Christophe Charlier


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The soliton resolution conjecture for the Boussinesq equation 2024 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ Random Normal Matrices: Eigenvalue Correlations Near a Hard Wall 2024 Yacin Ameur
Christophe Charlier
Joakim Cronvall
+ PDF Chat Boussinesq’s Equation for Water Waves: Asymptotics in Sector V 2024 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat On the Characteristic Polynomial of the Eigenvalue Moduli of Random Normal Matrices 2024 Sung‐Soo Byun
Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Balayage of measures: behavior near a corner 2024 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of truncated unitary matrices: disk counting statistics 2023 Yacin Ameur
Christophe Charlier
Philippe Moreillon
+ PDF Chat Miura transformation for the “good” Boussinesq equation 2023 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat On the generating function of the Pearcey process 2023 Christophe Charlier
Philippe Moreillon
+ PDF Chat The Bessel kernel determinant on large intervals and Birkhoff's ergodic theorem 2023 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Large gap asymptotics on annuli in the random normal matrix model 2023 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Exponential moments for disk counting statistics of random normal matrices in the critical regime 2023 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat On the almost‐circular symplectic induced Ginibre ensemble 2022 Sung‐Soo Byun
Christophe Charlier
+ The hard-to-soft edge transition: Exponential moments, central limit theorems and rigidity 2022 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ Asymptotics of determinants with a rotation-invariant weight and discontinuities along circles 2022 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Uniform tail asymptotics for Airy kernel determinant solutions to KdV and for the narrow wedge solution to KPZ 2022 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
Giulio Ruzza
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Muttalib–Borodin determinants with Fisher–Hartwig singularities 2022 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat The "good" Boussinesq equation: a Riemann-Hilbert approach 2022 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ Gap probabilities in the bulk of the Airy process 2021 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Long-time asymptotics for an integrable evolution equation with a 3 × 3 Lax pair 2021 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Matrix orthogonality in the plane versus scalar orthogonality in a Riemann surface 2021 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Global rigidity and exponential moments for soft and hard edge point processes 2021 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ PDF Chat Global rigidity and exponential moments for soft and hard edge point processes 2021 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ The multiplicative constant for the Meijer-G kernel determinant 2021 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
Julian Mauersberger
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Large Gap Asymptotics at the Hard Edge for Muttalib–Borodin Ensembles 2021 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
Julian Mauersberger
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to: Exponential Moments and Piecewise Thinning for the Bessel Point Process 2021 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Hankel determinants with a Laguerre-type or Jacobi-type potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities 2021 Christophe Charlier
Roozbeh Gharakhloo
+ PDF Chat Large gap asymptotics for the generating function of the sine point process 2021 Christophe Charlier
+ The Bessel kernel determinant on large intervals and Birkhoff's ergodic theorem 2021 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for the maximum deviation of the Pearcey process 2020 Christophe Charlier
+ Gap probabilities in the bulk of the Airy process. 2020 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Doubly periodic lozenge tilings of a hexagon and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials 2020 Christophe Charlier
+ Upper bounds for the maximum deviation of the Pearcey process 2020 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory Asymptotics for the Airy Kernel Determinant on Two Intervals 2020 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat A Periodic Hexagon Tiling Model and Non-Hermitian Orthogonal Polynomials 2020 Christophe Charlier
Maurice Duits
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Exponential Moments and Piecewise Thinning for the Bessel Point Process 2020 Christophe Charlier
+ Doubly periodic lozenge tilings of a hexagon and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials 2020 Christophe Charlier
+ Oscillatory asymptotics for Airy kernel determinants on two intervals 2019 Elliot Blackstone
Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ Large gap asymptotics for the Meijer-$G$ point process 2019 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
Julian Mauersberger
+ The multiplicative constant for the Meijer-$G$ kernel determinant 2019 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
Julian Mauersberger
+ PDF Chat Airy and Painlevé asymptotics for the mKdV equation 2019 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Large Gap Asymptotics for Airy Kernel Determinants with Discontinuities 2019 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ Higher order large gap asymptotics at the hard edge for Muttalib--Borodin ensembles 2019 Christophe Charlier
Jonatan Lenells
Julian Mauersberger
+ Asymptotics of Hankel determinants with a Laguerre-type or Jacobi-type potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities 2019 Christophe Charlier
Roozbeh Gharakhloo
+ Large gap asymptotics in the piecewise thinned Bessel point process 2018 Christophe Charlier
+ Exponential moments and piecewise thinning for the Bessel point process 2018 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat The generating function for the Bessel point process and a system of coupled Painlevé V equations 2018 Christophe Charlier
Antoine Doeraene
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for Hankel Determinants Associated to a Hermite Weight with a Varying Discontinuity 2018 Christophe Charlier
Alfredo Deaño
+ PDF Chat On the ratio probability of the smallest eigenvalues in the Laguerre unitary ensemble 2018 Max R. Atkin
Christophe Charlier
Stefan Zohren
