Thomas S. Shively


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat mBART: Multidimensional Monotone BART 2021 Hugh Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
Thomas S. Shively
+ PDF Chat Econometric modeling of regional electricity spot prices in the Australian market 2018 Michael S. Smith
Thomas S. Shively
+ Econometric Modeling of Regional Electricity Spot Prices in the Australian Market 2018 Michael S. Smith
Thomas S. Shively
+ On Bayes factors for the linear model 2018 Thomas S. Shively
S. G. Walker
+ PDF Chat Econometric Modeling of Regional Electricity Spot Prices in the Australian Market 2018 Michael S. Smith
Thomas S. Shively
+ Econometric Modeling of Regional Electricity Spot Prices in the Australian Market 2018 Michael S. Smith
Thomas S. Shively
+ High-dimensional nonparametric monotone function estimation using BART 2016 Hugh Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
Thomas S. Shively
+ mBART: Multidimensional Monotone BART 2016 Hugh Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
Thomas S. Shively
+ mBART: Multidimensional Monotone BART 2016 Hugh Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
Thomas S. Shively
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Bayesian testing for monotonicity 2015 James G. Scott
Thomas S. Shively
S. G. Walker
+ Point Optimal Invariant Tests 2014 Thomas S. Shively
+ Nonparametric Bayesian testing for monotonicity 2013 James G. Scott
Thomas S. Shively
Stephen G. Walker
+ Nonparametric Bayesian testing for monotonicity 2013 James G. Scott
Thomas S. Shively
Stephen G. Walker
+ Nonparametric function estimation subject to monotonicity, convexity and other shape constraints 2010 Thomas S. Shively
Stephen G. Walker
Paul Damien
+ Sampling Some Truncated Distributions Via Rejection Algorithms 2010 Purushottam W. Laud
Paul Damien
Thomas S. Shively
+ A Bayesian Approach to Non-Parametric Monotone Function Estimation 2008 Thomas S. Shively
Thomas W. Sager
Stephen G. Walker
+ Point Optimal Invariant Tests 2005 Thomas S. Shively
+ Variable Selection and Function Estimation in Additive Nonparametric Regression Using a Data-Based Prior 1999 Thomas S. Shively
Robert Kohn
Sally Wood
+ Variable Selection and Function Estimation in Additive Nonparametric Regression Using a Data-Based Prior 1999 Thomas S. Shively
Robert Kohn
Sally Wood
+ Variable Selection and Function Estimation in Additive Nonparametric Regression Using a Data-Based Prior: Rejoinder 1999 Thomas S. Shively
Robert Kohn
Sally L. Wood
+ A Bayesian approach to model selection in stochastic coefficient regression models and structural time series models 1997 Thomas S. Shively
Robert Kohn
+ Testing for linearity in a semiparametric regression model 1994 Thomas S. Shively
Robert Kohn
Craig F. Ansley
+ Testing for autoregressive disturbances in a time series regression with missing observations 1993 Thomas S. Shively
+ Locally Optimal Testing When a Nuisance Parameter is Present Only Under the Alternative 1993 Maxwell L. King
Thomas S. Shively
+ Algorithm AS 279: Computing p-Values for the Generalized Durbin-Watson Statistic and Residual Autocorrelations in Regression 1993 Robert Kohn
Thomas S. Shively
Craig F. Ansley
+ Computing p-values for the generalized Durbin-Watson and other invariant test statistics 1992 Craig F. Ansley
Robert Kohn
Thomas S. Shively
+ Fast Evaluation of the Distribution of the Durbin-Watson and other Invariant Test Statistics in Time Series Regression 1990 Thomas S. Shively
Craig F. Ansley
Robert Kohn
+ Fast Evaluation of the Distribution of the Durbin-Watson and Other Invariant Test Statistics in Time Series Regression 1990 Thomas S. Shively
Craig F. Ansley
Robert Kohn
+ An analysis of tests for regression coefficient stability 1988 Thomas S. Shively
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Bayesian Approach to Non-Parametric Monotone Function Estimation 2008 Thomas S. Shively
Thomas W. Sager
Stephen G. Walker
+ Algorithm AS 155: The Distribution of a Linear Combination of χ 2 Random Variables 1980 Robert B. Davies
+ Nonparametric function estimation subject to monotonicity, convexity and other shape constraints 2010 Thomas S. Shively
Stephen G. Walker
Paul Damien
+ Nonparametric regression using Bayesian variable selection 1996 Michael S. Smith
Robert Kohn
+ PDF Chat Robust Tests for Spherical Symmetry and Their Application to Least Squares Regression 1980 Maxwell L. King
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Isotonic Regression and Trend Analysis 2004 Brian Neelon
David B. Dunson
+ Generalized monotonic regression using random change points 2003 Chris Holmes
