Christopher J. Fewster


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Quantum Reference Frames, Measurement Schemes and the Type of Local Algebras in Quantum Field Theory 2024 Christopher J. Fewster
Daan W. Janssen
Leon Loveridge
Kasia Rejzner
James A. Waldron
+ PDF Chat Probability Distribution for Vacuum Energy Flux Fluctuations in Two Spacetime Dimensions 2024 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
+ PDF Chat Measurement in Quantum Field Theory 2024 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Quantum reference frames, measurement schemes and the type of local algebras in quantum field theory 2024 Christopher J. Fewster
Daan W. Janssen
Leon Loveridge
Kasia Rejzner
James A. Waldron
+ PDF Chat Modified Green-Hyperbolic Operators 2023 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities along stationary worldlines 2023 Christopher J. Fewster
J Thompson
+ PDF Chat Comment on ‘Backflow in relativistic wave equations’ 2023 Maximilien Barbier
Christopher J. Fewster
Arseni Goussev
G. V. Morozov
Shashi C. L. Srivastava
+ Quantum Energy Inequalities along stationary worldlines 2023 Christopher J. Fewster
J Thompson
+ Modified Green-Hyperbolic Operators 2023 Christopher J. Fewster
+ Measurement in Quantum Field Theory 2023 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Measurement Schemes for Every Observable of a Quantum Field Theory 2022 Christopher J. Fewster
Ian Jubb
Maximilian H. Ruep
+ PDF Chat Relative Cauchy Evolution for Linear Homotopy AQFTs 2022 Simen Bruinsma
Christopher J. Fewster
Alexander Schenkel
+ PDF Chat A semiclassical singularity theorem 2022 Christopher J. Fewster
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
+ PDF Chat Integrals of incomplete beta functions, with applications to order statistics, random walks and string enumeration 2022 Stephen B. Connor
Christopher J. Fewster
+ Asymptotic measurement schemes for every observable of a quantum field theory 2022 Christopher J. Fewster
Ian Jubb
Maximilian H. Ruep
+ Comment on "Backflow in relativistic wave equations" 2022 Maximilien Barbier
Christopher J. Fewster
Arseni Goussev
G. V. Morozov
Shashi C. L. Srivastava
+ A semiclassical singularity theorem 2021 Christopher J. Fewster
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
+ PDF Chat Local structure of sprinkled causal sets 2021 Christopher J. Fewster
Eli Hawkins
Christoph Minz
Kasia Rejzner
+ Integrals of products of incomplete beta functions with an application to string enumeration 2021 Stephen B. Connor
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Impossible measurements require impossible apparatus 2021 Henning Bostelmann
Christopher J. Fewster
Maximilian H. Ruep
+ Integrals of incomplete beta functions, with applications to order statistics, random walks and string enumeration 2021 Stephen B. Connor
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum Fields and Local Measurements 2020 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Algebraic classical and quantum field theory on causal sets 2020 Edmund Dable-Heath
Christopher J. Fewster
Kasia Rejzner
Nick Woods
+ PDF Chat Explicit examples of probability distributions for the energy density in two-dimensional conformal field theory 2020 Matthew C. Anthony
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions for space and time averaged quantum stress tensors 2020 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
+ PDF Chat A new derivation of singularity theorems with weakened energy hypotheses 2020 Christopher J. Fewster
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
+ Algebraic Quantum Field Theory 2020 Christopher J. Fewster
Kasia Rejzner
+ Quantum strong energy inequality and the Hawking singularity theorem 2019 Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
Christopher J. Fewster
+ Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- an introduction 2019 Christopher J. Fewster
Kasia Rejzner
+ PDF Chat Quantum strong energy inequalities 2019 Christopher J. Fewster
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
+ A generally covariant measurement scheme for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes 2019 Christopher J. Fewster
+ Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- an introduction 2019 Christopher J. Fewster
Kasia Rejzner
+ Quantum fields and local measurements 2018 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat A singularity theorem for Einstein–Klein–Gordon theory 2018 Peter Brown
Christopher J. Fewster
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions for the stress tensor in conformal field theories 2018 Christopher J. Fewster
Stefan Hollands
+ PDF Chat The art of the state 2018 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities in premetric electrodynamics 2018 Christopher J. Fewster
Christian Pfeifer
Daniel Siemssen
+ PDF Chat Vacuum quantum stress tensor fluctuations: A diagonalization approach 2018 Enrico D. Schiappacasse
Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
