S. Martín


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Designs for a large-aperture telescope to map the CMB 10× faster 2016 Michael D. Niemack
+ PDF Chat <i>Planck</i>early results. II. The thermal performance of<i>Planck</i> 2011 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
M. Baker
A. Balbi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
+ PDF Chat Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation 2018 F. Finelli⋆
M. Bucher
A. Achúcarro
M. Ballardini
N. Bartolo
Daniel Baumann
Sébastien Clesse
Josquin Errard
Will Handley
Mark Hindmarsh
+ Study of the Experimental Probe of Inflationary Cosmology (EPIC)-Intemediate Mission for NASA's Einstein Inflation Probe 2009 James J. Bock
Adrian V. Lee
Meir Shimon
N. Ponthieu
Celeste Satter
Huan Tran
Shaul Hanany
Jean-Loup Puget
Chao‐Lin Kuo
Nate Miller
+ Designs for a large-aperture telescope to map the CMB 10× faster 2016 Michael D. Niemack
+ PDF Chat Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters 2018 Eleonora Di Valentino
T. Brinckmann
M. Gerbino
Vivian Poulin
F. R. Bouchet
J. Lesgourgues
A. Melchiorri
Jens Chluba
Sébastien Clesse
J. Delabrouille
+ PDF Chat Mission Design of LiteBIRD 2014 T. Matsumura
Y. Akiba
J. Borrill
Y. Chinone
M. Dobbs
H. Fuke
A. Ghribi
M. Hasegawa
K. Hattori
M. Hattori
+ PDF Chat Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cluster science 2018 J.-B. Mélin
A. Bonaldi
M. Remazeilles
S. Hagstotz
J. M. Diego
C. Hernández-Monteagudo
R. T. Génova-Santos
G. Luzzi
C. J. A. P. Martins
S. Grandis
+ COrE (Cosmic Origins Explorer) A White Paper 2011 C. Armitage-Caplan
Miguel de Avillez
Domingos Barbosa
A. J. Banday
N. Bartolo
Richard A. Battye
JP Bernard
P. de Bernardis
S. Basak
M. Bersanelli
+ PDF Chat The Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE): a nulling polarimeter for cosmic microwave background observations 2011 A. Kogut
D. J. Fixsen
David T. Chuss
Jessie L. Dotson
E. Dwek
Megan K. Halpern
G. Hinshaw
S. S. Meyer
S. H. Moseley
M. Seiffert
+ PDF Chat PRISM (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission): A White Paper on the Ultimate Polarimetric Spectro-Imaging of the Microwave and Far-Infrared Sky 2013 Philippe André
Carlo Baccigalupi
Domingos Barbosa
J. G. Bartlett
Nicola Bartolo
E. S. Battistelli
Richard A. Battye
G. J. Bendo
J.-P. Bernard
Marco Bersanelli
+ PDF Chat Foreground component separation with generalized Internal Linear Combination 2011 M. Remazeilles
Jacques Delabrouille
J.-F. Cardoso
+ PDF Chat Planck 2015 results - XV. Gravitational lensing 2016 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
J. G. Bartlett
N. Bartolo
+ PDF Chat Iterative destriping and photometric calibration for<i>Planck</i>-HFI, polarized, multi-detector map-making 2011 M. Tristram
C. Filliard
O. Perdereau
S. Plaszczynski
R. Stompor
F. Touze
+ PDF Chat Planck intermediate results - XXXIV. The magnetic field structure in the Rosette Nebula 2016 N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
M. Arnaud
D. Arzoumanian
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
N. Bartolo
E. Battaner
+ PDF Chat Data Analysis in Cosmology 2009 Vicent J. Martı́nez
E. Saar
E. Martínez-González
María-Jesús Pons-Bordería
+ PDF Chat Planck intermediate results: XXXIII. Signature of the magnetic field geometry of interstellar filaments in dust polarization maps 2016 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
M. Arnaud
D. Arzoumanian
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
N. Bartolo
+ PDF Chat Determining Neutrino Mass from the Cosmic Microwave Background Alone 2003 Manoj Kaplinghat
Lloyd Knox
Yong‐Seon Song
+ PDF Chat Cosmological parameters from lensing power spectrum and bispectrum tomography 2004 Masahiro Takada
Bhuvnesh Jain
+ Development of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for NIKA 2012 M. Roesch
A. Benoı̂t
A. Bideaud
Nicolas Boudou
M. Calvo Gomez
A. Cruciani
S. Doyle
H. G. Leduc
A. Monfardini
L. J. Swenson
+ PDF Chat Weak gravitational lensing of the CMB 2006 Antony Lewis
A. Challinor
+ PDF Chat HEALPix: A Framework for High‐Resolution Discretization and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere 2005 K. M. Górski
E. Hivon
A. J. Banday
B. D. Wandelt
F. K. Hansen
M. Reinecke
Matthias Bartelmann
+ Separation of instrumental and astrophysical foregrounds for mapping cosmic microwave background anisotropies 2002 Jacques Delabrouille
G. Patanchon
E. Audit
+ PDF Chat <i>Planck</i>early results. IV. First assessment of the High Frequency Instrument in-flight performance 2011 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
