Adva Mond


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Minimum degree edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random directed graphs 2025 Asaf Ferber
Adva Mond
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Decomposing a Graph into a Matching and a Bounded Linear Forest 2025 Agnijo Banerjee
João Pedro Marciano
Adva Mond
Jan Petr
Julien Portier
+ PDF Chat A note on high-dimensional discrepancy of subtrees 2024 Lawrence Hollom
Lyuben Lichev
Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ PDF Chat Discrepancies of spanning trees in dense graphs 2024 Lawrence Hollom
Lyuben Lichev
Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ PDF Chat Almost colour-balanced spanning forests in complete graphs 2024 Lawrence Hollom
Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ The asymptotic of off-diagonal online Ramsey numbers for paths 2024 Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ PDF Chat The Maker-Breaker percolation game on a random board 2024 Vojtěch Dvořák
Adva Mond
Victor Souza
+ \(\boldsymbol{H}\)-Games Played on Vertex Sets of Random Graphs 2023 Gal Kronenberg
Adva Mond
Alon Naor
+ PDF Chat Counting Hamilton Cycles in Dirac Hypergraphs 2023 Asaf Ferber
Liam Hardiman
Adva Mond
+ PDF Chat Turán‐type problems for long cycles in random and pseudo‐random graphs 2023 Michael Krivelevich
Gal Kronenberg
Adva Mond
+ The complexity of decomposing a graph into a matching and a bounded linear forest 2023 Agnijo Banerjee
João Pedro Marciano
Adva Mond
Jan Petr
Julien Portier
+ The asymptotic of off-diagonal online Ramsey numbers for paths 2023 Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ PDF Chat Ternary Egyptian fractions with prime denominator 2022 Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ Ternary Egyptian fractions with prime denominator 2022 Adva Mond
Julien Portier
+ Counting Hamiltonian Cycles in Dirac Hypergraphs 2021 Asaf Ferber
Liam Hardiman
Adva Mond
+ The Maker-Breaker percolation game on the square lattice 2021 Vojtěch Dvořák
Adva Mond
Victor Souza
+ Counting Hamiltonian Cycles in Dirac Hypergraphs 2021 Asaf Ferber
Liam Hardiman
Adva Mond
+ On the odd cycle game and connected rules 2020 Jan Corsten
Adva Mond
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Christoph Spiegel
Tibor Szabó
+ Tur\'an-type problems for long cycles in random and pseudo-random graphs. 2019 Michael Krivelevich
Gal Kronenberg
Adva Mond
+ PDF Chat The minrank of random graphs over arbitrary fields 2019 Noga Alon
Igor Balla
Lior Gishboliner
Adva Mond
Frank Mousset
+ On the Odd Cycle Game and Connected Rules 2019 Jan Corsten
Adva Mond
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Christoph Spiegel
Tibor Szabó
+ $H$-games played on vertex sets of random graphs 2019 Gal Kronenberg
Adva Mond
Alon Naor
+ On the Odd Cycle Game and Connected Rules 2019 Jan Corsten
Adva Mond
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Christoph Spiegel
Tibor Szabó
+ Turán-type problems for long cycles in random and pseudo-random graphs 2019 Michael Krivelevich
Gal Kronenberg
Adva Mond
+ The Minrank of Random Graphs over Arbitrary Fields 2018 Noga Alon
Igor Balla
Lior Gishboliner
Adva Mond
Frank Mousset
+ The Minrank of Random Graphs over Arbitrary Fields 2018 Noga Alon
Igor Balla
Lior Gishboliner
Adva Mond
Frank Mousset
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Random Graphs 2015 Alan Frieze
Michał Karoński
+ Picker–Chooser fixed graph games 2016 Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdȩga
Dan Hefetz
Tomasz Łuczak
+ Positional Games and the Second Moment Method 2002 József Beck
+ The critical bias for the Hamiltonicity game is (1+𝑜(1))𝑛/ln𝑛 2010 Michael Krivelevich
+ Avoider–Enforcer games 2006 Dan Hefetz
Michael Krivelevich
Tibor Szabó
+ None 2009 Gruia Călinescu
Chandra Chekuri
J. Vondrák
+ The Sandwich Theorem 1994 Donald E. Knuth
+ PDF Chat On the structure of linear graphs 1946 Paul Erdős
A. H. Stone
+ PDF Chat On the number of Hamiltonian cycles in Dirac graphs 2003 Gábor N. Sárközy
Stanley M. Selkow