+ Quantum fields and local measurements 2018 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Locally covariant quantum field theory and the spin–statistics connection 2017 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically thermal responses for smoothly switched detectors 2017 Christopher J. Fewster
Benito A. JuĂĄrez-Aubry
Jorma Louko
+ PDF Chat An Analogue of the Coleman–Mandula Theorem for Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes 2017 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat The split property for quantum field theories in flat and curved spacetimes 2016 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Waiting for Unruh 2016 Christopher J. Fewster
Benito A. JuĂĄrez-Aubry
Jorma Louko
+ PDF Chat Locally covariant quantum field theory and the spin–statistics connection 2016 Christopher J. Fewster
+ The split property for quantum field theories in flat and curved spacetimes 2016 Christopher J. Fewster
+ The split property for quantum field theories in flat and curved spacetimes 2016 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors measured in a finite time interval 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
+ Asymptotically thermal responses for smoothly switched detectors 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Benito A. JuĂĄrez-Aubry
Jorma Louko
+ PDF Chat The Split Property for Locally Covariant Quantum Field Theories in Curved Spacetime 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Locally covariant quantum field theory and the problem of formulating the same physics in all space–times 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Pure quasifree states of the Dirac field from the fermionic projector 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Benjamin Lang
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Locality of the Free Maxwell Field 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Benjamin Lang
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ Asymptotically thermal responses for smoothly switched detectors 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Benito A. JuĂĄrez-Aubry
Jorma Louko
+ Algebraic quantum field theory in curved spacetimes 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ On the spin-statistics connection in curved spacetimes 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Enumerating Permutations by their Run Structure 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
Daniel Siemssen
+ PDF Chat Locally Covariant Quantum Field Theory with External Sources 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
Alexander Schenkel
+ Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in two and four dimensions 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Quantum fields in curved spacetime, semiclassical gravity, quantum gravity phenomenology, and analogue models: parallel session D4 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
Stefano Liberati
+ Enumerating Permutations by their Run Structure 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
Daniel Siemssen
+ PDF Chat Probability Distributions for Quantum Stress Tensors in Two and Four Dimensions 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in two and four dimensions 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ Enumerating Permutations by their Run Structure 2014 Christopher J. Fewster
Daniel Siemssen
+ PDF Chat The necessity of the Hadamard condition 2013 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequality for the massive Ising model 2013 Henning Bostelmann
Daniela Cadamuro
Christopher J. Fewster
David S. Hunt
+ PDF Chat On a recent construction of ‘vacuum-like’ quantum field states in curved spacetime 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in four dimensions 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Locality of the Free Scalar Field 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Locality and Covariance: What Makes a Physical Theory the Same in all Spacetimes? 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat On the Notion of ‘the Same Physics in All Spacetimes’ 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
+ Lectures on quantum energy inequalities 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
+ On the notion of 2011 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Singularity theorems from weakened energy conditions 2011 Christopher J. Fewster
Gregory J. Galloway
+ On the notion of "the same physics in all spacetimes" 2011 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions of smeared quantum stress tensors 2010 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Null energy conditions in quantum field theory [Phys. Rev. D<b>67</b>, 044003 (2003)] 2009 Christopher J. Fewster
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Inequalities from Operator Product Expansions 2009 Henning Bostelmann
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Phase space quantization and loop quantum cosmology: a Wigner function for the Bohr-compactified real line 2008 Christopher J. Fewster
Hanno Sahlmann
+ PDF Chat Absolute Quantum Energy Inequalities in Curved Spacetime 2008 Christopher J. Fewster