Nicholas A. Heard
+ Bayesian Multivariate Isotonic Regression Splines 2007 Bo Cai
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Towards a theory of point optimal testing 1987 Maxwell L. King
+ Estimating a Smooth Monotone Regression Function 1991 Enno Mammen
+ PDF Chat On Bayesian Consistency 2001 Stephen G. Walker
Nils Lid Hjort
+ Improper Priors, Spline Smoothing and the Problem of Guarding Against Model Errors in Regression 1978 Grace Wahba
+ Locally Best Invariant Tests of the Error Covariance Matrix of the Linear Regression Model 1985 Maxwell L. King
Grant Hillier
+ Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
A. F. M. Smith
+ PDF Chat Estimating Smooth Monotone Functions 1998 J. O. Ramsay
+ PDF Chat Bayesian monotone regression using Gaussian process projection 2014 Lin Lu
David B. Dunson
+ Asymptotic efficiency of the two-stage estimation method for copula-based models 2004 Harry Joe
+ The alternative Durbin-Watson test 1981 Maxwell L. King
+ A nonparametric Bayes method for isotonic regression 1995 Michael Lavine
Audris Mockus
+ Impulse response analysis in nonlinear multivariate models 1996 Gary Koop
M. Hashem Pesaran
Simon Potter
+ PDF Chat On the use of Non-Local Prior Densities in Bayesian Hypothesis Tests 2010 Valen E. Johnson
David Rossell
+ Statistical Inference under Order Restrictions (The Theory and Application of Isotonic Regression) 1973 I. Vincze
R. E. Barlow
D. J. Bartholomew
J. M. Bremner
H. D. Brunk
+ Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models 2006 Sylvia Frühwirth‐Schnatter
+ Modeling Longitudinal Data Using a Pair-Copula Decomposition of Serial Dependence 2010 Michael S. Smith
Aleksey Min
Carlos Almeida
Claudia Czado
+ Bayesian regression structure discovery 2013 Hugh Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
+ PDF Chat Causal modeling and inference for electricity markets 2010 Egil Ferkingstad
Anders Løland
Mathilde Wilhelmsen
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Regression Tree Ensembles that Adapt to Smoothness and Sparsity 2018 Antonio R. Linero
Yun Yang
+ PDF Chat Electricity price forecasting using sale and purchase curves: The X-Model 2016 Florian Ziel
Rick Steinert
+ Efficient estimation and prediction in time series regression models 1985 Robert Kohn
Craig F. Ansley
+ Multivariate Dispersion Models Generated From Gaussian Copula 2000 Peter X.‐K. Song
+ PDF Chat On Bayes procedures 1965 Lorraine Schwartz
+ Bayesian Semiparametric Isotonic Regression for Count Data 2005 David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions 1994 Luke Tierney
+ PDF Chat Generalized Additive and Index Models with Shape Constraints 2015 Yining Chen
Richard J. Samworth
+ Bayesian identification, selection and estimation of semiparametric functions in high-dimensional additive models 2007 Anastasios Panagiotelis
Michael S. Smith
+ PDF Chat Bayesian semiparametric copula estimation with application to psychiatric genetics 2015 Ori Rosen
Wesley K. Thompson
+ <b>bartMachine</b>: Machine Learning with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees 2016 Adam Kapelner
Justin Bleich
+ Bayesian estimation and inference for generalised partial linear models using shape-restricted splines 2011 Mary C. Meyer
Amber J. Hackstadt
Jennifer A. Hoeting
+ PDF Chat Objective Bayesian Methods for Model Selection: Introduction and Comparison 2001 James O. Berger
Luis R. Pericchi
+ Testing Monotonicity of Regression 1998 A. W. Bowman
M. C. Jones
Irène Gijbels
+ PDF Chat Comparisons of Tests for the Presence of Random Walk Coefficients in a Simple Linear Model 1983 Jukka Nyblom
Timo Mäkeläinen
+ PDF Chat Calibration and empirical Bayes variable selection 2000 Edward I. George
Dean P. Foster
+ Computing p-values for the generalized Durbin-Watson and other invariant test statistics 1992 Craig F. Ansley
Robert Kohn
Thomas S. Shively
+ Inferences on the Association Parameter in Copula Models for Bivariate Survival Data 1995 Joanna H. Shih
Thomas Louis
+ Fast Evaluation of the Distribution of the Durbin-Watson and other Invariant Test Statistics in Time Series Regression 1990 Thomas S. Shively
Craig F. Ansley
Robert Kohn
+ Sampling Truncated Normal, Beta, and Gamma Densities 2001 Paul Damien
Stephen G. Walker
+ A Method for Bayesian Monotonic Multiple Regression 2010 Olli Saarela
Elja Arjas
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation by the Method of Sieves 1982 Stuart Geman
Chii-Ruey Hwang
+ Testing for Fourth Order Autocorrelation in Quarterly Regression Equations 1972 Kenneth F. Wallis
+ A Bayesian approach to additive semiparametric regression 1996 Chi-Ming Wong
Robert Kohn