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Radius, diameter, and minimum degree 1989 P. Erdős
János Pach
Richard Pollack
Zsolt Tuza
+ The Induced Size-Ramsey Number of Cycles 1995 Penny Haxell
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ PDF Chat On the Resilience of Long Cycles in Random Graphs 2008 Domingos Dellamonica
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Martin Marciniszyn
Angelika Steger
+ Waiter–Client and Client–Waiter planarity, colorability and minor games 2016 Dan Hefetz
Michael Krivelevich
Wei En Tan
+ Long paths in sparse random graphs 1982 Béla Bollobás
+ On large matchings and cycles in sparse random graphs 1986 Alan Frieze
+ Expanding graphs contain all small trees 1987 Joel Friedman
Nicholas Pippenger
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings (and Hamilton cycles) in hypergraphs with large degrees 2011 Klas Markström
Andrzej Ruciński
+ On Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs with Large Minimum Vertex Degree 2009 Hiệp Hàn
Yury Person
Mathias Schacht
+ PDF Chat On the diameter of a graph. 1965 J. W. Moon
+ Cycles in random graphs 1991 Tomasz Łuczak
+ On weight function methods in Chooser–Picker games 2013 Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdȩga
+ The chromatic number of random graphs 1988 B Bollobás
+ Planarity, Colorability, and Minor Games 2008 Dan Hefetz
Michael Krivelevich
Miloš Stojaković
Tibor Szabó
+ On the number of zero-patterns of a sequence of polynomials 2001 Lajos Rónyai
László Babai
Murali K. Ganapathy
+ Avoider–Enforcer games played on edge disjoint hypergraphs 2013 Asaf Ferber
Michael Krivelevich
Alon Naor
+ Explicit expanders and the Ramanujan conjectures 1986 Alexander Lubotzky
Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ Random Ramsey graphs for the four-cycle 1994 Zoltán Füredi
+ An Extremal Problem For Random Graphs And The Number Of Graphs With Large Even-Girth 1998 Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
B. Kreuter
Angelika Steger
+ On maximal paths and circuits of graphs 1959 P. Erdős
Т. Галлаи
+ PDF Chat Explicit construction of linear sized tolerant networks 1988 Noga Alon
Fan Chung
+ Two notions of unit distance graphs 2014 Noga Alon
Andrey Kupavskii
+ Hamilton ℓ-cycles in uniform hypergraphs 2010 Daniela Kühn
Richard Mycroft
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat On linear index coding for random graphs 2012 Ishay Haviv
Michael Langberg
+ PDF Chat Threshold functions for Ramsey properties 1995 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
+ The size Ramsey number of a directed path 2011 Ido Ben‐Eliezer
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ Ramsey properties of random graphs 1992 Tomasz Łuczak
Andrzej Ruciński
Bernd Voigt
+ PDF Chat Fast Strategies In Maker–Breaker Games Played on Random Boards 2012 Dennis Clemens
Asaf Ferber
Michael Krivelevich
Anita Liebenau
+ Hamiltonian cycles in Dirac graphs 2009 Bill Cuckler
Jeff Kahn
+ The longest path in a random graph 1981 Miklós Ajtai
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Keeping Avoider's Graph Almost Acyclic 2015 Dennis Clemens
Julia Ehrenmüller
Yury Person
Tuan Tran
+ Turán′s Extremal Problem in Random Graphs: Forbidding Even Cycles 1995 Penny Haxell
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ The Shannon Capacity of a Union 1998 Ilan Alon
+ Random graphs with monochromatic triangles in every edge coloring 1994 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
+ The Ramsey number for a triple of long even cycles 2006 Agnieszka Figaj
Tomasz Łuczak
+ Tur�n's extremal problem in random graphs: Forbidding odd cycles 1996 Penny Haxell
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ Large triangle-free subgraphs in graphs withoutK 4 1986 Péter Frankl
Vojtěch Rödl
+ OnK 4-free subgraphs of random graphs 1997 Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
V. Rödl
+ Cycles of even length in graphs 1974 J. A. Bondy
Miklós Simonovits
+ Partitioning edge-coloured complete graphs into monochromatic cycles and paths 2014 Alexey Pokrovskiy
+ On the Shannon capacity of a graph 1979 László Lovász