Calvin J. Smith
+ Quantum Inequalities from Operator Product Expansions 2008 Henning Bostelmann
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities for the non-minimally coupled scalar field 2007 Christopher J. Fewster
Lutz W. Osterbrink
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities and local covariance II: categorical formulation 2007 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Mass dependence of quantum energy inequality bounds 2007 S. P. Eveson
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Averaged null energy condition in spacetimes with boundaries 2007 Christopher J. Fewster
Ken D. Olum
Michael J. Pfenning
+ Quantum Energy Inequalities and Stability Conditions in Quantum Field Theory 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat An explicit quantum weak energy inequality for Dirac fields in curved spacetimes 2006 S P Dawson
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Averaged energy inequalities for the nonminimally coupled classical scalar field 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
Lutz W. Osterbrink
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities and local covariance. I. Globally hyperbolic spacetimes 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
Michael J. Pfenning
+ PDF Chat Energy inequalities in quantum field theory 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat On wormholes with arbitrarily small quantities of exotic matter 2005 Christopher J. Fewster
Thomas A. Roman
+ p-Nuclearity in a New Perspective 2005 Christopher J. Fewster
Izumi Ojima
Martin Porrmann
Stefan Hollands
+ PDF Chat Quantum Inequalities in Quantum Mechanics 2005 S. P. Eveson
Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ Problems with wormholes which involve arbitrarily small amounts of exotic matter 2005 Christopher J. Fewster
Thomas A. Roman
+ Quantum Energy Inequalities and Stability Conditions in Quantum Field Theory 2005 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities in two dimensions 2004 Christopher J. Fewster
+ Comments on "Counter example to the quantum inequality" 2004 Christopher J. Fewster
+ p-Nuclearity in a New Perspective 2004 Christopher J. Fewster
Izumi Ojima
Martin Porrmann
+ PDF Chat Quantum weak energy inequalities for the Dirac field in flat spacetime 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Bina Mistry
+ PDF Chat A quantum weak energy inequality for spin-one fields in curved space–time 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Michael J. Pfenning
+ PDF Chat Stability of Quantum Systems at Three Scales: Passivity, Quantum Weak Energy Inequalities and the Microlocal Spectrum Condition 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Null energy conditions in quantum field theory 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Thomas A. Roman
+ Quantum inequalities in quantum mechanics 2003 S. P. Eveson
Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat A Quantum Weak Energy Inequality¶for Dirac Fields in Curved Spacetime 2002 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat A general worldline quantum inequality 2000 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities and “quantum interest” as eigenvalue problems 2000 Christopher J. Fewster
Edward Teo
+ PDF Chat Bounds on negative energy densities in static space-times 1999 Christopher J. Fewster
Edward Teo
+ PDF Chat A unique continuation result for Klein-Gordon bisolutions on a two-dimensional cylinder 1999 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Bisolutions to the Klein-Gordon equation and quantum field theory on two-dimensional cylinder spacetimes 1999 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Bounds on negative energy densities in flat spacetime 1998 Christopher J. Fewster
S. P. Eveson
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum initial value problems for models of chronology violation 1996 Christopher J. Fewster
Atsushi Higuchi
Clive G. Wells
+ PDF Chat Initial-value problems and signature change 1996 L. J. Alty
Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory on certain non-globally hyperbolic spacetimes 1996 Christopher J. Fewster
Atsushi Higuchi
+ PDF Chat Unitarity of quantum theory and closed timelike curves 1995 Christopher J. Fewster
Clive G. Wells
+ PDF Chat Generalized point interactions for the radial Schrodinger equation via unitary dilations 1995 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Model dependence of baryon decay enhancement by cosmic strings 1993 Christopher J. Fewster
Bernard S. Kay
+ Resonance Point Interactions 1993 Christopher J. Fewster
+ On the Energy Levels of the Hydrogen Atom 1993 Christopher J. Fewster
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Generally Covariant Locality Principle – A New Paradigm for Local Quantum Field Theory 2003 Romeo Brunetti
Klaus Fredenhagen
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Bounds on negative energy densities in flat spacetime 1998 Christopher J. Fewster
S. P. Eveson