R. Ansari
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
A. J. Banday
Matthias Bartelmann
J. G. Bartlett
E. Battaner
+ PDF Chat A cryogenic waveplate rotator for polarimetry at mm and submm wavelengths 2011 Maria Salatino
P. de Bernardis
S. Masi
+ PDF Chat Cosmic shear covariance: the log-normal approximation 2011 Stefan Hilbert
J. Hartlap
Peter Schneider
+ PDF Chat A new measure for cosmic shear 1998 Peter Schneider
Ludovic Van Waerbeke
Bhuvnesh Jain
Guido Kruse
+ PDF Chat Separation of foregrounds from cosmic microwave background observations with the MAP satellite 1999 Aled Jones
M. P. Hobson
A. Lasenby
+ PDF Chat Modulation of cosmic microwave background polarization with a warm rapidly rotating half-wave plate on the Atacama B-Mode Search instrument 2014 A. Kusaka
Thomas Essinger-Hileman
John W. Appel
Patricio A. Gallardo
K. D. Irwin
N. Jarosik
Michael R. Nolta
Lyman A. Page
Lucas Parker
S. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat CFHTLenS: higher order galaxy–mass correlations probed by galaxy–galaxy–galaxy lensing 2013 P. Šimon
T. Erben
Peter Schneider
Catherine Heymans
H. Hildebrandt
Henk Hoekstra
T. D. Kitching
Y. Mellier
L. Miller
Ludovic Van Waerbeke
+ Weak gravitational lensing 2013 Henk Hoekstra
+ PDF Chat Cosmological parameters from combined second- and third-order aperture mass statistics of cosmic shear 2005 M. Kilbinger
Peter Schneider
+ PDF Chat Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release 2011 Simon P. Driver
David T. Hill
L. S. Kelvin
A. S. G. Robotham
J. Liske
P. Norberg
I. K. Baldry
S. P. Bamford
Andrew Hopkins
J. Loveday
+ PDF Chat Profiles of dark haloes: evolution, scatter and environment 2001 James S. Bullock
Tsafrir Kolatt
Yair Sigad
Rachel S. Somerville
Andrey V. Kravtsov
A. A. Klypin
Joel R. Primack
Avishai Dekel
+ PDF Chat Planck 2015 results - XIII. Cosmological parameters 2016 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
J. G. Bartlett
N. Bartolo
+ PDF Chat ROMA: A map-making algorithm for polarised CMB data sets 2005 G. de Gasperis
A. Balbi
P. Cabella
P. Natoli
N. Vittorio
+ PDF Chat <i>Planck</i>2013 results. XIII. Galactic CO emission 2014 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
C. Armitage-Caplan
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
F. Atrio‐Barandela
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
+ PDF Chat Probability Distribution Function of Cosmological Density Fluctuations from a Gaussian Initial Condition: Comparison of One‐Point and Two‐Point Lognormal Model Predictions with<i>N</i>‐Body Simulations 2001 Issha Kayo
Atsushi Taruya
Yasushi Suto
+ PDF Chat Beam mismatch effects in cosmic microwave background polarization measurements 2006 C. Rosset
V.B. Yurchenko
J. Delabrouille
J. Kaplan
Y. Giraud-Héraud
J.-M. Lamarre
J. A. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Magnification bias corrections to galaxy-lensing cross-correlations 2008 Riad Ziour
Lam Hui
+ PDF Chat <i>Planck</i>2013 results. X. HFI energetic particle effects: characterization, removal, and simulation 2014 P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
C. Armitage-Caplan
M. Arnaud
M. Ashdown
F. Atrio‐Barandela
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
A. J. Banday
R. B. Barreiro
+ PDF Chat Development of large radii half-wave plates for CMB satellite missions 2014 G. Pisano
B. Maffei
M. W. Ng
V. Haynes
Michael D. Brown
F. Noviello
P. de Bernardis
S. Masi
F. Piacentini
L. Pagano
+ PDF Chat Mass Reconstruction with Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization 2002 Wayne Hu
Takemi Okamoto
+ PDF Chat Lognormal Property of Weak‐Lensing Fields 2002 Atsushi Taruya
Masahiro Takada
Takashi Hamana
Issha Kayo
Toshifumi Futamase
+ PDF Chat Cross-Correlation Tomography: Measuring Dark Energy Evolution with Weak Lensing 2003 Bhuvnesh Jain
Andy Taylor
+ PDF Chat Delensing galaxy surveys 2014 C. Chang
Bhuvnesh Jain
+ PDF Chat What Would We Learn by Detecting a Gravitational Wave Signal in the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy? 1997 David H. Lyth
Robert Hill
G. Hinshaw
D. Larson
Kendrick M. Smith
J. Dunkley
B. Gold
M. Halpern
N. Jarosik
A. Kogut
+ PDF Chat The pre-launch<i>Planck</i>Sky Model: a model of sky emission at submillimetre to centimetre wavelengths 2013 G. de Zotti
M. Betoule
J.-B. Melin
M.-A. Miville-Deschênes
J. González-Nuevo
M. Le Jeune
G. Castex
G. de Zotti
S. Basak
M. Ashdown
+ PDF Chat Halo models of large scale structure 2002 A. Cooray
R. K. Sheth