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Hankel Determinants With a One-Cut Regular Potential and Fisher–Hartwig Singularities 2018 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Thinning and conditioning of the circular unitary ensemble 2017 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ Thinning and conditioning of the Circular Unitary Ensemble 2016 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ Toeplitz and Hankel determinants in random matrix theory 2016 Christophe Charlier
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for Toeplitz determinants: Perturbation of symbols with a gap 2015 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Steepest Descent Method for Oscillatory Riemann--Hilbert Problems. Asymptotics for the MKdV Equation 1993 Percy Deift
Xin Zhou
+ PDF Chat A steepest descent method for oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems 1992 Percy Deift
Xin Zhou
+ Strong asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights 1999 Percy Deift
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T‐R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xiaowen Zhou
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Determinantal random point fields 2000 Alexander Soshnikov
+ The Riemann–Hilbert approach to strong asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials on [−1,1] 2004 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
K. T-R McLaughlin
Walter Van Assche
M. Vanlessen
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Behavior of a Log Gas in the Bulk Scaling Limit in the Presence of a Varying External Potential I 2015 Thomas Bothner
Percy Deift
Alexander Its
Igor Krasovsky
+ Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields 1997 Edward B. Saff
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach 2000 Percy Deift
+ Strong asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights 1999 Percy Deift
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xiaowen Zhou
+ PDF Chat Hankel determinant and orthogonal polynomials for the Gaussian weight with a jump 2008 A. R. Its
Igor Krasovsky
+ PDF Chat Level spacing distributions and the Bessel kernel 1994 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ The isomonodromy approach to matric models in 2D quantum gravity 1992 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
A. V. Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Toeplitz, Hankel, and Toeplitz+Hankel determinants with Fisher-Hartwig singularities 2011 Percy Deift
Alexander Its
Igor Krasovsky
+ A Riemann-Hilbert Approach to Asymptotic Problems Arising in the Theory of Random Matrix Models, and also in the Theory of Integrable Statistical Mechanics 1997 Percy Deift
Alexander Its
Xin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Hankel Determinants With a One-Cut Regular Potential and Fisher–Hartwig Singularities 2018 Christophe Charlier
+ Missing levels in correlated spectra 2004 O. Bohigas
M. P. Pato
+ PDF Chat Large Gap Asymptotics for Airy Kernel Determinants with Discontinuities 2019 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ On the analysis of incomplete spectra in random matrix theory through an extension of the Jimbo–Miwa–Ueno differential 2019 Thomas Bothner
Alexander Its
Andrei Prokhorov
+ The spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles 1993 Peter J. Forrester
+ The Oxford Handbook of Random Matrix Theory 2015 Gernot Akemann
Jinho Baik
Philippe Di Francesco
+ PDF Chat Large Deformations of the Tracy–Widom Distribution I: Non-oscillatory Asymptotics 2017 Thomas Bothner
Robert Buckingham
+ PDF Chat Randomly incomplete spectra and intermediate statistics 2006 O. Bohigas
M. P. Pato
+ Random matrices and determinantal processes 2005 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of Random Unitary Matrices 2016 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
David Belius
Paul Bourgade
+ PDF Chat Large Gap Asymptotics at the Hard Edge for Product Random Matrices and Muttalib–Borodin Ensembles 2017 Tom Claeys
Manuela Girotti
Dries Stivigny
+ On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices 1998 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Tracy-Widom Distributions and the Total Integral of a Painlevé II Function 2008 Jinho Baik
Robert Buckingham
Jeffery C. DiFranco
+ The maximum deviation of the $\text{Sine} _\beta $ counting process 2018 Diane Holcomb
Elliot Paquette
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the Airy-Kernel Determinant 2008 Percy Deift
A. R. Its
Igor Krasovsky
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic formulas for Toeplitz determinants 1978 Estelle Basor
+ PDF Chat Correlations of the characteristic polynomials in the Gaussian unitary ensemble or a singular Hankel determinant 2007 Igor Krasovsky
+ Toeplitz Determinants with Singular Generating Functions 1973 Harold Widom
+ Asymptotics for a Determinant with a Confluent Hypergeometric Kernel 2010 Percy Deift
Igor Krasovsky
J. Vasilevska
+ PDF Chat Random Hermitian matrices and Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2017 Nathanaël Berestycki
Christian Webb
Mo Dick Wong
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of eigenvalues of generalized Wigner matrices 2011 László ErdƑs
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin
+ PDF Chat Thinning and conditioning of the circular unitary ensemble 2017 Christophe Charlier
Tom Claeys
+ Strong asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T‐R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
X. Zhou
+ PDF Chat Level-spacing distributions and the Airy kernel 1994 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat The asymptotics of a Bessel-kernel determinant which arises in Random Matrix Theory 2010 Torsten Ehrhardt
+ PDF Chat The arctic circle boundary and the Airy process 2005 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Edge Universality of Beta Ensembles 2014 Paul Bourgade
László ErdƑs
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat On the numerical evaluation of Fredholm determinants 2009 Folkmar Bornemann
+ PDF Chat Dyson's Constant in the Asymptotics of the Fredholm Determinant of the Sine Kernel 2005 Torsten Ehrhardt
+ PDF Chat The generating function for the Bessel point process and a system of coupled Painlevé V equations 2018 Christophe Charlier
Antoine Doeraene
+ Determinantal point processes 2015 Alexei Borodin
+ PDF Chat Deformations of the Tracy-Widom distribution 2009 O. Bohigas
J. X. de Carvalho
M. P. Pato
+ PDF Chat The Transition between the Gap Probabilities from the Pearcey to the Airy Process—a Riemann–Hilbert Approach 2012 Marco Bertola
Mattia Cafasso
+ Random Hermitian matrices and Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2018 Nathanaël Berestycki
Christian Webb
Mo Dick Wong
+ PDF Chat The Generating Function for the Airy Point Process and a System of Coupled Painlevé II Equations 2018 Tom Claeys
Antoine Doeraene