+ PDF Chat A general worldline quantum inequality 2000 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities in two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime 1997 Éanna É. Flanagan
+ Nonpositivity of the energy density in quantized field theories 1965 Henri Epstein
V. Glaser
Arthur Jaffe
+ PDF Chat Averaged energy conditions and quantum inequalities 1995 L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
Stefan Hollands
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Locality and Covariance: What Makes a Physical Theory the Same in all Spacetimes? 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory constrains traversable wormhole geometries 1996 L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Restrictions on negative energy density in flat spacetime 1997 L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat Bounds on negative energy densities in static space-times 1999 Christopher J. Fewster
Edward Teo
+ PDF Chat Microlocal Analysis and¶Interacting Quantum Field Theories:¶Renormalization on Physical Backgrounds 2000 Romeo Brunetti
Klaus Fredenhagen
+ PDF Chat Scalar field quantum inequalities in static spacetimes 1998 Michael J. Pfenning
L. H. Ford
+ PDF Chat Local Wick Polynomials and Time Ordered Products¶of Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime 2001 Stefan Hollands
Robert M. Wald
+ PDF Chat Wave Equations on Lorentzian Manifolds and Quantization 2007 Christian BĂ€r
Nicolas Ginoux
Frank PfÀffle
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities in curved two-dimensional spacetimes 2000 Dan N. Vollick
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities and local covariance. I. Globally hyperbolic spacetimes 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
Michael J. Pfenning
+ PDF Chat Existence of Local Covariant Time Ordered Products of Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime 2002 Stefan Hollands
Robert M. Wald
+ PDF Chat Null energy conditions in quantum field theory 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Energy inequalities in quantum field theory 2006 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat A Quantum Weak Energy Inequality¶for Dirac Fields in Curved Spacetime 2002 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities and local covariance II: categorical formulation 2007 Christopher J. Fewster
+ PDF Chat A quantum weak energy inequality for spin-one fields in curved space–time 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Michael J. Pfenning
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat The unphysical nature of `warp drive' 1997 Michael J. Pfenning
L. H. Ford
+ PDF Chat A Spin-Statistics Theorem for Quantum Fields¶on Curved Spacetime Manifolds¶in a Generally Covariant Framework 2001 Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities for the electromagnetic field 2001 Michael J. Pfenning
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities in two dimensional curved spacetimes 2002 Éanna É. Flanagan
+ Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1997 Ola Bratteli
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Locality of the Free Scalar Field 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat On the Reeh-Schlieder Property in Curved Spacetime 2009 Ko Sanders
+ PDF Chat Stability of Quantum Systems at Three Scales: Passivity, Quantum Weak Energy Inequalities and the Microlocal Spectrum Condition 2003 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes 2015 Christopher J. Fewster
Rainer Verch
+ Static negative energies near a domain wall 2003 Ken D. Olum
Noah Graham
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions of smeared quantum stress tensors 2010 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Spatially averaged quantum inequalities do not exist in four-dimensional spacetime 2002 L. H. Ford
Adam D. Helfer
Thomas A. Roman
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I 2003 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Quantum inequalities and “quantum interest” as eigenvalue problems 2000 Christopher J. Fewster
Edward Teo
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions for quantum stress tensors in four dimensions 2012 Christopher J. Fewster
L. H. Ford
Thomas A. Roman
+ PDF Chat Absolute Quantum Energy Inequalities in Curved Spacetime 2008 Christopher J. Fewster
Calvin J. Smith
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Microlocal analysis of quantum fields on curved space–times: Analytic wave front sets and Reeh–Schlieder theorems 2002 Alexander Strohmaier
Rainer Verch
Manfred Wollenberg
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III 2007 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetism, Local Covariance, the Aharonov–Bohm Effect and Gauss’ Law 2014 Ko Sanders
Claudio Dappiaggi
Thomas-Paul Hack
+ PDF Chat Quantum energy inequalities for the non-minimally coupled scalar field 2007 Christopher J. Fewster
Lutz W. Osterbrink
+ PDF Chat Algebras of local observables on a manifold 1980 J. Dimock
+ PDF Chat Causal independence and the energy-level density of states in local quantum field theory 1986 Detlev Buchholz
Eyvind H. Wichmann