentiation 1995 M. Dobmann
Michael Liepelt
Klaus Schittkowski
+ A simplicial algorithm for concave programming 1963 R. B. Wilson
+ Solving Least Squares Problems 1995 C. L. Lawson
Richard Hanson
+ Nonlinear Programming Codes: Information, Tests, Performance 1980 Klaus Schittkowski
+ High order embedded Runge-Kutta formulae 1981 P.J. Prince
John R. Dormand
+ High Resolution Schemes and the Entropy Condition 1997 Stanley Osher
Sukumar Chakravarthy
+ User's guide for SOL/QPSOL: a Fortran package for quadratic programming 1983 P.E. Gill
Walter Murray
Michael A. Saunders
Margaret H. Wright
+ Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Functions and Duality in Nonconvex Programming 1974 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Solving ordinary differential equations I. nonstiff problems 1987 Ernst Hairer
Syvert P. NĂžrsett
Gerhard Wanner
+ Parameter estimation in one-dimensional time-dependet partial differential equations 1997 Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDEFIT: A Fortran code for data fitting in partial differential equations 1999 Klaus Schittkowski
+ A comparative study of advanced shock-capturing shcemes applied to Burgers' equation 1992 Haiqing Yang
Andrzej Przekwas
+ On the quadratic programming algorithm of Goldfarb and Idnani 1985 M. J. D. Powell
+ Non-monotone trust-region algorithms for nonlinear optimization subject to convex constraints 1997 Philippe L. Toint
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1991 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Construction of a Class of Symmetric TVD Schemes 1986 H. C. Yee
+ EASY-FIT: a software system for data fitting in dynamical systems 2002 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 2000 J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ Algorithms for the Solution of the Nonlinear Least-Squares Problem 1978 Philip E. Gill
Walter Murray
+ High Resolution Schemes Using Flux Limiters for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 1984 P. K. Sweby
+ International Series of Numerical Mathematics 1963 Eric G. Wagner
+ Numerical Method of Lines 1999 ZdzisƂaw Kamont
Jean Jacques Strodiot
A. Bihain
+ None 2000 Helmut Maurer
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ None 2001 Helmut Maurer
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ Very High Order Accurate TVD Schemes 1986 Stanley Osher
Sukumar Chakravarthy
+ Nonlinear Programming 3 1978 4
+ The nonlinear programming method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an augmented Lagrangian type line search function 1982 Klaus Schittkowski
+ Exact penalty function algorithms for finite dimensional and control optimization problems 1978 N.G. Maratos
+ User's Guide for SOL/NPSOL: A Fortran Package for Nonlinear Programming. 1983 Philip E. Gill
Walter Murray
Michael A. Saunders
Margaret H. Wright
+ PDF Chat SQP Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming 2000 Nicholas I. M. Gould
Philippe L. Toint
+ PDF Chat CUTE 1995 Ingrid Bongartz
Andrew R. Conn
Nicholas I. M. Gould
Philippe L. Toint
+ PDF Chat High Resolution Schemes and the Entropy Condition 1984 Stanley Osher
Sukumar Chakravarthy
+ PDF Chat Pattern Search Algorithms for Mixed Variable Programming 2001 Charles Audet
J. E. Dennis
+ The method of moving asymptotes—a new method for structural optimization 1987 Krister Svanberg
+ None 2001 Sven Leyffer